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09-01 投稿



wantonness 发音

英:[ˈwɑːntənnəs]  美:[ˈwɒntənnəs]

英:  美:

wantonness 中文意思翻译



wantonness 词性/词形变化,wantonness变形

动词过去分词: wantoned |动词现在分词: wantoning |动词过去式: wantoned |副词: wantonly |名词: wantonness |动词第三人称单数: wantons |

wantonness 短语词组

1、wantonness definition ─── 放荡的定义

2、wantonness define ─── 肆意定义

3、wantonness means ─── 放荡意味着

4、wantonness law ─── 放荡法

5、wantonness meaning ─── 肆意

wantonness 相似词语短语

1、wantoner ─── 万托纳

2、wantoners ─── 放荡者

3、antsiness ─── 蚂蚁

4、cantiness ─── 柔美

5、wantoned ─── adj.嬉戏的;繁茂的;荒唐的;无节制的;放纵的;n.荡妇;水性杨花的女人;vi.放肆;嬉戏;闲荡;vt.挥霍;n.(Wanton)人名;(英)万顿

6、Cantonese ─── n.广东人;广东话;adj.广州的,广州人的

7、wantonest ─── 放荡的

8、wanness ─── 苍白;无血色;虚弱

9、tantonies ─── 坦托尼亚

wantonness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To the small princess Mu sword hold so the naivete mentally dense openned of woman, need to be wanton of open some fun to mean sense of humor all right. ─── 对于小郡主沐剑屏这样天真烂漫混沌未开的女子,只需要放肆的开点玩笑表示幽默感就可以了。

2、Propagator of wanton recklessly caused by personal injury should be held civilly liable. ─── 传播者肆意妄为所造成的人身伤害应该追究民事法律责任。”

3、Her story was wholly lucid and my impression perfectly wanton, but it passed through my mind that the gentleman would never come back. ─── 她讲的很清楚,我的印象很缭乱,但我以为这位绅士永远也不会回来了。

4、Heavy rain is torrential, wanton ground runnings in past pond, let pitter-patter flood my loud mirth. ─── 大雨滂沱,肆意地往水塘里跑,让雨声沉没我的大声欢笑。

5、Now then, listen, you wanton creature, lounging in your security and saying to yourself, 'I am, and there is none besides me. ─── 8你这专好宴乐、安然居住的,现在当听这话。你心中说:惟有我,除我以外再没有别的。

6、She was surprised by a wanton thought that rushed into her mind. ─── 一个放肆的念头在她心里闪过,叫她吃了一惊。

7、I kicked my son because of his wantonness. ─── 因为我儿子的任性,我踢了他。

8、For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. ─── 他们说虚妄矜夸的大话,用肉身的情欲,和邪淫的事,引诱那些刚才脱离妄行的人。

9、The Fundies believe that these wanton women know too much about sex. ─── 专家相信放荡的女人对性过于了解。

10、And they gave him seventy pieces of silver from the house of Baal-berith. And with it Abimelech hired worthless and wanton men, and they followed after him. ─── 4他们从巴力比利土的庙中取了七十锭银子给亚比米勒;亚比米勒用这银子雇了些无赖放荡之徒,他们便跟随他。

11、If he can thwart a scheme of any priestess and escape detection, he will; he hates the cruelty and wanton destructiveness of most drow priestesses. ─── 如果他愿意的话,他可以破坏任何女祭司的阴谋并不被觉察;他厌恶大部分卓尔女祭司的残忍放荡。

12、Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. ─── 13行事为人要端正,好像行在白昼。不可荒宴醉酒。不可好色邪荡。不可争竞嫉妒。

13、No political solution can be discussed at the United Nations under the circumstances where NATO's wanton bombing continues. ─── 在北约继续狂轰滥炸的情况下,不可能在联合国讨论任何政治解决方案。

