republican 发音
英:[rɪ'pʌblɪk(ə)n] 美:[rɪ'pʌblɪkən]
英: 美:
republican 中文意思翻译
republican 网络释义
adj. 共和国的;共和政体的;共和主义的;拥护共和政体的n. 共和主义者
republican 反义词
republican 词性/词形变化,republican变形
名词: republicanism |
republican 同义词
democracy |commonwealth
republican 短语词组
1、Republican People's Party (Turkey) ─── 共和人民党(土耳其)
2、Republican China ─── 共和党的中国
3、Provisional Irish Republican Army ─── [网络] 临时爱尔兰共和军;爱尔兰共和军临时派;爱尔兰临时共和军
4、Democratic-Republican Party ─── 民主共和党
5、republican government ─── 共和党政府
6、Afghan Republican Air Force ─── 阿富汗共和国空军
7、People's Republican Army ─── [网络] 人民共和军
8、Continuity Irish Republican Army ─── [网络] 持久爱尔兰共和军
9、republican party ─── [法] 共和党
10、Democratic-Republican ─── 民主共和党
11、Republican Party (United States) ─── 共和党(美国)
12、Irish Republican Army ─── [网络] 爱尔兰共和军;爱尔兰和平军;北爱尔兰共和军
13、Republican River ─── [网络] 里帕布利肯河;共和国河
14、Republican Guard (Iraq) ─── 共和国卫队(伊拉克)
15、Republican Guard (Syria) ─── 共和国卫队(叙利亚)
16、Real Irish Republican Army ─── [网络] 北爱尔兰
17、Republican Guard ─── [网络] 共和国卫队;共和卫队;共和警卫队
18、Moslem People's Republican Party ─── 穆斯林人民共和党
19、Dissident Irish Republican Army ─── [网络] 异议爱尔兰共和军
republican 相似词语短语
1、Republican ─── adj.共和党的;北爱尔兰共和主义者的;(美国)支持共和党的;n.(美国)共和党党员;北爱尔兰共和主义者;里帕布利克河(美国西南部河流)
2、republication ─── n.再版;再发行
3、republicanise ─── 共和化
4、republicanism ─── n.共和主义;共和政治
5、republicanize ─── vt.使成共和国;实行共和政体;vi.倾向共和
6、republicans ─── n.共和党,共和党员(republican的复数形式)
7、publican ─── n.收税员;酒店老板
8、republics ─── n.共和国;共和政体
9、republic ─── n.共和国;共和政体
republican 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、George Allen is a Republican senator from Virginia running for re-election. ─── 乔治阿伦是弗吉尼亚参加复选的共和党参议员。
2、Republican presidential contenders were also quick to react to the B. killing. ─── 共和党总统竞选人也对B.遇刺快速作出了反映。
3、He is a member of the Republican Party. ─── 他是共和党的一员。
4、Republican states such as Iowa and New Mexico went tumbling Mr Obama's way. ─── 共和党的衣阿华州和新墨西哥州也着了奥巴马的道。
5、The Republican sweeps at the approaching primaries. ─── 共和党在即将举行的预选中再次大获全胜。
6、You do not have to be a republican to agree that this needs to be discussed. ─── 你不必为了同意这也需要讨论的事而成为一个共和党。
7、Republican lawmakers say Democrats are trying to push through a bill without enough time for proper Congressional scrutiny. ─── 共和党议员说,民主党人试图在未经国会审慎斟酌的情况下通过一项议案。
8、They are the progressive wing of the Republican Party. ─── 他们是共和党的进步派。
9、The Republican burden is their record of denial, evasion, and neglect. ─── 共和党的负担是他们否认、逃避和疏忽的履历。
10、The next administration, whether Democratic or Republican, should pursue a balanced policy from the beginning. ─── 不管下届政府是民主党还是共和党主持,都应当从一开始就奉行平衡的政策。
11、However, the Republican complainant in the House wanted to summon 15 people including Lewinsky to testify in court. ─── 众议院共和党的起诉人则希望传唤莱温斯基等多达15个人出庭作证。
12、The state is solidly Republican. ─── 这个州是共和党的天下。
13、Republican strategists were consumed by heady visions of power without end. ─── 享有无边权力的美景令人陶醉,共和党的军师都栽在了这上面。享有无尽权力的美景使共和党战略家陶醉其中并肆意挥霍。
14、The republican have their split right after election, and democrats have theirs just before an election. ─── 共和党在紧接着选举之后就有了分歧,而民主党则在即将选举之前便产生分歧啦。
15、He is a great force in the Republican Party. ─── 他是共和党内的巨头。
16、Some member of the opposition have republican sympathy. ─── 一些反对党成员有共和国党人的同情。
17、He belongs to the Republican Party. ─── 他是共和党员。
18、"We've got to be out of our minds," says a Republican pol. ─── “我们一定昏了头,”一位共和党人士说。
19、He fight for the republican cause in the civil war. ─── 他在内战中为共和事业而战。
20、The Congressmen of the Republican tried to break down the opposition from their opponents to their proposal. ─── 共和党的议员们试图使他们的反对派不再反对他们的提案。
21、He called on former Republican voters to return to the fold. ─── 他号召昔日拥护共和党的选民重新回到支持共和党的行列。
22、The Republican Right despise him. ─── 共和党右翼分子看不起他。
23、Rush Limbaugh has had a neutral impact on the Republican Party. ─── 什么对美国财政部有较大的消极影响?
