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09-03 投稿



hypericum 发音


英:  美:

hypericum 中文意思翻译



hypericum 短语词组

1、Hypericum prolificum ─── [网络] 金丝桃多产

2、Hypericum androsaemum ─── [网络] 金丝桃

3、Hypericum perforatum ─── [网络] 贯叶连翘;金丝桃;贯叶金丝桃

4、Hypericum spathulatum ─── [网络] 金丝桃属

5、Hypericum calycinum ─── [网络] 大萼金丝桃;姬金丝桃

6、Hypericum pyramidatum ─── [网络] 金丝桃金字塔

7、hypericum oil ─── [化] 金丝桃油

8、Hypericum maculatum ─── [网络] 金丝桃;斑状金丝桃

9、Hypericum sinense L. ─── [医] 金丝桃

10、Hypericum crux andrae ─── [网络] 金丝桃粉刺

11、Hypericum hypericoides ─── [网络] 金丝蝴蝶

12、genus Hypericum ─── [网络] 金丝桃属

13、Hypericum sampsonii Hance ─── [医] 元宝草

14、Hypericum ascyron ─── [网络] 长柱金丝桃;黄海棠;金丝蝴蝶

15、Hypericum japonicum Thumb. ─── [医] 地耳草

16、Hypericum gentianoides ─── [网络] 金丝桃

17、Hypericum tetrapterum ─── [网络] 金丝桃

18、Hypericum erectum ─── [医] 小连翘

19、Hypericum ascyron L. ─── [医] 湖南连翘

hypericum 相似词语短语

1、hypernym ─── n.上位词;上义词

2、hyperacuses ─── 过度聚焦

3、hypercube ─── n.超立方体

4、hyperacute ─── 过急性的;超急性的

5、hyperacid ─── adj.酸过多的;[生理]胃酸过多的

6、hypericin ─── n.金丝桃素

7、hypericums ─── n.金丝桃属植物

8、hyperacusis ─── n.[生理]听觉过敏

9、hyperacuity ─── 过敏

hypericum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、abstract: Objective: Choose the best enzyme and craft conditions of hypericin from Hypericum perforatum. ─── 目的:探讨贯叶连翘中金丝桃素的酶提取法的最优酶及其最佳工艺。

2、Hypericum japonicum ─── n. 地耳草

3、Keywords Hypericum perforatum L.;Hypericins;Total flavonoids;Orthogonal test; ─── 关键词贯叶连翘;总金丝桃素;总黄酮;正交试验;

4、ObjectiveExplore the pharmaceutical action of extracted hypericum perforatum L on circulatory system and intestinal muscle of experimental animals. ─── 探讨贯叶连翘提取物对实验动物循环系统和小肠平滑肌药理作用。

5、Hypericum prattii ─── n. 大叶金丝祧

6、Hypericum perforatum ─── n. 贯叶连翘

7、Hypericum curvisepalum ─── n. 弯萼金丝桃

8、METHODS: Volatile oil was gained by steam distillation and extracted with ethyl acetate in Hypericum Scabraum. ─── 方法:本文用水蒸气蒸馏,乙酸乙酯萃取法提取腺点金丝桃挥发油。

9、Hypericum formosanum ─── n. 台湾金丝桃

10、Keywords Hypericum perforatum L.;hypericin;extraction technique;improvement;W.X. deguming agent; ─── 关键词贯叶连翘;金丝桃素;提取工艺;W.X.除杂剂;改进;

11、Hypericum addingtonii ─── n. 碟花金丝桃

12、In this paper,chemical composition and pharmacological effect of Hypericum perfortum extracts were introduced in order to provide reference for the exploit and utilization of Hypericum perfortum. ─── 介绍了贯叶连翘提取物的化学成分,并总结其药理作用,以期为进一步研究和开发利用贯叶连翘提供理论基础。

13、HPLC method was established for determination of hyperin in Hypericum Perforatum L. ─── 建立了HPLC法测定贯叶连翘提取物中金丝桃苷的含量。

14、Hypericum monanthemum ─── n. 单花遍地金

15、Ingredients: Green tea, hypericum honey, chamomile, mint, natural essence oil, sodium sulphate anhydrous, sodium bicarbonate. ─── 成份:碧螺春,枣花蜂蜜,野菊花,薄荷,天然精油,无水硫酸钠,碳酸氢钠。

16、Hypericum sampsonii ─── n. 元宝草

17、Plant Resources of Genus Hypericum L. In Yunnan ─── 云南金丝桃属植物资源的调查研究

18、A 58-year-old woman who had been receiving hypericum to treat depressive symptoms developed a drug withdrawal syndrome after discontinuing treatment. ─── 1例58岁妇女接受金丝桃属药物治疗抑郁症,中断治疗后发生药物戒断综合征。

19、Hypericum bellum ─── n. 美丽金丝桃

20、Orange Rose, Yellow Rose, Red Spray Rose, Calla Lily, Green Chrysanthemum, Hypericum, Ivy ─── 橙玫瑰,黄玫瑰,红小玫瑰,马蹄兰,绿蟹爪菊,提子,长春藤

