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08-31 投稿



dentate 发音

英:[['denteɪt]]  美:[['denteɪt]]

英:  美:

dentate 中文意思翻译



dentate 短语词组

1、dentate convolution ─── [医] 齿状回

2、dentate suture ─── [医] 齿状缝术

3、dentate line ─── [医] 齿状线, 梳状线

4、dentate leaf ─── [网络] 齿状叶

5、dentate-serrate ─── [医]具锯齿

6、dentate nucleus ─── [医]齿状核:小脑深位最大的核,位于小脑白质中,在内侧紧靠栓状核。接受由新小脑来的Purkinje细胞纤维。其轴索形成了小脑上脚的大部,并主要投射到对侧的红核与丘脑

7、dentate margin ─── [医] 齿状线, 梳状线, 肛门皮肤线

8、dentate gyrus ─── [解剖]齿状回;齿状圆

9、dentate fissure ─── [医] 海马裂

10、tail of dentate gyrus ─── [医] 齿状回尾部

11、dentate fracture ─── 相嵌骨折;齿状骨折

12、dentate layer ─── [医] 齿状层

13、dentate bodies ─── [医] 齿状核

14、dentate gyrate ─── 齿状回转

15、dentate band ─── [医]齿状回,齿状带

16、dentate sill ─── 齿状窗台

17、dentate bur ─── [医] ─── [有]齿钻

18、dentate nuclei ─── [医] 齿状核

19、incised-dentate ─── [医]具缺刻状牙齿的叶,具缺刻状牙齿的

dentate 词性/词形变化,dentate变形

副词: dentately |

dentate 相似词语短语

1、bidentate ─── adj.双齿的;双配位基的

2、denotated ─── 表示的

3、denotate ─── 表示

4、dementate ─── 痴呆

5、dentated ─── 有牙齿的,有齿状突的,有齿状物的,有凹口的

6、denitrate ─── vt.除去硝酸或氮化物;使脱硝

7、edentate ─── n.[脊椎]贫齿类动物;adj.无齿的;贫齿目的,贫齿类的

8、decantate ─── 倾注洗涤;洗液

9、denotates ─── 笔记

dentate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Leaves compound, trifoliolate or pinnate, 5-7-foliolate, margins of leaflets entire to dentate. ─── 复叶,具三小叶或羽状的,具5-7小叶,小叶边缘的全缘到具牙齿。

2、Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate, simple, repand, dentate, or lobed, rarely entire. ─── 具叶柄,莲座状,单,残波状,具牙齿的基生叶,浅裂的或,很少全缘。

3、Branches strigose; leaf blade ovate or narrowly ovate, margin dentate, denticulate, or serrulate, with entire tip; spikes usually less than 26 cm. ─── 分枝具糙伏毛;叶片卵形或狭卵形,边缘具牙齿,具小齿,或有细锯齿的,具全缘的端部;穗状花序通常不到26厘米(35

4、European annual with coarsely dentate leaves; widespread in United States and southern Canada. ─── 一种一年生的欧洲藜,叶具粗疏齿牙;已广泛分布于美国和加拿大南部。

5、Leaves simple, alternate or basal, margin entire, dentate, or dissected; ─── 单叶,互生或基生,边缘全缘,具牙齿的,或多裂;

6、Basal leaves sessile, fleshy, rosulate, simple, entire or sinuate or dentate. ─── 基生叶无梗,肉质,,单,全缘或或具牙齿。

7、Mossy fiber sprouting and synapse formation in the dentate gyrus of temporal lobe epilepsy rats induced by pilocarpine ─── 匹罗卡品诱导颞叶癫痫大鼠齿状回苔藓纤维出芽及突触重建

8、Pathologic evaluation of the lesions demonstrates necrosis (due to severe edema) in the thalami, tegmentum, and dentate nuclei. ─── 病变的病理学检查显示丘脑、被盖、齿状核坏死(由于严重的水肿)。

9、Alloy elements are combined with substrate to form dentate boride. It is found that the dentate structure is composed of B and other alloy elements and located between Fe_2B grain and adhere to the Fe_2B grains. ─── 夹在Fe2B晶粒之间的齿间组织粗糙不平,是基体合金元素和B元素结合生成的硼化物,这些硼化物紧密的附着在Fe2B晶粒上。

