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09-10 投稿



incontrovertible 发音

英:[ˌɪnkɑːntrəˈvɜːrtəb(ə)l]  美:[ˌɪnkɒntrəˈvɜːtəb(ə)l]

英:  美:

incontrovertible 中文意思翻译



incontrovertible 词性/词形变化,incontrovertible变形

名词: incontrovertibility |副词: incontrovertibly |

incontrovertible 短语词组

1、incontrovertible in sentence ─── 无可辩驳的句子

2、incontrovertible clause ─── 无可争议的条款

3、incontrovertible example ─── 无可争议的例子

4、incontrovertible proof ─── 铁证[法]无可争议的条款

5、incontrovertible means ─── 无可争辩的手段

6、incontrovertible defined ─── 无可争辩的定义

7、incontrovertible tenets ─── 不容置疑的信条

incontrovertible 相似词语短语

1、incontrovertibleness ─── 不容置疑

2、inconvertibly ─── 不可逆转地

3、controvertible ─── adj.可质疑的;可争论的

4、uncontrovertible ─── adj.明白的;无可争议的

5、incontrovertible fact ─── 无可争辩的事实

6、controvertibly ─── 有争议地

7、incontrovertibility ─── 无可争辩

8、inconvertible ─── adj.不能兑换的;不能变换的

9、incontrovertibly ─── adv.无疑地;无可争辩地

incontrovertible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I have been warning you, this week, about the temptation to believe what you want to believe and to interpret small suggestions as incontrovertible signs. ─── 这周我一直在警告你,关于你特别愿意去相信的诱惑,关于你将小的建议就当作是没有争议了。

2、For now, we can merely ask whether lineages that show incontrovertible signs of intelligence also have innovation-based cultures, and vice versa. ─── 我们只好退而求其次,研究那些已经显示高智能徵象的支系,看看牠们是否拥有以创新为基础的文化,再研究两者是否有逆向关系。

3、No, I mean in an incontrovertible way. In a way no man could deny. ─── 不是这样的。我指的是以一种不具争议性的方式。以一种没人能否认的方式。

4、I regard this not as a question upon which the politicians have the right to say anything, but merely as an incontrovertible fact regarding the psychological origin of all artistic creation. ─── 对这个问题,我认为政治家无权发表什么意见;我觉得这仅是关于一切艺术创造的心理基础的无可置辩的事实。

5、She said: ‘I found incontrovertible, physiological evidence that romantic love can last. ─── 她说:“心理上确凿的证据无疑说明了只有浪漫的爱情才能持久。”

6、Indeed, every artist in the competition should realize that their very presence in the competition is incontrovertible evidence of their work's excellence. ─── 参加竞赛单元的每一位作者,都应该充分认识到:你们的作品能够入选,这本身已经充分证明了作品的优秀。

7、But not even church representatives, who say that there is "incontrovertible evidence" that Paul was buried at the site, are willing to guarantee that this sarcophagus will contain him. ─── 但是没有教会的代表敢说这是"无可推翻的证据"保罗是被埋葬在这一个地点,及石棺内就是保罗的遗骨。

8、Must we wait for incontrovertible data before we seriously seek to solve the problems of hunger and malnutrition in America? ─── 一定要等到有了确凿的数据我们才能认真地去寻找解决饥饿与营养不良等问题的方法吗?

9、The report documents how time and again Mr.Bush and his team took vague and dubious intelligence reports on Iraq’s weapons programs and made them sound like hard and incontrovertible fact. ─── 报告还记录了布什内阁是如何一而再再而三地采纳了那些令人生疑的所谓伊拉克大杀器计划情报,并把这些情报吹得让人深信不疑。

10、However, the belief and the custom of Hakka people is different from that of the other races, and occupies an incontrovertible postion in so many believes and customs of China. ─── 而客家人的信仰习惯,有其区别于其他民系的信仰内容与信仰形式,在中国众多的信仰习俗中占有不容忽视的一席之地。

11、It is an incontrovertible fact that acquisition is dynamic and interactive and no existing model of any theory can fully and precisely describe this complex process. ─── 勿容置疑,习得是一个动态的、相互作用的过程,目前还没有一个理论模式能够完整而精确地描述这一复杂的过程。

12、But is the evidence really incontrovertible? ─── 但是这些证据真的就无可争议的吗?

13、Ah, there were the terrible, the incontrovertible consequences of his lapse from virtue ─── 唉,这些都是他那违反道德行为的可怕的必然结果呀。

14、China has incontrovertible ownership of those objects which should be returned to China. ─── 中国对其拥有不可置疑的所有权,这些文物理应归还中国。

15、These biblical texts, according to Spong, are not the incontrovertible Word of God, but flawed human responses to perceived threats. ─── 用钱也买不到既不顾自己性命又无视无辜生命的雇佣兵。

16、The British Jewish leaders finally got to Churchill and eden with some incontrovertible evidence ─── 英国的犹太人领袖终于带着一些不容争辩的证据见到邱吉尔和艾登。

17、The defendant was confronted with incontrovertible evidence of guilt. ─── 被告被传来面对他确凿的罪证

18、incontrovertible evidence ─── 确凿无疑的证据.

