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08-31 投稿



fugacious 发音


英:  美:

fugacious 中文意思翻译



fugacious 短语词组

1、fugacious sentence ─── 逸句

2、fugacious antonym ─── 富格反义词

3、fugacious def ─── 逸度定义

4、fugacious minerals ─── 闪石

5、fugacious define ─── 神游定义

6、fugacious synonym ─── 富格同义词

7、fugacious nature ─── 逸性

8、fugacious meaning ─── 偶然意义

fugacious 词性/词形变化,fugacious变形

名词: fugaciousness |副词: fugaciously |

fugacious 相似词语短语

1、furacious ─── 懦弱的

2、fugaciously ─── 神游地

3、pugnacious ─── adj.好斗的,好战的

4、curvacious ─── 曲线的

5、nugacious ─── adj.琐碎的

6、sagacious ─── adj.睿智的,聪慧的;有远见的,聪慧的

7、audacious ─── adj.无畏的;鲁莽的

8、fallacious ─── adj.谬误的;骗人的;靠不住的;不合理的

9、feracious ─── adj.丰富的;多产的

fugacious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Petals 4 or 5, yellow, much longer than sepals, confluent, fugacious. ─── 花瓣4或5,黄,远长于萼片,合流河,。

2、When the additive is used, soot is obviously changed from fugacious black and white and a fugacious size to stable white soot. ─── 本添加剂在使用中,煤烟明显变化,由黑白无常,大小无常到出稳定的白烟。

3、Some patients behave obstacle of spirit of appearance of the disease that it is hysteria, the happy to dance when fit, cry laugh fugacious, catch hair beat a bosom, call out is clamorous. ─── 有的患者表现为癔症样精神障碍,发作时手舞足蹈,哭笑无常,抓发捶胸,呼喊吵闹。

4、ocrea fugacious, brown, thinly membranous. ─── 托叶鞘先落,棕色色的,薄膜质。

5、Leaves simple, often dimorphic, fugacious or persisting, basal and cauline, alternate, margin entire or undulate; ─── 单叶,通常二形的,先落或持续,基生和茎生,互生,边缘全缘或波状;

6、ocrea fugacious, white, membranous. ─── 托叶鞘先落,白色,膜。

7、Science and scholarship have become more fugacious. ─── 科学和学术已变得更加无常。

8、the ephemeral joys of childhood; a passing fancy; youth's transient beauty; love is transitory but at is eternal; fugacious blossoms ─── 短暂的童年欢乐;一时的迷恋;易逝的青春;爱情短暂生活永恒;昙花一现

9、fugacious leaf ─── 早落性叶子

10、Described as "turn over fu fugacious" negotiation square, say this company appears not to want to finish sincerely buy trade. ─── 描述为“反复无常”的谈判方,称该公司似乎并不真心想要完成收购交易。

11、stipules small, bristly, often fugacious. ─── 托叶小,刺人,经常先落。

12、Additional, fugacious or parental breeding manner is abhorrent, educational way is simple, rough, the child forms clear dispute idea hard. ─── 另外,父母教养态度无常或不一致,教育方式简单、粗暴,孩子难以形成明确的是非观念。

13、fugacious blossoms. ─── 昙花一现。

14、also in India, floriferous season arrives.In such joyful moment that everything resurge and thrives, our master Buddha exhibits his fugacious advent. ─── 在这样一个所有生命复苏,乃至满心欢喜的时刻,我们本师佛陀,给我们示现无常的到来。

15、Additional, fugacious or parental breeding manner is abhorrent, educational way is simple, rough, the child forms clear dispute idea hard. ─── 另外,父母教养态度无常或不一致,教育方式简单、粗暴,孩子难以形成明确的是非观念。

16、the ephemeral joys of childhood; a passing fancy; youth's transient beauty; love is transitory but at is eternal; fugacious blossoms. ─── 短暂的童年欢乐;一时的迷恋;易逝的青春;爱情短暂生活永恒;昙花一现。

17、Restless, shifting, fugacious as time itself is a certain vast bulk of the population of the red brick district of the lower West Side. ─── 在纽约西区南部红砖房一带,绝大部分的居民都如流光一般动荡不安,不停地迁移,来去匆匆。

18、Unbelievably comes the end of my fugacious winter holiday. ─── 本来以为可以一觉睡到午饭,可是八点多就醒来了。

19、Life is so fugacious , time flies, the best happiness is that we exist , we possess lives. ─── 人生短暂,瞬间即过,拥有生命是最大的幸福与快乐。

20、"Soldiers is fugitive situation, water is fugacious form " , concept of battalion of already of look forward to and commercial pattern should change as outside ambient and change; ─── “兵无常势,水无常形”,企业经营理念和商业模式要随着外界环境变化而变化;

21、We want to withwdraw this goods order due to the international market fugacious change. ─── 因为国际市场的变化,我们想取消此货的订单。

22、The fugacious past destined to be my single vermilion mark. ─── 飘渺前尘,注定只成为我一个人的朱砂墨迹。

23、We apperceive joy and cheers, apperceive variance of fugacious years during the life long journey. ─── 生生不息中,我们悟到的是生命绽放的喜悦,岁月无常的变迁;

24、Fugacious Q wave ─── 一过性Q波

25、Stipules fugacious; ─── 托叶先落;

26、stipules small, sheathing bud, fugacious; ─── 托叶小,有托叶鞘,早落;

27、But even though always accompanyed by many friends, after a period of fugacious excited time, still feel solitude. ─── 可即便常常有朋友陪伴,短暂的亢奋过后,我依旧感到孤单。

28、Life is so fugacious,time flies,the best happiness is that we exist ,we possess lives. ─── 人生短暂,瞬间即过,拥有生命是最大的幸福与快乐。

29、bracts usually fugacious and minute, rarely persistent and large. ─── 苞片通常微小并且先落,很少大且宿存。

30、Stipules linear to lanceolate, 3-5 mm, pubescent, fugacious. ─── 托叶线形到披针形,3-5毫米,短柔毛,先落。

31、Some patients appear cry laugh fugacious, depressed wait for a symptom alternately with excitement, call " disease of benzine sex hysteria " . ─── 有的患者出现哭笑无常、抑郁与兴奋交替等症状,称为 “汽油性癔症”。

32、Petals 5, red, white, blue, or yellow, fugacious, longer than sepals, contorted, base clawed. ─── 花瓣5,红色,白色,蓝色,黄,先落的或,长于萼片,旋转状,基部瓣爪。

33、ocrea fugacious, membranous. ─── 托叶鞘先落,膜。

34、ocrea fugacious, white, membranous. ─── 托叶鞘先落,白色,膜。

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