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09-06 投稿



prescient 发音

英:[ˈpreʃ(ə)nt]  美:[ˈpresiənt]

英:  美:

prescient 中文意思翻译



prescient 网络释义

adj. 预知的;有先见之明的

prescient 短语词组

1、prescient antonym ─── 先见反义词

2、prescient meaning ─── 先见之明

3、prescient edge careers ─── 先见之明的边缘职业

4、prescient edge ─── 先见之明的边缘

5、prescient definition ─── 预见性定义

6、prescient sentence ─── 先见之明

7、prescient thesaurus ─── 先见叙词表

prescient 词性/词形变化,prescient变形

副词: presciently |

prescient 相似词语短语

1、president ─── n.总统;董事长;校长;主席;总裁

2、prescience ─── n.先见;预知

3、presentient ─── adj.有预感的

4、perficient ─── 很 完美

5、prescindent ─── 主持

6、nescient ─── adj.无知的;没有知识的;n.不可知论者

7、present ─── adj.现在的;出席的;(事物)存在的;正在考虑的;现在时(态)的;n.礼物;现在,目前;(动词)现在式;(举枪的)瞄准;v.颁发;赠送;提出;展现;使发生;描述;出现;主持(节目);上演;介绍;出席;表达;提交(支票或账单);致谢;(教堂)向主教推荐已被委任的牧师就任;向法院正式提交;举枪瞄准 ;(疾病)症状显露

8、prescind ─── vt.割去;分开;孤立地思考;vi.脱离;不加考虑

9、presciently ─── 预见性地;有先见之明地

prescient 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This remark has been used by the Nabokov estate as a prescient approval of its failure to destroy The Original of Laura. ─── 这段评论已经被纳博科夫的遗产继承者当作未能销毁TheOriginalofLaura的预见性的准许。

2、But then many of them are the same prescient investors who jumped into subprime mortgages. ─── 但是过去不也是这些有远见卓识的投资人争相进入那次级房贷中吗。

3、Prescient Marketing is a fast growing, industry leading experiential marketing consultancy agency, specializing in consultancy (branding, marketing communication and sport marketing), project management and strategic selling. ─── 弘景营销策划有限公司是一家发展迅速,在行业中处于领导地位并有着丰富经验的咨询公司,主要从事顾问咨询(品牌、市场交流和体验营销)、项目管理和策略性销售的业务。

4、Those were hardly prescient words, because as soon as Claggett came in, the Indians devoured him. ─── 棒到没话说,真句话很难说是有先见之明,因为当克拉杰一上场,印地安人队就把他生吞活剥到没话说了。

5、Joshua was almost become prescient of the last few monthes to say this is Chinese coming out party. ─── 鲍勃,现在的表演是要给中国伟大的朝代--唐朝致敬吧!

6、By comparing the trends of our present day with history, we cast a prescient gaze into our future. ─── 把我们的时代潮流同历史对比,我们把眼光移向未来。

7、3.HUEYA Life and Science: Concentrating on Prescient Testing, Preservative Therapy of Cardiovascular and tumor with our Asian head office in Hong Kong. ─── 3. 华扬生命,专注心血管和肿瘤领域的预知性检测、预防性保健治疗,亚洲总部设在香港。

8、The lawyers' prescient observations eventually led to the recognition of a common law right to privacy in the United States. ─── 这两位律师警醒的见解最终导致美国确立了承认隐私权的普通法。

9、I do not know are the property Poly has "prescient" or Huayuan Real Estate is too "late. ─── 不知是保利地产有“先见之明”还是华远地产太“后知后觉”。

10、His prediction about the Iraq war back in 2002 has proved strikingly prescient. ─── 回溯2002年他对伊拉克战争的预见,如今被醒目地证明是先见之明。

11、This advice proved prescient in my case because it allowed me to go beyond my own desire to study overseas and find a graduate program that fit me best, a program that I absolutely love. ─── 这些建议果然是先见之明,他们让我不再执著于出国留学,让我找到自己真正适合、并且喜爱的研究所。

12、Shortly after the book came out, Niederhoffer took Galt to lunch at the Four Seasons and told her that her book had been prescient. ─── 小说出版后不久,尼德霍夫就带高特去四季酒店吃饭,并告诉她他知道她会写这样的书。

13、is probably his most prescient work, anticipating submarine warfare, scuba diving, and even the taser. ─── 可能是他最具预见性的作品,其中预见了潜艇战、水肺潜水甚至泰瑟枪。

14、Mr Tapscott's prescient chapter on "The Net Generation and Democracy: Obama, Social Networks and Citizen Engagement" alone should ensure his book a wide readership. ─── 光是“N世代和民主:奥巴马,社会网络和公民参与”泰普史考特先生这一具有预知性的一章就会保证他这本书应该有很广泛的读者群。

15、prescient remarks/warnings ─── 有先见之明的话/警告

16、extroardinarily prescient memorandum ─── 非常有预见性的备忘录

17、It's interesting that Roubini -- highly regarded these days because of his prescient warnings about the U. ─── 由于鲁比尼预言了美国当前的金融危机,他如今备受尊崇。

18、Asked what the future would bring, Mr Gates was as blunt as he was prescient: “Hardware, in effect, will become a lot less interesting. ─── 当问及(个人计算机)前景如何,盖茨很有预见性地坦言道“实际上,硬件将变得不那么吸引人,(将来的)总体工作将在软件上。”

