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09-03 投稿


outwitted 发音

英:[ˌaʊtˈwɪtɪd]  美:[ˌaʊtˈwɪtɪd]

英:  美:

outwitted 中文意思翻译



outwitted 词性/词形变化,outwitted变形

动词现在分词: outwitting |动词过去分词: outwitted |动词过去式: outwitted |动词第三人称单数: outwits |

outwitted 短语词组

1、outwitted market ─── 聪明的市场

outwitted 相似词语短语

1、outwritten ─── 智取

2、outjutted ─── 奇怪的

3、outputted ─── 产量;输出功率;输出(outpoint的过去式和过去分词)

4、outfitted ─── v.提供全套服装;提供装备,配置设备(outfit的过去式和过去分词)

5、outwasted ─── 过时的

6、nitwitted ─── 愚蠢的

7、outwaited ─── 外挂的

8、outwicked ─── 外挂的

9、outfitter ─── n.[贸易]旅行用品商;运动用具商;[贸易]装饰用品商店;机器安装工

outwitted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、to gain the advantage over(another) by cleverness or forethought; outwit ─── 由于事先考虑周到或聪明而胜过(别人);以机智取胜

2、Actions taken by a company to outwit a predator in a potential hostile takeover, so that swallowing the company will be ... ─── 泛指公司为避免遭敌意收购而采取的行动,例如发行高收益债券、授予现有股东在公司被收购后以大幅折扣购买股...

3、1. Two prisoners outwitted their guards and got away. ─── 有两个囚犯设计欺骗了警卫而逃走了.

4、Rothschild: (dying) Insolent whelp! Think you've outwitted me? ─── (将死)无礼的崽子!你以为你可以胜过我?

5、Florian of France used his skills in time trials t0 outwit America's Nothstein and win the men's sprint final. ─── 法国的佛罗里安利用他在计时赛中的技巧击败美国选手诺斯坦恩,获得男子争先赛冠军。

6、so that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs. ─── 免得撒但趁著机会胜过我们,因我们并非不晓得他的诡计。

7、Like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each one showing his or her special feats; Each tries to outwit the other ─── 神话中的八仙在渡海时竞相显示自己的一套高超技法。比喻做同一件事或达到同一目的有各种途径,每个人要充分发挥专长,不甘落后

8、He was outwitted by his wily opponent. ─── 他斗不过诡计多端的对手。

9、He decided to outwit these fellows, and he began to send a message himself. ─── 他决心以智取胜,于是他开始自己拍出一份电报。

10、As commanders from the great battles of WWII go head-to-head on the battlefield, they attempt to outwit and out fight each other with strategic moves in a game of skill, bluff and counterbluff. ─── 作为在战场进行过肉搏战的二战指挥官,他们在一场以技能,欺骗和对抗的游戏中试图以计取胜,避免战斗的战略行动。

11、* By disguising himself as an old woman, Holmes was able to outwit his pursuers and escape capture. ─── *以掩饰自己作为一个老妪,霍姆斯能够骗过他的追求和逃避被捕。

12、Ronaldo struck the post yet again when, not for the first time, his mesmerising skill outwitted Stephen Carr; ─── 之后罗纳尔多在次击中门柱。他精彩的技术骗过了卡尔。

13、Again the children are forced to outwit the city criminals. ─── 再一次,这些孩子被迫要和这名罪犯斗智。

14、But finally Pang was outwitted by Sun. ─── 庞涓多次加害孙膑,终被足智多谋的孙膑挫败。

15、As the tension mounts beneath his feet, Garber employs his vast knowledge of the subway system in a battle to outwit Ryder and save the hostages. ─── 华特身负重任,更不惜以身犯险,拯救人质。

16、But you see, the trick of playing a sport well is trying to outwit you opponent. ─── 打球打得好的秘诀是以智胜对手。

17、To gain the advantage over(another) by cleverness or forethought; outwit. ─── 智胜由于事先考虑周到或聪明而胜过(别人);以机智取胜

18、The hunter cried out angrily that the fox had outwitted him. ─── 猎人以为上了狐狸的当,便气急败坏地大叫起来。