14、No matter how you spent Christmas is a person's chic, romantic, or two people, or Hupenghuanyou, wanton spree, we all sincerely hope that you will have a part of their own, a beautiful holiday. ─── 不管你的圣诞节是如何度过的,是一个人的潇洒,还是两个人的浪漫,或者是呼朋唤友,肆意狂欢,都真心希望能拥有一个属于自己的、美好的节日。

15、The wantonness of the girl's character annoyed us. ─── 那个女孩变化无常的性格让我们很生气。

16、He was the more surprised at his daughter's wanton play of a fixed idea. ─── 女儿竟是这样放肆地表达她顽固不化的思想,使他感到格外惊讶。

17、The wanton and vigorous vegetation quivered, full of strength and intoxication, around these two innocents, and they uttered words of love which set the trees to trembling. ─── 四周的植物,正在精力旺盛、汁液饱满的时节,面对着这两个喁喁私语的天真人儿,也不免感到醉意撩人,春心荡漾。

18、You are day and night oppressed with the sin of iniquity for the crimes and wanton cruelties you have committed. ─── 你作恶多端,暴虐残酷,自然要因这不义的行径而日夜痛苦。

19、She had never had a keener sense of freedom, of the absolute boldness and wantonness of liberty ─── 她所感到的自由,那种逍遥自在、无牵无挂的心情,从来没有这么强烈过。

20、She had rather suspected some of those wanton trollops, who gave themselves airs because, forsooth, they thought themselves handsome. ─── 她怀疑的倒是那些水性杨花的浪荡女人,她们神气十足,总觉得自己长得多么标致。

21、Nuptial love make the mankind; friendly love perfect it; but wanton love corrupted, and embased it. ─── 夫妻的爱,使人类繁衍。朋友的爱,给人以帮助。但那荒淫纵欲的爱,却只会使人堕落毁灭啊!

22、The cachinnation that we wanton, have no the madness for having scruples about. ─── 我们放肆的大笑,毫无顾忌的疯狂。

23、We abate something of the wanton extravagance of our pretensions ─── 我们把自己恣肆狂妄的心胸稍稍加以收敛。

24、On the evening of April 23 Speer made a full confession of his insubordination in refusing to carry out the wanton destruction of Germany's remaining installations. ─── 在4月23日那天晚上,斯佩尔全部坦白了他拒绝执行盲目破坏德国的残余设备。

25、Rain as if it brutally wanton drowned your estate, make you feel the desolation and failure heart! ─── 仿佛那肆无忌惮的雨残酷地淹没了你的庄园,使你感到失收的荒凉和心痛!

26、"The weak wanton Cupid/Shall from your neck unloose his amorous fold" (Shakespeare). ─── “脆弱而放纵的丘比特/会以你的脖颈松开他多情的拥抱” (莎士比亚)。

27、OBERON Tarry, rash wanton; am not I thy lord? ─── 奥布朗:等一等,坏脾气的女人!我不是你的夫君吗?

28、It is wanton log color, low nevertheless teapoy slowly spilled over the flavour of the buddhist in the kitchen. ─── 又是肆意的原木色,不过低矮的小桌就缓缓溢出了厨房里禅的味道。

29、Courage is not lack of reason in the wild when suffer indignities vicious retribution, Courage is not in a little success or do a good deed of wanton boast. ─── 勇气,不为在受气时狂野缺乏理智的恶意报复;勇气,不为在获得一点成功或做了一件好事时的肆意吹嘘。

30、Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. ─── 你们在世上享美福,好宴乐,当宰杀的日子竟娇养你们的心。

31、This sort of wantonness runs wild like a wind-borne weed on a plot laid out for daisies. ─── 这样的放纵犹如乘风的种子在即将雏菊盛开的野地之上肆无忌惮地奔狂

32、She is living in wanton luxury. ─── 她生活极其奢侈。

33、the wanton destruction of a historic building ─── 对一座古建筑物的故意毁坏.

