goading 发音
英:[ˈɡəʊdɪŋ] 美:[ˈɡoʊdɪŋ]
英: 美:
goading 中文意思翻译
goading 词性/词形变化,goading变形
动词现在分词: goading |动词过去分词: goaded |动词过去式: goaded |动词第三人称单数: goads |
goading 相似词语短语
1、pomading ─── n.润发油,头油;v.涂以润发油,给……擦头油(或发油)
2、roading ─── n.公路建设与保养;v.沿臭迹追逐(road的ing形式)
3、-cading ─── 卡丁
4、-ading ─── n.丁贤节(网络用户名)
5、loading ─── n.装载;装货;装载的货;v.装载,装填,担负(load的ing形式);装入
6、goatling ─── n.小山羊(尤指一到两岁的母山羊)
7、grading ─── n.分阶段;定等级;坡度缓和;v.定等级;减缓坡度(grade的现在分词形式)
8、loadings ─── n.[力]载荷;荷量;附加费率
9、-grading ─── n.分阶段;定等级;坡度缓和;v.定等级;减缓坡度(grade的现在分词形式)
goading 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A pointed object, such as an ice pick, a goad, or a thorn. ─── 尖刺尖头物,如冰戳,尖棒或荆棘
2、thus further goading employees into endless hours of overtime. ─── 反而更激励员工永无止境地加班。
3、Goad sb. into doing sth. ─── 唆使某人做某事
4、We're sure to hatch a goad crop, he said, but anyone who thinks we're going to get rich in this life, is out of his head. ─── 他说:今年蚕花一定好,可是想发财却是命里不曾来。
5、Many’s the time I have bellowed down the phone about the train that never showed up without goading them to waver from “company policy. ─── 以前很多次打电话抱怨火车不准点我从来就没有为难过她们。
6、And after him there was Shamgar the son of Anath, who struck six hundred Philistines with an ox goad; and he also saved Israel. ─── 31以笏之后,有亚拿的儿子珊迦,他用赶牛的犁棒打死六百非利士人;他也救了以色列人。
7、The moment an elephant stretches out its trunk to eat a plantain-tree in a neighbour's garden, it gets a blow from the iron goad of the driver. ─── 大象伸出鼻子去吃隔壁花园的车前草那一刻,驯象人就会伸出铁棒提醒它。”
8、She is tired of dancing but the need for money goad her on ─── 她厌倦跳舞,但对钱的需求驱使她做下去
9、And after him was Shamgar the son of Anath, which slew of the Philistines six hundred men with an ox goad: and he also delivered Israel. ─── 31以笏之后,有亚拿的儿子珊迦,他用赶牛的棍子打死六百非利士人。他也救了以色列人。
10、"Favour and disgrace goad as it were to madness; high rank hurts keenly as our Bodies hurt." ─── " 宠辱若惊, 贵大患若身."
11、Don't goad him on. His parents don't allow him to join the exploring party ─── 别鼓动他。他父母亲不准他参加探险队。
12、goad someone into fury ─── 使某人发怒
13、One difficult but essential thing to rememer is to refuse to let other people's bad manners goad you into retaliating in kind. ─── 我记得有位青年讲了这样一件事:一天夜里他和他父亲在开车行路时,前面驶来一辆大开着前灯的车。
14、I spent as much time in goading myself on to duties that I should have liked to shirk or in getting ready to work as I did in actual labor. ─── 对于我想逃避或者应该准备的工作,我会磨蹭半天,磨蹭的时间和工作的时间一样多。
15、One that acts as a provocative stimulus; a goad. ─── 刺激:令人振奋的刺激物;激励。
16、But China of course will never be as dependent on the United States for military protection as were South Korea and Taiwan, It is vastly less subject to American pressure, goading or influence. ─── 不过,中国将不会像南韩与台湾那样仰赖美国的军事保护。它远远不受美国的压力丶驱使或影响。
17、"I want somebody very goad, very safe, to plant that gun," he told Clemenza. ─── “我看,得找一个非常精明、非常可靠的人去把枪摆到预定地点去,”他对克莱门扎说。
18、We're sure to hatch a goad crop, he said, but anyone who thinks we're going to get rich in this life, is out of his head ─── 他说:今年蚕花一定好,可是想发财却是命里不曾来。