19、11 in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes. ─── 11免得撒但趁著机会胜过我们,因我们并非不晓得他的诡计。

20、When one of them felt he had been outwitted, he looked up for consolation.What he saw reminded him that he was a man. ─── 当他们其中一个感到词穷时,他就会抬起头在画像中寻找安慰,由此来证明他是一个真正的男人。

21、When one of them felt he had been outwitted, he looked up for consolation. ─── 当他们感到自己被愚弄,他就到画中寻求安慰。

22、You should not be proud because you outwit him. ─── 你不该因为自己比他聪明就骄傲。

23、The crafty captives outwitted the vicious beasts unleashed upon them at the Geonosis execution arena.A sudden arrival of Jedi reinforcements turned the public spectacle into a frenzied battle. ─── 技艺精湛的俘虏在吉诺西斯行刑竞技场,以机智战胜了恶毒的野兽,而突然出现的绝地援军则把这个公众活动弄成疯狂战场。

24、For example, the Oriental Yuhong, laws, due to NC, Zhejiang Fu shares, En-hua medicine, Sichuan University outwit, east of NC, diving medicine, etc., are all species listed in the last year. ─── 比如,东方雨虹、法因数控、浙富股份、恩华药业、川大智胜、华东数控、鱼跃医药等等,都是在去年上市的品种。

25、If all of nature is hourly working to adapt, never resting in its effort to outwit competitors and exploit its environment, why do certain classes of species fail? ─── 如果万物都随时适应环境改变,不遗余力地在生存竞争中力争上游,利用环境资源,为什么某些物种会被淘汰?

26、NIV] in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes. ─── [和合]免得14撒但趁着机会胜过我们,因我们并非不晓得他的诡计。

27、To trick or fool by ingenuity or cunning; outwit. ─── 使上当以诡计或奸诈迷惑或愚弄;以智取胜

28、Having outwitted the opposition, centred in the eastern lowlands, he easily won a second term in 2009 with 64% of the vote. ─── 他在2009年以六成九选票智取集中在东部低地的反对党,轻松赢得第二任期。

29、always before he had been able to outwit his pursuers ─── 他总是能够瞒骗过他的追赶者

30、The thief outwitted the police and escaped. ─── 小偷耍花招瞒过警察跑掉了。

31、The real question, Luca,is how shall I outwit you this time? ─── 卢卡,关键的问题是,这回我怎样才能在智慧上胜过妳。

32、She was too sharp for me, ie outwitted me. ─── 她太精明(我斗不过她)。

33、Mice are not smart animals, but I cede a grudging respect at being outwitted in this manner. ─── 鼠辈并非机敏动物,但在这件事上其智商在我之上倒也让我佩服。

34、9.Before that, my life was always agitated by a tangle of tricks, feints, and illusions intended to outwit the countless lures that tried to turn me into anything but a writer. ─── 在那段时间中,我的生命总是因为种种哄骗、假像和幻觉,而激动不安,如果没有它们,我一定无法战胜无数诱惑,不当作家而改投其他行业。

35、As a result, New Republic pilots could outwit these automated drones in much the same way as Jedi and Old Republic clone pilots could best the droid fighters of the Confederacy. ─── 因此,新共和国的飞行员们可以凭借机智,胜过这些自动化的无人战斗机,就像绝地和旧共和国的克隆人飞行员击败了邦联的机器人战斗机一样。

36、To outwit by talking. ─── 以口才智胜

37、Fox will also assist one in learning to outwit the dark. ─── 狐狸也将援助一个人去学习智胜黑暗。

38、In order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes. ─── 免得撒但趁着机会胜过我们。因我们并非不晓得他的诡计。

39、He was too clever for us, he outwitted us. ─── 他太精明了,我们斗不过他。

40、We'll outwit that bastard as we've outwitted others. ─── 我们会智取那混蛋,象我们智取其他人一样。

41、outwit an opponent in chess ─── 智取下棋的对手

42、Nokia sells more than one in three of the world's handsets, but it has been outwitted and outclassed in the race to build smartphones. ─── 诺基亚(Nokia)的手机销量占全球三分之一以上,但它在制造智能手机的竞争中,被对手以巧计胜出,并远远地落在了后面。

