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09-03 投稿


decanting 发音

英:[dɪˈkæntɪŋ]  美:[dɪˈkæntɪŋ]

英:  美:

decanting 中文意思翻译



decanting 短语词组

1、double decanting ─── 双重醒酒

2、digester decanting ─── 蒸煮器倾析

3、decanting tank ─── [化] 滗析槽

4、decanting chemistry ─── 倾析化学

5、decanting examples ─── 倾析示例

6、decanting well ─── 排水井

7、decanting valve ─── 排气阀

8、decanting potions rs3 ─── 倾析药剂rs3

9、decanting wine ─── 醒酒

10、decanting bottle ─── 倾析瓶

11、decanting cylinder ─── 倾析筒

12、decanting point ─── 注入点

13、decanting jar ─── [化] 滗析瓶

14、decanting glass ─── [化] 滗析瓶

15、decanting wine 101 ─── 醒酒101

16、decanting pump ─── 倾析泵

decanting 词性/词形变化,decanting变形

动词第三人称单数: decants |名词: decantation |动词现在分词: decanting |动词过去分词: decanted |动词过去式: decanted |

decanting 相似词语短语

1、discanting ─── n.多声部音乐;高音部(等于descant);adj.(一组乐器中的)最高音的(等于descant);vi.详论,评论(等于descant)

2、decantating ─── 倾注洗涤;洗液

3、decaling ─── 贴花

4、recanting ─── vi.宣布放弃;公开认错;vt.放弃;撤回

5、danting ─── 丹婷

6、descanting ─── n.独立高音旋律;评论;v.演唱独立高音旋律;评论;adj.最高音的

7、decalling ─── n.贴花纸;贴花釉法

8、decating ─── n.[纺]蒸呢(纺织)

9、canting ─── adj.伪善的,貌似虔诚的;v.[动力]倾斜;讲黑话(cant的ing形式)

decanting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords deasphalting;phase behavior;propane;isobutane;residue;decant oil; ─── 溶剂脱沥青;相态;丙烷;异丁烷;渣油;澄清油;

2、ABSTRACT: Decanting Champagne before serving is not so ridiculous. ─── 摘要: 喝香槟之前,让它醒会儿酒,并不是无稽之谈。

3、Serve at 18oC , open an hour before or decant, best with roast venison, or a hearty pasta dish, also delicious with fine cheese and bread. ─── 温度建议18度,饮用前1小时开启,和烤野味或者味道浓烈的意大利面,也可以和可口的起司和面包等一起品尝。

4、Keywords vacuum residuum;decant oil;molecular weight; ─── 减压渣油;催化油浆;混合后分子量;

5、With our personalized approach to learning, we are not only able to tell you, but also to show you how to evaluate a wine, critique it, decant it, serve, and store it. ─── 通过个性化的教学,我们会手把手教你如何评估、如何评判葡萄酒,如何倒酒、侍酒和如何贮藏葡萄酒,而不仅仅是纸上谈兵。

6、baffled decant line ─── 拦水线

7、Traditional decanting shows the problem that quite often you will decant more wine than will be consumed. ─── 传统的倒酒方式暴露出一种毛病,就是你倒的酒往往要比实际消费掉的要多。

8、Keywords Decant oil(DO);Vacuum residue;Paving asphalt;Oxidation; ─── 催化油浆;减压渣油;道路沥青;氧化;

9、If enjoying Oculus in its youth, we suggest decanting prior to serving. ─── 如果要在年份较浅时享用奥克拉斯干红,我们建议在上酒之前先“醒酒”。

10、Blithe was the singing of the young girls over their test-tubes, the Predestinators whistled as they worked, and in the Decanting Room what glorious jokes were cracked above the empty bottles! ─── 条件设置工一边上班,一边吹着口哨。而在换瓶室里换空的瓶子上空,又有多么有趣的谈笑在进行!

11、Keywords vacuum residue(VR);hydrodonor visbreaking;tetrahydronaphthalene;SDNC;fluid catalytic cracking decant oil; ─── 减压渣油;供氢剂减粘裂化;四氢萘;SDNC;催化裂化澄清油;

12、Keywords Al MCM 41 molecular sieve;mesoporous molecular sieve;fluid catalytic cracking decant oil;narrow fraction;additive; ─── 41分子筛;介孔分子筛;催化油浆;窄馏分;添加剂;


14、You centrifuge the solution, decant the supernatant, and discard the pellet. ─── 你然后对溶液离心,慢慢倒出上清,弃沉淀。对上清液你加更多的硫酸铵。

15、decanting glass ─── 倾析瓶

16、centrifugal wringing and decanting machine ─── 离心绞析机

17、No need to decant. ─── 不需要开瓶停放过程。

18、Keywords SBR Process Wastewater treatment decanting tank; ─── 污水处理;滗水堰槽;

19、It was exhausting work moving the heavy buckets, decanting the liquids ─── 搬动沉重的桶,滗出液体,这些都是使人精疲力竭的工作。