24、The Republican Party might have slipped into perennial minority status. ─── 共和党很可能已经永远沦为少数派。
25、Just a few weeks ago,we intercepted communications between two commanders in Iraq's Second Republican Guard Corps. ─── 几个星期前,我们截获了伊拉克第2国民卫队军团两个指挥官的通话。
26、In 1969, Senate Republican leader Everett M. Dirksen died in Washington DC. ─── 1969年,美国参议院共和党领袖埃弗雷特·M·德克森在华盛顿特区逝世。
27、Most of them are conservative and Republican. ─── 他们绝大多数都是思想比较保守的共和党人。
28、The Republican nominee, Sarah Palin, then won the general election handily. ─── 共和党提名人,莎拉?帕琳随后轻松地赢得了州长大选。
29、One Republican, Jim Jeffords of Vermont, had voted for it. ─── 一名共和党人、来自佛蒙特州的吉姆.杰福兹投了赞成票。
30、Zach Howell, president of the College Republican National Committee, could have said the same thing two years ago. ─── 扎克豪厄尔,共和党全国选举委员会主席两年说过同样的话。
31、They are staunch supporters of the Republican Party. ─── 他们是共和党的坚定支持者。
32、Some of them were already planning to staffa Bush Administration in the even the Republican candidate won an election. ─── 他们中间有些人,已经在为共和党候选人一旦获胜后的布什政府计划人事安排了。
33、"It came down to a few battleground states," the Republican president said. ─── “结果还是要取决于几个关键的战场州。”这位民主党总统说。
34、The Republican candidates point, with fear, to socialism. ─── 共和党候选人恐惧地表示,照顾穷人就等于是社会主义。
35、He considered peeing in a Republican neighbour's pool. ─── 他想过往共和党邻居的泳池里小便,不过最终还是克制住了。
36、Republican in title he was, but an autocrat at heart. ─── 他名义上是共和主义者,但内里却是个专制君主。
37、The Republican National Committee remained an Old Guard stronghold even after Mr Eisenhower's election. ─── 共和党的全国委员会甚至在艾森豪威尔先生当选总统之后仍然是保守派的堡垒。
38、But he was beared down by Bush when tussled the Republican Party nomination. ─── 但他在共和党提名中却败给布什。)
39、Hutchinson, 65 and a Texan, is the most senior Republican woman in the Senate. ─── 65岁的得克萨斯人哈钦森是共和党最资深的女性参议员。
40、But some Republican lawmakers noted that disagreement still exists about how much climate change could be natural. ─── 但是一些共和党的立法者注意到关于多少的气候变化是自然性的这个问题不同的意见仍然存在。
41、Republican J.M. and Democrat B.O. are trying to win those voters. ─── 共和党的J.M.和民主党的B.O.正试图赢得这些选民的支持。
42、His opponent in the Republican primaty seemed a shoo-in. ─── 共和党初选中他的对手似乎稳操胜券。
43、The candidate they back tends to win the Republican nomination. ─── 他们支持的候选人将赢得共和党的提名。
44、They know who is sending men to the enemy and who is depriving Republican Spain of arms. ─── 他们知道,是谁在给敌人派遣军队,是谁在使西班牙共和国得不到武器。
45、He sends a young guerilla named Andres with a message of warning for the Republican commander, General Golz. ─── 他派遣一个名叫安德烈斯的年轻游击队员,给共和国军队指挥官戈尔兹将军送去一封警报信。
46、He is a staunch partisan of the Republican Party. ─── 他是共和党的坚定支持者。
47、However, Republican unity may not last. ─── 但是共和党的团结可能并不长久。
48、Some families had Republican roots in Teddy Roosevelt's progressivism. ─── 一些家庭的共和党根源来自泰迪.罗斯福的进步改革主义。
49、His Republican opponent John McCain has no public events on his schedule today. ─── 他的共和党对手约翰麦卡恩在今天没有安排公众活动。
50、Republican Senators already consider him their 51st member,the one who will be needed to break tie votes. ─── 共和党的参议员已经把他看成是他们的第51个成员,是在投票出现一半对一半的时候打破均衡的那个主要人物。
51、The people demanded a republican system of government. ─── 人们要求共和政体。
52、During an appearance on CNN's Late Edition, he said on many key issues, John McCain is too liberal to be the Republican nominee. ─── 他在美国有线电视新闻网的晚间节目上露面时说,在许多问题上,麦凯恩的立场过于自由化,不合适做共和党的总统候选人。
53、A third party is formed by the fusion of independent republican and democrats. ─── 一个第三党由共和党和民主党之独立份子联合而组成。
54、Republican candidates would eventually have to take sides. ─── 共和党候选人最后也必将对此表态。
55、He had to admit that Cowperwood had seriously compromised the city treasury and the Republican party. ─── 他不得不承认柯帕乌严重地连累了市财政局与共和党。