10、Leaves often glandular punctate abaxially, usually serrate or dentate, rarely lobulate. ─── 叶背面通常具腺点,边缘通常有锯齿或者具齿,少数具小裂片。

11、Lateral sepals 2, broadly ovate-orbicular, margin coarsely dentate, rarely entire, apex acuminate, abaxial midvein narrowly carinate. ─── 侧生萼片2,宽卵形的圆形,边缘粗牙齿,很少全缘,先端渐尖,背面的中脉的狭龙骨状突起。

12、leaf blade 3-veined or triplinerved, margin serrate, dentate, or entire; ─── 叶片3脉的或离基三出脉的,边缘有锯齿,具牙齿,或全缘;

13、Middle cauline leaves elliptic or lanceolate, serrate, dentate, or rarely pinnatifid, (3-)5-10(-15) mm wide. ─── 中间茎生叶椭圆形或披针形,有锯齿,具牙齿,羽状半裂的或很少,(3-)毫米宽5-10(-15)。

14、leaf blade dentate or crenate, often rugose. ─── 叶片具牙齿或具圆齿,通常。

15、Leaf blade ovate, margin coarsely dentate, apex caudate-acuminate. ─── 叶片卵形,边缘具粗牙齿,先端尾状渐尖。

16、ligule ca. 5 mm, dentate, shortly fimbriate; ─── 叶舌约5毫米,有齿,不久流苏状;

17、Leaves oblong or obovate, apex mucronate to caudate, nearly truncate. Lobes of bracts entire, rarely sparsely dentate. ─── 叶长圆形或倒卵形,先端短尖的到尾状,近截形。果苞裂片全缘,偶有稀齿。

18、Leaf blade margins usually incised-dentate or lobulate, petiole less than 5 mm; female petals present, ovary and capsule sparsely verrucose. ─── 具小裂片的叶片边缘通常锐裂具牙齿或,叶柄不到5毫米;雌花花瓣宿存,子房和蒴果疏生瘤状。

19、hippocampus dentate gyrus in rats ─── 大鼠海马齿状回

20、Leaves leathery, oblong, 7-13 cm long, base cuneate, glossy above, glabrous on both surfaces, margin sparsely and obtusely dentate; petiole 1 cm long. ─── 叶革质,长圆形,长7-13厘米,宽2-4厘米,先端锐尖,基部楔形,上面发亮,无毛,边缘有疏钝齿;叶柄长1厘米。

21、Keywords Rats;Dentate gyrus;PSA-NCAM;Water mazes;Neural stem cells;Migration; ─── 大鼠;海马齿状回;多聚唾液酸神经细胞黏附分子;水迷宫;神经干细胞;迁移;

22、Leaves cordate-ovate to lanceolate, papery, margin dentate. ─── 叶心形的卵形的到披针形,纸质,边缘具牙齿。

23、Unilateral osseous reconstruction of a dentate mandible after tumor ablation may be restored with implants and a removable partial denture. ─── 单侧骨重建一个齿状颌骨肿瘤切除后可能会恢复种植体和可摘局部义齿。

24、Leaves short petiolate, dentate. ─── 叶短叶柄,具牙齿。

25、With joinery board different is, fir is compositive board use blame glue joining together, dentate flat-fell seam each other is occlusive together, natural ingredient is much, pollution is little. ─── 和细木工板不同的是,杉木集成板采用非胶水拼接,锯齿状的拼缝互为咬合在一起,自然成分多,污染少。

26、Basal leaves petiolate, not rosulate, sinuate-dentate, dentate, or rarely pinnatisect. ─── 具叶柄的基生叶,不莲座状,具深波状具牙齿,配位基,或很少。

27、Outer leaves spatulate to obovate-spatulate, tapering to base forming a short, broadly winged petiole, short appressed pubescent, margin crenate to dentate, apex rounded. ─── 外部叶匙形到倒卵状匙形,渐狭至基部形成一短,具宽翅叶柄,短贴伏短柔毛,边缘具圆齿对具牙齿,先端圆形。

28、Leaf blade elliptic to broadly so or obovate to obovate-orbicular, margin not reflexed, serrate or roughly long dentate; inflorescence branches subequal. ─── 叶片椭圆形到宽如此或倒卵形到倒卵形圆形,不反折的边缘,有锯齿或粗糙具牙齿的长;花序分枝近等长。(21

