disapproving 发音
英:[ˌdɪsəˈpruːvɪŋ] 美:[ˌdɪsəˈpruːvɪŋ]
英: 美:
disapproving 中文意思翻译
disapproving 短语词组
1、disapproving gig ─── 不赞成的工作
2、disapproving kid ─── 不赞成的孩子
3、disapproving hoo ─── 不赞成胡
4、disapproving cluck ─── 不赞成的咯咯声
5、disapproving bunny ─── 不赞成兔子
6、disapproving attitude ─── 不赞成的态度
7、disapproving cluck in text ─── 不赞成在文本中发出咯咯声
disapproving 常用词组
disapprove of ─── 不赞成;不喜欢
disapproving 反义词
recognize | acknowledge |approve | admit
disapproving 同义词
oppose | refuse | frown on | censure | frown upon | discourage | deny | frown | criticize | disfavor | turn down | negate | rebuke | upon | dislike | to | reject | object to |condemn | throw out | veto | protest | object
disapproving 词性/词形变化,disapproving变形
动词现在分词: disapproving |动词过去分词: disapproved |名词: disapprover |动词第三人称单数: disapproves |副词: disapprovingly |动词过去式: disapproved |
disapproving 相似词语短语
1、disimproving ─── vi.恶化,变坏;vt.使恶化,使变得更坏
2、disappareling ─── 失踪
3、approving ─── adj.赞成的,赞许的,满意的;v.赞成,同意;批准,通过;认可,核准;证明,显示(approve的现在分词)
4、disapproval ─── n.不赞成;不喜欢
5、disapprovingly ─── adv.不以为然地;非难地;不赞成地
6、disappoint ─── vt.使失望
7、disproving ─── vt.反驳,证明…是虚假的
8、disapplying ─── 失踪
9、disappearing ─── v.消失(disappear的ing形式)
disapproving 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Article 123 After receiving the application and relevant documents, the maritime court shall examine them and make an order approving or disapproving the application within seven days. ─── 第一百二十三条海事法院在收到申请书以及有关文件后,应当进行审查,在七日内作出准予或者不准予申请的裁定。
2、Amaritime court shall conduct examination after receiving the application for auction of the goods on board, and make an order approving or disapproving the auction of the goods on board. ─── 第四十八条海事法院收到拍卖船载货物的申请后,应当进行审查,在七日内作出准予或者不准予拍卖船载货物的裁定。
3、Her mother had adopted a disapproving attitude. ─── 她母亲采取了不赞成的态度。
4、Basis for requiring changes in or disapproving research. ─── 不赞成该研究或认为其需要改进的依据。
5、Harry Levinson, an American management psychologist, had catalogued problem bosses, from the bully to the indecisive jellyfish to the disapproving perfectionist. ─── 美国管理心理学家哈里·莱文森将问题老板做了个分类,从欺压下属的恃强凌弱型到缺乏主见的优柔寡断型,再到求全责备的完美主义型。
6、The film caused a scandalized uproar and occasioned disapproving newspaper editorials and calls for police action in many places where it was shown. ─── 这部电影被认为是令人羞耻的,并引起了骚动,同时还出现了反对电影的报纸社论,在很多电影放映的地方甚至需要警察来维持秩序。
7、This person is all business all of the time. Disapproving of any attempt at levity, the constant killjoy doesn't have fun at work and doesn't think anyone else should either. ─── 这类人任何时候都是一副工作面孔。这种煞风景的人反对任何玩笑,在工作中毫无乐趣,也认为别人不应该有乐趣。
8、A bigger deterrent, however, is likely to have been disapproving signals sent by the authorities beforehand. ─── 然而更大的阻碍来自政府先前放出的不赞成信号。
9、He is correct in disapproving of her idea. ─── 他反对他的想法是对的。
10、Second, though disapproving party have their well-grounded worries, the social trend tends to the approval of the issue. ─── 二、代理孕母是否赞成与反对者虽均能言之成理,持之有故,不易判定,而以赞成者为社会趋势。
