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09-03 投稿



flounders 发音

英:[ˈflaʊndəz]  美:[ˈflaʊndərz]

英:  美:

flounders 中文意思翻译




flounders 词性/词形变化,flounders变形

动词现在分词: floundering |动词过去式: floundered |名词复数: flounder |动词过去分词: floundered |动词第三人称单数: flounders |

flounders 相似词语短语

1、flounder ─── v.不知所措,支吾;困难重重;(在水、泥等中)挣扎,折腾;心乱如麻;n.鲆,鲽,比目鱼(同flatfish);挣扎;n.(Flounder)(美、英、以)弗伦德(人名)

2、blunders ─── 错误

3、-pounders ─── n.捣具;一磅重的东西;杵;n.(Pounder)人名;(英、西)庞德尔

4、flooders ─── 溢出物;涌出物

5、flinders ─── n.碎片;破片(flinder的复数);n.(Flinders)人名;(英)弗林德斯

6、founders ─── n.创办人;造物者(founder的复数)

7、floundered ─── v.不知所措,支吾;困难重重;(在水、泥等中)挣扎,折腾;心乱如麻;n.鲆,鲽,比目鱼(同flatfish);挣扎;n.(Flounder)(美、英、以)弗伦德(人名)

8、lounders ─── n.重击;vt.狠狠地打

9、bounders ─── n.暴发户;粗鲁的人

flounders 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Turbot is fish of plaice of left-eyed flounder of sex of carnivorous of layer of benthic of a kind of sea. ─── 大菱鲆是一种海水底层肉食性鲆鲽鱼类。

2、Flounder: AAHHHH!! Run!! Run!! We're goanna die!! Oh No!! You big bully. THBBBTTTT ... ─── 弗朗达:啊!快跑!我们会没命的!噢,不!你这大笨鱼!呸!

3、Luxury-goods firms will flounder. ─── 奢侈品制造企业将会陷入困境。

4、The is in the middle you see from the writing oneself of sadness, see oneself of wound and flounder, antinomy and palpitate. ─── 从文字当中你看到自己的忧伤,看到自己的伤口与挣扎,矛盾与悸动。

5、Flounder: Ariel, wait for me ... ─── 弗朗达:爱丽尔,等等我。

6、But there came a day when he actually caught two enormous flounders. ─── 但有一天他确实抓了两条极大的比目鱼。

7、But then the teaching of ethics and moral responsibility flounders along with aesthetics. ─── 但是,伦理教育与教育责任在审美之间挣扎。

8、Dry-Braised Olive Flounder in Brown Sauce ─── 干烧牙片鱼

9、The problem with the above explanation is that the Japanese starry flounder population is almost exclusively left-eyed, and natural selection never promotes a purely less advantageous variation. ─── 上面这种解释的问题是日本的星形比目鱼种群几乎全是眼在左侧的,而大自然的选择则从不推动完全没有有利条件的种属发展。

10、At that moment, a lost kid constantly wonders, wanders, and flounders. ─── 在那时,一个迷失的小孩疑惑着,彷徨着,踌躇着。

11、flounder of southern United States. ─── 产于美国南部的比目鱼。

12、flounders with both eyes on the right side of the head. ─── 两只眼睛都长在头部右边的比目鱼。

13、very thin translucent flounder of the Atlantic coast of North America. ─── 北美洲大西洋沿岸水域中非常薄而透明的比目鱼。

14、Its growth may slow a little while the West flounders, but it will emerge from this recession as the world's centre of economic and financial gravity. ─── 当西方国家奋力挣扎时,亚洲的经济增长可能会缓慢一些,但亚洲将会成为一枝独秀,逃离世界经济与金融自由落体般的衰退。

15、The pattern of the fertilization of turbot is monospermy, which is similar with that of flounder. ─── 大菱鲆的受精方式跟牙鲆相同都是单精受精;

16、Flores is being targeted by big sections of the Mestalla crowd as Valencia continue to flounder at home and was booed off the pitch after Saturday's defeat to Espanyol. ─── 大区德比失利以及近日主场表现糟糕,弗洛雷斯成了众矢之的,而在上周六再被西班牙人击败以后,弗洛雷斯的帅位已经被主场球迷嘘的岌岌可危。

17、They flounder about between fustian in expression, and bathos in sentiment(William Hazlitt. ─── 他们陷入在口头上夸夸其谈,在感情上矫柔造作的泥潭之中(威廉 哈兹里特)。

18、As the nation's economic climate flounders and legal work dries up, a growing number of large and midsize law firms are eschewing layoffs by redistributing or deferring young associates instead. ─── 因为整个美国的经济不景气以及法律就业机会的枯竭,越来越多的大中型律师事务所通过推迟录用年轻的法律助理来避免裁员。

