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09-03 投稿


eristic 发音

英:[eˈrɪstɪk]  美:[eˈrɪstɪk]

英:  美:

eristic 中文意思翻译




eristic 词性/词形变化,eristic变形

异体字: eristical |

eristic 短语词组

1、eristic definition ─── 推理的定义

2、eristic means ─── 投机手段

3、differential capacitance charact-eristic ─── [电] 微分电容特性

4、eristic define ─── 理性定义

5、eristic dialogue ─── 说教对话

6、eristic style ─── 埃里斯风格

7、eristic gasket ─── 密封垫

eristic 相似词语短语

1、meristic ─── adj.对称的;排列的;比率的

2、ekistic ─── ekistic的

3、veristic ─── 真实主义的

4、eristics ─── adj.争论的,辩论的;旨在诡辩的;n.辩论者;辩论术;争辩

5、meroistic ─── 美罗华的

6、ameristic ─── adj.不分割的;[生物]不分节的;非分裂组织的

7、heuristic ─── adj.启发式的;探索的;n.启发式教育法;探索性步骤

8、dereistic ─── adj.空想癖的

9、eristical ─── 经验的

eristic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、charact erist ics ─── 特征

2、After this, "Day price and sudden huge profits " eristic from beginning to end around move Shang Chen is tasted. ─── 此后,“天价与暴利”的议论始终围绕着汤臣一品。

3、eristic tactics ─── 艺术手法

4、Reforming and opening 20 old, chinese economy progress becomes the topic with eristic and most whole world, the progress that values science and technology with our country is inseparable. ─── 没有现代科技,要在全球化竞争中占有一席之地,那是不可能的。改革开放20多年,中国经济发展成为全球议论最多的话题,与我国重视科技的发展密不可分。

5、The Innovation of the Eristic Tactics of the Middle Tang Dynasty Frontier Poems ─── 中唐边塞诗艺术手法的创新

6、Some closer year build " community of East Asia economy " voice is louder and louder, establish free-trade area of Sino-Japanese Han the Three Kingdoms (the eristic incessant also Yu Er of FTA) . ─── 近些年构筑“东亚经济共同体”的呼声越来越高,建立中日韩三国自由贸易区(FTA)的议论也不绝于耳。

7、The algorithm utilizes searching texture char act eristic scale and extracting the statistic characteristics on the texture ch arac teristic scale after continuous integer scale filtering to analyze the prop erty of texture. ─── 该算法通过搜寻纹理图 像 的特征尺度并配合连续整数尺度滤波上的特征尺度统计对纹理进行分层分析。

8、Recently, subject of test of strong interest of a network is in each big website forum heat is passed, become netizens' eristic center. ─── 最近,一套网瘾测试题在各大网站论坛里热传,成为网友们议论的中心。

9、Broad masses is eristic to this also in succession, after all how look upon Where is this problem? ─── 广大群众也对此议论纷纷,究竟如何看待这个问题呢?收入差距的“喜”与“忧”收入差距的“喜”与传统的分配观格格不入。

10、Mathematic and physics charaαeristic ─── 数理特征

11、They often crouch beside the athlete's, the gym shoes on eristic his foot. ─── 他们经常蹲在运动员的身边,议论着他的脚上的球鞋。

12、The geographical composi tions of the flora in the region are very complex.The flora exhibits the charact eristic of a temperate flora,but it has some links with the tropic flora. ─── 植物区系地理成分十分复杂,具有明显的温带特征,但和热带植物区系有一定联系。

13、calibration in high temperature, the K which is re-lated to the reciprocal of sensitivity C of the sensor is adopted as charat-eristic factor, which brings convenience to users. ─── 在高温标定时,采用与传感器灵敏度C 有倒数关系的K 值作为传感器的特征系数,给使用者带来方便。

14、The spot surrounded many people very quickly, everybody is eristic in succession. ─── 现场很快围了不少人,大家议论纷纷。

15、Give tit for tat of two kinds of argument, make eristic very for lively. ─── 两种论点针锋相对,使得议论很为热闹。