20、Chemical fundamentals and effectiveness of typical industrial hydrogen donors such as FCC decant oil and its sub-fractions during mild thermal cracking of a vacuum residue were revealed. ─── 以FCC油浆及其窄馏分作为工业供氢剂,首先测定其受热供氢能力,然后在此基础上考察了掺炼工业供氢剂对减压渣油缓和热转化生产燃料油和部分轻质油的改进效果及其化学原因。

21、Keywords vacuum residue;decant oil;solvent deasphalting;asphalt;deoiled asphalt; ─── 减压渣油;催化油浆;溶剂脱沥青;沥青;脱沥青油;

22、One hour of decanting. ─── 最佳配对食物为伴辛辣酱汁肉类及野味.需透气一小时。

23、Analysis of Coke-Generation in FCCU's Decant Oil System and Optimization Measures ─── 催化裂化油浆系统结焦的分析及优化措施

24、a vessel used for decanting,especially a decorative bottle used for serving wine ─── 饮料瓶,用来倾倒的瓶子,尤指用来盛酒的装饰性的瓶子

25、Decant to maximise enjoyment. ─── 酒体平衡,回味持久。

26、decanting point ─── 注入点

27、decanting valve ─── 出水排泥两用阀

28、May I decant it now to allow it to breathe? ─── 我可否慢慢倒,好让香味散发出来?

29、decant the soup ─── 把汤滗出去

30、decant fur ─── 腐苔

31、Decanting wine means that its taste, colour and purity are not marred by sediment. WineStar? Decanter enables the wine to reveal its optimum bouquet, thus improving drink quality. ─── 醒酒的主要功能是避免沉淀物影响葡萄酒的味道、香味、酒色及纯度,酒星醒酒器可以呈现葡萄酒最好的饮用状态,提升品酒质量。

32、Keywords Field desorption mass spectrometry(FDMS);mesophase pitch;mass spectrometry;decant oil mesophase pitch;ethylene tar residue mesophase pitc; ─── 场解吸质谱(FDMS);沥青中间相;质谱;澄清油沥青;乙烯渣油沥青;

33、Decanting is recommended for at least 30 minutes. ─── 建议开瓶后停放30分钟。

34、For very old wines: be careful! Decanting can disturb their delicate bouquets. ─── 非常旧的酒:请注意!它们香气极其精致,醒酒反可能把它破坏。

35、Casks of wood for decanting wine ─── 盛葡萄酒大木桶

36、Decanting: Process of separating a wine from any sediment that may have formed. ─── 滗析、醒酒:一个把葡萄酒从已经形成的沉淀物中分离出来的过程。

37、decant passengers at an ideal site for lunch ─── 让乘客在理想的地点下车用餐

38、"decanter:a vessel used for decanting, especially a decorative bottle used for serving wine." ─── "饮料瓶:用来倾倒的瓶子,尤指用来盛酒的装饰性的瓶子."

39、5.This slip is for urine test. Please save the urine in this cup and decant it into the tube to the top. ─── 这是检验小便的单子,想要小便时,请留到这杯子再倒到管子,到十的刻度。

40、With Selection Decanting Pourer the wine is optimally oxygenated on its way from bottle to glass.Drip-free and easy to use. ─── 随旋转型酒咀令酒体更容易地接触空气, 从而提升酒体的香滑度.


42、Investigation of Mixed Property of Vacuum Residuum and Catalytic Cracking Decant Oil ─── 减压渣油与催化油浆的混合性质研究

43、Just remember to shake your make-up remover (if it contains oils) before decanting it. ─── 一定要记得,在倒卸妆液的时候(如果是油质卸妆液的话),先把它摇匀。

44、decanting tank ─── 滗析槽

45、A couple of weeks prior to the course he had watched a television programme about wine and the correct serving and decanting of wine. ─── 在举办这次培训班的几星期之前,有一次他在电视上看到介绍有关酒和上酒及倒酒的正确方法的节目。

46、Keywords FCC decant oil;feed pretreatment;thermal conversion reaction;optical structure; ─── 催化裂化澄清油;原料预处理;热转化反应;光学结构;

47、Barrel pumps are commonly used to decant liquid additives during the preparation of treatment fluids at the wellsite. ─── 在井场配置处理液时普通用桶泵来缓慢倾注液体添加剂。

48、decanting centrifuge ─── 沉降式离心分离机

49、Of vacuum residue and catalytic cracking decant oil propane desaphalting ─── 催化油浆掺兑减压渣油丙烷脱沥青研究

50、decanting bottle ─── 滗析瓶

51、production, toll blending and decanting of auto-lubes; ─── 生产、调配、灌装、销售车用润滑油;

52、Keywords Paving asphalt;Vacuum residue;Decant oil;Solvent deasphalting;Wax content; ─── 道路沥青;渣油;催化油浆;溶剂脱沥青;蜡含量;

53、Decant tissue powder and liquid nitrogen into an RNase-free, liquid-nitrogen-cooled, 2 ml microcentrifuge tube (not supplied). ─── 将组织细粉与液氮倒入没有RNase并且经液氮冷却的2 ml微量离心管中。

54、Decanting you might use in cookery to separate two liquids like draining the fat from the top of a cooking mixture. ─── 烹调的时候你也许会用到倾析来把两种液体分开,比如把煮的东西上面的一层油去掉。