19、Unlike eggs of flounder, there are cortical alveoli in the cortex of eggs of turbot. ─── 与牙鲆卵不同的是,大菱鲆卵在胚盘皮层区有皮层小泡;

20、Morphological Observations on Embryonic Development of Summer Flounder ─── 大西洋牙鲆胚胎发育的形态观察

21、Photo Gallery: Translucent Creatures Flounder in their larval stage, such as this one in Hawaii, resemble ghostly undersize replicas of adults. ─── 意译:半透明生物图片集。折腾在它们的幼虫阶段,例如这一只在夏威夷,类似幽灵的较小的成熟的复制品。

22、He couldn't swim and just flounder about in the water. ─── 他不会游泳,只是在水里胡乱地划动。

23、But despite their relative success they have watched Citi's stock price flounder since 2001, dragged down by its flailing retail side. ─── 可是,相对于他们的成功,自从2001年以来,花旗银行的股票就因为消费者业务的拖累一直处于挣扎状态。

24、She could only flounder through her song. ─── 她只能慌乱地唱完她的歌。

25、His flounder in pain and sufferings dying. ─── 他挣扎着在痛苦中死去。

26、The results showed that there were no obvious effects on the ingestion behaviors of young starry flounders. ─── 结果表明:饲料颜色对星斑川鲽幼鱼摄食行为的影响不明显;

27、His flounder asks to be called to " Hua Zi " person, be most willing to to " Hua Zi " paid brushstroke tuition, this learned later " technology " . ─── 他辗转打听到一个叫做“华子”的人,心甘情愿向“华子”交了一笔学费,之后就学会了这门“技术”。

28、In his tenth season on the grid, the 32-year-old is still yet to achieve his maiden victory, while his team BMW-Sauber flounders in its 2009 championship effort. ─── 在其第十次赛季在赛场上,32岁仍是尚未实现他的首次胜利,而他的团队宝马索伯比目鱼在2009年德国锦标赛努力.

29、Frozen Seafood, Clams, Cod, Flounder, Pollock, Surimi, Tuna, ... ─── 希腊公司求购冷冻海产品,蛤,蟹棒,比目鱼,鳕鱼,金枪鱼等2008-12-16

30、While in most species with asymmetries virtually all adults share the same asymmetry, members of the starry flounder species can be either left-eyed (both eyes on the left side of head) or right-eyed. ─── 在大多数非对称的物种中,成年个体的非对称性看起来都是相同的,但星形比目鱼种的成员则既可以是眼在左侧的(两只眼都在头部的左侧),也可以是眼在右侧的。

31、I went crabbing this morning and caught a flounder with the crab net. ─── 我今天早晨去抓蟹,结果用蟹网抓到一条比目鱼。

32、Isozyme analysis of stone flounder in the coastal waters of Shandong ─── 山东近海石鲽的同工酶分析

33、Flounder: I'll try. ─── 弗朗达:我会尽力的。

34、That makes it attractive to many start-up firms.Venture capitalists often demand that firms patent technology, both to block rivals and to have assets to sell in case the firm flounders. ─── 一个企业整合整个流程,从原创设计到最终销售每一步都无所不包的时代已经一去不返。

35、Technique on seedling rearing of southern flounder, Paralichthys lethostigma ─── 南方鲆苗种培育技术

36、One man goes over the ice, which bears him, and a score who follow flounder in. ─── 一个人可能在冰上安然通过,跟在他后面的几十个人却掉进了水底。

37、George Bush flounders in Iraq, the greater his temptation to blame Iran. ─── 布什在伊拉克越是深陷泥潭,就越爱指责伊朗。

38、Lose today and we may flounder but our chances are good given their recent patch of poor form. ─── 失去今天和我们可能除了我们的机会之外挣扎是善行给予的他们最近的片贫穷的形式。

39、They flounder about between fustian in expression,and bathos in sentiment(William Hazlitt. ─── 他们陷入在口头上夸夸其谈,在感情上矫柔造作的泥潭之中(威廉·哈兹里特)。

40、InMiyako Bay,Iwate Prefecture,almost all flounder caught arrive at Miyako Fish Market. ─── 在宫古湾,岩手县,几乎所有捕获的比目鱼都在宫古鱼市销售。

41、Flounder: Oooh, I gotcha I gotcha. We're being intrepidities. We're out to discover. ─── 弗朗达:哦,我知道了,我知道了。我们要镇定,我们要看看他们在干什么!