21、Hypericum pseudohenryi ─── n. 北栽秧花


23、Are wild all over the world Hypericum perforatum, including Europe and the Americas. ─── 世界各地均有野生的贯叶连翘,包括欧洲和美洲。

24、Keywords macroporous adsorption resin;on-line detection;Hypericum perforatum;total flavonoid glycosides;UV detector; ─── 大孔吸附树脂;在线检测;贯叶金丝桃;总黄酮;紫外检测器;

25、Hypericum japonicum Thunb. ─── 地耳草

26、The abstract process of heteroside of hypericum Chinese L. from forsythia suspensa(thunb) has been researched. ─── 探讨了贯叶连翘中金丝桃甙的提取工艺。

27、Hypericum lagarocladum ─── n. 纤枝金丝桃

28、Orange Rose, Yellow Rose, Red Spray Rose, Calla Lily , Green Chrysanthemum, Hypericum, Ivy. ─── 橙玫瑰,黄玫瑰,红小玫瑰,马蹄兰,绿蟹爪菊,提子,长春藤。

29、Leonidas Rose, Yellow Freesia, Yellow-red Tulip, Orange Ranunculus, Blue Berry, Hypericum, Achillea, Salal ─── 啡玫,黄较剪兰,黄红郁金香,橙小牡丹,蓝果子,提子,咖哩,沙巴叶

30、Hypericum japonicum Thumb. ─── [医] 地耳草

31、Hypericum beanii ─── n. 栽秧花

32、Hypericum lancasteri ─── n. 展萼金丝桃

33、Hypericum macrosepalum ─── n. 大萼金丝桃

34、Hypericum henryi subsp ─── 岷江金丝桃

35、Hypericum elodeoides ─── n. 挺茎遍地金

36、Hypericum reptans ─── n. 匍枝金丝桃

37、It consists of two-level arrangements.A wicker basket filled with white lilies, pink lilies, roses, limonium, statice, hypericum and salal. ─── 两层花篮配高身花座,鲜花包括白百合、粉百合、玖瑰、毋忘我、彩星、提子及沙巴叶等。

38、Five compounds from Hypericum perforatum L.were identified as quercetin,avicularin,quercitrin,isoquercitrin and hyperin. ─── 从贯叶金丝桃中分离得到5个化合物,分别鉴定为槲皮素、蓄苷、槲皮苷、异槲皮苷及金丝桃苷。

39、Hypericum erectum Thunb ─── 小连翘

40、Hypericum scabrum ─── n. 糙枝金丝桃

41、And then there have been more and more researches about secretory structure, pharmacological compounds, and fast propagation of Hypericum l. ─── 因此近年来对该属植物的分泌结构、具药理作用的化学成分、快速繁殖以及分子水平的研究越来越多。

42、The Study of antidepressant activity of the total flavonoids product from Hypericum sampsonii Hance ─── 元宝草黄酮类成分的抗抑郁作用研究

43、Hypericum pedunculatum ─── n. 具梗金丝桃

44、Keywords macroporous adsorptive resins;hypericin;Hypericum perforatum L; ─── 大孔吸附树脂;金丝桃素;贯叶连翘;

45、Keywords Hypericum erectum Thunb;drug screening assays;anti-tumor;chemical fraction; ─── 小连翘;药物筛选试验;抗肿瘤;化学部位;

46、Hypericum hengshanense ─── n. 衡山金丝桃

47、Hypericum przewalsklii ─── n. 突脉金丝桃

48、The experiment provides a theoretic and practical base for industrial production of heteroside of hypericum Chinese L. ─── 所述结论为金丝桃甙的工业生产提供了依据。

49、Quantitative phytochemical analysis of 11 Hypericum species growing in China ─── 国产11种金丝桃属植物中化学成分的含量分析

50、In this review,major compounds from the genus Hypericum were presented according to their structure types and their biological activities were discussed concisely. ─── 本文按照化合物结构类型进行了归纳,综述了该类植物的化学成分研究进展,同时简述了这些成分的相关药理作用。

51、Hypericum seniavinii ─── n. 密腺小连翘

52、This article provides adverse reaction profiles of four atypical antidepressants including mitrazapine, venlafaxine, amfebutamone, and Hypericum perforatum extract, and their management. ─── 本文介绍4种非典型抗抑郁药米塔扎平、文拉法辛、安非他酮及贯叶连翘提取物超剂量应用的不良反应及其治疗。

53、A New Species and a New Subspecies of Hypericum from Guangdong, China ─── 广东金丝桃属一新种和一新亚种

54、Methods HPLC results of the plants from Hypericum Linn.were transformed into HPLC fingerprint spectrum which was used to evaluate and distinguish the different plants of Hypericum Linn. ─── 方法采用HPLC方法将获得的色谱数据转化为色谱指纹谱,据此对样品进行分析鉴别。