11、He was particularly disapproving because she had gone away for a year, leaving the boy in her house. ─── 他特别反对她丢下孩子在屋里,而她却离开了一年。
12、I choke through a cloud of deodorant as I slink out and I'm sure I detect a couple of disapproving glances at my rather worn jeans and less than perfectly ironed shirt. ─── 从那里溜走的时候,空气中弥漫的除臭剂的味道熏得我几乎窒息。我确信,有人对我身上的旧仔服和没有仔细熨过的衬衫投来了不以为然的目光。
13、If I made through the door I would encounter the disapproving gaze of Jane Rothe . ─── 如果我走出门去,会遇到简·罗丝投来的不赞许的目光。
14、He wagged a disapproving finger. ─── 他摇摇手指表示不赞成。
15、Mother gave me a disapproving look. ─── 母亲的眼神告诉我她是不赞成的。
16、a disapproving look ─── 不赞成的样子
17、The more we viewed and understood the nature of these treatments, the more alienated we became to what was obviously a disapproving perspective on these children. ─── 我们越是深入观察和理解这些治疗的本质,就会愈加远离那种认为孤独症是这些孩子们的一个明显的灰暗前景的观点。
18、Even if you don't have disapproving relatives, it's still a move that raises eyebrows. ─── 即便你没有表示反对的亲戚,这仍是一个让人大跌眼镜的举动。
19、Unfortunately, the film fared[3] poorly, both at the box office and at the hands of disapproving critics. ─── 不幸的是这部影片境遇悲惨,不仅票房失利,评论也不佳。
20、A scientist would take the risk of ostracism from a disapproving medical and scientific establishment, and know that journal would possibly refuse to publish any paper on the subject. ─── 一位科学家会冒因此而被采取不赞成态度的医学界和科学界所排斥的风险,而他会知道任何一家学术刊物都会拒绝发表有关这类主题的论文。
21、CBRC shall, within 6 months as of receipt of the entire application materials, make a decision on approving or disapproving the reorganization, and notify the applicant in writing. ─── 七、中国银监会应当自收到完整申请资料之日起6个月内作出批准或不批准改制的决定,并书面通知申请人。
22、swearing by the name of God, and vowing unto him: as also the disapproving, detesting, opposing, all false worship; ─── 奉神的名宣誓,向神许愿;以及谴责、痛恨、反对各样的伪崇拜;
23、The moment a man stops dreaming is the moment he petrifies inside and starts writing snarfy letters disapproving of paragraphs like the one above. ─── 当一个男人不再怀有梦想的那一刻起,他的内心就开始僵化,接着语无伦次,颠三倒四。
24、Another way she may emotionally stop him from pulling away is to disapprove of his need to be alone. Through disapproving she is also emotionally pulling him back. ─── 另一个她可能会感情用事阻止他抽离的方法是,否定他独处的需要。透过否定,她也感情用事的把他拉回来。
25、The good-natured governor's wife came up to them with a disapproving air. ─── 和蔼的省长夫人带着不以为然的神色向他们走来。
26、Track of Thought for Reforming the Approving and Disapproving of a Patent and a Trademark ─── 专利权与商标权确权机制的改革思路
27、A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives-of reflecting of some and disapproving of others. ─── 一个人如果对于自己过去的行为及其动机加以反省,并且觉得其中若干是对的,若干是错的,他便是一个能辨别是非的人。
28、Ms.Liu, who taught in Bulgaria, says she had no idea that the Chinese were considered loud until she and her colleagues drew disapproving looks at restaurants in Sofia. ─── 在保加利亚教学的刘世茗说,她以前并不了解别人认为中国人太爱喧哗,直到她和同事在索非亚的一家餐馆吸引了其他人不满的目光后才认识到这一点。
29、So, if you admit you're a german national team fan, then stop disapproving him. ─── 所以,如果你承认你是一个德国国家队的球迷,那么停止对他的谴责。