29、dentate ligament of spinal cord ─── (脊髓)齿状韧带

30、Leaves alternate, with caducous stipules, petiolate, pinnativeined or 3-veined from base, margin entire or dentate. ─── 叶互生,与早落托叶,具叶柄,3脉的羽状脉或自基部,边缘全缘或具牙齿。

31、Bilateral Dentate Gyrus Neurogenesis After Unilateral Hippocampal Lesion ─── 单侧海马损毁诱发双侧齿状回细胞增殖的研究

32、Leaves 3- or 5-lobed, margin coarsely crenate to dentate, sometimes entire. ─── 叶3-或5裂,边缘粗具圆齿到具牙齿,有时全缘。

33、Keywords Epilepsy;Dentate gyrus;Granulosa ceils;Hats;Mossy fibers hippocampal; ─── 关键词癫癎;齿状回;粒层细胞;大鼠;苔藓纤维;海马;

34、Leaves entire, dentate to dentate-sinuate, rarely subpinnatifid or repand; fruit (3.5-)4-7 mm wide; style 0.5-1.5(-3) mm; seeds orbicular or suborbicular. ─── 全缘,对具深波状牙齿,残波状的近羽状半裂或的很少来说具牙齿的叶;果(3.5-)4-7毫米宽;花柱0.5-1.5(-3)毫米;种子圆形或近圆形。(3

35、Basal leaves long petiolate, rosulate, simple, crenate, dentate, or sinuate. ─── 基生叶具长叶柄,莲座状,单,具圆齿,具牙齿,或具深波状。

36、This clinical report describes the prosthodontic rehabilitation of a Class IV dentate patient. ─── 临床报告介绍了修复重建的一类四齿状耐心。


38、Leaf petiole villous. Leaf and bract blade central segment broadly rhombic, apex many lobulate or many dentate; lateral segments unequally 2-parted. ─── 叶柄具长柔毛。叶和苞片中心裂片宽棱形,先端很多具小裂片或很多具牙齿的侧裂片不相等的2深裂。

39、Leaves small, petiolate, alternate on annual twigs, fascicled on dwarf shoots, scabrous, adaxially white spotted, margin coarsely dentate. ─── 在一年生草本上的小,具叶柄,互生的叶小枝,在矮小嫩枝上,粗糙,白色斑点,边缘粗牙齿。

40、Neural stem cells exist in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of lateral ventricle and the dentate gyrus (DG) of hippocampus in central neural system (CNS) throughout the life of adult mammals, so does neurogenesis in adult brain. ─── 在成年哺乳动物中枢神经系统内,神经干细胞(Neural stem cells,NSCs)在侧脑室室管膜下区(Subventricular zone,SVZ)和海马齿状核(Dentate gyrus,DG)等处终生存在,神经发生现象也终生维持。

41、Dentate Line Preserving suspend Ligation ─── 保留齿线悬吊术

42、Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate or not, simple, entire, dentate, lyrate-pinnatifid, or pinnatisect. ─── 具叶柄的基生叶,与否莲座状,单,全缘,具牙齿,大头羽裂,或。

43、Pseudostaminodes indistinctly dentate at apex. ─── 假退化雄蕊不清楚的有齿的在先端。


45、Leaf blade (1.5-)3.5-17 cm wide, margin crenate, crenulate, dentate, denticulate, or serrate, often repand, seldom subentire to entire. ─── 叶片(1.5-)3.5宽-17厘米,边缘具圆齿,具细圆齿,具牙齿,具小齿,或有锯齿,残波状的通常,很少近全缘到全缘。(105

46、central lobe broadly rhombic, 3-lobulate, distally few dentate, apex acute; ─── 中央裂片宽棱形,3具小裂片,上部很少具牙齿,先端锐尖;

47、Leaves dentate. ─── 叶具牙齿。

48、At the structural leel, BDNF significantly increased neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus and enhanced migration of subentricular zone progenitor cells to the nearby striatum of the ischemic hemisphere. ─── 在结构水平上,BDNF可显著增加齿状回上神经发生并促进室下区的祖细胞转运到附近缺血区域的纹状体。

49、MFS in the stratum subpyramidale of CA3 subfield and inner molecular layer of dentate gyrus developed at 24h in trial group. ─── Timm染色可见到实验组大鼠SE24h时齿状回内分子层及CA3区下锥体层即有MFS现象;