55、Hypericum kouytchense ─── n. 贵州金丝桃

56、Hypericum acmosepaium N. Robson ─── 尖萼金丝桃

57、Objective To investigate the protective effects of Hypericum attenuatum Choisy. extract on experimental myocardial ischemia injury in mice. ─── 目的观察乌腺金丝桃提取物对小鼠缺血心肌的保护作用。

58、The extract from the herb St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) has been used for centuries in many folk and herbal remedies. ─── 圣约翰草(贯叶连翘)是一种灌木、野生植物,花呈黄色。其提取物已经用于许多偏方治疗和草药治疗数世纪。

59、Hypericum sinense L. ─── [医] 金丝桃

60、Hypericum sect. Ascyreia (Clusiaceae): new species and subspecies from China ─── 中国金丝桃属金丝桃组(藤黄科)新分类群

61、Hypericum longistylum ─── n. 长柱金丝桃

62、Hypericum subsessile ─── n. 近无柄金丝桃

63、Keywords adsorbent resin;Hypericum ascyron L.;flavone; ─── 大孔吸附树脂;红旱莲;黄酮;

64、Hypericum ascyron L. ─── [医] 湖南连翘

65、Keywords Hypericum perforatum L;flavonoid glycosides;triterpenes;sterol; ─── 关键词贯叶连翘;黄酮苷;三萜;甾醇;

66、The highperformance liquid chromatography fingerprint of hypericum japonicum thumb is introduced to demonstrate a good method to build the common pattern. ─── 以田基黄的高效液相色谱指纹图谱为例,说明了一种建立共有模式行之有效的方法。

67、Hypericum ascyron ─── n. 黄海棠

68、Leonidas Rose, Calla Lily, Ageratum, Callistephus, Hypericum, Small Pittosporum ─── 啡玫瑰,马蹄兰,法国毋忘我,苏菊,提子,小海棠叶

69、OBJECTIVE To study the chemical constituents of Hypericum sampsonii Hance. ─── 目的对元宝草的化学成分进行研究。

70、Influence of light and oxygen on the activity of hypericum protein complex against FMD virus ─── 光与氧对金丝桃蛋白复合物抗口蹄疫病毒的活性的影响

71、OBJECTIVE To investigate the inhibitive effect in rats brain synapsis of Hypericum wightianum extract in the noradrenaline (NE) reuptake . ─── 目的:研究遍地金提取物对大鼠脑突触体去甲肾上腺素重摄取的抑制作用。

72、Hypericum cohaerens ─── n. 连柱金丝桃

73、Hypericum augustinii ─── n. 无柄金丝桃

74、Retinoic Acid (Retin A), Hypericum Perforatum (Wheat Germ) Extract, Hydrolyzed Soy (Soja) Protein, Vitis Vinifera (Grapeseed) Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Kojic Acid, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Butylated Hydroxytoluene. ─── 成分不错,维生素A,E,C都全了,还有曲酸加强美白效果。再加上大豆水解蛋白、甜菜、葡萄籽油加强抗氧化。成份简单有效,看成分蛮清爽。

75、Hypericum nakamurai ─── n. 清水金丝桃

76、Hypericum nagasawai ─── n. 玉山金丝桃

77、Keywords Antidepressant;Hypericum wightianum;Tail suspension test;Immobility time; ─── 关键词抗抑郁作用;遍地金;小鼠悬尾实验;不动时间;

78、Hypericum choisianum ─── n. 多蕊金丝桃

79、Keywords Hypericum perforatum L.;Total extract;Corynebacterium glutamicum;Alcaligenes faecalis;Antibacterial effect; ─── 关键词贯叶连翘;总提取物;谷氨酸棒状杆菌;粪产碱杆菌;抗菌作用;

80、Objective To compare the contents of hypericin and pseudohypericin in Hypericum performatum L. ─── 目的比较不同产地贯叶连翘中金丝桃素和伪金丝桃素的含量。

81、Objective To investigate the alcohol extractive technique of hyperin from Hypericum(perforatum) Linn. ─── 目的探索贯叶金丝桃药材中金丝桃苷的乙醇提取工艺。

82、Hypericum nokoense ─── n. 能高金丝桃

83、Hypericum maclarenii ─── n. 康定金丝桃

84、Basket of Orange Rose, Sweet Peas, Celosia, Ranunculus, Dille, Hypericum, Cirsium, Eucalyptus ─── 橙玫瑰,香豆花,粉鸡冠,小牡丹,白飞香,提子,尤加利叶

85、Determination of Hyperin in Genus Hypericum Medicinal Plants ─── 几种金丝桃属药用植物的金丝桃苷含量测定

86、Sect. Hypericum ─── n. 贯叶连翘组

87、Methods: The extracts of the Hypericum japonicum Thunb. were intraperitoneally given to every SD rat with acute liver injury induced by D-galactoasmine. ─── 方法:将SD大鼠给D-半乳糖胺盐酸盐造成急性肝损伤模型,腹腔注射田基黄不同溶剂的提取物,观察血清中的ALT、AST的变化,确定有效部位。

88、Hypericum uralum ─── n. 匙萼金丝桃

89、Hypericum stellatum ─── n. 星萼金丝桃

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