30、He cheerfully ignored the mildly disapproving glances from his coach. ─── 他非常愉悦地装作没注意到教练不太认同的眼神。
31、After receiving the application and relevant documents, the maritime court shall examine them and make an order approving or disapproving the application within seven days. ─── 第一百二十三条海事法院在收到申请书以及有关文件后,应当进行审查,在七日内作出准予或者不准予申请的裁定。
32、The original project approval organ shall make a decision of approving or disapproving the extension before the expiration of the valid period. ─── 原项目核准机关应当在核准文件有效期届满前,作出是否准予延期的决定。
33、If I made through the door I encountered the disapproving gaze of Jane Rothe. ─── 如果我走出门去,会遇到简·罗丝投来的不赞许的目光。
34、Ms Pelosi now calls its bosses “villains”, while Mr Obama wags a disapproving finger. ─── MsPelosi现在把保险公司老板们称作“恶棍”,而奥巴马也表示不支持保险行业。
35、Keith wanted to ask June for a date but was wary of the disapproving glare of big daddy. ─── 基思想邀请琼约会,但唯恐遭受最重要人物不同意的目光。
36、As always at this time of year, fans are either inspired or disapproving of the new signings their clubs make. ─── 在每年的这个时候,都在被他们的俱乐部的新的签约所鼓舞或者反对新的签约。
37、The characters are slightly drawn and are the stock figures of romance ?disapproving in-laws, unsympathetic and tear-away siblings and supportive but puzzled parents ?who all behave predictably. ─── 人大了就大不同,以前觉得自己在处理人际关系方面做得不错,如果要向上爬一定不难,但现在却没兴趣过这种生活,我不想回头一看,原来自己从来没有生存过似的。
38、Approving or disapproving the revolving of a suit ─── 准许或者不准许撤诉
39、His disapproving attitude toward cars is simply sour grapes; the fact is that he would like to have a car but can't afford to buy one. ─── 他对汽车持不赞成的态度纯粹是酸葡萄逻辑; 事实上他也想有一部汽车, 只是买不起罢了。
40、Few things make you feel more helpless than sitting blank-faced at a screen, looking at a flashing cursor and a message saying "PASSWORD INCORRECT" in a disapproving tone. ─── 面无表情地呆坐在屏幕前,盯着上面不断跳动的信息“密码错误”,很少有事情能像这样让你感觉更无助了。
41、the act of disapproving or condemning. ─── 不赞成或谴责的行为。
42、A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives of approving of some and disapproving of others. ─── 一个人如果能对自己过去的行为及其动机加以反省,并且觉得其中若干是对的,若干是不对的,他便是一个有道德的人。
43、From my standpoint,you are disapproving . ─── 这么说来,我认为你是不同意.
44、His voice was disapproving. ─── 他的声音里充满了不赞成。
45、A woman who had an affair with her married dance instructor kept the remains of their love-child hidden away from a disapproving world for half a century, an inquest was told yesterday. ─── 昨天的一项警方问讯透露,一位和已婚舞蹈教练有染的妇女竟将自己与其的“爱情结晶”的尸体存放在一个鲜为人知的地方超过半个世纪。
46、GEORGE: [whistles disapproving] Ho ho ho, "Had to"? "Had to come in"? ─── 乔治:(不同意)呵呵,“不得不”?“不得不过来”?
47、He was particularly disapproving because she had gone away for a year, leaving the boy in her house. ─── 他特别反对她丢下孩子在屋里,而她却离开了一年。
48、On the podium J?Eric Humphrey stood impassively, waiting for the disapproving chorus to subside ─── 约?埃里克?汉弗莱不动声色地站在指挥台上,等着反对的喧嚣声消退。
49、His disapproving attitude toward cars is simply cour grapes; ─── 他对汽车持不赞成的态度纯粹是酸葡萄逻辑;
50、a disapproving look, frown, etc ─── 不以为然的样子、 皱起眉头表示不赞成.
