diplomatically 发音
英:[,dɪplə'mætɪkli] 美:[ˌdɪpləˈmætɪkli]
英: 美:
diplomatically 中文意思翻译
diplomatically 网络释义
adv. 在外交上;靠外交途径;圆滑地;婉转地
diplomatically 同义词
cautiously | discreetly | sensitively | subtly |tactfully
diplomatically 反义词
diplomatically 短语词组
1、diplomatically def ─── 外交上的定义
2、diplomatically put ─── 外交地说
3、diplomatically rum ─── 外交朗姆酒
4、diplomatically define ─── 外交定义
5、diplomatically mean ─── 外交上刻薄
6、diplomatically syn ─── 联合外交官
7、diplomatically dictionary english ─── 外交辞典英语
diplomatically 相似词语短语
1、idiomatically ─── adv.惯用地;使用惯用语句
2、undiplomatically ─── 毫不费力地
3、diplomatic body ─── 外交使团
4、diplomatical ─── 外交的
5、unidiomatically ─── 单向的
6、symptomatically ─── 有症状地;有代表性地;根据症状;对症治疗
7、achromatically ─── 消色差
8、dilemmatically ─── 进退两难
9、aplanatically ─── 平坦地
diplomatically 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A diplomat must act according to circumstances. ─── 一个外交家应随机应变。
2、He started his official career as a diplomat. ─── 他从当外交官起开始了他的从政生涯。
3、He served his country as a diplomat. ─── 他以外交官的身份为国家服务。
4、His job as a diplomat is a blind for his spy. ─── 他担任外交官的职务是为了给他的间谍身分打掩护。
5、Send this memorandum to that diplomat. ─── 你把这个节略交给那位外交官。
6、On August 7th Georgian and South Ossetian officials were due to have direct talks facilitated by a Russian diplomat. ─── 8月7日,格鲁吉亚和南奥塞梯官员在俄国外交人员调停下举行会谈。
7、He tells the artist diplomatically that his ugly picture be "unusual". ─── 他圆滑地对画家说,他那张难看的画很"独特"
8、Diplomatically, we were not badly off. ─── 从外交上说,我们境况不错。
9、The speech of a senior diplomat by eavesdrop. ─── 一位高级外交官的话语被窃听。
10、He served hist country as a diplomat. ─── 军人为国家服务。
11、US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has opened her first trip to the Middle East as America's top diplomat. ─── 作为美国高层外交人员,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿开始了她对中东的第一次访问。
12、His job as a diplomat is just a screen for his life as a spy. ─── 他做外交官的工作只不过是间谍生涯的一种掩护。
13、Did the incident take place in a diplomatically sensitive area? ─── 事件发生地点是个敏感区域。外交上界定不明确。
14、As soon as he left his table, a foreign diplomat gra ed his cho ticks as a historical souvenir. ─── 他刚一离开桌子,一名国外的外交人员就抓起了他的筷子,把它作为了具有历史意义的纪念品。
15、He tell the artist diplomatically that his ugly picture is very "special". ─── 他圆滑地对画家说,他那张难看的画很“独特”。
16、"I was hired by a Saudi diplomat directly from the Philippines to work in London in 1989. ─── “我是1989年由一位沙特外交官直接从菲律宾雇到伦敦来工作的。
17、A diplomat must be well informed about political situations. ─── 一个外交官对政局必须十分了解。
18、More than a messenger, though, Hermes was a diplomat and an ambassador and was often believed to be a bringer of peace. ─── 但赫尔墨斯不仅仅是个报信神,他也是外交家和大使,并且常常被认为能带来和平。
19、As a diplomat, he is a round peg in a square hole. ─── 他当外交官,不合其位。
20、But others perceived him as an intelligent, poised and polite diplomat. ─── 但另外还有一些人把他看成是聪明,稳重而彬彬有礼的外交官。
21、You act as a diplomat and harmonizer between people with differing viewpoints. ─── 在人们之间,你就应该像一个外交大使一样,见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话。
22、(They answered, diplomatically, that the speech was not intended to single out China and that China should not take offense to criticism). ─── 后者以外交辞令回答说,希拉里的讲话并非针对中国,中国不应当为批评意见而觉得恼火。
23、I really like their sound, although I'm not crazy about their lyrics," he says, diplomatically. ─── 我非常喜欢他们的声音,但不太喜欢他们的歌词,”他很圆滑地说。
24、A western diplomat with access to intelligence in Islamabad explains the limitations of a hi-tech manhunt. ─── 一位在伊斯兰堡有情报来源的西方外交官解释了高科技搜捕的局限性。
25、Turning the taps off completely has “backfired” badly on Russia, says a diplomat. ─── 一位外交官表示,完全关闭天然气输送的阀门使俄罗斯引火上身。
26、Former Secretary of State James A.Baker III took issue with Ms.Rice's refusal to engage Syria diplomatically. ─── 前国务卿贝克质疑赖斯,为何拒绝以外交手段与叙利亚往来。
27、In all the delicate negotiations, the diplomat never put a foot wrong. ─── 在微妙的谈判中,这位外交家从未出过差错。
