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scruple 发音

英:[ˈskruːp(ə)l]  美:[ˈskruːp(ə)l]

英:  美:

scruple 中文意思翻译





scruple 网络释义

n. 微量;顾虑;踌躇vi. 有顾忌;踌躇vt. 对…有顾虑

scruple 常用词组

without scruple ─── 肆无忌惮地,毫无顾忌地

scruple 短语词组

1、scruple coin ─── 顾忌硬币

2、scruple define ─── 顾忌定义

3、make no scruple to do sth ─── 做某事毫无顾忌,肆无忌惮地 ─── 做某事

4、scruple defined ─── 顾忌定义

5、scruple game ─── 顾忌游戏

6、scruple definition ─── 顾忌定义

7、without scruple ─── 毫无顾忌,肆无忌惮,不择手段地

8、scruple mean ─── 顾忌的意思

9、conscientious scruple ─── [法] 出于良心上的顾忌

10、scruple about ─── 对…有所顾忌

11、scruple verb ─── 顾忌动词

scruple 同义词

compunction |reservation | doubt | qualm | misgiving | suspicion | second thought | regret | hesitation

scruple 反义词


scruple 词性/词形变化,scruple变形


scruple 相似词语短语

1、scrapple ─── n.玉米肉饼

2、scrumpled ─── 擦伤的

3、scruplers ─── 洗漱者

4、scrumples ─── 擦伤

5、couple ─── n.对;夫妇;数个;vi.结合;成婚;vt.结合;连接;连合;n.(Couple)人名;(法)库普勒

6、scruples ─── n.顾虑(scruple的复数);v.对…有顾忌;有顾虑(scruple的单三形式)

7、scrupler ─── n.微量;顾虑;踌躇(scruple的变形)

8、scrupled ─── n.微量;顾虑;踌躇;vi.有顾忌;踌躇;vt.对…有顾虑

9、scrumple ─── v.把……揉皱或压碎

scruple 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They wriggled uncomfortably, for they knew he would not scruple [hesitate] to ram them down with poles. ─── 他们不安地扭动着身子,因为他们知道他会毫不犹豫地用棍子把他们打下去。

2、It seemed to her now that she could marry him without the remnant of a scruple. ─── 她觉得现在她可以跟他成婚而不需要有任何顾忌。

3、She is totally without scruple. ─── 她完全无所顾忌。

4、to scruple about doing something ─── 对做某事感到不安

5、He would probably have felt a scruple at sounding too far in advance certain problems which are, in a manner, reserved for terrible great minds ─── 他也许认为某些问题是应当留待大智大慧的人去探讨的,他自己如果推究太深,于心反而不安。

6、He did not scruple to use it. ─── 他满不在乎地打算用这笔钱。

7、Due to people's ignorance of its function and scruple of its risks, the margin transaction mechanism has not been introduced into China's securities market, leading to China's securities market's deficiency. ─── 在我国证券市场,因人们漠视其功能,顾忌其风险,至今尚未引入这一机制,导致我国证券市场运作机制残缺。

8、No matter there is wind not examined , the rain fluctuating , since our hands are held together, no longer scruple; ─── 无论有莫测的风,变幻的雨,既然我们的手挽在一起,就不再顾忌;

9、They transgressed, without fear or scruple, the rules of behaviour that were binding on all others; ─── 他们肆元忌惮地违犯着约束着众人的行为准则;

10、Roshan has prospered despite its stated refusal to bribe, a scruple that Mr Khoja hints is not shared by all his competitors. ─── 尽管拒绝行贿,罗山也已经取得成功,库拉暗示,并不是所有竞争对手都坚持这一原则。

11、6.If it was the only way to get my husband set free,I would act completely without scruple. ─── 如果这是让我丈夫获释的惟一途径,那么我将无所顾忌。

12、She did not scruple to take Tom from his wife. ─── 她毫不犹豫地从汤姆妻子手中夺走汤姆。

13、she was glad that she had an excuse for doing something in which she could , without scruple , forget her own grief. ─── 她很高兴,能有一件事操心,借此可以忘掉自己的悲伤而不致受良心谴责。