56、The Republican sweep in the senatorial and congressional contests. ─── 共和党在争夺参议院和众议院席位的斗争中大获全胜。
57、He is probably the least flamboyant of the Republican contenders. ─── 共和党各角逐中,他大概是最不引人注目的。
58、His Republican colleagues regard him warily. ─── 他把他的共和党同僚警惕。
59、The Republican candidate stands a good chance of getting in. ─── 共和党候选人很可能当选。
60、The Republican Party nominated Lincoln,a dark horse and state senator of Illinois ,for the presidency. ─── 共和党提名林肯为总统,伊利诺斯州的参议员,一匹黑马。
61、Republican Senator John McCain had an equally upbeat view of Mr. ─── 共和党参议员麦凯恩对布什的表现表示了同样的乐观。
62、The Republican Convention of 1984, the love-in at Dallas, was a unique event in our politics. ─── 一九八四年的美国共和党大会,在达拉斯举行的一次狂欢式聚会,是美国政治上绝无仅有的一件大事。
63、The Republican high command attempted to repair this damage. ─── 共和党的最高领导层企图弥补这个损失。
64、Republican nominee Adam Taff is trying to unseat Democrat Dennis Moore in the Kansas third congressional district. ─── 共和党提名人亚当·夫试图在堪萨斯州的第三国会选区打败民主党劲敌丹尼斯·尔。
65、The Republican platform gave notice of the GOP's intention to destroy Wilsooianism and all its works. ─── 共和党政纲反映出共和党摧毁威尔逊主义及某一切措施的意图。
66、The Republican candid- ate George W.Bush has become President of the U.S.A. ─── 乔治.布什已当选为美国 总统.
67、Most of his Republican colleagues, however, prefer not to be pinned down. ─── 但是大部分他的共和党同事却不赞同。
68、Reaction to the speech suggested that it may have done more to unite the president's own Democrats than to gain Republican support. ─── 对这番讲话的反应表明,该讲话做出诸多努力来团结总统自己的民主党,而不是争取获得民主党的支持。
69、His Republican opponent, Bob Corker, denounced the ad. ─── 他的共和党敌人BC对这则广告表示谴责。
70、The Republican Party came into existence in1854. ─── 共和党是1854年成立的。
71、I'm canvassing for the Republican Party. ─── 我在为共和党拉选票。
72、Republican presidential hopefuls say they want to keep US troops in Iraq. ─── 共和党总统热门人选他们希望美军继续留在伊拉克。
73、"We'll make a good Republican out of you yet," said Judge Blount. ─── “我们还是可以把你变成个优秀的共和党人的。”布朗特法官说。
74、The Republican Party made little or no account of the speeches delivered by the Democratic Party. ─── 共和党瞧不起民主党发表的演说。
75、He voted the Republican Party. ─── 他投了共和党的票。
76、Voters will have to choose between them: defenders of the rich in the Republican corner, reckless spendthrifts in the Democratic one. ─── 选民们也只能在他们之间做出选择:是支持一个维护富人利益的共和党,还是选择一个只会大手大脚花钱的民主党。
77、Republican members of the House walked out en masse today. ─── 他们试图迫使民主党为一项参议院提案投票。
78、Can he heal the deep divisions among Republican ranks? ─── 他能将共和党内部成员之间的分歧愈合吗?
79、Republican caucuses will happen in about 410 towns across Maine. ─── 共和党团会议选举将在缅因州的约410个城镇进行。
80、Senator McCain and the Republican National Committee, though, mocked the idea. ─── 但是,参议员麦凯恩和共和党全国委员会嘲笑了这一想法。
81、Sayid: The republican guard. ─── 共和国卫士。
82、The Republican Party nominated Lincoln, a dark horse and state senator of Illinois, for the presidency. ─── 共和党提名林肯为总统,伊利诺斯州的参议员,一匹黑马。
83、Clinton directed his fire at the republican party. ─── 克林顿把攻击矛头对准共和党。
84、He easily defeated his Republican opponent. ─── 他轻松击败了共和党的对手,
85、The Republican Party is taking part in a bit of makeover. ─── 共和党正在参加一个使其有所改变的会议。
86、He is the boss of the Republican party. ─── 他是共和党的领袖。
87、But opposition Democrats, and some within the president's own Republican Party are not withholding judgment. ─── 但其反对党,包括民主党及一些总统所在的共和党成员,却对此有所意见。
88、The Republican policy throughout the incident was never clearly explained. ─── 共和党在这一事变中的政策始终没有明确地解释过。
89、Central Republican Security Company Department? ─── 中央共和国安全公司局;
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