42、We have to get on in this world, and either we entrust our course to intellect and whatever insight we can muster or we flounder and take our chances with fate. ─── 我们得在这个世界上生存下去,我们要么相信自己的理智,相信所得的见解; 要么勉强应付,听任命运的摆布。

43、I consider a flounder to be flat. ─── 我以为比目鱼是扁平的。

44、"No, if I cut them up, nobody will believe I caught two giant flounders. ─── “不行,如果把两条鱼都切碎了,就不会有人相信我抓了两条大比目鱼了。”

45、For starry flounders, then, the left-eyed variety would be selected against, since in a starry flounder the left optic nerve is uppermost. ─── 因此,对于星状鲆鱼来说,双眼左侧摆位这一形态应通过选择而予以废弃,因为在星状鲆鱼身上,左视神经位于最上部。

46、We have filet of sole, flounder, and baked shad. ─── 我们有上等螺沙鱼排、比目鱼,还有烤鲱鱼。

47、But there came a day when he actually caught two enormous flounders. ─── 但有一天他确实抓了两条极大的比目鱼。

48、You the most happy time, someone is suffering from evil molestation of disease, with death physical fight, flounder. ─── 你最快乐的时候,有人正受着病魔的折磨,和死亡搏斗,挣扎。

49、He flounders through the first weeks of freshman year. ─── 刚进大学的头几个星期他手足无措。

50、The guests were seated at the table when their host strode in with a platter, holding the biggest flounder they'd ever seen. ─── 客人已在餐桌边就座完毕,这时主人大步地走进来,手里端着一个托盘,托盘上是一个他们所见过的最大的比目鱼。

51、winter flounder antifreeze protein ─── 冬鲽鱼抗冻蛋白

52、very thin translucent flounder of the Atlantic coast of North America ─── 北美洲大西洋沿岸水域中非常薄而透明的比目鱼

53、Alive Seafood, Canned Seafood, Frozen Seafood, Cod, Flounder, Mackerel, Monkfish, Pollock, Sardine, Shrimp, Tuna, Seafoo ... ─── 乌克兰公司求购活海鲜,海鲜罐头,冷冻海产品,鳕鱼,比目鱼等2008-12-16

54、Juvenile spot moves into shallow water to escape from flounder. ─── 小黄鲾游到浅水地带以躲避比目鱼。

55、The more George Bush flounders in Iraq, the greater his temptation to blame Iran. ─── 布什在伊拉克越是深陷泥潭,就越爱指责伊朗。

56、Their character lets my ground experience literal glamour, their character or let me touch, or let me sob deeply, or let me to one's heart's content laughs or make me contemplative flounder. ─── 他们的文字让我一次次地体会到文字的魅力,他们的文字或让我感动,或让我不胜唏嘘,或让我开怀大笑或让我沉思辗转。

57、For starry flounders, then, the left-eyed variety would be selected against, since in a starry flounder the left optic nerve is uppermost. ─── 因此,对于星状鲆鱼来说,双眼左侧摆位这一形态应通过选择而予以废弃,因为在星状鲆鱼身上,左视神经位于最上部。

58、The cold waters of the northern Pacific and the still, shallow inlets are also rich in flounder, tuna, hablibut, shrimp and crab. ─── 北太平洋的寒冷海水和宁静而浅的海湾,还盛产比目鱼、金枪鱼、庸鲽、虾和蟹。

59、Flounder loves Ariel. Ariel loves Flounder. They're friends. ─── 小比目鱼喜欢爱丽儿。爱丽儿喜欢小比目鱼。他们是朋友。

60、Do not be indecisive and flounder along the way. ─── 千万不要三心两意误着路途;

61、Raising southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma in northern area ─── 北方地区漠斑牙鲆池塘养殖试验

62、Soon after he founded his new 1982 think tank, the Roosevelt Center for American Policy Studies in Washington, D.C., it began to flounder. ─── 当他1982年在美国建立了新的智囊团,也就是美国政策研究罗斯福中心时,他开始挣扎了。

63、Themarket sampler examined flounder arriving on all the days that the market was open,an average of 260 days a year,and collected samples of totai length. ─── 市场样品检验员检验了市场开放期间,也就是平均一年中的260天里每天送到的比目鱼,并且采集了鱼总长度的样品。

64、Like all modern flatfish, the yellowtail flounder has both eyes on one side of its head. The first flatfishes had one eye on each side. ─── 如同所有现代的比目鱼一样,美洲黄盖鲽的两只眼睛位于头部的同一侧。第一条比目鱼的眼睛是位于两侧的。

65、Keywords PCBs;EROD;flounder;bioeffect;cytochrome P450; ─── 多氯联苯;EROD;牙鲆;生物效应;细胞色素P450;

66、At the same time, he savours the apparent enfeeblement of America, as it flounders in Afghanistan and fails to pacify Iraq. ─── 同时,他察觉到,美国深陷阿富汗问题泥淖而且未能平定伊拉克,已明显衰弱。