19、All his pushing and goading disinclined me towards going to the party next weekend. ─── 他一再催促逼迫,使我都不愿意去参见下一周末的集会了。
20、A slight goad or incentive; a small stimulus. ─── 刺激小刺激或激励;小刺激
21、a pointed object,such as an ice pick,a goad,or a thorn ─── 尖头物,如冰戳,尖棒或荆棘
22、” Such statements, combined with goading from the opposition, have increased agitation in government, and particularly presidential, quarters. ─── 丰塞卡将军的这番谈话,结合反对派谣言的刺激,政府内部的焦虑抬头了,特别对于总统的部下更是如此。
23、"He's just goading his team," said Lakers Coach Phil Jackson, who knows a thing or two about psychological terminology. "They're going to compete, without a doubt." ─── “他只是在在刺激他的队伍,毫无疑问他们将会全力拼搏”,深谙此道的湖人教练杰克逊说到。
24、They needed the goad of threatened fines to make them take action. ─── 他们需要罚款威胁的刺激来使他们采取行动。
25、Don't let your partner goad you into wearing your heart on your sleeve. ─── 不要对你的伴侣过分坦率。
26、The two dueled, and at Palpatine's goading, Anakin killed the Sith Lord. ─── 两人展开决斗,最终阿纳金在帕尔帕廷的唆使下杀死了这位西斯尊主。
27、If sending the army into the tribal areas has failed, and if goading one bunch of Islamists into slaughtering another is hardly a long-term solution, what should Pakistan do? ─── 如果派兵进驻难以平靖,挑拨反间亦难长治久安,那么巴基斯坦作何计议?
28、31 And after him was Shamgar the son of Anath, which slew of the Philistines six hundred men with an ox goad: and he also delivered Israel. ─── 以笏之后、有亚拿的儿子珊迦、他用赶牛的棍子打死六百非利士人、他也救了以色列人。
29、The opposition is trying to goad the government into calling an election. ─── 在野反对党正努力激起政府提出选举。
30、He kept goading me to fight. ─── 他不断煽动我去打架。
31、KJV] And after him was Shamgar the son of Anath, which slew of the Philistines six hundred men with an ox goad: and he also delivered Israel. ─── [新译]以笏之后,有亚拿的儿子珊迦;他用赶牛棒击杀了六百非利士人;他也拯救了以色列人。
32、All his pushing and goading disinclined me towards going to the party next weekend . ─── 他一再催促逼迫,使我都不愿意去参见下一周末的集会了。
33、trying to goad these lazy fellows into action ─── 尽力驱使这些懒人行动.
34、Egypt is like a fair and beautiful heifer: there shall come from the north one that shall goad her. ─── 她的佣兵在她内虽像肥胖的牛犊,也一同转身逃遁,不能抵抗,因为他们遭殃的日子,受罚的时期,已来到他们身上。
35、Because "the quality of survival, innovation and development" business philosophy has been to goad us: There is no best, only better. ─── 因为“以质量求生存,以创新求发展”的经营理念一直在鞭策着我们:没有最好,只有更好。
36、And after him was Shamgar the son of Anath, which slew of the Philistines six hundred men with an ox goad: and he also delivered Israel. ─── 以笏之后,有亚拿的儿子珊迦,他用赶牛的棍子打死六百非利士人。他也救了以色列人。
37、It would also mean delving into Saudi Arabia's already thin spare capacity, which has been another goad for upward prices. ─── 它还意味着沙特本已不宽裕的剩余产能被开闸放水,而这也是导致油价高企的另一个原因。
38、He’ll goad you next,then belittle you enough to suck you in. ─── 他会先刺激你,再贬低你从而让你入套。
39、Students tend to get stuck on something, and, having no goad to keep them going, they try to get past it with decreasing energy, and ultimately develop mental blocks against going on. ─── 学生很可能在某些部分卡住,但又无法驱策他们继续往前,他们试著克服它但热情却越来越少,最终产生一种对其抗拒的心态。
40、To the best of their ability to goad! ─── 对他们的能力最好的鞭策!