14、Do as wise men do.Cast off anxiety and scruple, for it impedes the grace of God and destroys devotion of the mind. ─── 按高明人的指引,当把愁虑抛在背后,不可介意,因为这样的心肠,能阻挡天主的圣宠,伤害灵魂的热情。

15、Still, in the minds of the Afghan population, the perception is building that Western troops have little scruple about civilian casualties, either. ─── 然而,在阿富汗人民心中也正在形成一种西方联军不顾忌平民伤亡的看法。

16、If it was the only way to get my son set free, I would act completely without scruple. ─── 如果这是能让我儿子获得自由的唯一方法,我会亳无顾忌的去做。

17、If it was the only way to get my husband set free, I would act completely without scruple. ─── 如果这是让我丈夫获释的惟一途径,那么我将无所顾忌。

18、He will do anything without scruple. ─── 他任何 (恶) 事都做得出来。

19、and she made no scruple of proposing, presently, to depart. ─── 她立刻毫不犹豫地建议就此分手。

20、1.dread; scruple; fears that keep a person from committing irregularities; 2.to dread; to scruple ─── 忌惮

21、It Satan dared to use Scripture for the temptation of our Lord he will not scruple to use it for the delusion of men. ─── 只有撒旦敢用圣经试探我们的主,因此牠也丝毫不会顾忌去使用圣经迷惑世人。

22、'But, however that may be,' resumed the nephew, glancing at him with deep distrust, 'I know that your diplomacy would stop me by any means, and would know no scruple as to means. ─── “不过,无论我处境如何,”侄子极怀疑地瞥了他一眼,说了下去,“我知道你的外交策略是会让休制止我的,而且会不惜采取任何手段。”

23、make no scruple of ─── 毫不迟疑地

24、He did not scruple to talk crudely either. ─── 年青人毫无拘束的还加上许多粗话蠢话。

25、She tells lies without scruple . ─── 她撒谎肆无忌惮.

26、My only scruple in advising the match was on his account. ─── 当我参谋这桩婚事的时候,我唯一的顾虑倒是为了他的缘故。

27、A man who could make so vile a pun would not scruple to pick a pocket. ─── 一个能说出如此恶劣双关语的人,是不会对偷窃钱包感到不安的。

28、Be ware, be ware! he'll cheat it without scruple, who can without fear. ─── 当心,当心!行骗而无所畏惧者,也将无所顾虑。

29、In 1885, the invaders even openly posted "Chinese and dogs are not admitted" at the door of the French concession park in Shanghai, which insults chinese without scruple. ─── 1885年,外国侵略者甚至在上海法租界公园门口公然竖起“华人与狗不得入内”的牌子,肆无忌惮地侮辱中国人的人格。

30、She tells lies without scruple. ─── 她撒谎肆无忌惮。

31、Now it's the Pope's turn, and Bonaparte doesn't scruple to try and depose the head of the Catholic Church, and no one says a word. ─── 现在事情涉及教皇了,波拿巴已经肆无忌惮地不害臊地试图推翻天主教的首领,因此人人都不吭声!

32、Lies down in such bathtub, should be possible to achieve enjoy relaxedly tranquil harmonious to bathe without scruple truly the time. ─── 躺在这样的浴缸中,应该可以真正做到毫无顾忌地轻松享受宁静和谐的沐浴时间。

33、There was often some crawling sneak with an ambition to become a coddy who would not scruple to curry favour with Misery by reporting the crime. ─── 有些野心勃勃想争副工头位置的卑鄙小人,为了巴结瘟神会昧着良心告密。

34、without scruple; have no scruples ─── 毫无顾忌

35、She will tell lies without scruple. ─── 她会肆无忌惮地说谎。

36、He will not scruple to charge you double its value if he think you'd pay. ─── 如果他认为你肯付的话,他会毫无顾忌地向你索要双倍价钱。

37、"A man who could make so vile a pun would not scruple to pick a pocket" (John Dennis) ─── “一个能说出如此恶劣双关语的人,是不会对偷窃钱包感到不安的”(约翰·丹尼斯)

38、He makes no scruple to tell a lie. ─── 他肆无忌惮地说谎。

39、They scramble up half-naked to open the door, fight with their trousers down for their turn at the pot, and don't scruple to strip themselves in front of a man, simply turning slightly away. ─── 她们会半裸体地起来开门,拎着裤子争夺马桶,将身体稍稍背转一下就公然在男人面前换衣服。

