huddling 发音
英:[ˈhʌdlɪŋ] 美:[ˈhʌdlɪŋ]
英: 美:
huddling 中文意思翻译
huddling 词性/词形变化,huddling变形
动词过去式: huddled |动词第三人称单数: huddles |名词: huddler |动词现在分词: huddling |动词过去分词: huddled |
huddling 相似词语短语
1、ruddling ─── n.(用来给羊作记号的)代赭石,红土;v.用红土(给羊)作记号
2、cuddling ─── n.拥抱,搂抱;v.拥抱;偎依(cuddle的现在分词)
3、puddling ─── v.(尤指雨水)弄湿;(液体)形成水潭;(在泥潭、浅水滩)打滚;用胶土填(洞);把(黏土和沙)捣成胶土(puddle的现在分词);n.搅炼,炼铁;捣成泥浆
4、hurdling ─── n.跨栏赛;v.跨栏;越过障碍(hurdle的现在分词)
5、hoddling ─── 胡闹
6、fuddling ─── v.(使)糊涂;(使)酩酊大醉;狂饮,酗酒(fuddle的过去式及过去分词)
7、guddling ─── 在石头缝里摸鱼
8、buddling ─── v.用洗矿槽洗;n.洗矿槽,淘汰盘
9、muddling ─── v.弄乱;(使)困惑;混淆;懵懵懂懂地白忙;调制(饮料)(muddle的现在分词)
huddling 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Huddling up in the corner and waiting for heal, he realized the free of having courage to love and hate, and lose. ─── 卷缩在角落,等待着伤口平复,体会敢爱敢恨敢失去的洒脱。
2、It fell into my heart shower by shower, just like my poor sorrow.I could only see the women and the children huddling up together and shivering constantly in the cold wind.I was no better. ─── 只见那对马来妇女和小孩瑟缩在一处,于寒风吹袭下不停地颤抖,我也好不了多少。
3、” But then I saw their faces, and yes, they were huddling, but they were also laughing. ─── 我暗暗嘀咕着:“噢,这些在凛冽寒风中的可怜人。”
4、A group of people are huddling around a stack of smoking bricks. ─── 有一群人围在一堆冒著烟的砖头旁。
5、I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags huddling together inside the storm door on the top step. ─── 我打开前门,只见两个衣衫褴褛的小孩 蜷缩着相互偎依在我家挡风门栋里的最高台阶上。
6、There was no question in such a raid of huddling blindly underground; you could be roasted alive before you knew what was happening. ─── 在这样的空袭下,人们盲目地拥挤到地下室躲藏,许多人是在还没明白情况之前,就被活活地烤死了。
7、What feeling is so nice as a child's hand in yours? So small, so soft and warm, like a kitten huddling in the shelter of your clasp. ─── 握着孩子的手是一种多么好的感觉啊!那小小的、柔软的、温暖的在你的拥握中就像一只小猫蜷缩着、呵护着自己。
8、'Great idea! ' they exclaimed while huddling and conferring, 'Let us put our heads together and we'll get back to you in a few days. ' ─── “好主意!”他们凑在一起商量了会儿,说,“我们内部碰个头,过几天跟你联系。”
9、The world's major economists are now huddling in Washington, trying to thaw credit markets and end the global panic. ─── 世界上的主要经济学家们现在正聚集在华盛顿,设法缓和信贷市场以及解决全球恐慌。
10、Two kinglets huddling together saved a third of their heat. ─── 两只戴菊鸟挤在就一起可以节约三分之一的热量损耗。
11、On Referee's Solving Methods of "Huddling" During Football Match ─── 裁判员对足球赛场"围拢"状况处理方法的研究
12、Huddling up in the corner and waiting for heal, he realized the free of having courage to love and hate, and lose. ─── 卷缩在角落,等待着伤口平复,体会敢爱敢恨敢失去的洒脱。
13、I remember huddling in a hut in Thailand watching a raging typhoon sweep through the mountains. ─── 在泰国一个小棚屋,我经历过狂啸的台风横扫茫茫高山。
14、The village was made up of fewer than two hundred wooden houses of squared timbers, huddling close to the narrow sandy roads. ─── 此时的墨尔丁村里只有不到两百间房子,房子还是用圆木搭的,拥挤不堪地围在狭窄的砂石路边上。
