guarantor 发音
英:[ˌɡærənˈtɔːr] 美:[ˌɡærənˈtɔː(r)]
英: 美:
guarantor 中文意思翻译
常见释义: 保证人
guarantor 短语词组
1、guarantor number meaning ─── 担保人编号含义
2、warrantor guarantor ─── 担保人 ─── 担保人
3、guarantor enterprise ─── [法]担保企业
4、guarantor home loan ─── 担保人住房贷款
5、cease being guarantor ─── [法] 退保
6、joint guarantor ─── [经] 连带保证人
7、guarantor company ─── 担保公司
8、guarantor vs insured ─── 担保人与被保险人
9、guarantor of treaty ─── [法] 条约担保人
10、guarantor payment ─── 担保人付款
11、guarantor agreement ─── 担保人协议
12、guarantor of credit ─── [经] 信用保证人
13、guarantor form ─── 担保人表格
14、guarantor definition ─── 担保人定义
15、covenantor vs guarantor ─── 契约人与担保人
guarantor 反义词
guarantor 词性/词形变化,guarantor变形
动词过去分词: guarantied |名词复数: guaranties |动词过去式: guarantied |动词现在分词: guarantying |动词第三人称单数: guaranties |
guarantor 同义词
endorse | warrantee | underwrite | assurance | warrant | secure | bond | undertaking | agreement | insurance | certification |pledge | swear | assure | for | back | engagement | stand for | insure | security | proof | vouch | certify | support | sponsor | convince | promise | vow | ensure | warranty | contract | guaranty | stand | undertake
guarantor 相似词语短语
1、Taranto ─── n.塔兰托(意大利东南部城市名)
2、guaranteed ─── v.保证;提供(产品)保修单;确保;肯定……必然发生;为……作保;为……做经济担保(guarantee的过去式及过去分词);adj.肯定的;保证的
3、guarantees ─── v.保证(guarantee的第三人称单数);n.保证,[法]担保;抵押物(guarantee的复数)
4、guarantors ─── [金融]保证人
5、guaranties ─── n.保证;抵押;担保物;vt.保证;担保;抵押(等于guarantee)
6、guaranty ─── n.保证;抵押;担保物;vt.保证;担保;抵押(等于guarantee)
7、grantor ─── n.授予者;让与人;让予人
8、guarantee ─── n.保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品;vt.保证;担保
9、guarantied ─── adj.保证的;v.保证;抵押(guaranty的过去分词)
guarantor 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The guarantor shall be any person other than the one already liable for the bill. ─── 保证人由汇票债务人以外的他人担当。
2、Where the guarantor provides a guaranty for the drawer or acceptor, it shall record the guaranty matters on the face of the negotiable instrument. ─── 保证人为出票人、承兑人保证的,应将保证事项记载在票据的正面;
3、The GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from this Guarantee by any agreement made between the CONTRACTOR and NPOG with or without the consent of the GUARANTOR or by any alteration in the obligations undertaken by the CONTRACTOR. ─── 在征得或未征得担保人同意的条件下,无论承包商和NPOG间签订何种协议,或者无论承包商在合同项下的义务发生何种变化,都不能免除担保人的担保重任。
4、The debtor, guarantor as well as the relevant parties concerned of an original loaning contract shall continue to perform their obligations as stipulated by the contract. ─── 原借款合同的债务人、担保人及有关当事人应当继续履行合同规定的义务。
5、Where the guarantor provides a guaranty for the endorser, it shall record the guaranty matters on the back of or the slip affixed to the negotiable instrument. ─── 保证人为背书人保证的,应将保证事项记载在票据的背面或粘单上。
6、If the guarantor's right of recourse is not clearly mentioned in the verdict, the guarantor has to bring another lawsuit on the basis of his compensation. ─── 判决书中未予明确追偿权的,保证人只能按照承担责任的事实,另行提起诉讼。
7、Yet it should also be remembered that pouring money and supplies into a stricken country or region is no guarantor of stability. ─── 然而对受灾国家或地区大量金钱和物质的援助并不能保证其稳定。
8、Provided always that the above obligation of Guarantor to satisfy and discharge the damages sustained by the Employer shall arise only. ─── 但只在下述情况下保证人才承担清偿业主蒙受损失之义务:
