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09-04 投稿



dismounting 发音

英:[dɪsˈmaʊntɪŋ]  美:[dɪsˈmaʊntɪŋ]

英:  美:

dismounting 中文意思翻译



dismounting 反义词


dismounting 词性/词形变化,dismounting变形

动词过去分词: dismounted |动词过去式: dismounted |形容词: dismountable |动词现在分词: dismounting |动词第三人称单数: dismounts |

dismounting 短语词组

1、dismounting older atv tire from rim video ─── 从rim视频中拆卸旧的atv轮胎

2、dismounting dnd ─── 拆卸dnd

3、dismounting games ─── 下马游戏

4、dismounting def ─── 拆卸def

5、dismounting tire ─── 拆卸轮胎

6、dismounting mean ─── 拆卸平均值

7、dismounting 5e ─── 拆卸5e

dismounting 同义词

get down | descend | unhorse | alight | light | get off

dismounting 相似词语短语

1、disjointing ─── v.打散;拆开;(使)关节脱离;adj.不连贯的;(两个集合)不相交的

2、miscounting ─── v.数错,算错;n.数错,误算

3、disanointing ─── vt.不再把…奉为神明;取消神圣尊号

4、discounting ─── v.打折扣;对……不予考虑(discount的现在分词)

5、demounting ─── n.拆卸;分解;v.分解(demount的ing形式)

6、discanting ─── n.多声部音乐;高音部(等于descant);adj.(一组乐器中的)最高音的(等于descant);vi.详论,评论(等于descant)

7、amounting ─── n.数量,数额;总数;(感情、特质的)程度;v.总计,合计;等于,相当于;发展成,变成

8、dry mounting ─── 干式裱贴

9、rediscounting ─── n.再折扣;重贴现票据;vt.再打折扣;重贴现

dismounting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Two of the mountaineers drew their swords and without dismounting hacked him across the head and arms. ─── 他们两人的交锋,没有登山提请全国拆装砍他头部和武器。

2、inlocate forward, body bent with legs straddle dismount to stand ─── 屈体前转肩分腿跳下

3、The mayor of the town came to receive him at the gate of the town, and watched him dismount from his ass, with scandalized eyes. ─── 地方长官来到主教公馆门口迎接他,瞧见他从驴背上下来,觉得有失体统。

4、If you use this option, you are strongly encouraged to explicitly dismount and then mount the database. ─── 如果使用此选项,则强烈建议您明确卸除和装入数据库。

5、Dismount: To leave an apparatus at the end of a routine, usually done with a difficult twist or salto. ─── 下法:结束成套动作后离开器械,通常带有一定难度的转身或空翻。

6、the act of dismounting (a horse or bike etc.) ─── 下来的行为(马或自行车等)

7、The bearing handling tool TMMH from SKF is one such arrangement, which solves most of the problems and facilitates handling, mounting and dismounting bearings on shafts. ─── SKF提供的轴承装卸工具TMMH便是这样一种装置,它解决了大多数的问题,有助于搬运、安装和拆卸轴杆上的轴承。

8、The invention is mainly used for dismounting the BJ type constant velocity universal joint used for the car drive shaft. ─── 本发明主要用于轿车驱动轴用BJ型等速万向节的拆卸。

9、For lightening the intensity of labour for workers we design a kind of high-speed dismount and assemble wheel,and succeeded after practice. ─── 为了减轻维修工人的劳动强度,我们设计了一种装拆方便的皮带轮与轴的连接形式,经过实践获得成功。

10、There is another stone tablet bearing the following words: Dismount, all civil and military officials. ─── 又一块碑石上,刻着“文武官员至此下马”。

11、An adjutant dismounting lifted the soldier up under his arms, and began laying him on a stretcher that came up.The soldier groaned. ─── 一名副官下了马,搀扶起这个士兵,把他放在他面前的担架上,士兵呻吟起来了。

12、This parameter indicates whether the volume should be forced to dismount if open handles exist. ─── 如果存在打开的句柄,此参数表示是否应该强行卸载此卷。

13、Should you be riding on a horse 14 and you spot a walking elder whom you know, you should dismount and pay respect to the elder. ─── 如果你认识的长者在路上走而你刚好是在骑马,就应该下马致敬。

14、If you do an attack within these 6 seconds while dismounting, the attack deals 180% damage and has a 20% chance of stunning the target for 5 seconds. ─── 如果在这6秒里下马攻击目标,此次攻击将获得180%的伤害 同时有20%的机会击晕对方5秒。