19、The current crisis should make incontrovertible what has been evident to any user of UK's airports: something is wrong and must be fixed. ─── 当前的这场危机,应该会让英国机场所有用户都已明白的一个问题变得毫无争议:某个地方出了错,必须对其进行纠正。

20、Dumbledore: The evidence that the Dark Lord has returned is incontrovertible. ─── 邓布利多:种种迹象表明,神秘人已经回来了,这是无法否认的。

21、I say “uncontested” in terms of the believers themselves and the incontrovertible evidence of Jesus’ appearances over a period of forty days after the resurrection. ─── 耶稣复活之后,四十天之久向门徒显现,留下不容置疑的证据。

22、incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence; proof positive; an irrefutable argument ─── 关于被告无罪的无可争议的证据;铁证;不能驳倒的论点

23、incontrovertible clause ─── 无可争议的条款

24、During the years that she was writing this book, one incontrovertible means of neurogenesis came to light: aerobic exercise. ─── 在她写这本书的这些年里,神经形成的一个不容置疑的方式,即有氧运动,已经显现出来。

25、"During the years that she was writing this book, one incontrovertible means of neurogenesis came to light: aerobic exercise. ─── “在她写这本书的这些年里,神经形成的一个不容置疑的方式,即有氧运动,已经显现出来。

26、Albus Dumbledore: The evidence of the Dark Lord's return is incontrovertible. ─── 黑魔王复活的证据是无可质疑。

27、The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is. ─── 真理无可辩驳,恶意可以攻击它,无知可以嘲笑它,但是真理就是真理。

28、2.Necessarily or demonstrably true;incontrovertible. ─── 必然真实的,可明确论证的;

29、It is incontrovertible that the current administrative procedure law should be revised. ─── 摘要现行行政诉讼法修改的必要性已是不争的论题。

30、The first ( and incontrovertible ) reason for risk control is the preservation of life. ─── 风险控制首要的(和无可置疑的)理由乃是对人们生命的保护.

31、What is incontrovertible is that a religious impulse guides our motive in sustaining scientific inquiry. ─── 无可争议的是,宗教热诚引导我们去持续探索科学的动机。除此之外,尽属推测。

32、The suspects' fingerprints on the safe were considered incontrovertible evidence that he had participated in the robbery. ─── 保险箱上嫌疑人的手纹被认为是他参与了抢劫的铁证。

33、Overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence of medical necessity for inpatient care must be presented to obtain authorization for postoperative hospitalization. ─── 需要术后住院治疗的证据必须明白无误地提出来并得到批准进行术后住院治疗。

34、an incontrovertible evidence ─── 一个不容置疑的证据

35、It had become clear that only actual fossils would furnish incontrovertible evidence for the time at which bilaterians had emerged. ─── 状况变得很清楚:只有真实的化石,才能为两侧对称动物出现的时间提供确凿的证据。

36、Software defects liable to cause unsafety shall be located effectively and incontrovertible software safety assessment shall be made. ─── 同时,对可能引起不安全的各种软件缺陷应有效发现,并对软件的安全性给出公正准确和不引起争议的评价。

37、We have incontrovertible evidence of what took place. ─── 我们有确凿无疑的证据证明到底发生了什么。

38、Necessarily or demonstrably true; incontrovertible. ─── 必然真实的,可明确论证的; 无可置疑的

39、While sperm-making stem cells have been found in male testes, no one has ever found incontrovertible evidence for similar cells that make eggs in ovaries. ─── 虽然人类已在雄性精巢内找到了能产生精子的干细胞,但还没有在卵巢内发现无可争议的、能够发育成卵子的类似细胞。

40、Incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence. ─── 证实被告无罪的无可辩驳的证据

41、incontrovertible evidence/proof ─── 无可置疑的证据

42、No. I mean by a method of revelation that is incontrovertible; that cannot be denied. ─── 不是。我是指以一种不具争议性的、无法被否定的显现方法。

43、incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence; proof positive; an irrefutable argument. ─── 关于被告无罪的无可争议的证据;铁证;不能驳倒的论点。

44、She said: 'I found incontrovertible, physiological evidence that romantic love can last. ' ─── 她说:“我的发现是无可质疑的,生理学证据证明罗曼蒂克的恋爱可以持续。”

45、This principle advanced by Lenin remains an incontrovertible truth. ─── 列宁提出的这个原则至今仍是一个颠扑不破的真理。

46、China has incontrovertible ownership of those objects which should be returned to China. ─── 中国对其拥有不可置疑的所有权,这些文物理应归还中国。

47、But is the evidence really incontrovertible? ─── 但是这些证据真的就无可争议的吗?

48、For the first time, the myths and inaccuracies that have hitherto been accepted as incontrovertible fact are exploded to reveal a dramatically different tale to the one most people think they know. ─── 第一次,一些传言和不正确的消息会被研究,并且告诉你一个和一般人们认为他们知道非常不同的故事。

49、But one point is, I would suggest, incontrovertible. ─── 但我要说,有一点是不容置疑的。

50、The British Jewish leaders finally got to Churchill and Eden with some incontrovertible evidence. ─── 英国的犹太人领袖终于带着一些不容争辩的证据见到邱吉尔和艾登。

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