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09-06 投稿



harbinger 发音

英:[ˈhɑːrbɪndʒər]  美:[ˈhɑːbɪndʒə(r)]

英:  美:

harbinger 中文意思翻译




harbinger 词性/词形变化,harbinger变形

现在分词:harbingering 过去分词:harbingered 过去式:harbingered 第三人称单数:harbingers 名词复数形式:harbingers

harbinger 短语词组

1、harbinger down ─── 预兆

2、harbinger worm ─── 先兆蠕虫

3、harbinger of spring ─── 春天的使者

4、harbinger ventures ─── 先兆风险投资

5、harbinger of evil ─── 兇兆,不祥之兆

6、harbinger definition ─── 先兆定义

7、harbinger capital limited ─── 先兆资本有限公司

8、harbinger book ─── 先兆书

9、animus harbinger ─── 预兆

10、harbinger 2 book ─── 先兆2书

harbinger 相似词语短语

1、hardanger ─── n.哈当厄(地区)(挪威地名)

2、harbingering ─── n.先驱;前兆;预告者;vt.预告;充做…的前驱

3、harbingers ─── 预兆

4、headbanger ─── n.重金属乐爱好者;怪人

5、wharfinger ─── n.码头管理员(等于wharfmaster)

6、Grainger ─── n.(Grainger)人名;(英)格兰杰

7、herringer ─── 赫林格

8、to harbinger ─── 预兆

9、harbingered ─── n.先驱;前兆;预告者;vt.预告;充做…的前驱

harbinger 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Is the shinning example shown by RGS a mere flash in the pan, or is it the harbinger of a more caring society, in which human kindness is valued no less than material success or scholastic achievement? ─── 莱佛士女子中学的例子只是昙花一现,还是预示一个充满爱心的社会将要到来? 在一个具有爱心的社会里,除了追求物质生活和学术成就,人们所表现的善心也同样会得到珍惜。

2、Yet, each is just a harbinger of what's to come this year, as data of all sorts is assembled instantly by compelling applications. ─── 而这每一个示例都只是今年的趋势的一个预兆,所有类别的数据都会被应用程序即时组装在一起。

3、Author Wang Kuntang Wang Wenbin Cao Longhai Shen Xiangrui Zhang Shuqin (Heilongjiang Provice Petrochemistry Research Institute Harbing 150040); ─── 作者王坤堂;王文彬;曹龙海;沈祥瑞;张淑琴;

4、I decided this was not a good harbinger of the future for us. ─── 我认为这不是我俩未来的好征兆。

5、Recall as well that just a few months ago a -$55 bio trade deficit was considered a harbinger of dollar weakness. ─── 回想几个月前的贸易赤字为-$550亿,曾成为美元贬值的预兆。

6、Forerunner, One that comes before and indicates the approach of another; a harbinger. ─── 先驱,前兆发生在某事之前并预示其进程之事。

7、These are either great buying opportunities, or the harbinger of a market that's going to hell. ─── 在我看来,这些现象说明眼下要么是个吸纳良机,要么就是市场堕入地狱的先兆。

8、I am afraid I am not altogether a harbinger of good. ─── 恐怕我还不是个传布佳音的天使。

9、Whether or not the new iceberg is a harbinger of the greenhouse effect,it is clearly a hazard for ships plying the southern seas,and so satellites and planes will keep a careful watch on it. ─── 不论这座新冰山是否是温室效应的先兆,但很明显,这座冰山对于往来于南方海域的船只是一大危险,因此卫星及飞机都密切观察它的行踪。

10、And was she a harbinger of a race of unnatural beings who might eventually be fashioned specifically as a means to nefarious ends? ─── 她是否为某个非自然物种的先锋,到头来只是为了某个邪恶目的而刻意制造?

