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09-03 投稿



unbending 发音

英:[ˌʌnˈbendɪŋ]  美:[ˌʌnˈbendɪŋ]

英:  美:

unbending 中文意思翻译




unbending 词性/词形变化,unbending变形

副词: unbendingly |

unbending 同义词

flatten | unwind | decompress | slacken | let | slow down | ease | up | release | loosen | ease up |straighten | free | loosen up | relax | let up

unbending 反义词


unbending 相似词语短语

1、unblinding ─── 破盲

2、unending ─── adj.(尤指不好的事情)无尽的,源源不断的

3、unbearing ─── 不败

4、unbeing ─── 解压

5、unbinding ─── adj.[法]无约束力的;vt.解开;释放(unbind的ing形式)

6、unbendingly ─── 不妥协地;坚决地;不屈地;倔强地

7、unbedding ─── vi.不复是;不存在;vt.使不复是

8、bending ─── n.弯曲,弯曲度;v.弯曲(bend的现在分词)

9、intending ─── v.打算;意指(intend的现在分词);adj.(人)计划成为……的

unbending 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、28. unbend the mind from absorbing too much information. ─── 不要使脑筋过度地疲劳要注意放松一下自己的身体。

2、Both arms curving, raising dumb bells upper as far as possible, inspiration, then unbending hands, moving dumb bells to buwei position, expiration. ─── 两臂弯曲,尽量将哑铃往上提,同时吸气,然后将手伸直,哑铃移至不位,呼气。

3、But unbending I, willing half point of appearing in front of father. ─── 但倔强的我,却不肯在父亲面前显露半分。

4、a rigid disciplinarian; an inflexible law; an unbending will to dominate. ─── 严格的纪律;严格的法律;想要占优势的不屈意志。

5、They teach you to be proud and unbending in honest failure, but humble and gentle in success; ─── 他们教导你对诚实的失败感到骄傲以及威武不屈,但在成功时要谦卑有礼;

6、Your brother, a proud and unbending man, refused all help that was offered to him. ─── 你弟弟拒绝了所有人的帮助,他真是个既傲慢又固执的人。

7、Many of these standards are deep-seated and reflect unbending convictions. ─── 大多数这些标准根深蒂固且反映出坚定的信念。

8、On this basis,a new kind of unbending drill collar tool has been designed,which is probably to be a new kind of inclination preventive tool. ─── 为此,设计了一种压不弯钻铤装置,此装置有可能成为防斜打直的一种全新的井下钻具。

9、Firmly decision bravery. wisdom backbone yarak steely body unbending soul. ─── 坚定、果断、勇敢、智慧、勇气、钢铁般的身体、不屈的灵魂。

10、You know I'm obstinate and unbending, and I won't change myself for anybody, even my most cherished love. ─── 你知道我的固执与倔强,我不会为任何人而改变,即使那是我深爱的人;

11、She finds it hard to unbend, even at parties, so people don't like her. ─── 就连在社交活动中她也轻松不起来,因此不讨人喜欢。

12、He is lying on his back, both hands puts either side, double foot unbend. ─── 他仰卧着,双手放两旁,双脚伸直。

13、He might have wished that Prometheus could have been less unbending in his spirit, but he feared for himself if he were to do more in the matter. ─── 他不敢对此事插手过多,只能但愿在普罗米修斯的灵魂中能少一些耿直。

14、9. His hearty accents faltered and fell away as he noticed the stern unbending look on the countenances of his silent friends, and his invitation remained unfinished. ─── 可是,看到几位朋友全都绷着脸,沉默不语,蟾蜍那热情洋溢的话变得结结巴巴,说不下去了,对他们的邀请也只说出一半。收藏指正

15、unbending; unyielding ─── 倔强

16、Make circular motion upcountry, first wrist, hind ancon is articulatory, finally reprise of two arms unbend the shoulder is articulatory, each are done 4 times. ─── 向内作圆周运动,先腕关节,后肘关节,最后两臂伸直再活动肩关节,各做4次。

17、An unbending will to dominate. ─── 占据主宰地位的坚定意志

18、one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble gentle in victory. ─── 在光明的胜利中,仍能保持谦逊温和。主啊!恳求塑造我的儿子!