41、Charles was always goading me. ─── 查尔斯老是刺激我。
42、There has been plenty of official rhetoric goading China, but actual legal challenges were few before this year. ─── 今年之前,布什政府指责中国的措辞往往非常尖锐,但很少采取实际的法律行动。
43、"He's just goading his team to play," Jackson said Thursday. ─── “他不过是想借此激励自己球员的求胜欲望罢了,他们无疑会抵抗到底。”
44、Under Mrs. Merriwether's goading, Dr. Meade took action, in the form of a letter to the newspaper wherein he did not mention Rhett by name, though his meaning was obvious. ─── 在梅里韦瑟太太的怂勇下,米德大夫果断行动起来了。 他给报社写了封信,其中虽然没有点瑞德的名,但意思是很明显的。
45、Despite much goading and support from my leaders and fellow explorers, I refused to attempt what turned out to be a short, dry, well-lit tour. ─── 尽管领队和同伴们都给了我很多鼓励和支持,但最后我还是放弃去试试这个应该短暂,干燥也很安全的探险。
46、Stop goading them on. ─── 别再怂恿他们啦。
47、He kept goading me to fight. ─── 他不断煽动我去打架。
48、Overall, they have made it less likely China will respond positively to the goading of Western democratic powers. ─── 总言之,它们令中国不大可能积极回应西方民主大国的激励。
49、What does it mean to say that favour and disgrace goad as it were to madness? ─── " 何谓宠辱若惊? 宠为上,辱为下;"
50、Out cold, he never saw the final moments of the duel, where Anakin killed an unarmed Dooku in cold blood at the Chancellor's goading. ─── 失去知觉的他没有看到这场决斗的结局——在议长的怂恿下,阿纳金冷酷地杀死了被缴械的杜库。
51、He was only too goad to help you. ─── 他只是太高兴了,不愿帮助你。
52、8. Parents often try to goad their children into studying hard by using the teenager heroes in the past. ─── 家长们常常试图用以往时代的少年英雄人物来激励孩子努力学习.
53、To urge or goad to action. ─── 催促或唤起行动
54、A goad, as for prodding cattle. ─── 刺棒赶牲畜用的尖头棒
55、To goad, provoke, or tease. ─── 刺激,激怒,嘲笑
56、One reason for the increase in PKK militancy is to goad the government into a cross-border attack which would, in turn, drain it of its growing support among the Kurds. ─── 工人党不断惹事的一个原因是,它想刺激土耳其政府发动越境袭击,从而反过来使得政府在库尔德人中间失去支持。
57、Goading the fiery-tempered young man throughout the duel, Dooku thought he had the upper hand until Anakin outmaneuvered him. ─── 在整场决斗中,杜库一直在激怒这名脾气急躁的年轻人。他以为自己占了上风,不料阿纳金技高一筹。
58、He had tried everything from persuasion to goading, but Tu Chu-chai was adamant. ─── 他一而再,再而三地,用鼓励,用反激;
59、Out cold, he never saw the final moments of the duel, where Anakin killed an unarmed Dooku in cold blood at the Chancellor's goading. ─── 他没能看到对决的结局:安纳金在议长的命令下,冷血地杀死了已缴械的杜库。
60、They goad him into doing it by saying he is a coward. ─── 他们说他是个胆小鬼,以此刺激他去做这事。
61、But its latest offensive against a Taliban chieftain in North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), launched last week in response to unprecedented public goading by America, looks painfully serious. ─── 但是,受美国前所未有的公开刺激,促使巴军上周主动进攻西北边境省的一个塔利班头目,此事看上去很严肃,也很令人苦恼。
62、I suggested that he was goading me to see whether an intoxicated diplomat could keep his numbers straight. ─── 我说,他是在刺激我,想看看一个醉酒的外交家能否保持清醒。
63、Through an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages, the paper predicts trerd of its development, which can be goad reference to the decision making in the course of implementing enterprise strategies. ─── 所以要在宏观实证研究的基础上,了解我国在此产业上的优势与差距,进而预见出此产业的发展方向,从而制定出适应我国具体情况下产业的发展政策,为企业自身的战略管理奠定基础。