34、The falbala of cascade is in of gauze hang down suitable elegant in the soft beauty that all exhibits a female and grace, romantic feelings is wanton spread. ─── 层叠的荷叶边在薄纱的垂顺飘逸中尽展女性的美丽与优雅,浪漫情怀肆意蔓延。

35、She began to feel uncomfortable about his wanton behavior. ─── 她对他放肆的行为感到有点不舒服。

36、The continuing wanton loss of life provides ample justification for NATO intervention in Kosovo . ─── 大量生命的不断丧失为北约干涉科索沃提供了充足的理由。

37、Now on the evening of April 23 Speer made a full confession of his insubordination in refusing to carry out the wanton destruction of Germany's remaining installations. ─── 在4月23日那天晚上,斯佩尔向希特勒全部坦白了他拒绝执行盲目破坏德国残余设备的经过。

38、Hold the post of time wanton from finger tip glide, or else worries to choke in inscribing the sea surely, lunar face is fresh as before, late wind is such happy person. ─── 夜静谧在这慵懒的空气中。任时间肆意从指尖滑过,再不必担心在题海中窒息,月亮的脸庞清新依旧,晚风如此怡人。

39、If a certain sector of a country's wanton spending, already weakening of the moral reputation, moral value system will collapse came? ─── 假如一个国家某部门肆意的挥霍,本来已经削弱的道德声誉,道德价值体系会否轰然崩溃?

40、Nuptial love maketh mankind; friendly love perfecteth it; but wanton love corrupteth, and embaseth it. ─── 夫妻的爱,使人类繁衍。朋友的爱,给人以帮助。但那种荒淫纵欲的爱,却只会使人堕落毁灭啊!

41、Kuban said, "unexpected As for the incident will allow the players the focus of the media, and it will lead to people's attention, then they will start conducting wanton comments. ─── 库班说道,“出人意料的事件总会让球员至于媒体的焦点下,也会引起人们的注意,于是他们便开始肆意进行评论。”

42、Nuptial love maketh mankind; friendly love perfecteth it; but wanton love corrupteth and embaseth it. ─── 夫妻之爱,使人类繁衍生息。朋友之爱,使人类日趋完美。但那种荒淫纵欲的爱,却只会使人堕落毁灭。

43、Some say thy fault is youth, some wantonness. ─── 有人说你的缺点在年少放荡;

44、Since the wound was wanton and exhibitions, so have lost their pain. ─── 因为伤口被肆意地展览,所以已经失去了疼痛。

45、but wanton love corrupteth and embaseth it. ─── 但是无度的淫爱则使人败坏并卑贱焉。

46、Human nature of the wanton destruction of wildlife eat special food, opened one after another "Pandora" Mohe. ─── 人类对大自然的肆意破坏,对野生动物的大吃特吃,打开了一个又一个“潘多拉”魔盒。

47、China's wanton disregard for the rule of law raises serious questions about its suitability for membership in the World Trade Organization and its permanent normal trade status with the United States. ─── 中国不怀好意的忽略了进入世界贸易组织的资格的有关法规,而这是会对他加入该组织会产生严重的问题的,他也忽略了美国给予的永久正常贸易关系会因此产生的严重问题。

48、KJV] Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. ─── [新译]你们在世上穷奢极侈,养肥了自己,竟不知屠宰的日子到了。

49、The wanton action of a man of maturity---the deceived innocence of an ignorant child! ─── 一个是成年男子放荡的行径,一个是无知少女天真的受骗!