19、Why has everything got to be vertical, straight, unbending, only at right angles--and functional? ─── 为什么每样东西都要垂直、笔直、挺直,只能是直角,而且有实用功能?

20、In correct forehand art was made above knee, already 2 many months, foot how cannot of complete unbend. ─── 在膝盖上面做了纠正手术,已经2个多月了,脚怎么不能完全伸直的.

21、She is a girl of an unbending character. ─── 她是个性格倔强的女孩。

22、And its look, rude, unbending, lusty, ─── 它的外貌是那么粗犷、不屈不挠、十分强壮,

23、They(duty, honor, country) teach you to be proud and unbending in honest failure, but humble and gentle in success; ─── 它们(责任、荣誉、国家)教导你在真正失败时要自尊和不屈不挠,在成功时要谦和;

24、"The way streched endless ahead, I'll search with my will unbending. ─── “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。”

25、Rigid, unbending thoughts appear as crystallized thought, as stuck energy where there is very little flow of thoughts. ─── 僵硬、不变通的想法看起来像是凝结的思想,是阻塞的能量,流动很微弱。

26、Endless night, boundless monsoon, remote journey all engraved with a lonely and unbending soul. ─── 茫茫黑夜,漫漫雨季,迢迢路途,镌刻着一个孤独而倔强的灵魂。

27、expiratory, truncal and curly cross hip while, unbend clamp double leg. ─── 呼气,躯干卷曲并越过臀部的同时,伸直夹紧双腿。

28、Trees in the landscape are "a most unbending and heartless family, which meant to give neither shade in summer nor shelter in winter. " ─── 在地表中生长的一些树木就好像是“一个最冷漠,最无情的家族,意味着夏天既不可以遮阴,冬天也不可以作为庇护场所。”

29、unbending spirit ─── 坚定的精神, 不屈不挠的精神

30、The women do not unbend . He goes to the sink , takes a dipperful of water from the pail 水桶and pouring it into a basin , washes his hands . ─── 两个女人神情并未松弛。他走到洗涤槽前,从水桶里舀出一大勺水倒进盆中,洗完手,

31、And without such unbending zeal, almost no undertaking is likely to fulfil the promise with which it was established. ─── 若没有这种始终如一的热忱,几乎任何企业都无法实现当初成立时的目标。

32、In the snatch competition, requests the contestant to unbend the double arm, continuously act with the barbell has lifted the top of the head. ─── 在抓举比赛中,要求选手伸直双臂,用一次连续动作将杠铃举过头顶。

33、She finds it hard to unbend , even at parties. ─── 她发现即使在派对上都难以松弛。

34、8.The arm that buckles instead is loose, unbend leg, the body is loosened, palmar ground rests 10 seconds. ─── 8. 反扣的手臂松开,伸直腿,身体放松,手掌放在地上休息10秒钟。

35、bending and unbending test ─── 反复弯曲试验曲折试验反复挠曲试验

36、The Decathlon is one of the major events in the modern Olympic Games, the ultimate test of speed, endurance and ability. It takes both physical talent and unbending determin. ─── 十项运动是现代的奥运会的主要运动项目之一,是速度,忍耐和能力的终极测试。

37、One who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, ─── 在诚实的失败中,毫不气馁;

38、Bow the pose that pick up content is double leg unbend stands incorrectly, bow below the circumstance of castiron music or little inflectional coxa, knee joint pick up a thing. ─── 不正确的弯腰拾物姿势是双腿伸直站立,在不屈曲或少屈曲髋、膝关节的情况下弯腰拾东西。

39、put one Chiwen water, sit in bath crock, double leg unbend. ─── 十九、放一池温水,坐在浴缸中,将双腿伸直。

40、Ground of double genu genuflect, arm unbend maintains the ground. ─── 双膝跪地,手臂伸直撑地。

41、He remained unbending under the severest of tortures. ─── 他受尽酷刑,仍然坚贞不屈。

42、Why do the leaders of today's Islamic Republic of Iran appear so unbending in the West when Shah Abbas and Cyrus were so renowned for their tolerance? ─── 为什麽当今伊朗伊斯兰共和国的领袖们对西方国家的态度这麽不可亲,而阿拔斯一世和居鲁士却是以他们的宽容著称?

