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09-04 投稿



fenced 发音

英:[fenst]  美:[fenst]

英:  美:

fenced 中文意思翻译



fenced 词性/词形变化,fenced变形

动词现在分词: fencing |动词过去分词: fenced |动词过去式: fenced |动词第三人称单数: fences |名词: fencer |

fenced 短语词组

1、fenced off ─── 栅栏隔开

2、fenced in ─── 用栅栅围起来

fenced 相似词语短语

1、fence ─── n.栅栏;围墙;剑术;vt.防护;用篱笆围住;练习剑术;vi.击剑;搪塞;围以栅栏;跳过栅栏

2、fended ─── vt.谋生;保护;挡开;供养;vi.照料;供养;力争

3、-enced ─── 恩塞德

4、fences ─── n.栅栏(fence的复数);围墙;剑术;v.用篱笆围住;舞剑(fence的三单形式)

5、refenced ─── 参考

6、fencers ─── n.击剑者;剑术家;(澳)篱笆匠

7、fencer ─── n.击剑者;剑术家;(澳)篱笆匠

8、unfenced ─── 没有防御的

9、-tenced ─── 腾讯

fenced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And he built fenced cities in Judah: for the land had rest, and he had no war in those years; because the LORD had given him rest. ─── 又在犹大建造了几座坚固城。国中太平数年,没有战争,因为耶和华赐他平安。

2、And Bethnimrah, and Bethharan, fenced cities: and folds for sheep. ─── 伯宁拉,伯哈兰,都是坚固城。他们又垒羊圈。

3、Each has a snug mezzanine area and an antler-fenced balcony about eight metres above ground. ─── 每个房间都有一个舒适的夹层区域和一个离地约八米的鹿角围栏阳台。

4、And ye shall smite every fenced city, and every choice city, and shall fell every good tree, and stop all wells of water, and mar every good piece of land with stones. ─── 你们必攻破一切坚城美邑,砍伐各种佳树,塞住一切水泉,用石头糟踏一切美田。

5、He fenced with his new sword. ─── 他用新剑来击剑。

6、He schemed and fenced remarkably well. ─── 他运筹帷幄和能言善辩的能力都是十分突出的。

7、NOT FENCED stored procedures have no impact on this configuration parameter, since they do not run within the db2fmp process. ─── NOTFENCED存储过程不受这个配置参数影响,因为它们不在db2fmp进程中运行。

8、He stood up and crouched, and fenced with his hands. ─── 他站起身,屈膝半蹲,向前伸出双手护卫。

9、In most instances, isoprene emission from ACSP is higher than fenced plot, and heavy grazed plot higher than moderated grazed plot. ─── 多数情况下,异戊二烯排放通量的测定结果为羊草样地高于封育样地、过度放牧样地高于适度放牧样地。

10、off-street parking for two vehicles and a fully fenced backyard. ─── 不靠街的够两辆车停泊的停车场所和一个四周都围着栅栏的后院。

11、Neither the Anakim nor fenced cities need daunt or abash you. ─── 不论亚衲人,不论坚固城,都不足以威吓你。

12、And he placed forces in all the fenced cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken. ─── 代下17:2安置军兵在犹大一切坚固城里、又安置防兵在犹大地、和他父亚撒所得以法莲的城邑中。

13、Many Canadian pools are fenced on three sides, with the home forming the fourth side of an enclosure, but this often allows children unrestricted access from the house. ─── 加拿大许多水池三面有栅栏,家形成第四面围墙,但这往往让孩子不受限制出家门。

14、And he set judges in the land throughout all the fenced cities of Judah, city by city, Ia mengangkat juga hakim-hakim di seluruh negeri, yakni di semua kota yang berkubu di Yehuda, di tiap-tiap kota. ─── 他又在犹大遍地的坚固城里,一城一城的设立审判官,

15、Each living district in the city is fenced in / round with elms. ─── 城内每个生活区的四周用榆树修成篱笆。

16、And the fenced cities are Ziddim, Zer, and Hammath, Rakkath, and Chinnereth, ─── 35坚固的城就是,西丁,侧耳,哈末,拉甲,基尼烈,

17、The King was fenced by a group of bodyguards. ─── 国王由一群卫兵簇拥著保卫起来。

18、Zhou Xingmin,Zhang Songlin.Change state of community structure and biomass in fenced area of Kobresia humilis meadows[J].Acta Biological Plateau Sinica,1986,(5):1-6. ─── [6]周兴民,张松林.矮嵩草草甸在封育条件下群落结构和生物量变化的初步观察[J].高原生物学集刊,1986,(5):1-6.