9、It is not ideologies that save the world, but only a return to the living God, our Creator, the guarantor of our freedom, the guarantor of what is really good and true. ─── 不是意识形态解救世界,只有投靠永生的天主才得救,因为天主是我们的创造者,是我们的自由的保障者,是一切真正善良和真实的事物的保证者。
10、If a creditor gives up the real security, the guarantor will be exempt from the guarantor rights over the rights that the creditor gives up. ─── 债权人放弃物的担保的,保证人在债权人放弃权利的范围内免除保证责任。
11、The scope of guaranty of a guarantor may be reduced with the main obligations within the guaranty period. ─── 在保证期限内,保证人的保证范围,可因主债务的减少而减少。
12、Size usually have a fund of several billion, of the guarantor demanding. ─── 一只基金规模通常有几十亿,对担保人的要求很高。
13、The Chinese military is recalibrating the balance of quantity and quality in favor of the latter, as a guarantor of a decisive military edge and the ability to project power regionally. ─── 中国军事正在重调后期支撑上质量和数量之间的平衡,作为抉择性军事优势和地区投射气力的保证。
14、The guarantor shall still bear the security liability if the creditor and debtor agree to alter content of principal contract but have not performed accordingly. ─── 债权人与债务人协议变动主合同内容,但并未实际履行的,保证人仍应当承担保证责任。
15、Ever since, the French have seen their semi-detached status in NATO as a guarantor of their strategic autonomy and a totem of their refusal to accept American supremacy. ─── 从那以后,法国人都把他们在北约中的特殊地位看作是保持其战略独立性的保证和拒绝美国霸权的一种标志。
16、Should there be any emergency or financial problems occurred,occurred; I my guarantor will take all the responsibilities. ─── 在上海应用技术学院学习期间出现任何意外或经济问题,将由本人担保人负全部责任。
17、The guarantor still has the right to counterplea even if the debtor gives up the right to counterplea. ─── 债务人放弃对债务的抗辩权的,保证人仍有权抗辩。
18、If you have a guarantor in China, please give his details; If not, please give the details of the guarantor in your home country. ─── 在华是否有事务担保人?如有,请注明详情;如没有,请注明本国事务担保人的详情。
19、Should there be any emergency or financial problems occurred, my guarantor will take the responsibilities. ─── 在广州大学学习期间出现任何意外或经济问题,将由担保人负全部责任。
20、All of the obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall be joint and several. ─── 担保人在本担保书项下承担的所有义务均应是连带的。
21、The guarantor will be lessened or exempted from obligation for the rights waived by such creditor. ─── 保证人在债权人放弃权利的范围内减轻或者免除保证责任。
22、II. The Lender shall have a written authorization of both Borrower and Guarantor to inquire about their personal credit records and have personal credit information reports. ─── 借款人和担保人应书面授权,同意贷款人查询其个人征信记录,并提供个人征信报告。
23、Perhaps you could get a guarantor ─── 也许你可以找一位担保人
24、General responsibility to ensure that the general guarantor for the borrower unit, and can also be willing to guarantee borrowers and have repayment ability, took unit. ─── 一般责任保证的保证人一般为借款人所在单位,也可以是愿意为借款人担保且有代为偿还能力的单位。
25、The creditor shall bear consequent loss if he knows or should know that the guarantor is a functional division of an enterprise legal person. ─── 债权人知道或者应当知道保证人为企业法人的职能部门的,因此造成的损失由债权人自行承担。
26、To ensure the success of Expo 2010, the Chinese Government has pledged to provide financial support and will serve as the final guarantor for Expo 2010. ─── 为确保中国2010年上海世博会的成功举办,中国政府保证将给予上海世博会财政上的支持,并作最终担保。
27、A guarantor be a judge? ─── 又做保人,又兼公断!