43、The Times, a sponsor of the expedition, had used an elaborate code to outwit any rivals monitoring the radio waves. ─── 伦敦《泰晤士报》是探险的一个赞助商,该报社使用了一种精细的代码来瞒住了任何监控无线短波的新闻记者们。

44、4.Garfield:I make a point to get it good every day. The real question, Luca,is how shall I outwit you this time? ─── 加菲猫:我每天都打定主意要得到它呀。卢卡,关键的问题是,这回我怎样才能在智慧上胜过你。

45、Watch any old cartoon, and you're bound to see a villain trying to outwit his innocent victim. _(1)_ As the story unfolds, our hero says, "A-ha!" ─── 看看以前的卡通片,你一定会看到有坏蛋想要欺瞒无辜的受害者。他们企图算计好人以便将他抓来吃、利用他的力量统治世界或做些同样扰人的事情。

46、Each tries to outwit the other. ─── 八仙过海,各显神通!

47、There are whispered rumors that during past contests some students have managed to break free from the Battlegrounds and outwit the JSDF long enough to escape. ─── 也有一些神秘的传说说在过去的竞赛中有个别学生设法逃出了战场并骗过了自卫队获得了自由。

48、Somehow he always manages to outwit his opponents. ─── 他反正总能设法智胜对手。

49、They outwit enemy agents after the bomb and wind up sinking a Japanese submarine. ─── 他们智胜敌方密探,和炸沉了日本潜水艇。

50、2433. outwit : outsmart; ─── 2433 。智胜:智取;

51、Without its wily mastermind, Poland's opposition in the 1980s would have found it far harder to outwit its oppressors. ─── 没有他们的精心的策划,波兰的反对党在20世纪80年代就会很难与该国的压迫者斡旋。

52、As Fannie and Freddie show, regulators are easily captured and outwitted. ─── 二房危机表明,监理机构的政策容易落后于、受困于时局。

53、There was a whiff of glamour in the way that Mr Wolf's spies outwitted their bumbling West German rivals. ─── 沃尔夫智胜其拙劣对手的方式颇为迷人,作为东德国家安全部秘密警察头目三十四年来,他在西德境内到处安插间谍,招募告密者。

54、They are simple-minded and easily outwitted, but in large groups can overwhelm the unwary. ─── 牠们很单纯,很好骗,但是一大群则能克服这缺点。

55、How will you outwit Death in your game? ─── 你是怎么智取的?

56、Enter Friday, a genetically engineered woman who can outfight, outrun and outwit any normal human. ─── 1939年,第二次世界大战使美国经济陷入萧条,海因莱因被债务压得抬不起头来。

57、always before he had been able to outwit his pursuers. ─── 他总是能够瞒骗过他的追赶者。

58、Lease was illegal intermediary outwit you? ─── 您租房时被不法中介骗过吗?

59、A master machinist and robotics engineer, Paratus used his passion and innovative thinking to outwit his Master and succeed where many others failed in their first attempts. ─── 作为一位机械师和机器人学工程师,普拉达斯使用他的激情和革新的思想智胜了他的师父,并在一些其他人在第一次尝试就失败的领域取得了成功。

60、8. Garfield:I make a point to get it good every day. The real question, Luca,is how shall I outwit you this time? ─── 加菲猫:我每天都打定主意要得到它呀。卢卡,关键的问题是,这回我怎样才能在智慧上胜过你。收藏指正

61、Worse still, it was upstaged and outwitted by a tiny group of opportunists, many of them Jews (not a people beloved by the KGB), who became known as the oligarchs. ─── 更糟的是,它还被一小撮投机分子耍了,其中很多是犹太人(不是一个招克格勃待见的民族),这些人成了后来的寡头。

62、10.Stooge-like antics result as the trio try to outwit the rich widow and her scheming big-shot lawyer, who also wants to run the ballet. ─── 三人欲极力智胜同样想管理芭蕾公司的有钱寡妇和他的大牌律师,其中滑稽夸张,笑料百出。

63、The inmate outwitted his guards and escaped. ─── 囚犯骗过警卫逃跑了。

64、Dealing with that danger requires a complex system for regulating the banks, and even then, bankers may outwit the regulators. ─── 处理危险需求复杂的银行调控系统,即使如此,银行家们也可能欺瞒调控者。

65、To outwit or cheat others. ─── 欺诈智胜或欺骗别人

66、4. He was too clever for (ie He outwitted) us. ─── 他太精明了(我们斗不过).