40、apothecary's scruple ─── 英分, 斯克鲁普尔

41、He does not scruple at [about] lying. ─── 他对于说谎不会感到内疚 [他说起谎来毫无顾忌]。

42、When you are hurt, you cry in his arms, no precautions no scruple, you tell him all your vexation, and looking forward to receive his comfort. ─── 爱是在受委屈的时候,爬在他的胸前痛哭,没有伪装没有顾虑,把所有的烦恼统统告诉他,并渴望从他的怀抱中得到安慰。

43、conscientious scruple ─── 良心上的顾忌

44、On the evening of the day when she had handed over her two little ones to Magnon, with express intention of renouncing them forever, the Thenardier had felt, or had appeared to feel, a scruple. ─── 德纳第大娘对她的两个小儿子,原已下定决定永远抛弃不要了的,可是在把他们交付给马侬姑娘的那天晚上,她忽然感到心虚,或是故意装作心虚。

45、Jane did it at once, and made no scruple about it. ─── 简毫不犹豫,立刻就办了。

46、He did not scruple to add that her being at home for a while would be a great advantage to everybody. ─── 他还毫不犹豫地加了一句:她回家住上一阵对大家都大有好处。

47、scruple [s] ─── 吩

48、A dishonest man does not scruple to deceive others. ─── 不诚实的人不顾忌行骗。

49、a priest unhampered by scruple; ─── 毫不顾忌的神父;

50、He wouldn't scruple to charge you double its value if he thought you'd pay. ─── 如果他认为你买得起的话,就会向你索取两倍于原价的钱。

51、It did not take long for an excess of political interference and a lack of scruple among brokers to produce a bubble, followed by a collapse. ─── 不久,过多的政治干预和证券商的冒进,使得泡沫破裂,股市崩溃。

52、He acted wrongly and without scruple. ─── 他做了错事毫不内疚。

53、There was often some crawling sneak who would not scruple to curry favour with Misery by reporting the crime. ─── 有些野心勃勃的卑鄙小人,为了巴结瘟神会昧着良心告密。

54、And in a fit of gaiety, like that which comes over a man who suddenly has some great doubt or scruple resolved, he swore to Horatio, that he would take the ghost's word for a thousand pounds ─── 像一个人心里怀着很大的疑问,或是有一桩事总在犹豫不决而忽然得到了解决一样,他感到了阵高兴,他对霍拉旭发誓说,他相信鬼魂说的话,情愿出一千镑。

55、They transgressed without fear or scruple, the rules of behaviour that were binding on all others: smoking tobacco under the beadle's very nose, although each whiff would have cost a townsman a shilling; ─── 他们肆元忌惮地违犯着约束着众人的行为准则; 公然在差役的鼻子底下吸烟,尽管镇上人每这样吸上一日就要被罚一先令;

56、I do not stand on scruple with him. ─── 我和他是不拘礼节的。

57、To act outrageously without scruple ─── 横行无忌

58、She wouldn't scruple to tell a lie if she thought it would be useful. ─── 她只要认为说谎有利,就连犹豫都不犹豫。

59、do not care a scruple ─── 毫不在乎

60、He will not scruple to charge you double its value if he think you 'd pay ─── 如果他认为你肯付的话,他会毫无顾忌地向你索要双倍价钱

61、"Is it possible," said he, "that where your liberty is at stake you can allow any such scruple to deter you from obtaining it?" ─── 唐太斯微微露出一点惊异之色, “当前面就是你有自由的时候,”他说,“你就为了那样的一个理由而踌躇不前吗?”

62、" play my Ace, Mr. Barsad," said Carton, taking the answer on himself, and looking at his watch, "without any scruple in a very few minutes." ─── “再过几分钟,巴萨先生,”卡尔顿看看表,自己作了回答,“我就要毫不客气地打出我的A了。”

63、She wouldn' t scruple to tell a lie if she thought it would be useful. ─── 她只要认为说谎有利, 就连犹豫都不犹豫.