28、The guarantor shall be exempt from liability if it is agreed by guarantor and creditor that the guarantee is provided only to specific creditor or the credit is not transferable. ─── 但是保证人与债权人事先约定仅对特定的债权人承担保证责任或者禁止债权转让的,保证人不再承担保证责任。
29、Kei goes to the usurer as a guarantor for Wah, she gives her virgin to him too. ─── 咏琪替志华担保借下高利贷,并将初夜献给志华。
30、If the debtor is a guarantor for another unit, it shall, within five days after receiving the notice of the people's court, in turn notify the relevant parties. ─── 债务人为其他单位担任保证人的,应当在收到人民法院通知后五日内转告有关当事人。
31、Since it is the period of obtaining a guarantor and pending trial, his activities are restricted. ─── 因为处在取保候审期间,所以他的行动受到限止。
32、The guarantor may request the issuer to provide object of pledge or hypothecation for counter guarantee. ─── 保证人可要求发行人提供抵(质)押物进行反担保。
33、Land & buildings that under guarantor's name ─── 保证人名下不动产
34、Unless the guarantor otherwise stipulates with the creditor that he shall undertake guaranty liability by shares. ─── 但是保证人与债权人约定按份承担保证责任的除外。
35、An adult that has legal residence in Beijing is eligible for the student's guarantor. ─── 凡在北京市有合法居住身份的人士可作为该生的担保人.
36、Across the world, anti-Americanism has increased to the point where the United States is often regarded as a threat to world peace rather than its guarantor. ─── 全世界反美主义情绪高涨,美国被视为世界和平的威胁,而不是保证。
37、The Chinese military is recalibrating the balance of quantityand quality in favor of the latter, as a guarantor of a decisivemilitary edge and the ability to project power regionally. ─── 中国军事正在重调后期支持上质量和数量之间的平衡,作为决定性军事优势和地区投射力量的保证。
38、Someone thinking about acting as a guarantor should be clear what their obligations will be. ─── 想做担保的人应该清楚他们将要承担的责任。
39、The rights enjoyed by a creditor in respect of the guarantor of the debtor or other debtors bearing joint and several liability shall not be affected by the restructuring plan. ─── 债权人对债务人的保证人和其它连带债务人所享有的权利,不受重整计划的影响。
40、Legalization is the system guarantor for the great significance of higher education decision-making consultation to be realized. ─── 法制化是高等教育决策咨询的重大意义得以实现的制度保障。
41、a middleman and guarantor; a broker; a go-betwee ─── 中间人
42、Should there be any emergency or financial problems while studying at Sichuan Agricultural University, my guarantor will take the responsibilities. ─── 在四川农业大学学习期间出现任何意外或经济问题,将由担保人负全部责任。
43、Personal loans regardless of the manner in which a house (provident fund loans or business loans) acts always with the ultimate guarantor developers inextricable relationship. ─── 个人贷款买房不管以何种方式出现(公积金贷款或商业贷款)其最终的行为总是与担保人开发商有着千丝万缕的关系。
44、The counterparty in the transaction can have only one rating in a commercial bank disregard it is a borrower or guarantor. ─── 同一交易对手,无论是作为债务人还是保证人,在商业银行内部只能有一个评级。
45、He acted as my guarantor. ─── 他为我做担保。
46、Where the guarantor fails to specify Item (4) of the preceding Article on the bill of exchange or on the allonge, the date of issue is the date of guaranty. ─── 保证人在汇票或者粘单上未记载前条第(四)项的,出票日期为保证日期。
47、Another, perhaps more important, reason for the enduring American preeminence in Asia is that most countries in the region welcome Washington as the guarantor of Asia's peace. ─── 另一个也许更重要的原因是,美国在亚洲持久的影响是由于该地区大多数国家欢迎华盛顿作为亚洲和平的监护人而存在着。
48、To apply for a home mortgage in China, the applicant may either be a Chinese citizen or a foreign passport holder. Many banks require borrowers to have a guarantor. ─── 在中国申请房屋抵押贷款的申请人可以是中国公民,也可以是持有外籍护照的外籍人士。许多银行需要申请人提供一个保证人。
49、Study of the Priority Rights of Guarantor, Mortgagee and beneficiary. ─── 保证人、物上担保人与第三取得人之责任优先问题研究。