50、European annual with coarsely dentate leaves; widespread in United States and southern Canada. ─── 一年生的欧洲藜,叶具粗疏齿牙;已广泛分布于美国和加拿大南部。

51、The nuclei were four in number on either side,the dentate nucleus localized on majority of the thin sections and appeared as a convoluted band of gray matter. ─── 在连续横断面上观察到齿状核最大且最先出现,位于最外侧,形似一个向内侧开口的折叠口袋状结构;

52、Corona lobes 5, stellate spreading or suberect, fleshy, adaxially often tuberculate, keeled or appendaged, apex entire, dentate, or lobed. ─── 副花冠裂片5,星状的平展的或近直立,肉质,正面通常具瘤,龙骨状的或附属物,先端全缘,具牙齿,或浅裂。

53、leaf blade margin dentate, base with 1 or 2 pairs of glands, stipellate; ─── 叶片边缘具牙齿,基部具1或2对腺体,具小托叶;

54、Leaves simple, alternate or opposite, exstipulate, margin entire or dentate, venation pinnate or triplinerved. ─── 单叶,互生或对生,无托叶,边缘全缘或具牙齿的,羽状脉或离基三出脉的。

55、Wang WD, Wang HD, Wang B, et al.The methodical research of display the levels of neurogenesis in situ in dentate gyrus of adult rats[J].Chin J Clin Rehabil, 2002, 6(13): 1902-4. ─── [9]王卫东,王洪典,王冰,等.原位标记齿状回神经前体细胞反映成年大鼠脑组织神经发生水平的方法学研究[J].中国临床康复,2002, 6(13): 1902-4.

56、Leaf blade narrowly elliptic-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, margin spiniform dentate; bracts of cupule subulate, ligulate, or linear, often reflexed. ─── 叶片狭椭圆形披针形到卵状披针形,边缘具牙齿;钻形,舌状的壳斗的苞片,或线形,通常反折。(3

57、Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate or not, lyrate, sinuate, dentate, or entire. ─── 具叶柄,莲座状的基生叶与否,大头羽裂,具深波状,具牙齿,或全缘。

58、Basal leaves petiolate or sessile, rosulate or not, entire, dentate, or pinnatisect. ─── 基生叶具叶柄的或无梗,与否莲座状,全缘,具牙齿,或羽状全裂。

59、Dentate with very small teeth. ─── 叶缘具很小的牙齿。

60、ligule ca. 3 mm, finely dentate, shortly fimbriate; ─── 叶舌约3毫米,好有齿,不久流苏状;

61、filaments connate into a short cup at base, alternating with dentate or lacerate staminodes. ─── 花丝合生成为一短杯状在基部,互生于具牙齿或撕裂状的。

62、Abnormal signal intensities were also seen in dentate nuclei (8/25, 32%) and upper cervical cord (6/25, 24%). ─── 另外部份在小脑齿状核区(8/25,32%)和上颈脊髓(6/25,24%)也发现有高讯号病灶。

63、Anatomical integration of newly generated dentate granule neurons following traumatic brain injury in adult rats and its association to cognitive recovery. ─── 外伤性脑损伤后成年老鼠新生齿颗粒状神经细胞结构整合与认知力恢复的联系。

64、Selective pharmacological destruction of the meningeal cells during a critical ontogenetic period leads to specific malformation of both the cerbella cortex and dentate gyrus [1]. ─── 在个体发育过程中对脑膜细胞选择性的药理伤害导致大脑皮质和齿状回畸形。

65、Basal leaves petiolate, not rosulate, simple, entire, dentate, or rarely pinnatifid, often withered by flowering. ─── 具叶柄,不莲座状,单,全缘,具牙齿的基生叶,羽状半裂的或很少,通常以花枯萎。

66、Leaf blade orbicular, broadly ovate, or obovate, margin subentire, obscurely crenate, dentate, serrate, or doubly serrate, ciliate; petals subspatulate, elliptic, or orbicular. ─── 叶片圆形,宽卵形,或倒卵形,边缘近全缘,具圆齿,具牙齿的不明显,有锯齿,或重锯齿,具缘毛;近匙形的花瓣,椭圆形,或圆形。(5

67、leaf blade rhombic to deltoid, distal half of margin coarsely dentate. ─── 叶片菱形到正三角形,远轴的中部边缘具粗齿。

68、Leaves succulent, petiolate or subsessile, margin dentate. ─── 叶肉质植物,叶具柄或近无柄,边缘具牙齿。

69、Dentate Gyrus, Bone Fractures, Compression Screw, Internal Fixators. ─── 齿状回;骨折;加压螺钉;内固定器。

70、Focal ischemia also could raise the neurogenesis in hippocampus dentate gyrus. ─── 局灶性脑缺血后亦可增加海马齿状回内神经发生。

71、He thought, if this dentate tools, not also quickly saw off the trees! ─── 他想,要是这样齿状的工具,不是也能很快地锯断树木了吗!