15、If bearings are to be used again after removal, the force used to dismount them must never be applied through the rolling elements. ─── 如果拆卸下来的轴承还要再次使用,那么,用于拆卸轴承的力绝对不可通过滚动部件。

16、When the event occurs, the affected storage group automatically goes offline and all databases in the storage group dismount. ─── 当事件发生时,受影响的存储组会自动脱机,该存储组中的所有数据库会卸除。

17、Although generally fighting mounted, lancers can dismount when necessary. On foot, they fight as armoured swordsmen, and make effective infantry. ─── 尽管枪骑兵通常上马作战,但必要时亦会步下厮杀,此时他们即成为精锐重装剑士部队。

18、GP: If you dismount over the void do you simply die? If so, how do you get back to your corpse? ─── 如果在虚空下马,你会单纯只是死掉吗?如果死掉,你如何找回尸体呢?

19、to get down,as from a vehicle or horse; dismount ─── 下来,如下车或下马;减少

20、Don' t dismount here. ─── 不要在这下车。

21、The utility model relates to a rod maker with a repairable screw of a dismounting free sleeve adopted in charcoal making equipment. ─── 本实用新型涉及机制木炭设备中一种免拆套筒可修复螺杆的制棒机。

22、To get down, as from a vehicle or horse; dismount. ─── 下马,下车下来,如下车或下马;减少

23、Where operating conditions necessitate interference fits and it is essential that mounting and dismounting can be done easily, separable bearings, or bearings with a tapered bore may be used. ─── 在运行状况要求过盈配合,同时需要安装与拆卸方便的情况下,可以使用可分离型轴承,或带有圆锥孔的轴承。

24、The time of carrying out dismounting procedure should depends on the temperature. ─── 具体时间依据施工当时的气温情况而定。

25、Dual neglect have reached more than 30 percent, blood less than 15 million objects by loaded, dismount Edge protection had improperly, the basic one that is inverted red! ─── 双忽视都达到了30%多,血不到15万的物减装,下马过边防护不当的,基本一冲即倒!

26、It is equipped with butterfly valve. If necessary, dismount the valve and clean it. ─── * 特制无死角易清洗出料蝶阀,必要时亦可以拆卸清洗。

27、Shes getting better. She has not been sticking her dismount, though. ─── 她愈来愈进步。可是她下鞍马之后落地不稳。

28、small size, light weight, easily operation, safe use and simple dismounting to move. ─── 体积小、重量轻,极易操作,使用安全,拆装移动简便。

29、Retaining the rolling elements, where bearings are of a separable design and one bearing ring is removed during mounting or dismounting. ─── 分离型轴承在安装或拆卸过程中一个轴承套圈被取下的情况下,保持滚动体。

30、he returned, dismounting, and slinging his bridle on a hook by the door. 'And nip up the corner of your apron: I'm certain you'll need it. ─── 他回嘴,下了马,把他的马缰吊在门边的钩上。“把你的围裙角捏起来吧:我断定你一定用得着。”

31、Should I be riding a horse48 and spot an elder I know walking, I will dismount and pay respect to the elder. ─── 当我正骑在马上,在路上遇到我认识的长者,我应该下马跟长者致敬。

32、Jumping while mounted will now automatically dismount you. ─── 在骑乘状态下跳跃将使你脱离骑乘状态。

33、It will dismount the database while the move is occurring. ─── 在移动过程中,还将卸除数据库。

34、If you reach the maximum of 100 percent, the database will dismount. ─── 如果达到最大值的100%,数据库将卸除。

35、He who rides on a tiger can never dismount. ─── [谚]骑虎难下。

36、Dismounting press machine for bearings of passenger car air-conditioners ─── 客车空调机组轴承拆装压力机

37、As the party is dismounting, Gelert comes running out of the lodge towards his master, covered in blood and wagging his tail. ─── 当利威林狩猎返回时,杰里特浑身是血的摇着尾巴从屋内冲出,跑向自己的主人。

38、Dismount the database in the storage group by using the following Dismount-Database cmdlet. ─── 使用下列Dismount-Database cmdlet卸除存储组中的数据库。

39、Probing into Mounting and Dismounting Techniques for Coal-plough Face ─── 刨煤机工作面安拆技术探讨

40、Dismounting from his horse, he walked rapidly up to the Emperor, and, in a loud voice, began boldly explaining the absolute necessity of reinforcements. ─── 他下了马,快步走到皇帝面前,大胆地高声说明增援的必要。