11、Harbinger of a very minor in general, very short duration, are often neglected. ─── 先兆一般很轻微,持续时间也很短暂,常常被人忽视。

12、His handling proves to be a harbinger. ─── 对于他的处理被证明是一个预兆。

13、Surely enough, soon after witnessing this harbinger of doom, I stumbled upon a badly mangled traveler. ─── 在确认见证了这次厄运的预兆之后,我遇到了一个严重受伤的旅行者。

14、Harbinger of a new day. ─── 带来了崭新的一天。

15、Number one would just represent successful cartel operations and number two would be a harbinger of more difficulty ahead. ─── 第一条则表明欧佩克的努力终于取得了成功;而第二条则预示着苦日子还在后面。

16、Sweet and fair, she craves not spring for herself alone; to be the harbinger of Spring she is content. ─── 俏也不争春,只把春来报

17、In the meantime, Mr Redstone is aware of the importance attached to the plan as the potential harbinger of a new downsizing trend in the media industry. ─── 同时,雷石东也意识到该计划的重要性,正如媒介业面临新一轮的缩小的趋势一样。

18、The cuckoo is the harbinger of spring. ─── 布谷鸟的歌声预示春天的到来.

19、It is important because it is a harbinger of massive global threats that fester within the system. ─── 真正的重要性在于它是从体系内滋生溃烂的大规模全球威胁的前兆。

20、'The government is not just going to throw money at this without getting a consensual accord, so I think this is a harbinger of things to come. ─── 他说,如果通用汽车无法与债权人达成一项双方都能接受的协议,政府将不会继续向它投钱,因此他认为(克莱斯勒申请破产)预示着通用汽车的重组问题即将取得进展。

21、His clan's statute that the Horde was the harbinger of a glorious apocalypse made the Twilight's Hammer one of the most feared and respected of all clans. ─── 他的氏族有一则条例称部落是光荣的天启的先驱(?),而这也让暮锤成了所有氏族中最令人恐惧与尊敬的.

22、[15] In truth, Bakelite-whose more chemically formal name is polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanliydrid----was just a harbinger of the age of plastics. ─── [15]事实上,酚醛----其正式的化学名称是聚甲苯甲醛甘醇酐----只是预示了塑料时代的到来。

23、Some commentators have taken all this as a harbinger of full capital-account convertibility. ─── 一些评论员将上述情况视为资本账户可完全兑换的先兆。

24、November air stung my cheeks, a harbinger of winter. ─── 11月的空气刺痛了我的脸颊,这是冬天要来的先兆。

25、My co-investigators and I realized immediately that Kilauea's silent earthquake could be a harbinger of disaster. ─── 我和一同监测的夥伴很快就意识到奇劳亚火山的无声地震,可能就是灾难的预兆。

26、a pioneer; a forerunner; a harbinger; a vanguard; a precursor; a trail-blazer; an ancestor ─── 先驱

27、Crystal clear water in the Luxi River is among the most pure in China, and represents a harbinger of the way China is entering a new era of growth and environmental preservation. ─── 水晶般清澈透亮的泸溪河是中国最纯净的河流之一,可以成为标志中国进入发展与环境保护并进的新时代的榜样和楷模。

28、The food cuts could be a harbinger to further cost-cutting; Deep Fried has heard that the building might be put up for sublease. ─── 餐饮开支的削减只是一个更广泛成本削减的先兆,DeepFried已经听闻整栋大楼都将用于转租。

29、Johnny Depp You're cool.You're the harbinger of drool. ─── 现在流着眼泪发泄着积抑了三年的哀伤和无奈你也永远不会知道。

30、The Paris Commune will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new society. ─── 巴黎公社将永远作为新社会的光辉先驱受人歌颂。

31、I like looking the slight green on the branch , it's the messenger (harbinger )of spring, the begining of morning in one day. ─── 我喜欢看树枝上那淡淡的嫩绿,它是春天的使者,它是一天清晨的开始............