67、Take spiritual whole body covered with wounds bitterness bitterness flounder year in and year out, I dullly finish university, close behind be seek work, failure, then again success. ─── 带着心灵上的遍体鳞伤苦苦挣扎了一年又一年,我索然无味地大学毕业,紧接着就是找工作,失败了,然后又成功了。

68、She could only flounder in the water. ─── 她只能慌乱地在水里挣扎。

69、a righteye flounder found in the Pacific. ─── 产于太平洋的比目鱼。

70、Technique of Atlantic flounder Culture ─── 大西洋牙鲆人工养殖技术

71、"dab:any of various flatfishes, chiefly of the genera Limanda and Hippoglossoides, related to and resembling the flounders." ─── "比目鱼,孙鲽:一种比目鱼,主要是黄盖鲽属和拟庸鲽属的鱼类,与鲽鱼有关而且很相似."

72、Title: Biological characterization and phylogenetic analysis of pathogenic new subspecies of Aeromonas salmonicida isolated from stone flounder (Kareius bicoloratus L. ─── 关键词:石鲽;杀鲑气单胞菌杀鲽亚种;生物学特性;系统发育学分析

73、any of various flatfishes,especially a flounder of the genus Paralichthys ─── 一种比目鱼,尤指牙鲆属鲽鱼

74、The chorion and micropyle of left-eyed flounder are observed by transmission electron microscope and scanning electronic microscope. ─── 并通过透射电镜和扫描电镜对牙鲆卵膜和受精孔进行观察。

75、flatfish es chiefly of the genera limanda and hippoglossoides related to and resembling the flounders. ─── 比目鱼,孙鲽:一种比目鱼,主要是黄盖鲽属和拟庸鲽属的鱼类,与鲽鱼有关而且很相似。〞。

76、flounder of eastern coast of North America. ─── 产于北美洲东部海岸的比目鱼。

77、To move clumsily; flounder. ─── 乱动,挣扎笨重地移动;挣扎

78、The construction of pedigree was perfected by looking at microsatellite loci from paternity tests which are essential to the deeper analysis of gynogenetic Japanese flounder. ─── 利用微卫星标记可确定雌核发育后代的亲子关系,从而构建牙鲆雌核发育家系系谱,对牙鲆雌核发育的深入研究具有重要意义。

79、They have to flounder in a morass of contradictions ─── 他们不得不在矛盾重重的困境中挣扎。

80、The flounder with remarkable symptoms of LCDV showed higher absorbance(OD 0.165) and the absorbance of flounder recovering from the disease was the highest(OD 0.231). ─── 患淋巴囊肿病且症状显现的牙鲆血清中特异性抗体水平升高(平均OD值为0.165),患淋巴囊肿病后处于恢复期的牙鲆抗体水平最高(平均OD值为0.231);

81、We obtained the average total length and the stander deviation of total length of flounder for each age, by month, from the measurement data on the tagged flounder for which age was known. ─── 我们从对知道其年龄并为其贴上标签的比目鱼的以月为单位的测量数据中,得到了每个年龄段的比目鱼平均总寿命及其较稳定的误差.

82、A century and a half after On the Origin of Species, biologists still debate the mechanisms and implications (though not the reality) of Darwinism, while much of the public still flounders in pre-Darwinian cluelessness. ─── 在《物种起源》出版了一个半世纪后,生物学家还在争论达尔文主义的机制与含意(而不是实际内容),而大多数人也还在为前达尔文时期的漫无头绪而焦躁徬徨。

83、He started us off with one of his signature classics: an assortment of slightly chilled flounder, assortment of flounder fish with Yellow tail, Salmon and Tuna fish. ─── 他首先请我们品尝了其招牌菜:微辣黄尾比目鱼、三文鱼、和金枪鱼。

84、Flounder in their larval stage, such as this one in Hawaii, resemble ghostly undersize replicas of adults. ─── 幼虫阶段的比目鱼,就像夏威夷的这只,简直就是成鱼的小号复制品。

85、"They flounder about between fustian in expression, and bathos in sentiment" (William Hazlitt). ─── “他们陷入在口头上夸夸其谈,在感情上矫柔造作的泥潭之中” (威廉·哈兹里特)。

86、Technique of Species Introduction for Atlantic flounder and Its Prospect ─── 大西洋牙鲆引种养殖及发展前景

87、The level of the specific antibody of healthy flounder remarkably increased after immunized with LCDV inactivated vaccine. ─── 健康牙鲆接种LCDV灭活疫苗后,特异性抗体水平显著升高。

88、The more George Bush flounders in Iraq, the greater his temptation to blame Iran. ─── 布什在伊拉克越是深陷泥潭,就越爱指责伊朗。

89、2 The more George Bush flounders in Iraq, the greater his temptation to blame Iran. ─── 布什在伊拉克越是,就越爱指责伊朗。

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