15、Even after spending hours alone, huddling in temperatures that dipped below -15C, the teen appeared to be in decent shape. ─── 即便独自度过了那么多个钟头,在零下15摄氏度的气温中蜷缩成一团,他看上去依旧状态良好。
16、Have you had such experiences: huddling together when you sleep; ─── 你是否有过这样的经历:睡觉蜷成一团;
17、Researchers suspect that lower temperature, humidity, and ultraviolet light during the winter may increase viral stability;people huddling indoors may facilitate spread as well. ─── 研究人员们怀疑,冬季的低温、潮湿、紫外线等条件会增加病毒的稳定性,缩在屋子里的人们也一样会方便它的传播。
18、Granite towers swayed.People cried out in panic, huddling close together. ─── 花岗石塔楼也在晃动,人们叫喊着,丧失了理智,紧紧的抱在一起。
19、The group shuttles between Mr.Paulson's office and a nearby conference room, huddling constantly to hash out Mr.Paulson's marching orders and find ways to respond. ─── 他们在鲍尔森的办公室和附近的会议室之间来回穿梭,不时聚在一起讨论鲍尔森的指令,然后想方设法着手实施。
20、What feeling is so nice as a child's hand in yours? So small, so soft and warm, like a kitten huddling in the shelter of your clasp. ─── 握着孩子的手是一种多么好的感觉啊!那小小的、柔软的、温暖的在你的拥握中就像一只小猫蜷缩着、呵护着自己.
21、The chicks are huddling together to keep warm. ─── 小鸡通过挤在一起来保持温暖。
22、sheep huddling (up) together for warmth ─── 挤在一起取暖的羊
23、Sonja Parkinson and her young son escaped the inferno in Kinglake by fleeing their home and huddling under a damp blanket in a puddle in a creek. ─── 宋雅.帕金森和她的儿子则包裹着湿被单从家里逃出后,躲进河里的一个水洼才得以逃过这场烈焰冲天的火海。
24、There’s a lot of “huddling” going on in migrant centers, according to news reports. ─── 据新闻报道,在移民中心,有许多人“蜷缩”在一起。
25、In the icecream bars, one may find whole families huddling together at a table eating with gusto icecream or ice pastry. ─── 冷饮厅内,男女老幼围坐成一桌桌,痛痛快快美餐冰点,其乐融融;
26、the wretched prisoners huddling in the stinking cages(George Orwell) ─── 那些不幸的囚犯全挤在恶臭的牢笼里(乔治 奥韦尔)
27、Outside the building people continue their vigil, huddling around bonfires. ─── 在楼外,人们围聚在篝火旁继续守夜。
28、The world's major economists are now huddling in Washington, trying to thaw credit markets and end the global panic. ─── 世界上的主要经济学家们现在正聚集在华盛顿,设法缓和信贷市场以及解决全球恐慌。
29、Security, once one of the main reasons for huddling together, is often now more elusive in the druggy streets of the metropolis than in the exurbs. ─── 安全一度是群居生活的重要动机。而如今大都市毒祸横流,安定的生活相比城郊更使人难以捉摸。
30、Pockets of hapless enemy soldiers are caught up here and there in the hubbub and excitement, huddling fearfully amid a scene of indescribable horror. ─── 无论原因是什么,正在发生的事情一点也沾不上仁慈的边。
31、Imagine life without fire. A lot of huddling for warmth. ─── 想象一下没有火的生活,人们挤作一团互相取暖。
32、Once there, they found the house was gone, and a hundred yards away, emergency workers were huddling around something. ─── 一到那儿,他们发现房子不见了,几百码远的地方,紧急救援人员正围着什么。
33、Like two vampires huddling in the last corner of shelter from daylight. ─── 像两个吸血鬼躲在阳光仍未照到的墙脚。
34、Paused was some frantic White House huddling before the two meet again in July. ─── 这句话是什么意思?语法也好像有点问题?