64、They goad Jack to go back inside to be with his family. ─── 他们劝杰克不要冲动,返回反恐组去与家人团聚。
65、He was only too goad to help you . ─── 他只是太高兴了,不愿帮助你。
66、He tried to goad me into playing a match with him by taunting me and saying that I was a terrible player. ─── 他故意说我球打得很差, 想用激将法使我同意和他比赛。
67、Stop goading him on. ─── 不要再刺激他。
68、One difficult but essential thing to remember is to refuse to let other people's bad manners goad you into retaliating in kind. ─── 不容易做到却很重要的一件事,就是不要对别人的无礼举止以牙还牙。
69、They were placed in a small pit and a referee irritated their sensitive antennae to goad them into attacking one and another. ─── 它们被放在一个小罐子里,裁判逗弄它们敏感的胡须去激怒它们互相攻击。
70、Some people think the year of Goad is a jinx. ─── 人们普遍认为羊年不吉利。
71、one that acts as a provocative stimulus; a goad ─── 刺激令人振奋的刺激物;激励
72、"It means that when a ruler's subjects get it they turn distraught, when they lose it they turn distraught. That is what is meant by saying favour and disgrace goad as it were to madness." ─── " 得之若惊, 失之若惊; 是谓宠辱若惊."
73、I don't want our management to believe that they are the chosen people, goading a gang of ignorant subordinates to attain something remarkable. ─── 我不希望我们的管理阶层认为自己是上帝派遣来的选民,领导着一群无知的属下去成就了不起的功业。
74、The only person whose praise matters is another programmer.Less-talented programmers will idolize them;evenly matched ones will challenge and goad one another; ─── 从软件分发中获得报酬,或者为随不需要的软件一起分发而支付报酬,这种方式促使产生了更多不需要的软件。
75、Anakin continued to hold his own alone, urged to the offensive by Palpatine's goading. ─── 阿纳金单枪匹马,在帕尔帕廷的煽动下占据了上风。
76、I suggested that he was goading me to see whether an intoxicated diplomat could keep his numbers straight. ─── 我说,他是在挑逗我,想看看一个喝醉酒的外交家是否神志还清醒。
77、2. Stop goading the poor beast ! ─── 别再驱赶那可怜的动物了!
78、They goad him Into do It by saying he is a coward ─── 他们说他是个胆小鬼,以此刺激他去做这事
79、“The situation is so disgraceful and intractable that it requires constant attention and goading,” Harkin said. ─── “目前的形势非常窘迫、棘手,必须时刻关注并采取有力措施,”哈金说。
80、Although the innkeeper was warm, we guessed that his real goad was to get more money ─── 尽管客栈老板很热情,但我们猜想他的真正目的是为了得到更多的钱。
81、to instigate; to abet; to egg sb. on; to set sb. on; to put up to; to seduce sb. from (or into); to goad on ─── 唆使
82、"He's just goading his team to play," Jackson said Thursday. "They're going to compete without a doubt." ─── “他不过是想借此激励自己球员的求胜欲望罢了,他们无疑会抵抗到底。”禅师在周2说道。
83、If you keep goading her with those insults she may turn nasty. ─── 假如你继续用这种污辱的话刺激她,她可能变得很难对付。
84、Some MPs who opposed reform voted for the most extreme version on offer, calculating that this was the best way to goad the Lords into opposing it. ─── 一部分反对改革的议员选择极端的表决方案,以此激怒贵族,从而阻止整个上议院改革计划。
85、Stop goading the poor beast! ─── 别再驱赶那可怜的动物了!
86、50. Parents often try to goad their children into studying hard by using the teenager heroes in the past. ─── 家长们常试图用以往时代的少年英雄来激励孩子努力学习。
87、goad with spurs, as of horses when riding. ─── 当马跑的时候,用刺激物刺激。
88、A goading, provoking, or teasing remark or act. ─── 剌激性言行刺激的、激励的、嘲笑的言论或行为
89、goad or provoke,as by constant criticism. ─── 使用持续的批评驱策或者激怒。
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