32、Keywords respiratory tract infection / TCM therapy. Chinese harb steam inhalation;@ Tan Jing Nebulization; ─── 呼吸道感染/中药疗法;中药蒸气吸入;痰净雾化液;

33、Harbinger, perhaps, of a new battle plan. ─── 或许,这预示着会有新的战斗计划。

34、In truth, bakelite whose more chemically formal name is polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanliydrid----was just a harbinger of the age of plastics ─── 事实上,酚醛----其正式的化学名称是聚甲苯甲醛甘醇酐----只是预示了塑料时代的到来。

35、As since 1896, philately will be the first, fastest and most appreciated harbinger of this event. ─── 1896年至今,集邮一直都是圣火传递最早、最快和最引人注目的先行之举。

36、In itself, this was just an example of the Big Unfriendly Giant flexing its muscles, but it could be a harbinger of things to come. ─── 例子本身只是说明这位不友善的巨人是如何展示他的肌肉的,但它也许可以被看作一个预兆。

37、Money held by households and firms is contracting - a harbinger of disinflation and slump. ─── 家庭和商户所持有的现金在缩水,这预示着通货紧缩和经济萧条。

38、The final reason for the excitement about the ISG has less to do with Iraqi politics than American politics: many people see it as a harbinger of a new era of policy-making. ─── 最后一个能够让众人对ISG调查小组期望值增大的原因就是,与其说他们能够对对伊政策施加影响,不如说他们能够左右美国政策:许多人认为这是一个新政策时代到来的征兆。

39、What of China's past could be a harbinger for its future? ─── 中国过去的什么经历能够预示其未来?

40、Emily Dickinson,a famous 19th century American poetess,enjoys equal popularity with Whitman and is conferred the harbinger of the 20th century English and American Imagist movement. ─── 艾米莉·狄金森是与惠特曼齐名的十九世纪美国著名女诗人 ,一直被称为二十世纪初英美意象派的先驱。

41、Wang Ji, Harbinger of Landscape and Pastoral Poetry in the Prosperous Period of Tang Dynasty ─── 王绩:盛唐山水田园诗的先声

42、It slowly drew nearer, with each day bringing a new harbinger of its coming. ─── 它一天一天地慢慢走近,每天都带来一些新的气象。

43、The sword is a harbinger of enmity and bitterness. ─── 刀剑预示着仇恨和痛苦。

44、Star Trek Deep Space Nine 9: Harbinger ─── 星trek深空间九9:harbinger

45、Working men's Paris, with its Commune, will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new society. ─── 工人的巴黎及其公社将永远作为新社会的光辉先驱受人敬仰。

46、The result might be a statistical fluke, but if it holds up, it could be a harbinger of subtle new particles and forces lurking beyond the Standard Model of particle physics at high energies. ─── 此结果有可能只是统计上刚好偏高,但若证实为真,可就是匿身于高能粒子物理标准模型背后的新物理与新作用力的前兆。

47、Could Vietnam's difficulties be a harbinger of trouble elsewhere in Asia? ─── 是否越南的困境正预示着亚洲其他地区的麻烦呢?

48、Exert thy voice, sweet harbinger of spring! ─── 敞开嗓门吧,春天甜美的使者!

49、You are a green leaf,a harbinger of spring full of brightness. ─── 你是一片绿叶,一片报春的绿叶,从你身上可以看到一个锦绣的春天.

50、During his ascension to Emperor, Palpatine traveled in a distinctive tri-winged shuttle that was a harbinger of Imperial design trends to come. ─── 在帕尔帕丁向皇帝蜕变的过程中,他坐的是有特色的三翼穿梭机,这是帝国设计倾向的预兆。

51、There is a 15% chance the aura will igger off of Harbinger's autocast. ─── 对于毁灭者本身的自动施放技能只有15%的几率能够恢复。

52、He didn't know what had caused Krista's inflammation, but he warned that uveitis is often a harbinger of other autoimmune disorders. ─── 他不知克丽斯塔眼睛为何发炎,但是他警告葡萄膜炎是其他免疫系统紊乱的征兆。

53、That, along with luxury doggie hotels, is yet another harbinger of the fall of the Empire. ─── 或许这对浓咖啡机收藏者来说是个好妙策。