19、The lions in the park are safely fenced in. ─── 公园里的狮子牢牢地关在铁栅栏里。

20、He cleverly fenced with the question. ─── 他巧妙地避开该问题。

21、Db2fmp is a fenced mode process. ─── db 2 fmp是一个受防护的进程。

22、The farmer fenced in his garden . ─── 农夫将他的花园用篱笆围起。

23、By 1890 most of the private range land had been fenced with barbed wire. ─── 到1890年私人牧场都已被铁丝网围了起来。

24、You can set your creations to stationary as if they were statues, put them in fenced zones like a zoo, or let them run wild like a safari. ─── 你可以把你的生物设置成静止,就像雕像那样。也可以把它们放在围栏里,那样像个动物园。或者让他们乱跑,像个游猎场那样。

25、"Your navel is like a round goblet Which never lacks mixed wine; Your belly is like a heap of wheat Fenced about with lilies. ─── 你的肚脐如圆杯不缺调和的酒.你的腰如一堆麦子、周围有百合花。

26、The transformers shall be provided with 200 mm thick fire rated wall on three sides and shall be fenced with lockable access gate separate for each transformer. ─── 变压器的3面应该设置200厚的防火墙,同时每个变压器应分别设置带锁的通道门。

27、Formers fenced their fields . ─── 农人用篱笆把田地围起来。

28、A fenced area, usually near a stable, used chiefly for grazing horses. ─── 围场:被围起来的地区,通常靠近牲畜厩,主要用来牧马。

29、If your federated server is a partitioned database, the fenced mode execution takes better advantage of parallelism. ─── 如果联邦服务器是一个分区数据库,那么隔离模式可以更好地利用并行。

30、My room was small and looked out on a narrow courtyard, with the result that I always felt fenced in. ─── 我的房间很小,看出去是个很窄的庭院,致使我总觉得自己被困在栅栏中一样。

31、Like it or not, Mexico sends hundreds of thousands of its citizens north across its (heavily patrolled and fenced) border every year. ─── 不管美国人愿意与否,墨西哥每年都有成千上万的人越过北部边境(戒备森严,遍布隔离带的边境)。

32、The front yard will be fenced with a white gate. ─── 前院将用一个带白色大门的篱笆墙围起来。

33、Your navel is a round goblet That never lacks mixed wine; Your belly is a heap of wheat, Fenced in by lilies. ─── 2你的肚脐如圆杯,不缺调和的酒;你的肚腹如一堆麦子,周围有百合花。

34、Umbrellas in hands, talking to one another and laughing, they passed a long down slope fenced with horizontal stone plates since early years, and soon disappeared into the high streets and back lanes. ─── 他们撑着雨伞,一路说说笑笑,通过一段早年间用横石片插起的长长的下坡路,不多时便纷纷消失在城市的大街小巷中。

35、a barred room or fenced enclosure for confining prisoners ─── 一个关住的房间或用栅栏围住的围墙,用于限制犯人的活动

36、Same as mean couple Lau &Mrs.X, on public holidays and sundays, Wong also let their dogs in the fenced up gov't place.As you see they have the same idea to disturb neighbours from time to time. ─── 同狗男女一样,爱违法及讲大话的黄氏又在五一黄金周放狗到隔离个政府土地上滋扰出入的邻居.基本上无放上网不等同无记录证据,只不过给他机会重犯.