50、She had rather suspected some of thote wanton trollops, who gave themselves airs because, forsooth, they thought themselves handsome. ─── 她怀疑的倒是那些水性杨花的浪荡女人,她们神气十足,总觉得自己长得多么标致。

51、a wanton disregard for human life ─── 全然不顾人的死活

52、A wanton or immoral woman. ─── 坏女人,婊子,娼妇放肆的或不道德的妇女

53、customary to treat Dialectic as an adventitious art, which for very wantonness introduces confusion and a mere semblance of contradiction into definite notions. ─── 辩证法通常被看做是一种外在的技术,通过主观的任性使确定的概念发生混乱,并给这些概念带来矛盾的假象。

54、He killed to eat, not from wantonness; ─── 他杀生并非为了好远,而是为了填饱肚子。

55、Massive infernals revel in carnage as much as their smaller cousins,but they reserve the wanton slaughter until after they have eliminated major threats. ─── 巨型地狱火和他们的小型同胞一般醉心于纯粹的杀戮,但是他们懂得在消灭了对自己最大的威胁后再来享受。

56、If it makes the water wanton and wild, I will not row my boat by your bank. ─── 如果我使水花飞溅,我就不在你的河边划船。

57、It would not be difficult for them to aim a wanton blow at a black boy in a fit of anger. ─── 在他们勃然大怒时,要肆无忌惮地打一个黑孩子一顿那是不成问题。

58、(as) wanton as a calf with two dams ─── 左右逢源

59、They felt it might be a being partially benighted in the vale of ignorance, but it could not be one who would willingly devote his rich natural gifts to the purposes of wanton treachery. ─── 他们觉得,这个人虽然可能有些蒙昧无知,但他决不是一个乐于把自己高贵的天赋用于背信弃义的人。

60、an act to be evil, it must be significantly wrong, embarked upon with full knowledge of its wantonness and embraced wholeheartedly by the person doing the deed. ─── 一种行为若要具有邪恶的性质,则它必须存在重大错误,行为主体在采取行为时必然对其残酷本性了然于胸,但又毫无保留地欣然予以接受。

61、A kid, I especially like the knees of their parents wanton coquetry, and her mother talk about my "little secret", but now I will never do it. ─── 小时侯,我还特喜欢在父母的膝头肆意撒娇,和妈妈说说我的"小秘密",而现在的我再也不会这么做了。

62、The wanton action of a man of maturity --- the deceived innocence of an ignorant child! ─── 一个是成年男子放荡的行径,一个是无知少女天真的受骗!

63、Through his perseverance, he managed to master the art of noodle making and opened his first wanton mee stall. ─── 在他的坚持与努力下,何先生掌握了这门精湛的手艺并开设了自己的面家。

64、Vagabond singers and behavioral artists perform their bold shows ceaselessly in this area, and the wanton lovers seek their morbid love in a fruitless pursuance. ─── 在这里,永不停歇地上演着流浪歌手的漂泊、行为艺术家们的激情、一见钟情的爱恋和没有结局的邂逅。

65、7 To the measure of her boasting and wantonness repay her in torment and grief; ─── 她以前怎样自夸自耀,奢侈享乐,你们也就怎样加给她痛苦与哀伤;

66、Nuptial love maketh mankind; friendly love perfectith it; but wanton love corrupteth and embaseth it. ─── 夫妻的爱,使人类繁衍。朋友的爱,给人以帮助。但那荒淫纵欲的爱,却只会使人堕落毁灭啊。

67、Not thou, vain lord of wantonness and ease! ─── 更不是你安乐和荒淫的虚荣的贵族!

68、The wanton action of a man of maturity --- the deceived innocence of an ignorant child! And yet, the man cannot forgive the woman! ─── 一个是成年男子放荡的行径,一个是无知少女天真的受骗!然而这个男子却不能原谅这个女子!