54、He initiated the harbinger of Greek philosophy research from heaven to earth. ─── 他开创了古希腊哲学研究从天上到人间的先河。

55、Harbing Engineering University, Beijing Technology and Business University ─── 哈尔滨工程大学,北京工商大学

56、The kidnap of Alan Johnston and the Fatah-Hamas feud could be a harbinger of things to come, as warlords and militias slug it out ever more lethally. ─── AlanJohnston(BBC驻加沙记者)的被绑架及法塔与哈马斯的世仇可能就是即将发生的事情的先兆。军阀和民兵们必将会以更加致命的方式迎接他们的到来。

57、Take for example the new Harbinger Gunship which fires destructive proton collider ammo at any ground target it can see, or what about the new Spectrum Tank which is a mobile laster artillery. ─── 例如,新的先锋战机,可以对视野范围内的任何地面目标发射毁灭性的质子束炮弹,再如,新的光谱坦克(移动炮兵堡垒)。

58、The etymology of the word harbinger is tied up in that "forerunner" meaning. ─── harbinger这个词的来源和“先行者”是联系在一起的。

59、Its use of XML might well be a harbinger of the way XML could liberate desktop data further in the future. ─── 它对XML的使用可能很好地预示着XML今后将如何进一步解放桌面数据。

60、If a long-overdue party congress is held this year, that may be another harbinger of reform. ─── 如果一个长期延误的政党大会在今年举行的话,那会议的召开可能会是另一种改革的预兆。

61、That blunt text message may be a harbinger of things to come. ─── 那条直白的短信可能是未来的预兆。

62、Is the shinning example shown by RGS a mere flash in the pan,or is it the harbinger of a more caring society,in which human kindness is valued no less than material success or scholastic achievement? ─── 莱佛士女子中学的例子只是昙花一现,还是预示一个充满爱心的社会将要到来?在一个具有爱心的社会里,除了追求物质生活和学术成就,人们所表现的善心也同样会得到珍惜。

63、Objective: To establish a method for extracting Common Andrographis Harb. ─── 目的:探讨穿心莲的最佳提取方法。

64、News.com, an independent website that follows the project, calls the XO a “harbinger of an entirely new class of computers”. ─── 他预测,发展中国家的政府将订购数百万台笔记本来分发给学龄儿童,引发一场教育革命。

65、”The fowl is devoted to its duty as a “harbinger of dawn. ─── 每当暗夜终结,旭日东升之前,是雄鸡报晓伴着朝霞唤醒黎明;

66、Stagflation can be a harbinger of economic depression. ─── 景气不好、通货膨胀可能是经济衰退的预兆。

67、On Saturday, Taiwan holds presidential elections and a controversial referendum that China considers a harbinger for a vote on the island's independence. ─── 在星期六,台湾举行总统大选和一个中国为在岛的独立上的一张选票考虑一个先驱的争论公民投票。

68、There is a 20% chance the aura will igger off of Harbinger's autocast. ─── 对于毁灭者本身的自动施放技能只有20%的几率能够恢复。

69、Though fair but not to rival spring My plum blossom is only season's harbinger For when the hundred flowers flame the hills She smiles amongst the crowd ─── 俏也不争春只把春来报待到山花烂漫时她在丛中笑

70、00370 Ordinary Shares Harbinger Capital Partners Special Situations Fund L.P. 2008/05/08 65,202,000 1,123,040,667 ─── 注解(L)-好仓;(S)-淡仓;(P)-可供借出的股份代号类别主要股东日期买入/卖出或涉及的股份数目先前结馀目前结馀注解

71、The cuckoo is a harbinger of spring. ─── 布谷鸟预告春天的来临。

72、Urban public transportation is the harbinger of social production, the key of a city function to operate and an important window of the material civilization and spiritual civilization of a city. ─── 城市公共交通是社会大生产的先行官,是城市功能运行的大动脉,是城市物质文明和精神文明的重要窗口。