43、But there's comfort in the unbending traditions that endure in China. ─── 但是中国的传统文化还是让人感觉到轻松舒适的。

44、Stainless haulm,hose flexible lift type,unbending rise or drop. ─── 不锈钢杆,软管可弯曲,随意升降。

45、to be pround and unbending in honest failure, but humble and gentle in success; ─── 在真正的失败面前保持自尊、不屈不挠,在成功面前保持谦和;

46、The Minister was proving unbending on key issues. ─── 在关键问题上该部长决不通融。

47、unbending test ─── 反复弯曲试验

48、Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when his afraid; one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory. ─── 主啊,恳请这样塑造我的儿子;使他强于自知他软弱之处;恐惧时勇于正视自己;诚实受挫时自豪不屈;胜利顺境时谦逊温情。

49、When fracture of the wounded lower limbs is secured, limbs wants curved move to show bend ancon unbend to bind. ─── 伤员下肢骨折固定时,肢体要弯着呈屈肘状伸直捆绑。

50、an unbending manner. ─── 冷漠的态度

51、A strict diet plan appeals to the unbending Capricorn. ─── 严格的节食计划对不屈不挠的魔羯座有着很强的吸引力。

52、His uncle, proud and unbending, refused all help that was offered him. ─── 他的叔叔自尊又矜持,所以拒绝别人的任何帮助。

53、one who will be proud and unbending inhonest defeat,and humble and gentle in victory. ─── 使他能够在诚实的失败中,仍自豪而坚毅,在胜利的时候,仍谦逊而温柔。

54、He is a just and unbending judge. ─── 他是一名铁面无私的法官。

55、The calculation model of the workpiece approximative unbending was set up on the basis of the analysis of the traditional unbending method of the drawing part. ─── 利用微分几何中的诱导映射理论求得非可展曲面到平面域内的变换关系。

56、inflexibility, unbending attitude, uncompromising attitude, unbendingness, obstinacy ─── 不屈曲性。顽固。不妥协。不变性。不屈不挠。

57、You know I am obstinate and unbending, and I won't change myself for anybody, even if he is my most cherished love. ─── 你知道我的固执与倔强,我不会为任何人而改变,即使那是我深爱的人;

58、both hands is helped up, double leg and approach, double genu unbend, hold out retreat of bosom, close buttock, upper limbs, this pose holds 3-60 second, it is. ─── 十四、双手扶把,双腿并拢,双膝伸直,挺胸、紧臀、上肢向后倾,此姿势保持3-60秒,为一次。

59、"Take off next your jacket and shoe, unship chatelaine and cravat, if glasses also is picked please, unbend body lies on the mattress on the bed. ─── “脱下你的上衣和鞋子,解下腰带和领带,如有眼镜也请摘下,伸直身子躺在床上的褥垫上。

60、You sometimes come across as too harsh and unbending when you've a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. ─── 当你有更多的责任在肩时,你有时显得过于无情和不屈。

61、or rather, for I am wrong, it is God who is just and unbending. ─── 不!更应该说天主是铁面无私的。

62、My way ahead is long; I see no ending; yet high and low I'll search with my will unbending. ─── 今后工作:雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越;路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。

63、Bipod is apart, be the same as with hip wide, lift on arm unbend, the palm is opposite. ─── 两脚分开,与胯同宽,手臂伸直上举,手掌相对。

64、He lays down, double foot unbend, head transfer to a lower level a pillow can see with letting him the movement undertakes. ─── 他躺下,双脚伸直,头下放一个枕头以让他能看到动作进行。

65、When the social flavour was strong enough he would even unbend to the extent of drinking glass for glass with his associates, punctiliously observing his turn to pay as if he were an outsider like the others. ─── 当社交气氛很浓时,他甚至会放开与朋友们一杯对一杯地喝。 轮到他付帐,他也规规矩矩地掏钱,就像他也同其他人一样,是个外来的顾客。