41、front salto dismount with 1/2 twist ─── 前空翻转体180o下

42、Dismounting at a hut, on the hurdle fence of which was the inscription “Headquarters of the Staff,” and letting his horse go, he walked into the dark entry. ─── 他在一处篱笆上挂着“总司令部”牌子的农舍前下了马,他丢下马走进昏暗的农舍的过厅。

43、All the while the rain pelted me in the face as if to taunt or test me.On the final 10 meters of that hill, I had to dismount my bike and walk up the rest of the way. ─── 只修读两个主科的他,现在也不用担心,只有一件事要做,就是作最后的努力,不要让这学年最后的机会也溜走。

44、back salto dismount with full twist ─── 后空翻转体360°下

45、"Liu's seventh road game very idea of order and set off after the red shoulder 7 of the first dismount than I expected. ─── “刘星七段的棋路非常有想法,序盘黑7肩冲后脱先的下法出乎我的意料。

46、Then, dismount the unit from its wall frame and place it on a flat surface outside of the house.At this point, remove the front covering of the air conditioning unit. ─── 不过,这种敲边处理对地板面层要求严格,如果太薄,经过敲边,容易造成地板开裂。

47、The article introduces the developing process of mounting and dismounting tool for roll collars used in angang high-speed wire mill set. ─── 介绍了安钢高线机组轧辊辊环安装、拆卸工具的国产化研制开发过程。

48、But when it was more than 10, the effect of repeated dismounting times on both bi-screws holding and static bending strength was on the contrary. ─── 但当重复拆装次数大于10次以后,随着拆装次数的增加,构件的静曲强度和双螺钉握钉力均呈现显著下降的趋势。

49、She saw one stop and the footman dismount, opening the door for a gentleman who seemed to be leisurely returning from some afternoon pleasure. ─── 她看见在大片冒出嫩绿的草坪后面,一座座豪华住宅里隐隐透出灯光。

50、dismount a gun from its carriage ─── 从炮架上卸下大炮

51、Work table adopts water proof and wearable material,and can dismount easily. ─── 工作台面为防水材料,可拆卸安装。

52、In such a case, I lowered the rear wheels, dismounting the transmission shaft along with the gearbox.Then I took apart the clutch assembly, replacing the old clutch disk with a new one. ─── 于是,把汽车的后轮放下来,拆下传动轴、变速器、再把离合器总成拆解下来,更换新的离合器摩擦片。

53、To dismount means to leave an apparatus at the end of a routine,usually done with a difficult twist or salto. ─── 下法就是在一套动作做完后选手脱离器械的方式方法,通常以一个高难度转体或者腾空翻来结束其整套动作。

54、When mounting bearings, follow the general recommendations provided in the section "Mounting and dismounting" in the catalogue "Rolling bearings". ─── 安装轴承时,应遵守型录“滚动轴承”一章“安装和拆卸”一节给出的一般建议。

55、Liu2 Xing:You dismount Wei for our pair while entering a door! ─── 刘星:你一进门就给我们俩下马威!

56、By the time you dismount,however,a skinny man jumps from cover. ─── 当你下马的时候,一个小个子男人从隐蔽处跳了出来。

57、If dismounting happens frequently, it is proposed that ad screws should be used for fixing instead of common screws. ─── 如需经常拆卸,建议不要用普通螺钉固定,而使用广告螺钉。

58、The act or manner of dismounting,especially from a horse. ─── 下来的动作或方式,尤指下马。

59、The process for mounting and dismounting databases in an SCC environment is identical to the process for mounting and dismounting databases on any computer running Exchange 2007. ─── 在单一副本群集环境中装入和卸除数据库的过程与在任何运行Exchange Server 2007的计算机上装入和卸除数据库的过程相同。

60、However that might have been, the priest, dismounting, led his steed by the bridle in search of some place to which he could secure him. ─── 但不管是谁要停下来的,总之,那位教士从马上跳了下来,牵着马辔头,想找个地方把它系上。

61、The appearance of any plane was the signal to dismount and scatter. ─── 一经发现飞机,就得下车疏散。

62、The basic elements of routines on the horizontal bar include giant swings, changes of grip changes of direction, releast and regrasp of the bar, dismount and landing. ─── 单杠全套动作的基本组成部分是: 大回环,换握,变换方向,脱手再握,下法和着地。

63、Experiments and applications indicated that the equipment has advantages of dismounting convenience, high efficiency and security. ─── 试验和运用实践表明,该设备具有拆装方便、工作效率高及安全可靠等优点。

64、This paper introduces of working principle and structure characters of apparatus for dismounting and assembling the deflector of column_type support. ─── 介绍了立柱导向套拆装机的工作原理和结构特点。