28、Chiang scurried diplomatically, making concessions to Moscow in the hope of being allowed at least to partition Manchuria. ─── 蒋急忙在外交上作出让步,希望至少能够与中共共同占领满洲。
29、But one Western diplomat says that “rapprochement with Armenia is on its last legs. ─── 不过一位西方的外交官说:“向亚美尼亚示好,土耳其真是黔驴技穷了。”
30、A diplomat from another country calls its disappearance “great for the rest of us”. ─── 但是一个国家的外交官却表示,计划的取消对其他人是个好事。
31、Aboard the Thief's Eye, with minimal retinue, Katuunko arrived on the coral moon of Rugosa to await his Jedi diplomat. ─── 乘坐“贼之眼”号,卡图恩克带领极少的扈从抵达了珊瑚卫星鲁戈萨,等待着他的绝地外交官。
32、Come along in, and have some lunch," he said, diplomatically, "and we'll talk it over." ─── 进来,吃点午饭吧,”他圆滑地说,“我们好好谈谈。”
33、His proposal was roundly dismissed as being diplomatically unsound as well as physically impossible. ─── 但这个建议被完全驳了下来,理由是这不但在外交上无法接受,在实际操作上也不可能。
34、He is a diplomat of great eclat. ─── 他是个声望显赫的外交家。
35、Galbraith, the tall, iconoclastic economist, diplomat and adviser to Democrat leaders from John F. ─── 他身材高大,并不是人们一般印象中的经济学家。
36、He remained in politics, cavorting around Europe with his wife as a diplomat to Spain, until the age of 75. ─── 他依然留在政坛,作为派驻西班牙的外交官,带着他的妻子周游欧洲、尽情享受,直到75岁。
37、A good and qualified diplomat should not be consid-ered a loose cannon. ─── 一位够水平的外交官,不会毫不克制的直言不讳。
38、The unsociable person is hardly fit for a diplomat. ─── 不擅社交的人几乎不适合作外交家。
39、J. B.Conant(1893-1978), a famous American chemist, diplomat andeducationist. ─── J·B·科南特(James Bryant Conant 1893- 1978)是美国著名科学家、外交家和教育家。
40、But he protested so diplomatically that even Taiwan's IOC member can't hold a grudge. ─── 但他抗议的方式极富策略性,连台湾的IOC委员也无话可说。
41、A shrewd diplomat must be a master of finesse. ─── 一个精明的外交官必定是位手腕高手。
42、A Libyan diplomat declined to comment. ─── 利比亚外交官对此不予置评。
43、"We will urge them all to do something," said one American diplomat. ─── 一位美国外交官说:“我们要敦促他们都来做点事情。”
44、He was a career diplomat,having served in a number of posts throughout the Western world. ─── 他是个职业外交家,在西方世界许多地方任过职。
45、He tell the artist diplomatically that his ugly picture is "unusual". ─── 他很有策略地告诉那个艺术家他的那幅难看的画是“不寻常的”。
46、Because she chose the diplomat. ─── 因为她选中的是外交官。”
47、A good diplomat generates good will. ─── 一名优秀的外交官可带来善意。
48、Partition, sighs one diplomat, is “the love that dares not speak its name”. ─── 一名外交官叹息道,分裂是“一种不敢唤名之爱”。
49、The city was named for diplomat and general, William Eaton of Connecticut. ─── 其名字来源于康涅狄格州的一个叫威廉?伊顿的外交官和将军。
50、And far from isolating Britain diplomatically, the vision is shared by another big EU player and aspiring leader of any core: France. ─── 不仅仅只在外交上孤立英国,前景由另一个重要的欧盟玩家,任何集团里的有抱负的领导人决定:法国。
51、"It's important to keep the best manager and best players at the club," Cech says diplomatically. ─── “把最好的教练和最好的球员留在俱乐部里很重要,”切赫巧妙地回答道。
52、Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Tuesday that the incident involving the USNS Victorious will be addressed diplomatically. ─── 五角大厦发言人惠特曼星期二说,这一涉及美国海军监测船胜利号的事件将通过外交途径解决。
53、Russia has lately decided to expel a US diplomat from its land, . ─── 俄国最近驱逐了一名美国外交官。
54、He is a diplomat of distinction. ─── 他是一位卓越的外交官。
55、Diplomatically, India has also started to matter more. ─── 在外交方面,印度开始展示出更大的影响力。
56、A high-ranking US diplomat was among the officials at talks on Iran's nuclear program. ─── 在本次关于伊朗核计划的会谈官员中有一位美国高职位的外交官。
57、A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell and make you feel happy to be on your way. ─── "外交官是这样一种人,他能让你愉快地下地狱。"
58、A diplomat went to see U.S. President Lincoln, and found out that the great man was polishing his shoes. ─── 一个外交官去见林肯时,发现他正在刷鞋。
59、They had to ransom the kidnapped diplomat. ─── 他们不得不赎回被绑架的外交官。
60、A diplomat is invited to give a talk in the auditorium this afternoon. ─── 今天下午一位外交官应邀在礼堂做报告.