55、A vessel used for decanting, especially a decorative bottle used for serving wine. ─── 饮料瓶用来倾倒的瓶子,尤指用来盛酒的装饰性的瓶子

56、decanting well ─── 排水井

57、With red meats,whether grilled or with its sauce,as well as with game and soft cheeses. This wine develops even further with two hours decanting before drinking. ─── 可与烤红肉,野味和淡淡的奶酪搭配。为了品尝到此款酒的最佳风味,请提前两小时开瓶。

58、decanting hose ─── 滗析软管

59、Research of Paving Asphalt Produced by Oxidation of Dagang Vacuum Residue Blended with RFCC Decant Oil ─── 大港渣油掺兑催化油浆氧化沥青的研究

60、Keywords SBR water decanter;siphon pipe;decanting weir tank;water sealed tank for water outlet; ─── SBR滗水器;虹吸管;滗水堰槽;出水水封槽;

61、FCC decant oil ─── 催化裂化澄清油

62、decant v. ─── 慢慢倒出;

63、Study on Properties of ERF with Carbonaceous Particles Based on FCC Decant Oil ─── FCC澄清油炭化产物电流变液的特性研究

64、Decanting you might use in cookery to separate two liquids like draining the fat from the top of a cooking mixture . ─── 烹调的时候你也许会用到倾析来把两种液体分开,比如把煮的东西上面的一层油去掉。

65、Keywords FCC decant oil;feed pretreatment;thermal conversion reaction;optical structure;needle coke; ─── 催化裂化澄清油;原料预处理;热转化反应;光学结构;针状焦;

66、Aromas of roses, white flowers (lily) and red fruits were released just one hour after decanting. ─── 在开瓶醒一小时后有玫瑰香,白百合花香和红果香。

67、With money available for the asking, industry is torn between bagging some to increase capacity further or to decant into the stock market. ─── 资金唾手可得,企业有两种选择:贷款用于进一步扩大产能,或者将它投入股市。

68、It proved to work, and with the new combined wine decanter and pourer it became possible to both pour and decant a single glass of wine. ─── 事实证明这项发明是有效的,这种把酒的倾注器和倒酒器结合在一起的新型组合能够把酒倒出并倾注在一个酒杯中。

69、Other separation processes are distillation, dust extraction, decanting, leaching ─── 别的分离过程有精馏、捕尘、倾析、浸取......

70、In his own labyrinth of cellars the butler prowled among his casks, decanting and tasting. ─── 酒窖管家穿行在他自己的酒窖迷宫中,在瓶桶之间巡游,换瓶、品尝。

71、Neither was the toll that sprawl exacts from America's cities and towns, which continue to decant slowly into the countryside. ─── 这两大问题不仅仅阻碍了市镇的可持续发展,它也正在蚕食着乡村,导致了那里不健康发展。

72、decanting cylinder ─── 滗析筒

73、decanting process ─── 滗析法

74、decanting weir tank ─── 滗水堰槽

75、The production capacity of antifreeze is 20,000 tons per annum with an annual decanting capacity of 10,000 tons and the lubricants production capacity is 30,000 tons per annum. ─── 合资公司投入运营后保护液产品有20000吨的生产能力、10000吨的灌装能力;润滑油有30000吨的生产能力。


77、The RINA 300 series Filtering , Decanting and Special Centrifuges are a series of medium to large conventional Centrifuges(with basket diameters from 1000 to 1600 mm). ─── Rina 300 系列过滤的、滗析的以及特殊离心机是大型常规离心机系列中的中号产品(篮子的直径为1000到1600毫米)。

78、Through analysis and lest on liquid leakage cause of decanting distributor of quench oil tower, the source of gasoline tank heavily entraining water was found. ─── 通过对急冷水塔的沉降分布器漏液原因进行分析及实验,找到了汽油槽严重带水的水来源。

79、To purify, separate, or remove(ore, for example) by washing, decanting, and settling. ─── 淘洗,淘选,淘析用清洗、倾析和沉淀的方法来提纯、分离或清除(例如,矿石)

80、A couple of weeks prior to the course he had watched a television programme about wine and the correct serving and decanting of wine. ─── 在举办这次培训班的几星期之前,有一次他在电视上看到介绍有关酒和上酒及倒酒的正确方法的节目。

81、Production of Paving Asphalt by Solvent Deasphalting of Vacuum Residue and RCC Decant Oil ─── 催化裂化油浆在生产优质道路沥青中的应用

82、Water came down from the roof through a small drain carved in the outside north wall of the grotto.It was led to a small pool which served to decant it before it flowed into the cistern proper. ─── 水从屋顶沿著北边外墙挖的小水管流下来,形成一个小水池为协助它徐缓地流入更适合的贮水槽。

83、Just remember to shake your make-up remover (if it contains oils) before decanting it. ─── 一定要记得,在倒卸妆液的时候(如果是油质卸妆液的话),先把它摇匀。

84、If they get worse after decanting the wine is probably corked. ─── 如果在醒酒之后状况变得更糟了,这支酒很可能是有瓶塞味儿了。

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