50、That the guarantor is obliged to report any incidents of the visa applicant violating the laws and regulations, public order and boni mores of the ROC. ─── 1被保证人入境后如有违反中华民国法令,妨害中华民国公共秩序或善良风俗者,本人负检举之责。
51、VI. Without the Lender's written consent, the Guarantor must not transfer any of his/her rights and obligations under the Contract of Guaranty to the third party. ─── 六、权利义务转让未经贷款人书面同意,担保人不得将其在本保证合同项下的任何权利和义务转让给第三人。
52、If the invalidity of the guarantor has caused damages to the creditor, the State's agency that has provided the guarantee shall bear corresponding responsibility for compensation. ─── 因保证无效而给债权人造成损失的,提供保证的国家机关应当承担相应的赔偿责任。
53、However, the guarantor is only liable to the part guaranteed. ─── 但是,保证人只对担保的部分承担责任。
54、In the event and for the duration that the GUARANTOR assumes the obligatinos of CONTRACTOR under the said CONTRACT above, the GUARANTOR shall be entitled to all of the rights and benefits to which CONTRACTOR is entitled under CONTRACT. ─── 一旦担保人承担合同项下承包商的义务,在此期间,担保人应享受合同授予承包商的所有权利和利益。
55、The United Nations will act as guarantor of the peace settlement. ─── 联合国将充当和平解决方案的保证人。
56、Guarantor: a third party who assumes relevant responsibilities on behalf of the Leasee in the event of failure of performance by the Leasee of the obligations agreed in the auto lease contract. ─── 保证人:当承租方不能履行汽车租赁合同约定的义务时,代为承担相应责任的第三方。
57、The guarantor shall still assume obligation for the portion unpaid in the bankruptcy procedure after the creditor has declared his claim. ─── 债权人申报债权后在破产程序中未受清偿的部分,保证人仍应当承担保证责任。
58、While undertaking the obligation the guarantor have the right of contradicting first, the right of cleaning up the dept and subrogation. ─── 保证人承担义务的同时还享有一般债务人所不具有的先诉抗辩权、求偿权和代位权。
59、In such event, a financial reference will be required from the guarantor. ─── 在这种情况下,担保人会被要求出示财产证明。
60、Traditionally the American presence in the region on its own has been a strong guarantor of stability. ─── 过去,美国在亚洲地区的存在本身就是稳定的强力保证。
61、With all the conditions permitted, the county small and medium guarantor enterprises can provide credit guarantee. ─── 在具备条件的基础上,县中小企业担保公司提供信贷担保。
62、Even if a guarantor has no full compensatory capacity, he shall still undertake guarantee liability with his own property. ─── 保证人即使不具备完全代偿能力,仍应以自己的财产承担保证责任。
63、This Guarantee shall inure to the benefit of NPOG and its successors and assigns, and shall be binding upon the GUARANTOR and its successors and assigns. ─── NPOG及其继承人、受让人的利益,对担保人及其继承人、受让人具有约束力。
64、Guarantor in China & Tel. ─── 在华事务担保人及电话号码
65、How the guarantor companies survive in China? ─── 如何解决中国担保行业的生存危机?
66、The guarantor and debtor shall bear joint liability for the creditor's consequent loss. ─── 因此给债权人造成损失的,由保证人与债务人承担连带赔偿责任。
67、Article 19 If the credit of the leasor is not satisfied completely, the leasor may request the guarantor to pay off the shortfalls. ─── 十九、出租人在参加承租人破产清偿后,其债权未能全部受偿的,可就不足部分向保证人追偿。
68、In case the scope of guaranty is unclear, the guarantor shall be inferred as undertaking guarantee liabilities to all the main obligations. ─── 保证范围不明确的,推定保证人对全部主债务承担保证责任。
69、Confidence is the first guarantor in learning English! ─── 信心是学浩英语的第一保证。
70、The guarantor has the right to claim for compensation after performing the contract or compensating for the losses. ─── 保证人履行合同义务或者赔偿损失后,有权向被保证人请求追偿。
71、Chinese military is recalibrating the balance of quantity and quality in favor of the latter, as a guarantor of a decisive military edge and the ability to project power regionally. ─── 中国军事正在重调后期支持上质量和数量之间的平衡,作为决定性军事优势和地区投射力量的保证。