37、The greatest challenge would be to provide them with large, securely fenced areas that have appropriate habitat and prey animals. ─── 亦可促进生态旅游,让牧场主人有另一种获益选项,否则很多牧场主人常常收入拮据;

38、He smote the Philistines as far as Gaza, and all their borders, from the tower of the watchmen to the fenced city. ─── 又击败了培肋舍特人,直追到迦萨,佔领了他们的土地,攻取了守望台和坚城。

39、She felt fenced in by domestic routine. ─── 她感到被日常家务束缚住了。

40、Such trees should be tagged, numbered, photographed and fenced. ─── 为树木加上标签及编号,并拍照及以篱笆围绕。

41、The Sinhalese army fenced it in with barbed wire and bombed it. ─── 僧伽罗人的军队用带刺铁丝网将其围个水泄不通,尔后大举轰炸。

42、She felt fenced in by domestic routine ─── 她觉得自己完全被家务事束缚住了。

43、It was already late in the afternoon, but the small fenced-in area was full of the children's high-pitched activity. ─── 下午很晚了,但栅栏里面的小小区域里孩子们玩得热火朝天。

44、They are fenced around as long as they are very young;otherwise cattle destroy them. ─── 只要它们还很幼小,就必须用篱笆围住。

45、And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited. ─── 他们必说,这先前为荒废之地,现在成如伊甸园。这荒废凄凉,毁坏的城邑现在坚固有人居住。

46、The farm is fenced round with elms ─── 农场周围种着榆种。

47、Motorists need not fear running down the animals: they will only be allowed to munch the grass in roadside areas fenced off from traffic. ─── 各位司机不必担心在马路上撞上这些驴子:它们被用栅栏隔开,只能割路旁的草.

48、The tigers in the park are safely fenced in. ─── 公园里的老虎被妥善地关在栅笼里。

49、The habitat of Alabai is not enclosed, cause the traditional Turkmenian settlement has no fenced yards, and the dogs walk quite free in the territory. ─── 中亚牧羊犬的生活环境毫不局限,因为传统的土库曼斯坦殖民地上没有带栅栏的院子,所以这些犬只在这片土地上非常的自由。

50、Now in the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah did Sennacherib king of Assyria come up against all the fenced cities of Judah,took them. ─── 13希西家王十四年,亚述王西拿基立上来攻击犹大的一切坚固城,将城攻取。

51、But the goalie fenced it out. ─── 可惜守门员将球挡出球门。

52、They fenced the seedbeds from the north wind. ─── 他们为苗床筑篱挡住北风。

53、After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennache***b king of Assy***a came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself. ─── 1这虔诚的事以后,亚述王西拿基立来侵入犹大,围困一切坚固城,想要攻破占据。

54、He fenced off the blow. ─── 他挡开了这一击。

55、The King has been fenced around with bodyguards since he became King. ─── 国王自从登基以来一直受到警卫的严密保护。

56、It stands on a sloping road which is fenced in by iron railings ─── 它位于一条用铁栏杆围住的斜坡路上。

57、The site should be boarded or fenced off wherever possible. ─── 可能的情况下,该网站应被扩展版面或用专栏分开。

58、Turn up late and the soldiers will bar the way and you will never see Kampyr-Tepe, just the plain around pitted with pill-boxes and fenced with barbed wire. ─── 太晚到的话,士兵会将道路封锁,你就看不到Kampyr-Tepe,只能看见被一座座碉堡佔据和铁丝网围住的平原。

59、His land was fenced with barbed wire. ─── 他的土地用铁丝网围著。

60、You can set your creations to stationary as if they were statues, put them in fenced zones like a zoo, or let them run wild like a safari. ─── 你可以把你的生物设置成静止,就像雕像那样。也可以把它们放在围栏里,那样像个动物园。或者让他们乱跑,像个游猎场那样。

61、The farm is fenced in with elms. ─── 农场周围榆树成篱。

62、A pen that is fenced so that young animals can enter but adults cannot. ─── 仅供幼小牲畜出入而大牲畜不能的围栏。

63、His land is fenced with barbed wire . ─── 他的土地由铁丝网围着。

64、He felt fenced in by domesticity, by his nine-to-five daily routine, by the social demands of suburban living ─── 他感到受家庭琐事、9点至5点的日常工作以及郊区生活的社交需要的束缚。

65、A few little chicks were passing back and forth through the narrow gaps in the paling that fenced a small vegetable garden. ─── 几只小鸡崽从围住小菜畦的篱笆缝里钻进钻出。

66、And he took the fenced cities which pertained to Judah, and came to Jerusalem. ─── 他攻取了犹大的坚固城,就来到耶路撒冷。

67、A large FENCED YARD is critical to the well being of your Doberman. ─── 一个大而封闭的场地,非常利于你的杜宾保持良好的状态。