66、If the palm does not catch the leg of that unbend, so, it is OK also to finger is touched or be put around center. ─── 如果手掌抓不住那条伸直的腿,那么,手指触到或放在中心点附近也可以。

67、The fragility of the markets has prompted some normally hardline reformers apparently to question the wisdom of an unbending approach. ─── 市场的脆弱态势,使得一些通常态度强硬的改革者怀疑采取一种毫不妥协的方法能否奏效。

68、unyielding; unbending ─── 不屈

69、Sit on the chair, thin leg Qu Fang go up at another foot ham and unbend. ─── 坐于椅子上,单腿屈放于另一脚大腿上并伸直。

70、All seems so natural and unbending, just like everything had been ready in advance. ─── 一切都是那么自然和随意,那么水到渠成。

71、Despite their fearful losses Russian resistance remained tough and unbending. ─── 尽管俄国的损失惨重,他们的抵抗却仍然顽强不屈。

72、As you become conscious of the twists, you may intend to untwist them, heal them, transcend them, unbend them, and then in so doing, retrieve lost parts of self fractured in the twists and turns down the dimensions. ─── 当你意识到缠绕时,你能意愿去解开它们,疗愈它们,超越它们,放松它们,这样做随之,收复在缠绕中丢失的自我断裂部份,并沿密度扭转。

73、3.Raise the hand of unbend leg a side, with the leg parallel of unbend. ─── 3. 将伸直腿一侧的手抬起,与伸直的腿平行。

74、Indeterminism thus denies the world to be one unbending unit of fact. ─── 于是,非决定论对将世界视为一个僵化的事实单元的观点持否定态度。

75、Page 29: Mononoke became angry at her unbending stubbornness. ─── 因为女孩并不屈服猫怪很生气。

76、In a word, his strong will and unbending spirit deserve our adoration and imitation. ─── 总而言之,他坚强的意志和不屈不挠的精神值得我们崇拜和仿效。

77、a rigid disciplinarian; an inflexible law; an unbending will to dominate ─── 严格的纪律;严格的法律;想要占优势的不屈意志

78、Raise a leg up first, another unbend perhaps curves ground, abdomen is tightened up, the waist sticks close ground. ─── 先把一条腿向上举起,另一条伸直或者弯曲放在地上,腹部收紧,腰部贴紧地面。

79、B. one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory. ─── 使他在诚实的失败中,能够自豪而不屈,在获得成功之际,能够谦逊而温和。

80、They worked harshly in their sockets, with much friction, and each bending or unbending was accomplished only through a sheer exertion of will. ─── 它们在骨臼里的动作很迟钝,阻力很大,一屈一伸都得咬着牙才能办到。

81、Her temper was magnanimous, but warm and sudden; her spirit altogether unbending. ─── 她的脾气宽宏大量,而同时又热情激烈;她的性格是宁折不弯的。

82、2. the calcaneal that curves a leg shift comes the position among the knee of another unbend leg and ankle. ─── 2. 将弯曲腿的脚跟移动至另一条伸直腿的膝盖与脚踝中间的位置。

83、He was rigid and unbending. ─── 他刻板而严厉。

84、He is inflexible, unbending and combative. ─── 他是不屈不饶的和好战的。

85、His hearty accents faltered and fell away as he noticed the stern unbending look on the countenances of his silent friends, and his invitation remained unfinished. ─── 可是,看到几位朋友全都绷着脸,沉默不语,蟾蜍那热情洋溢的话变得结结巴巴,说不下去了,对他们的邀请也只说出一半。

86、Streamline figure, stout but sagacious, unbending but exalted, modishness combine with individuation, make you easygoing. Harmonious family, nice life, from the beginning of owning a good motor.. ─── 外形饱满圆润,沉稳中散发睿智、张弛中尽显尊贵.时尚与个性的交相辉映,让生活的方式自由自在,和谐家庭,美好人生,才会拥有一步好车。

87、and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid; one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory. ─── 够勇敢到能面对惧怕,在诚实的失败中,毫不气馁,在胜利中仍保持谦逊温和。

88、Then, an unbending optimist bought the company. ─── 后来一位坚决的乐观主义者收购了这家公司。

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