72、central lobe broadly rhombic, 3-lobulate, distally incised dentate, apex acute; ─── 中央裂片宽棱形,3具小裂片,上部锐裂具牙齿,先端锐尖;

73、Leaves entire, dentate, or serrate, if pinnatifid then with multicellular glands; stigmas slightly 2-lobed, lobes not decurrent. ─── 全缘的叶,具牙齿,或有锯齿,如果那么多细胞的具腺体;2裂的柱头稍,不下延的裂片。(2

74、Basal and lowermost leaves dentate, serrate, or subentire; style absent, obsolete, or rarely to 0.1 mm. ─── 基部和最下的叶具牙齿,使成锯齿波,或近全缘;花柱无,淘汰,对0.1毫米的或很少(10


76、Leaves entire or dentate. ─── 叶全缘的或具牙齿。

77、central lobe rhombic, 3-lobulate, distally incised dentate, apex acute; ─── 中央裂片菱形,3具小裂片,上部锐裂具牙齿,先端锐尖;

78、Keywords Dementia;Vascular;Hippocampus;Dentate gyrus;Nucleic acidT; ─── 关键词痴呆;血管性;海马;齿状回;核酸;

79、Experimental stroke in adult mammals increases neurogenesis from neural stem cells or progenitor cells located in the dentate subgranular zone and the subventricular zone lining the lateral ventricle. ─── 中风能使齿状回颗粒下层和脑室下层的神经发生增加,新产生的神经元能够迁移到损伤区并表达已死亡神经元的标记物。

80、Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate, simple, entire, dentate, or pinnately dissected. ─── 具叶柄,莲座状,单,全缘,具牙齿的基生叶,或回羽状多裂。

81、central lobe flabellate-obovate, 3-lobulate, distally few dentate, apex acute; ─── 中央裂片扇形倒卵形,3具小裂片,上部很少具牙齿,先端锐尖;

82、Well-rounded ridge group had lower bone density of mandibular angle than dentate controls,but there was no difference of BMD of coxofemoral region between these two groups. ─── 丰满组髋部骨密度与有牙颌对照组差异无显著性,下颌角骨密度则显著低于有牙颌对照组。

83、Leaves 3- or 5-lobed, sometimes undivided, margins remotely dentate to serrulate. ─── 叶3-或5裂,有时不裂,边缘稀疏具牙齿到有细锯齿。

84、Basal leaves petiolate, not rosulate, simple, lyrate, pinnatifid, pinnatisect, bipinnatisect or/and dentate. ─── 具叶柄的基生叶,不莲座状,单,大头羽裂,,羽状全裂,或/和配位基。

85、The distance from stoma to the dentate line was less than 2 cm in 2 patients and colo anal anastomosis was performed in 1 patients. ─── 吻合口距齿状线小于2 cm 8例,结肠与齿状线处肛管吻合的3例。

86、Leaves leathery, oblong, 713 cm long, base cuneate, glossy above, glabrous on both surfaces, margin sparsely and obtusely dentate; petiole 1 cm long. ─── 叶革质,椭圆形,长8-11厘米,宽3-5厘米,先端急尖,基部圆或钝,无毛,边缘有细锯齿;叶柄长8-12毫米。

87、Keywords Pethidine;Dentate gyrus;Astrocytes;GFAP; ─── 哌替啶;齿状回;星形胶质细胞;GFAP;

88、European annual with coarsely dentate leaves; ─── 一种一年生的欧洲藜,叶具粗疏齿牙;

89、Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate, simple, entire, coarsely dentate, or lyrate, with persistent petioles. ─── 具叶柄,莲座状,单,全缘的基生叶,粗牙齿,大头羽裂的或,具宿存的叶柄。

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