35、But then he made an ill-judged quip that those huddling in tent cities should think of themselves as being on a “weekend of camping”. ─── 但随后他竟然打趣说,那些寄居在帐篷里的灾民应该把这场经历当成是周末的野营度假,这是一个愚蠢的错误。
36、The roads were completely clear save a few brave cars - totally unusual here as always so busy - and us huddling under a shop overhang with the shop-keepers staring at these mad people! ─── 此时的道路是那么的空荡,只有几辆车子,这与往常烦嚣相比,大不一样了。我们在一个商店下面,缩成一团,店主盯着我们看,似乎在看着一群疯子。
37、the wretched prisoners huddling in the stinking cages(bGeorge Orwell) ─── 那些不幸的囚犯全挤在恶臭的牢笼里(b乔治 奥韦尔)
38、“the wretched prisoners huddling in the stinking cages”( George Orwell ─── 不幸的,悲惨的:因受压抑或遭遇不幸而处于情绪低沉状态中;不幸的:
39、Rather than huddling together in a headquarters building in Armonk or Millbank, senior managers will increasingly be spread around the world, which will require them to learn some new tricks. ─── 因为高管人员不能再呆在位于Armonk或者Millbank的总部大楼里,而是要分散到世界各地;而这需要他们学习一些新的技巧。
40、The other is that I will get the money and miss Joy comes to me,huddling her to account money. ─── 另一种结局是得到这笔钱,乔伊小姐走到我跟前,一边搂着她一边数美金,但是,根本不可能。
41、B: The members of the board are huddling in the meeting room discussing the company's future. ─── 董事会的董事们正聚在会议室里讨论公司的未来。
42、Emperor penguins survive this harsh environment, where wind chills can reach -75 degrees Fahrenheit (-60 degrees Celsius), by huddling together in large groups to block wind and conserve warmth. ─── 这里的最低温可以低到零下60摄氏度,但这些皇企鹅却能在这里生存,它们相互挤在一起取暖、抵挡风寒。
43、president has been huddling with his most senior aides. ─── 总统一直在和他的顶级高级助理们秘密地聚到一起进行商谈。
44、The students are huddling over their papers when taking the tests. Most of them are wearing their school uniforms. ─── 当学生在考试的时候,他们的身体蜷缩在考试卷上面。他们大部分的人都穿著学校的制服。
45、"the wretched prisoners huddling in the stinking cages" (George Orwell) ─── “那些不幸的囚犯全挤在恶臭的牢笼里”(乔治·奥韦尔)
46、In the icecream bars, one may find whole families huddling together at a table eating with gusto icecream or ice pastry ─── 冷饮厅内,男女老幼围坐成一桌桌,痛痛快快美餐冰点,其乐融融
47、The squares and roadsides were packed with residents huddling under tarpaulin, carpets and anything else they could salvage. ─── 广场和路上有大量的居民,他们在防雨布下,毯子,和任何能帮助他们的东西下。
48、The crowd stirred, huddling closer, and rapidly took off their hats. ─── 人群开始移动,聚集在一起,迅速地取下帽子。
49、VB beacon is puddle(huddling). ─── VB导航台指示混乱。
50、President Obama's top advisors were huddling this weekend behind closed doors to determine where his presidential agenda stands just beyond six months into office -- and what comes next. ─── 本周末,奥巴马和他的高级顾问举行闭门会议总结前六个月的总统任期中工作的成效,并讨论接下来的日程安排。
51、I saw him huddling himself up under the table when I went into the room. ─── 我走进屋时看见他正蜷缩在桌子下面。
52、The world's major economists are now huddl ing in Washington, trying to thaw credit markets and end the global panic. ─── 世界上的一些主要经济学家现在云集华盛顿,期待可以稳定信贷市场结束全球经济恐慌。
53、Others preferred to remain within the city, huddling inside the temples, or in the public baths or in the cellars of their homes. ─── 其他人宁愿留在城里,蜷缩在神庙里,公共浴室里,或者自家的地窖里。
54、Our day used to start with the family huddling around my Mother’s chulha - an earthen fire place she would build at each place of posting where she would cook for the family. ─── 我们的一天通常是大家聚集在我母亲的灶头边-她用来给家里做饭的土质的火盆。
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