73、A flat or inverted yield curve (when short rates are above long rates) has traditionally been seen as a harbinger of recession. ─── 平坦或反向的收益率曲线(短期利率高于长期利率),传统上被视为衰退的前兆。

74、In this view, General Suleiman, aged 73, would become president in a constitutional coup, which Mr Harb hopes might then prompt a transition to more democratic politics. ─── 根据这种观点,现年73岁的苏莱曼将军会在政变后成为总统。哈布期望政变能够促进埃及向更民主的政治方向转变。

75、The Harbinger features a High Intensity Laser as well as a simplified Reclamation and Repair system that allows the unit to reclaim matter in the field and repair itself. ─── 先驱装备有超强力的激光炮和简化了的回收修理系统,因此它可以在战场上回收物质并且自我修复.

76、Think of it as a harbinger of the unintended consequences that will accompany the Obama energy revolution. ─── 人们认为这种意想不到的后果将会引起奥巴马的能源革命。

77、Although the antimonopoly law legislation of American is the harbinger of the American statute, but the deep-seated foundation of its idea, basic principle and special rules is the thought of common law. ─── 美国反垄断立法虽然开创了其成文法的先河,但是其立法思想、本原则和具体规则却具有深厚的普通法基础。

78、The relationship between the urban thermal field and factors of afforestation and construction in Harbing is established by using TM thermal image and ground data. ─── 利用TM热图像资料和地面资料,建立了哈尔滨城市建筑及绿化与城市热辐射场之间的相互关系。

79、3000 tuple computers, the single nucleus, the integrated obviously card, memory 512MB, hard disk 120G, has certain promotion space. The harbinger apologizes! ─── 您的位置:我也知道>电脑/网络>3000元组电脑,单核,集成显卡,内存512MB,硬盘120G,有一定升级空间。先声谢过!

80、Without that change, the resolution of this crisis can only be the harbinger of the next. ─── 不做出这一改变,这场危机的解决只能预示著下一场危机的到来。

81、Legal experts say it is a harbinger of what reunification might bring and are urging a study of what policies and legislation should govern North-South civil disputes. ─── 法律专家声称,这起诉讼预示着南北双方统一之后可能面临的法律问题,研究采取何种政策和立法来解决南北双方居民间的民事诉讼已经十分紧急。

82、a harbinger of victory ─── 胜利的预兆

83、Perhaps, argues Tim Bond, a market strategist at Barclays Capital, the falling cost of CDSs is a harbinger of things to come. ─── 也许有人可以做出解释。英国巴克莱银行的市场战略专家TimBond称,信用违约互换的价格滑落,正预示着有事情发生。

84、Mr Ren said on Monday he had not been quoted "properly, " but would not elaborate on the discussions with Harbinger. ─── WilliamRen周一表示,报道没有“适当”引述他的讲话,但他拒绝详细阐述与Harbinger的谈判。

85、The robin is a harbinger of spring ─── 知更鸟是春天的报信者。

86、There is a 10% chance the aura will trigger off of Harbinger's autocast. ─── 对于毁灭者本身的自动施放技能只有10%的几率能够恢复。

87、1.But the railway is unlikely to prove either the economic godsend to Tibet that Chinese accounts portray it as, or the harbinger of mass immigration that critics of Chinese rule in Tibet fear. ─── 然而,无论是中国把这描绘成经济机遇的解释,还是评论家对大量移民预兆的恐惧,都不太可能从这条铁路上找到证明。

88、The Jamaican OverDrive is the harbinger of things to come and the outcome of a confluence of a few trends. ─── 牙买加是好兆头,驶入了东西来的成果接近于几个趋势.

89、Sino-American relationship should be regarded as the construction of Lockean culture.Presently, some characteristics of Hobbesian culture are only a harbinger of Lockean culture. ─── 中关关系应被视为洛克文化的建构,目前所呈现出的某些霍布斯文化的特征并不占主导地位。

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