61、A senior European diplomat at the opening ceremony ridiculed that timescale. ─── 一名欧洲高级外交官员在开幕仪式上对未来的三十年自嘲了一番:“中国在研发上投入了大笔金钱,其科技价值链得到了快速的提升。
62、"The Polish problem is ethically and practically more difficult than Afghanistan," said one British diplomat. ─── 一位英国外交官说:“无论从道义上还是从实际上说,波兰问题都要比阿富汗问题难办。
63、Person who is the highest level of diplomat represent his country in another country. ─── 在一国代表另一个国家的最高级别的外交家。
64、He was China's most widely travelled senior diplomat. ─── 他是中国到过地方最多的高级外交家。
65、As he is a diplomat , he comes in contact with many people. ─── 因为他是个外交官,所以和很多人接触。
66、He tells the artist diplomatically that his ugly picture be"unusual". ─── 他圆滑地对画家说,他那张难看的画很"独特"
67、His mother came from Ecuador; his father was the son of a Chinese diplomat in Washington. ─── 他母亲来自厄瓜多尔,父亲则是中国派驻华盛顿的一名外交官的儿子。
68、As soon as he left his table, a foreign diplomat grabbed his chopsticks as a historical souvenir. ─── 他刚一离开桌子,一名国外的外交人员就抓起了他的筷子,把它作为了具有历史意义的纪念品。
69、A diplomat with plenary powers. ─── 具有极权的外交家
70、He told the artist diplomatically that his ugly picture was "unusual". ─── 他圆滑地对画家说,他那张难看的画很"独特"。
71、M"It is unsafe and dangerous behaviour and it needs to be addressed" diplomatically, Mr Whitman said. ─── “(中方)此举是危险的,应该慎重处理此事”,惠特曼用典型的外交口吻说道。
72、As a diplomat, he is not subject to local laws. ─── 作为外交官,他不受当地法律约束。
73、He said: “We will be developing a way forward to deal with this diplomatically. ─── 他说:“我们将会创造一种方法来通过外交手段处理这类事件。”
74、Beset with embarrassing questions at the press conference, the diplomat tried to laugh off his predicament. ─── 在记者招待会上,这位外交官给一些难题弄得很尴尬,只好以笑声加以掩饰。
75、A top U.S. diplomat was asked during an interview on CNN if the Serbian government "gets" the warning. ─── 一位美国最高级别的外交官在接收CNN采访时被问及塞方是否接到了这个警告。
76、If diplomatically phrased, no one side will be held culpable. ─── 即使使用外交辞令,任何一方都将不应受到谴责。
77、He has capabilities as a diplomat. ─── 他有当外交官的资质。
78、The country remained diplomatically isolated. ─── 这个国家在外交上仍然是孤立的。
79、Facing the unprecedented ocean crisis, Tuo Hunbu actively disposed the costal defense of Shan Dong.He diplomatically placated the navies of Britain. ─── 在这次空前严重的海疆危机中,山东巡抚托浑布积极布防,使战前已经废弛的山东海防得到了改观。
80、The meeting shows that China wants to get to know them better, but that's still a far cry from recognizing them diplomatically, " He said. " ─── 此次会晤表明中国愿意更加深入的了解利比亚反对派,但离从外交上承认利比亚反对派还言之尚早。
81、He was a diplomat skilled at communicating with foreigners. ─── 他善于与外国人打交道。
82、Did the incident take place in a diplomatically sensitive area? ─── 事件发生地点是个敏感区域。外交上界定不明确。
83、He is a diplomat with plenary powers. ─── 他是一位具有极权的外交家。
84、However, although he taught people hypocrisy, he was actually a thinker and diplomat with political honesty. ─── 事实上,教导别人虚伪的他,却是一位富有政治诚信原则的思想家、外交家。
85、In truth, MEPs mainly “represent themselves”, claims a senior diplomat, “not the people”. ─── 事实上,引用一位高级外交官的话,议员们主要“代表他们自己而非人民。”
86、Simply make your point once diplomatically and then enter into a constructive dialogue with your customer. ─── 你把自己的观点作一次简单陈述后,就与客户进入到有建设性意义的对话中去。
87、Mary used to be a diplomat, but now she works in a company. ─── 以前是外交官,但现在在公司工作。
88、He's a U.S. diplomat assigned to the embassy in London. ─── 他是美国驻伦敦大使馆的一名外交官。
89、As a diplomat, you have to pick your words at a press conference. ─── 作为一位外交官, 在记者招待会上必须措词谨慎。
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