19、Others don't look so prescient. ─── 其他人就没有这种先见之明了。

20、Friends and strangers give me credit for being prescient in light of this summer's recalls, but the truth is that toy safety -- or concern about most products from China -- never crossed my mind. ─── 熟悉或不熟悉的人称赞我有先见之明,预见了今夏的召回,但事实上,我从来没有想过玩具安全或曾担心大多数中国产品有问题。

21、Lamarck made an intuitive guess about the biosphere and again was prescient. ─── (7)拉马克凭直觉推演生物圈,而且具有先见之明。

22、His determination to focus American power on Afghanistan, Pakistan and proliferation was prescient. ─── 他决心把美军重点放在阿富汗和巴基斯坦,有预见地防止扩散。

23、Long before the crash came, the French president had called for an end to capitalist excess, appeals that were mocked at the time but now seem prescient. ─── 早在灾难到来之前很久,法兰西总统便大声疾呼终止资本主义的无节制行为,这些当时遭到嘲笑的呼吁现在看来却似乎是先知。

24、We cast a prescient gaze into our future. ─── 我们把眼光移向未来。

25、The recent dive in prices makes such warnings seem prescient. ─── 那么为什么现今的繁荣还撑得下去呢?

26、His call for a global fiscal stimulus in January 2008, for instance, now seems prescient. ─── 例如,2008年1月,他提出了一个全球财政刺激方案,现在看来是很有先见之明的。

27、Unfortunately, he isn't always so prescient. ─── 不幸的是,他做别的事可没这么有前瞻性。

28、He was an early, vocal and consistent advocate of co-ordinated global fiscal stimulus, advice that in hindsight seems remarkably prescient. ─── 一开始他就强烈呼吁全球合作进行经济刺激,事后看来这是非常有先见之明的。

29、Looking back, some of them are eerily prescient (15.Dump or outsource the Newton and other sidelights, 34. ─── 回望过去,有些建议确实有先见之明(如第15条,放弃或者外包牛顿产品和其他零碎生产线;

30、To most geologists today, Wegener's The origin of Continents and Oceans appears an impressive and prescient document. ─── 对今天的大多数地质学家来说,韦格纳的《大陆和海洋的起源》是一份令人印象深刻的有先见之明的文件。

31、And it gave a (remarkably prescient) sketch of the future of AI. ─── 而且,它还提供了一个(相当有前瞻性的)对人工智能的未来轮廓。

32、HUEYA Life and Science: Concentrating on Prescient Testing, Preservative Therapy of Cardiovascular and tumor with our Asian head office in Hong Kong. ─── 华扬生命,专注心血管和肿瘤领域的预知性检测、预防性保健治疗,亚洲总部设在香港。

33、This teacher, writer, and prescient forecaster had a third-grade formal education. ─── 老师,作家和预知的预报员有了第三- 等级正式的教育。

34、Even the title of his book, The Age of Turbulence, looks uncannily - if not uncharacteristically - prescient. ─── 甚至是本书的书名《动荡年代》(TheAgeofTurbulence),如果不是典型地,也是令人惊奇地具有先见之明。

35、Moreover, his analysis of the origins of belief is even more prescient. ─── 他关于信仰起源这一论题的分析也是十分带有预见性的。

36、In fact he was prescient to begin selling newspapers before the industry hit the funk it is in now. ─── 事实上,他在报业还没有陷入今天这样的恐慌局面之时开始卖报纸确是先见之举。??

37、Chelsea ranks fourth of all foreign clubs in terms of popularity with 9.3%, just 0.4% behind Manchester United and ahead of Barcelona and Real Madrid (source: Prescient, Chinese marketing agency). ─── 中国国内统计,切尔西在所有外国俱乐部中排名第四,占有9.3%,仅仅落后曼联0.4%,高于巴萨和皇马.(来源:中国市场调查

38、As head of the New York Federal Reserve, he was prescient about systemic risks to the financial system. ─── 美国历史的大部分时间里财政部长是没有什么特色的,他们的权力被限定。

39、This was his second prescient call. ─── 这是他第二次预警。

40、Rumsfeld then made the prescient point that "this campaign" that the United States was embarking on "is a marathon, not a sprint. " ─── 拉姆斯菲尔德随后又一针见血地指出:美国正在投入的“这场斗争是一场马拉松,决不会一蹴而就。”

41、” During his stay, as they faced up to the dominance of the Museum of Modern Art, he persuaded her to make her collection a record of her prescient exhibition history. ─── 看来很棒。

42、This study supports Darwin's prescient ideas, and provides a molecular measure of how an entire colony can be viewed as a single or "superorganism. ─── 这一研究支持了达尔文之前的观点,也为整个殖民群体被视为个体还是“超个体”提供了一个分子衡量手法。

43、The technology,both sand control and enhancing the casing mechanical strength,has succeeded with experiment in laboratory and locales,which has stepped a prescient pace for the future. ─── 在辽河油田室内实验及现场应用试验的成功,为今后既防砂又能提高套管机械强度的防砂技术迈出了先导性的一步。

44、Released in 1987, it was a brilliant, prescient taste of what was to come: the crash later that year; the insider trading scandals. ─── 这部1987年的电影惊人地预测了这一年晚些时候的金融危机,揭示了内部人士的交易丑闻。

45、One's eye-sight is vast-far-seeing, prescient ─── 远大目光

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