64、without scruple ─── 毫无顾忌地肆无忌惮地不择手段地

65、A man who could make so vile a pun would not scruple to pick a pocket(John Dennis) ─── 一个能说出如此恶劣双关语的人,是不会对偷窃钱包感到不安的(约翰 丹尼斯)

66、make scruple of ─── 有顾虑; 犹豫

67、an outlet for healthy and unhampered action; a priest unhampered by scruple; the new stock market was unhampered by tradition. ─── 一种健康无碍的排遣行为;毫不顾忌的神父;新的股票市场没有受到传统的妨碍。

68、Seventh, parents quarrel with some hot words frequently and never scruple the child is present. ─── 7、父母经常吵架,恶言相加,根本不顾忌孩子在场。

69、made no scruple(s) to do something ─── 做某事没有顾忌

70、"Really, madame, this is a scruple which naturally must occur to a pure mind like yours, but which would easily yield before sound reasoning ─── “真的,夫人,象您这样思想纯洁的人,一定会产生这种迟疑但这种迟疑很容易屈服于坚强的理智。

71、She was glad that she had an excuse for doing something in which she could, without scruple, forget her own grief. ─── 她很高兴,能有一件事操心,借此可以忘掉自己的悲伤而不致受良心谴责。

72、Don't scruple to ask for anything you want ─── 你要什么请尽量讲。

73、It Satan dared to use Scripture for the temptation of our Lord he will not scruple to use it for the delusion of men. ─── 只有撒旦敢用圣经试探我们的主,因此牠也丝毫不会顾忌去使用圣经迷惑世人。

74、Then, roll edge knickers became joker to star undoubtedly, be without scruple the ground shows the woman's attractive double leg, a handsome edge make a figure finer on the vision. ─── 于是,卷边短裤无疑成为了百搭明星,毫无顾忌地展现女性迷人的双腿,俏丽的卷边在视觉上令身材更纤细。

75、In it he discovered a large sum of money, which he quickly pocketed; Edouard's journal, which he read without scruple; and Laura's supplicating letter. ─── 包里有一大笔钱和爱德华的日记,还有劳拉央求爱德华来巴黎的一封信。他把钱赶快装起兜里,还毫无顾忌地看了爱德华的日记。

76、He lied and did not even scruple about it. ─── 他撒谎了并且没有迟疑过。

77、stand on scruple ─── 有所顾忌拘泥礼节顾虑重重

78、You can know that a person is worthless without heart and mind to scruple. ─── 你知道, 一个人如果没有感动的心和头脑, 她一无所值。

79、Be without scruple the ground shows the woman's attractive double leg, a handsome edge make a figure finer on the vision. ─── 毫无顾忌地展现女性迷人的双腿,俏丽的卷边在视觉上令身材更纤细。

80、He tells lies without scruple. ─── 他毫无顾忌地说谎。

81、4. It seemed to her now that she could marry him without the remnant of a scruple. ─── 她觉得现在她可以跟他成婚而不需要有任何顾忌。

82、Because everything true source in man-days, source in science and technology, so as the mankind of true thing, will inevitably scruple to fear. ─── 因为一切的真实都来源于人工,来源于科技,所以作为真实物的人类必然会有所顾忌有所害怕。

83、He felt as soon as she spoke that she had been consciously keeping back what she said and hoping to get on without it; a scruple in her that immensely touched him when, by the end of three or four minutes more, he was able to measure it. ─── 当她说出,她曾有意识的隐瞒并希望能摆脱她所说的而继续生活时,她话语中的迟疑一下子触动了他,在谈话的最后三、四分钟,他终于理解了这份触动。

84、make no scruple to do ─── vt. 没有顾忌做(毫不迟疑地做)

85、After abusing you so abominably to your face, I could have no scruple in abusing you to all your relations. ─── 我既然能够当着你自己的面,深恶痛绝地骂你,自然也会在你任何亲戚面前骂你。”

86、made no scruple about doing ─── v. 没有顾忌做(毫不迟疑地做)

87、About an hour after, I came to the warehouse, found the warehouse-keeper, and had the goods delivered to me without any scruple. ─── 差不多过了一个钟头,我来到货栈,找到看守货栈的人,毫不费事的把这批货物争到我手里了。

88、He did not scruple to use it. ─── 他满不在乎地打算用这笔钱。

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