67、Sichuan University outwit also extremely violent, which the morning of January 9 was washed 29.78 yuan, much higher than listed on the first day of the highest price of 21.90 yuan. ─── 川大智胜也异常凶猛,该股1月9日上午一度冲到29.78元,远高于上市首日的最高价21.90元。

68、Realizing they are being used to further her diabolical1 plot, they must work together to outwit the woman before she has them killed. ─── 他们是这个神秘女人手中的两粒棋子,处境十分危险。两个人必须互相信任,齐心协力才能避免被暗杀的厄运。

69、She was too sharp for me, ie outwitted me. ─── 她太精明(我斗不过她)。

70、In addition, some so-called investors to show that they know more than others, so they invest in order to prove that they outwit one-upmanship. ─── 另外一些所谓的投资者要显示他们比其他人懂得多,因此他们进行投资,以此证明他们智胜一筹。

71、the one he cannot defeat but can outwit. ─── 天气才是人类最早的死敌,是永远不能击败却能智胜之敌。

72、The real question is how shall I outwit you this time? ─── 关键的问题是,这回我怎样才能在智慧上胜过你。

73、A villain trying to outwit his innocent victim ─── 空格前说有坏蛋想要欺骗无辜的受害者

74、Two prisoners outwitted their guards and got away. ─── 有两个囚犯设计欺骗了警卫而逃走了。

75、Jonny never explained exactly how he had outwitted the giants. ─── 约翰尼从来没有原原本本地讲过他怎样智取巨人的情况。

76、each trying to cheat or outwit the other ─── 尔虞我诈

77、For others, though, it is a tale of how two day traders outwitted the rapid-fire machines that have come to dominate financial markets. ─── 但对其他人来说,这是一段故事,讲的是两名短线操盘手如何智胜已逐渐统治金融市场的“速射机器”。

78、How shall I outwit you this time? ─── 我这回该怎么戏弄你呢?

79、Instead, many try to outwit their fellow investors inorder to maximize their own proportions of corporate earnings. ─── 相反,很多人在股票市场上反复买卖,试图战胜其它投资者,以获得公司盈利里面自己那部分的最大化。

80、To gain the advantage over(another) by cleverness or forethought;outwit. ─── 智胜由于事先考虑周到或聪明而胜过(别人);

81、They could spy upon you night and day, but if you kept your head you could still outwit them. ─── 他们可以日以继夜地侦察你,但是如果你能保持头脑清醒,你仍能胜过他们。

82、Therefore, Sichuan University outwit more inclined to short-term speculation. ─── 因此,对川大智胜的炒作更具短线倾向。

83、outwitted market ─── 背地交易

84、And then, at the end, we all learn a valuable lesson: usually that Burt Reynolds can be consistently outwitted by lesser primates. ─── 最后,我们都给上了一堂颇有价值的课:一般情况下,低等的灵长类动物可比伯特·雷纳兹要聪明多了。

85、"Our analysis reealed potential mechanisms of irulence, which we hope will help us deelop noel antiiral strategies to both outwit the irus and moderate the host immune response. ─── 我们分析发现了病毒毒力的来源,有助于发展对付病毒以及降低宿主免疫反应的新型抗病毒药物。”

86、Innana continued to outwit any incarnation related to Merduk. ─── 伊娜娜不断击败与莫达克有关的任何化身。

87、Garfield:I make a point to get it good every day. The real question, Luca,is how shall I outwit you this time? ─── 加菲猫:我每天都打定主意要得到它呀。卢卡,关键的问题是,这回我怎样才能在智慧上胜过妳。

88、We have outwitted a dangerous enemy. ─── 我们以智慧战胜了一个危险的敌人。

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