68、Welded Wire Mesh serves as guards in buildings and factories, as animal enclosure and wire mesh fenc... ─── 发布者:苏贤所在地:河北石家庄市行业:礼品、工艺品、饰品职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

69、His land is fenced with barbed wire. ─── 他的地都用带刺的铁丝网围了起来。

70、And he dealt wisely, and dispersed of all his children throughout all the count***es of Judah and Benjamin, unto every fenced city: and he gave them victual in abundance.And he desired many wives. ─── 23罗波安办事精明,使他众子分散在犹大和便雅悯全地各坚固城里,又赐他们许多粮食,为他们多寻妻子。

71、In such cases an observation booth, platform, or fenced area should be provided for the purpose. ─── 为此必须提供一个观察棚、看台或围篱区。

72、Characteristics of the soil seed bank and the seedling bank in fenced sandy meadow ─── 围封沙质草甸土壤种子库与幼苗库的特征

73、You should have been fenced off from the river with a high wall. ─── 你本该用高墙把河水挡住。

74、Unauthorized entry into such fenced areas is strictly prohibited on safety grounds. ─── 为安全计,任何人士如未经许可,严禁进入围栏范围。

75、By the end of 1990, the total area of fenced grassland had reached 183,000 hectares, while 161,000 hectares were under irrigation. Rats, pests and virulent plants have been kept under control over 1.187 million hectares of grassland. ─── 到1990年底,全区草场围栏面积达18.3万公顷,草场灌溉面积16.1万公顷,灭鼠、灭虫、灭毒草面积118.7万公顷。

76、He fenced in his land. ─── 他在自己的土地周围围起了栅栏。

77、The two racing drivers fenced for a chance to gain the lead. ─── 两个赛车手伺机竞相领先。

78、He felt fenced in by domesticity, by his nine-to-five daily routine, by the social demands of urban living. ─── 他觉得自己被家庭生活,被朝九晚五的日常工作,被城市的各种居住需求限制住了。

79、The place was not fenced properly: the role of warning protection was played by the two-meter piece of a striped tape lying on the ground. ─── 这个地方没有很好地进行保护:警告标志仅仅是放在地上的一条2米长的条纹带。

80、The King was fenced by a group of body guards. ─── 国王由一群卫兵簇拥着保卫起来。

81、In most instances,(isoprene) emission from ACSP is higher than fenced plot,and heavy grazed plot higher than moderated grazed plot. ─── 多数情况下,异戊二烯排放通量的测定结果为羊草样地高于封育样地、过度放牧样地高于适度放牧样地。

82、And David said to Abishai, Now shall Sheba the son of Bichri do us more harm than did Absalom: take thou thy lord's servants, and pursue after him, lest he get him fenced cities, and escape us. ─── 大卫对亚比筛说、现在恐怕比基利的儿子示巴加害于我们、比押沙龙更甚.你要带领你主的仆人追赶他、免得他得了坚固城、躲避我们。

83、For year round unfenced grazing land,the total above ground biomass,overall vegetation coverage,and average plant height were all lower than for fenced land. ─── 在全年放牧草地中,地上总生物量、植被总覆盖度、植被平均高度等指标均低于围栏内的草地。

84、The farmer fenced his land with wire. ─── 农场主用铁丝把他的土地围了起来。

85、Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews. ─── 你以皮和肉为衣、给我穿上、用骨与筋、把我全体联络。

86、There can be no friendship where is no freedom. Friendship loves a free air, and will not be fenced up in straight and narrow enclosures. ─── 没有自由就没有友谊。友谊喜爱自由的空气,不愿被限制在齐整而狭窄的围栏内。

87、But anyone with a single family house and a fenced backyard could keep as many as 16 chickens and 8 rabbits. ─── 但是,任何只有一个家庭房屋和一个有篱笆的后院的人,可以养殖多大16只鸡和8只兔子。

88、In the Northwest of Canada and the US, the wild herds of bison (buffalo), antelope and deer have been replaced primarily with fenced acres and cattle, except in the parklands. ─── 在加拿大的西北部和美国,野牛群(大水牛)和羚羊及鹿群基本上被栅栏围住的大片田地和家养牲畜所取代,除了在温带的草木区。

89、His property is fenced with barbed wire. ─── 他的房地产四周围有带刺的铁丝网。

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