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09-06 投稿



eradiation 发音

英:[ɪˌreɪdɪˈeɪʃn]  美:[ɪˌreɪdɪˈeɪʃən]

英:  美:

eradiation 中文意思翻译



eradiation 相似词语短语

1、emaciation ─── n.消瘦,瘦弱;憔悴

2、gradation ─── n.(色彩、颜色、次序、音调等的)渐变;分等级;(各种状态、性质等的)分阶段渐变;元音交替

3、raciation ─── n.人种变异

4、X-radiation ─── X辐射

5、eradication ─── n.消灭,扑灭;根除

6、irradiation ─── n.照射;发光,放射

7、eradiating ─── vt.辐射;发射;vi.辐射;发射

8、reradiation ─── n.[物]再辐射

9、radiation ─── n.辐射;放射物

eradiation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It mainly functioned on the Centrum restraint, tiredness elimination, heart sturdiness, inflammation diminishing, hyperpiesia, over - oxidation and microwave eradiation resistance. ─── 主要有中枢抑制作用、抗疲劳作用、强心作用、抗炎作用、抑制血糖升高作用、抗过氧化作用、抗微波辐射作用。

2、Correction of Hypoplastic Orbit after eradiation therapy with the technique of Ostectomy and Flap Transplantation ─── 眶周截骨和皮瓣转移修复放疗后眼眶发育不良畸形

3、Objective To introduce an effective method for reconstruction of hypoplastic orbit caused by eradiation therapy. ─── 目的探讨放射治疗所引起的眼眶发育不良的整形外科治疗方法。

4、The higher the cooling intensity and the vibration frequency of the crystal nucleus eradiation equipment, the more the number of the crystal grain, as well as the smaller the particle diameter. ─── 晶核发射器的冷却强度越大、振动频率越高,则形成的晶粒数量越多且粒径越小;

5、She has neither asked for even single day's leave, nor did she request to change her job to protect herself from eradiation. ─── 她甚至没有请过一天假,或是要求更换工作岗位。

6、Advances in the Treatment for Eradiation of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Gastric Mucosa ─── 胃粘膜疾病中幽门螺杆菌感染的治疗进展

7、Advantages and Disadvantages of Flue Gas Desulphurization Technology With Electron Beam Eradiation in Sintering Flue Gas ─── 烧结烟气应用电子束脱硫脱硝技术之利弊

8、discuss the evident algorithm's feasibility of the rate equations of electron's occupation probabilities needed in getting the X-ray's eradiation. ─── X射线发射中需要求解的束缚电子占据概率方程组,讨论了采用显式求解的可能性。

9、Instead, she brought her own LCD screen computer (safety from eradiation) from her home to ensure her work. ─── 相反,她把自己的液晶显示屏带到酒店。

10、The main reason is that transmutation hot,eradiation status and cooling condi... ─── 因此,取样应在下翼缘。

11、She has neither asked for even single day's leave, nor did she request to change her job to protect herself from eradiation. ─── 她甚至没有请过一天假,或是要求更换工作岗位。

12、In order to solve the shielding performance of microminiature metallic cabinets,the antenna should be have with minimized size,broad band and high eradiation ability. ─── 最后对3种不同的机箱状态在半电波暗室中进行了屏蔽效能测试,试验获得的数据为今后的机箱屏蔽设计提供了依据。

13、and human-stomach Hchcobacterium indfected rat modeIs wercused to observe the eradiation rate of H.pyIori; ─── 采用大鼠人胃螺杆菌液模型,观察幽门螺旋杆菌根除率;

14、Advantages and Disadvantages of Flue Gas Desulphurization Technology With Electron Beam Eradiation in Sintering Flue Gas ─── 烧结烟气应用电子束脱硫脱硝技术之利弊

15、Advances in the Treatment for Eradiation of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Gastric Mucosa ─── 胃粘膜疾病中幽门螺杆菌感染的治疗进展

16、Process Development of Cot Eradiation by Low-temp Plasm ─── 低温等离子体辐射胶圈的工艺研究

17、with the development in nucleus technology application,radiation source amount and eradiation accident both increased. ─── 介绍了聚丙稀核料位计放射源的管理、维护、监测和防护改进情况,以及应采取的防护措施。

18、Approximately computed piston vibration of circular eradiation plate of columned magnetostricative actuator ─── 磁致伸缩换能器辐射板活塞振动幅值的近似计算

19、eradiation denaturalizing ─── 辐射变性

20、Study on the Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference and Noise Equivalent Eradiation Difference Mathematical Models for Micro Thermal Imaging Systems ─── 显微热成像系统的噪声等效温差和噪声等效辐射率差模型及其分析

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