69、She was alone and still, gazing out to sea; and when she felt his presence and the worship of his eyes, her eyes turned to him in quiet sufferance of his gaze, without shame or wantonness. ─── 她一个人静静的,出神地远望着大海;她感觉得到他的出现,还有他眼睛里流露出崇拜的目光,这时她的目光转向了他,无声地迎着他的凝视,不觉得害羞也没有挑逗。

70、If this be thy wish and if this be thy play, then take this fleeting emptiness of mine, paint it with colours, gild it with gold, float it on the wanton wind and spread it in varied wonders. ─── 假如这是你的愿望,假如这是你的游戏,就请把我这流逝的空虚染上颜色,镀上金辉,让它在狂风中飘浮,舒卷成种种的奇观。

71、Your wanton, give him undoubtedly lentic the life of one pool arouses a billows, make his as if one find out treasure. ─── 你的放荡不羁,无疑给他死水一潭的生活激起一道波澜,使他如获至宝。

72、She had never had a keener sense of freedom, of the absolute boldness and wantonness of liberty. ─── 她所感到的自由,那种逍遥自在、无牵无挂的心情,从来没有这么强烈过。

73、However, some practices are also extremely popular, and even wanton manipulation property market, the practice has been very disappointing profit contempt. ─── 但是一些极端的做法也在大行其道,甚至肆意操纵房产市场,从中渔利的做法却非常令人不齿。

74、This wanton destruction of property by a few fanatics worried many American leaders and it enraged the British. ─── 少数狂热份子无理性的破坏财物使得许多美国领袖担忧,也触怒了英国人。

75、The dark days and there were a gray, the rain drops trickle Lek Lek, faint thunder, raindrops tapping wanton and all the land. ─── 天黑沉沉的,到处都是灰蒙蒙的一片,雨声滴沥滴沥,雷声隐隐,雨滴肆意地拍打着大地上的一切。

76、He felt certain that O'Brien was about to twist the dial out of sheer wantonness ─── 他觉得奥勃良一时冲动之下很可能扳动杠杆。

77、Indeed, some of the elder daughters secretly despise their mother for her wanton behavior, and desire very much to claim her position as mistress of the clan. ─── 事实上,一些年长的女儿因为她们母亲轻浮放荡的行为而背地里轻视她,并且非常渴望能爬上她的位置,成为家族的主母。

78、the wanton destruction of public property ─── 对公物的恣意破坏

79、Ukrainian Communist Party leader Petro Symonenko also noted on the same day that the US action is a wanton interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine. It is also a threat to the independency of Ukraine. ─── 乌共领导人西蒙年科同一天说,美国的行为是对乌内政的粗暴干涉,是对乌国家独立的威胁。

80、But now, all sell Wanton mee in the morning, none sell in the evening, want to fight for business this way? ─── 反观今天,早上全部人卖云吞面,到了晚上一摊云吞面也没有,抢个你死我活,何必呢?

81、To act,grow,or move in a wanton manner; be wanton. ─── 以一种放荡的方式表演、生长或移动;放荡。

82、A lover may bestride the gossamer that idles in the wanton summer air, and yet not fall. ─── 恋爱中人可以踩在夏空中迎风飘荡的蛛丝上,而不致摔落.

83、With sample noble, rigorous modern advertisement design compare, if postmodern advertising designs uncouple to have more wanton to spend freely children equally traditional dance of chains. ─── 同品味高尚,严谨的现代广告设计相比,后现代广告设计如脱开传统枷锁的舞蹈的孩子一样任意挥霍他们的年轻与灵动。

84、For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. ─── 18他们说虚妄矜夸的大话,用肉身的情欲,和邪淫的事,引诱那些刚才脱离妄行的人。

85、Savanna shoot your hot cum into my wanton mouth! Lmao! ─── 会员可以在此回答上投票!

86、Belonging to the two people in the world live in wanton enjoy fun, the burning desire of your heart. ─── 在属于两个人的世界里恣意享受生活的乐趣,燃烧你心底的渴望。

87、2. I kicked my son because of his wantonness . ─── 因为我儿子的任性,我踢了他。

88、Entrusted to the review of wanton water finally lead to "Friends of beans" strong dissatisfaction. ─── 书托们肆无忌惮的注水书评终于招致“豆友”强烈不满。

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