65、flying back-roll dismount to side ─── 双杠的后空翻下

66、The utility model relates to a dismounting sunshade for a window, which is composed of a framework and sunshade canvas. ─── 本实用新型涉及一种可拆装式窗口太阳伞,由框架和伞布组成。

67、It is generally a good idea to use gloves as well as carrying and lifting tools, which have been specially designed for mounting and dismounting bearings. ─── 一般来说,使用手套和专为装卸轴承而设计的运送和起吊工具都是很好的做法。

68、The basic elements of routines on the horizontal bar include giant swings,changes of grip,changes of direction,releast and regrasp of the bar,dismount and landing. ─── 单杠全套动作的基本步骤包括大回环,换握,变换方向,脱手再握,下法和着地。

69、His dismount was perfect with the feet together in a standing position. ─── 他下的动作非常完美,双脚并拢,成站姿。

70、Spells started working indoors that never did. Can we have no dismounting in caves? ─── 一些本来只能在室外使用的法术现在能在室内使用了,那么我们能在室内骑马么?

71、The basic elements of routines on the horizontal bar include giant seings,changes of grip,changes of direction,releast and regrasp of the bar,dismount and landing. ─── 单杠全套动作的基本组成部分是:大回环,换握,变换方向,脱手再握,下法和着地。

72、Mark each reporting volume as read-only and dismount it from the production server. ─── 将每个报表卷标记为只读并将它从生产服务器中卸除。

73、the act of dismounting (a horse or bike etc.). ─── 下来的行为(马或自行车等)。

74、dismount and look at flowers; on-the-spot investigation ─── 下马看花

75、Square, the north is dahongmen for Lingqu main entrance, there are "officials, etc. to this dismount" in two separate dismount on both sides of the monument. ─── 广场之北是大红门,为陵区的正门,有“官员人等到此下马”的两道下马碑分立两侧。

76、As the party is dismounting, Gelert comes running out of the lodge towards his master, covered in blood and wagging his tail. ─── 当利威林狩猎返回时,杰里特浑身是血的摇着尾巴从屋内冲出,跑向自己的主人。

77、She rode up to the front porch but did not dismount, and Scarlett and Melanie, who had been watching the sunset, went down the steps to meet her. ─── 她一直来到前面走廊口,也没下马,这时正在看落日的思嘉和媚兰才走下台阶去迎接她。

78、Dismount the set of reporting volumes on each of the reporting servers. ─── 卸除每台报表服务器中的报表卷集。

79、He was startled by the loud and dissonant voice of a man who was apparently dismounting at the door. ─── 门口好象有人刚刚下马,喧嚣声惊动了他。

80、The small size, light weight, easily operation, safe use and simple dismounting to move. ─── 体积小、重量轻,极易操作,使用安全,拆装移动简便。

81、Mounting and dismounting of bearings on withdrawal sleeves can be facilitated considerably by using a hydraulic nut (fig 2). ─── 使用液压螺母(图2)可相当方便地在退卸套上装拆轴承。

82、With respect to electric and electronic products which may pollute environment in dismounting and disposal, toxic and harmful substances prohibited by the State shall not be used in design. ─── 对在拆解和处置过程中可能造成环境污染的电器电子等产品,不得设计使用国家禁止使用的有毒有害物质。

83、In Patch 3.1, ground mounts will no longer dismount in water but will swim instead. ─── 在3.1的补丁里面,陆行坐骑将可以在水里游泳,而不是玩家被迫下马。

84、It is suggested not to attempt to dismount the database during online maintenance, because the dismounting may take several minutes to complete. ─── 建议不要在联机维护期间尝试卸装数据库,因为卸装可能要花费几分钟才能完成。

85、"Good Lord," I mumbled, quickly dismounting the vehicle with my gear. ─── “天啊,”我咕哝着,迅速拿着装备从车上跳了下来。

86、Dismount on the near side. ─── 在内方下马.

87、firm position after dismount ─── (跳下后)稳定姿势

88、Before mounting and dismounting the device, remove the MMC, and when mounting and dismounting the device, be careful not to damage the memory slot and the connectors for the MPI bus and the backplane bus. ─── 在拆装设备之前必须取下MMC在拆装设备时必须要小心,不要损坏存储器插槽以及MPI总线和底板总线的连接器。

89、They has good heat conduction, and also can simplify mounting and dismounting procedures, improve sealing efficiency etc. ─── 它具有精采的导热性,安装和拆卸便利,并且大大提高了密封件的功能。

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