16、9 see joke: Everybody is disappointing to theirs recently a lot of more eristic. ─── 9看笑话: 最近大家对于他们的差劲都议论很多了。

17、Message one get about, people is immediately eristic in succession. ─── 消息一传开,顿时人们议论纷纷。

18、Gap of town dweller income is pulled ceaselessly big, the central point that already made attention of all circles of Inner Mongolia society and eristic popular topic. ─── 城镇居民收入差距不断拉大,已成为内蒙古社会各界关注的焦点和议论的热门话题。

19、For a short while, people is eristic " week tiger incident " while, also must admire the foreknowledge that person pork searches. ─── 一时间,人们议论“周老虎事件”的同时,也不得不佩服人肉搜索的先见之明。

20、Then about " Loulan's belle " eristic, become the popular topic of archaeological bound and people once more. ─── 于是关于“楼兰美女”的议论,再度成为考古学界和民众的热门话题。

21、A solid - state photosensitive electron device whose current voltage charact eristic is a function of incident radiation. ─── 一种固态光敏电子器件,其电流电压特性是入射光的函数。


23、A solid - state photosensitive electron device whose current voltage charact eristic is a function of incident radiation. ─── 一种固态光敏电子器件,其电流电压特性是入射光的函数。

24、Income allocated unjust problem to become the heat topic with eristic public for a short while, also be fried bubbling with noisely by media. ─── 收入分配不公问题一时间成了公众议论的热点话题,也被媒体炒得沸沸扬扬。

25、I am going to do it in a mode that one could call eristic. ─── 我将以议论的方式来从事它们。

26、Heatstroke of a beggar faints, passerby crowds around, eristic in succession. ─── 一个乞丐中暑晕倒,路人围拢过来,议论纷纷。

27、Encircle besides rich guest " eristic " outside, the competitor such as Microsoft sends troops to punish substantially to Gu Ge, advertiser also has small decline quite to Gu Ge's doing. ─── 除了博客圈的“议论”外,微软等竞争对手对谷歌大加挞伐,广告客户也对谷歌的所作所为颇有微辞。

28、Breast enhancement reduces weight wait for TV shopping program to be banned to sow, when just when people still is in eristic and certain TV station,against the wind commits the crime. ─── 丰胸减肥等电视购物节目被禁播了,正当人们还在议论某些电视台顶风作案之时。

29、Becoming the popular topic with eristic people. ─── 正在成为人们议论的热门话题。

30、Current, can see in many forum the netizen is in ground of like a raging fire the problem stealing food of eristic and happy net. ─── 目前,在不少论坛都可以看到网友在如火如荼地议论开心网的偷菜问题。

31、" numerous netizen is eristic to this in succession. ─── 众多网友对此议论纷纷。

32、The netizen is eristic in succession. ─── 网友议论纷纷。

33、Test Technology of Unsteady AerodynamicCharact eristic for a Model Oscillating in LargeAmplitude Pitching-Rolling Motion ─── 俯仰-滚转耦合两自由度大振幅非定常实验技术

34、This footmark, whose classic be after all?Everybody is eristic in succession. ─── 这脚印,到底是谁的杰作?大家议论纷纷。


36、Since Netease CEO Ding Lei after a major programme of lasting importance raising a pig that announces him, the outside is eristic all the time in succession. ─── 自从网易CEO丁磊公布他的养猪大计后,外界一直议论纷纷。

37、A solidstate photosensitive electron device whose current voltage charact eristic is a function of incident radiation. ─── 一种固态光敏电子器件,其电流电压特性是入射光的函数。

38、Foreign scholar about " who will feed China " eristic, more the tremendous echo that evokes world. ─── 国外学者关于“谁来养活中国”的议论,更激起世人的巨大反响。

39、Since Netease CEO Ding Lei after a major programme of lasting importance raising a pig that announces him, the outside is eristic all the time in succession, commend differ. ─── 自从网易CEO丁磊公布他的养猪大计后,外界一直议论纷纷,褒贬不一。

40、The spot surrounded many people very quickly, everybody is eristic in succession. ─── 现场很快围了不少人,大家议论纷纷。

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