72、However, the guarantor, like the issuer of a documentary credit, is concerned not with the fact of default, but only with documents. ─── 但是,如同跟单信用证的开证人一样,担保人仅仅处理单据,而不考察事实上是否发生了违约。
73、I authorize, at my sole discretion, that Guarantor represents me to sign this form or others and request the disbursement from the Lender on my behalf. ─── 同时,本人以我个人的名义授权担保人代表我签署此表或其它表格并要求贷款银行发放贷款。
74、Guarantor shall be liable for the full amount Buyer is required to repay plus costs, interest, attorneys fees and any and all expenses which Buyer paid or incurred in connection therewith. ─── 则担保人应负责支付买方必须偿付的全部金额及各种费用、利息、律师费,以及买方已支付的或已发生的一切相关开支。
75、The international economic system depends upon a guarantor, prepared to back it during crises. ─── 国际经济体系需要一个担保人,当危机出现时可以支撑这一体系。
76、A guarantor who agrees to provide guarantee for the unit and individual receiving and purchasing invoice shall fill out a warranty. ─── 保证人同意为领购发票的单位和个人提供担保的,应当填写担保书。
77、Prelitigation demur right is the special right the general guarantor has against the creditor. ─── 先诉抗辩权是一般保证人对债权人享有的专有抗辩权。
78、Guarantor(s) must be the immediate family members or relatives of the Borrower(s)/Chargor(s). ─── 擔保人必須為借款人/業主之直系家庭成員或親屬。
79、After a student loan guarantor in the system, with loans student loan bonds to achieve risk control purposes. ─── 在贷后建立学生担保人制度,联系贷款学生催收贷款,以达到风险控制的目的。
80、If you apply for a loan from the bank, I can be your guarantor. ─── 你要是向银行贷款,我可以做你的经济担保。
81、Some people, however, due to difficulties in finding a guarantor, have "bought" one.For their part, certain guarantors have accepted the money as part of the fee for their services. ─── 内政部有关官员指出,这项对港澳侨胞入境保证制度,已造成不少旅行社图利的情形,也有的侨团负责人以此为办公经费。
82、According to the nature of complement, the common guarantor has “beneficium excussionis” and the right to defense named “cui-gao”. ─── 基于保证责任的补充性,一般保证人可享有催告抗辩权和先诉抗辩权。
83、The Guarantor of a foreign student at BCBUU could be an indidual adult, or an organization. The Guarantor may be inside or outside of China. ─── 凡与此学生有关系的成年人或合法机构,无论在中国境内还是境外,均可作为该生的担保人;
84、The taxpayer or tax guarantor as referred to in the preceding Paragraph is the mortgagor;the taxation authority is the mortgagee;and the properties used for surety is the objects of mortgage. ─── 前款规定的纳税人或者纳税担保人为抵押人,税务机关为抵押权人,提供担保的财产为抵押物。
85、In particular, a guarantor shall be a guarantor under a foreign warranty, a mortgagor under a foreign mortgage and a pledgor under a foreign pledge. ─── 其中,对外保证项下的担保人为保证人;对外抵押项下的担保人为抵押人;对外质押项下的担保人为出质人。
86、Japan under the DPJ seems to get on better with China than it does with its ally and security guarantor, the United States. ─── 日本在民主党的领导下,似乎和中国关系更好,要好过了和它同盟兼国家安全的守护者美国之间的关系。
87、Where a third party has provided security for the credit of the leasor, the leasor also may request the guarantor to perform his obligations as a guarantor. ─── 出租人的债权有第三人提供保证的,出租人也可以要求保证人履行保证责任。
88、Until the last few weeks, they were regarded as a guarantor that China's economy would not be allowed to slow down. ─── 直到过去数周前,人们还将北京奥运会视为中国政府不会允许中国经济放缓的保证。
89、What organ of the community is the ultimate guarantor of the law of nature? ─── 国家的什么机构是自然法的终极保护者呢?
guarantee your succes的中文翻译guarantee your succes 保证你的成功guarantee 英[ˌgærənˈti:] 美[ˌɡærənˈti] n. 保证,担保; 保证人,保证书; 抵押品; vt. 保证,担保; [网络] 保; 确保; 担保; [例句]Surplus resources alone do not guarantee growth.仅有富余的资源并不能确保发展。[其他] 第三人称单数:guarantees 复数:guarantees 现在分词:guaranteeing过去式:guaranteed 过去分词:guaranteed 形近词: guarantor
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