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09-03 投稿



ecclesial 发音

英:[[ɪ'kli:zɪəl]]  美:[[ɪ'kli:zɪrl]]

英:  美:

ecclesial 中文意思翻译



ecclesial 相似词语短语

1、eccles ─── n.艾克尔斯(男子名)

2、ecclesiarchs ─── 教会

3、ecclesiae ─── n.教堂,教会

4、ecclesiast ─── 传道会

5、ecclesia ─── n.(古希腊城邦的)市民议会;教堂会众;教堂

6、ecclesiarch ─── n.教堂司事

7、eccles. ─── n.艾克尔斯(男子名)

8、ecclesiasts ─── 教堂

9、celestial ─── adj.天上的,天空的;n.神仙,天堂里的居民

ecclesial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Take the general environment of the story (i. E. Work, ecclesial, family, friends, attitude) and try to do something realistically similar. ─── 了解故事的大致环境(工作、教会、家庭、朋友、态度)以此来做一些现实的事情。

2、The Pope also stressed the importance of priestly formation which must maintain “communion with unbroken ecclesial Tradition, without pausing or being tempted by discontinuity. ─── 教宗催促司铎们在这些方面加以注意是基于对“近几十年来社会根本改变”的认识,这些改变要求用“最大的教会能量”来照顾关心司铎的候选人。

3、Take the general environment of the story (i. E. Work, ecclesial, family, friends, attitude) and try to do something realistically similar. ─── 了解故事的大致环境(工作、教会、家庭、朋友、态度)以此来做一些现实的事情。

4、Abstract: “The sacraments are an essential part of ecclesial aesthetics. ─── 提要:“圣事是教会美学的本质部分。”

5、These norms are a concrete expression of the authentically ecclesial nature of the Eucharist; ─── 这些规范具体表达出感恩祭的真正教会特性。

6、For several years the brothers and sisters of Belfast Ecclesia had to pass through a British checkpoint in order to attend Sunday meeting at the ecclesial hall. ─── 数年来贝尔法斯特教会的弟兄和姐妹必须经过英国的检查站才能去教堂参加周日聚会。

7、Every Priest should make efforts to study ecclesial documents recently issued by the Pope and local bishops, and explain to the faithful contents of these documents. ─── 每位司铎应该设法就教宗和地方主教最新颁布的文献,予以研究并为教友解释。

8、In this way, inward cleansing is accompanied by a gesture of ecclesial communion, mirroring what already took place in the early Church. ─── 这样,内心的洗涤伴同着教会共融的表现,反映出初期教会时已有的行动。

9、Even though there was a dispute between two sisters that worried Paul ( ch. 4:2 ) he appeals for reconciliation and ecclesial peace. ─── 尽管这样仍然有两个姐妹之间的争执困扰着保罗。

10、I have also had the opportunity to meet the leaders of the various Christian Churches and ecclesial communities as well as the leaders of other religions in the Holy Land. ─── 我也有幸和其他各基督教堂,各教会组织以及圣地其他教派的宗教领袖相见。

11、USES the same scriptures and has similar ecclesial communions as in the universal church throughout the world, with which it maintains close fellowship. ─── 也与普世的教会保持密切联系,并采用同样的圣经及类似的领圣体仪式。

12、It was the secularization of the ecclesial university publications that brought greater effects than other ecclesiastic publications. ─── 由于教会大学出版物的世俗化,所以,其影响范围较之其他教会出版物更为广泛。

13、In verse 6, Paul has now established the principle and goes on to show how this works out in ecclesial life. ─── 在第6节,保罗建立了在教会生活中起作用的原则。

14、That is why both Peter and Paul emphasise ecclesial unity so much in their writings. ─── 这就是为什么使徒彼得和保罗这么强调“合而为一”的原因。

15、It is significant that there are more than 350 non-Catholic churches and ecclesial communities that have welcomed and are living this evangelical experience. ─── 三百五十多个非天主教的教会和团体接受了这一福音经验,便是最有说服力的证明。

16、Abstract: "The sacraments are an essential part of ecclesial aesthetics." ─── 提要:“圣事是教会美学的本质部分。”

17、Having this attitude will create a united and positive ecclesial environment in which the truth of the gospel will flourish. ─── 拥有这样的态度我们就可以创造一个神的真理流传的团结向上的教会氛围。

18、The very purpose of these exhortations is to encourage our beloved brethren and sisters who do not have the benefits of long-established ecclesial structures. ─── 本篇劝勉词的目的就是要鼓励那些身处新建教会、还不能得益于长久建立的教会的丰富经验的我们所爱的弟兄姐妹。

19、” With these wishes, while assuring every believer and ecclesial community of my prayer for a fruitful Lenten journey, I cordially impart to all of you my Apostolic Blessing. ─── 我恳切为每一位信友和教会团体祈祷,愿大家的四旬期之旅成果丰硕,并在此诚挚地颁赐给大家宗座降福。

20、Could the same be applied to us?Can we develop the individual and collective ecclesial characteristics shown by the Philippian brethren &sisters? ─── 我们是否能从腓立比教会所障显出来的品性来使我们自己或是整个教会得到长进?

21、It uses the same scriptures and has similar ecclesial communions as in the universal church throughout the world, with which it maintains close fellowship. ─── 此外,也与普世的教会保持密切联系,并采用同样的圣经及类似的领圣体仪式。

22、In this way, inward cleansing is accompanied by a gesture of ecclesial communion, mirroring what already took place in the early Church. ─── 这样,内心的洗涤伴同着教会共融的表现,反映出初期教会时已有的行动。

23、ecclesial magazine ─── 教会期刊

24、To the Corinthians, whose ecclesial peace was being shattered by many disparate voices, some of them feminine, Paul writes ─── 在哥林多教会,很多不一致的声音打搅了教会的平静,不少妇女也发表议论。保罗在信中说

25、must be refused when it is required for purposes contrary to the dignity of persons or to ecclesial communion. ─── 的目的违反人的尊严或损害教会的共融,必须加以拒绝。

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