51、Walter said, the gentle concern in his eyes replaced by an angry and disapproving look. ─── 瓦尔特说,他温和关爱的眼神已经变成愤怒和责备。
52、An instantly disapproving expression came upon Massa Lea's face, as if by reflex ─── 似乎是一种反射作用,李老爷的脸上马上露出了不同意表情。
53、Disapproving of any attempt at levity, the constant killjoy doesn't have fun at work and doesn't think anyone else should either. ─── 此“快乐杀手”反对任何"轻浮”,在工作中没有乐趣,也认为别人不应该有乐趣。
54、But rather than hug her, hold her hand or even reassure his wife, the bushand gave her a disapproving look that seemed to make her heart sink ─── 然而他的丈夫没有去拥抱她或握她的手,甚至没有对妻子说这让她消除顾虑,而是不满地看了她一眼,这使得她的心沉了下去。
55、a disapproving glance/tone/look ─── 不以为然的一瞥/声调/样子
56、All the children of the family united in disapproving the plan of going to New York for the vacation. ─── 家里的孩子均反对去纽约度假。
57、When a woman reacts to a man in an untrusting, rejecting, disapproving, or unappreciative way, he gives minus or penalty points. ─── 当女人对男人的反应是不信任、拒绝、否定或不感激时,他会给她负的分数或扣分。
58、Written decision of disapproving an arrest ─── 不批准逮捕决定书
59、The slaves must be content with drab, neutral colours.Any attempt to wear bright colours is met with extreme chastisement at the hands of a disapproving Goff. ─── 奴隶们只能穿颜色单调灰暗的服装,要是哪只屁精准备冒天下之大不韪,就得做好被某位不爽的氏族成员一把捏死的觉悟。
60、It would have been only courteous to kneel at the proper time, as all did, since i had vouluntarily come. but for all the disapproving glances, i the stiff-necked Jew, would not kneel. ─── 适时地、有礼地下跪,正如所做的,因为我心甘情愿。但对于别人的蔑视,我,坚定的犹太人,不会下跪。
61、His disapproving attitude toward cars is simply cour grapes; the fact is that he would like to have a car but can't afford to buy one. ─── 他对汽车持不赞成的态度纯粹是酸葡萄逻辑;事实上他也想有一部汽车,只是买不起罢了。
62、A maritime court shall conduct examination after receiving the application for auction of a ship, and make an order approving or disapproving the auction of the ship. ─── 第三十条海事法院收到拍卖船舶的申请后,应当进行审查,作出准予或者不准予拍卖船舶的裁定。
63、Any miscalculation could readily produce the same kind of disapproving Western reaction and Chinese nationalist counter-reaction that for a while this year cast a dark shadow over China’s diplomacy. ─── 任何失误都会很轻易地引发同样的来自西方的反对以及来自中国民族主义者相应的对抗,这曾在今年的一段时间内都给中国的外交蒙上阴影。
64、It is not the golden tones, the warm smile or even the disapproving frown one wants to hear and see. ─── 而不是你想听到的清脆的声音,想看到的温情的微笑,甚至因不赞同而蹙眉的表情。
65、Reassuring a man that it is not his fault or that he is not being blamed works only as long as she truly is not blaming him, disapproving of him, or criticizing hirn. ─── 要让男人确信错不在他,或者不是责备他,唯一的方法是真的不是责备他、否定他或批评他。
66、Certainly there may be times when she is more approving and less approving of him, but to be disapproving is very painful and hurts him. ─── 当然,有时女人对男人的肯定只有或多或少之分,但若全然否定他,他会因受伤害而痛苦。
67、4.A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives-of reflecting of some and disapproving of others. ─── 一个人如果对于自己过去的行为及其动机加以反省,并且觉得其中若干是对的,若干是错的,他便是一个能辨别是非的人。
68、If I made through the door I would encounter the disapproving gaze of Jane Rothe. ─── 如果我走出门去,会遇到简?罗丝投来的不赞许的目光。
69、In one new poll, those “strongly” disapproving of his performance now slightly outnumber those who “strongly” approve. ─── 一项新的民意测验表明,那些对他严重不满的人的数量现已微量超过强烈支持他的人数。
70、It is not the golden tones, the warm smile or even the disapproving frown one wants to hear and see. ─── 而不是你想听到的清脆的声音,想看到的温情的微笑,甚至因不赞同而蹙眉的表情。
71、The Hull/Vogt relationship resembles that of Tcheky Karyo and Anne Parrilaud in "La Femme Nikita," wary and somewhat disapproving at first, respectful and romantically inclined after time. ─── 刚看完,兴冲冲从网上查了点资料:传媒名人陈冠中在八十年代已经是香港影坛的重要编剧,本片是他的代表作。
72、could be interpreted as an attack if said in a disapproving tone. ─── 如果以一种不赞成的语气说,可能就被理解为批评。
73、Keith wanted to ask June for a date but was wary of the disapproving glare of big daddy. ─── 基思想邀请琼约会,但唯恐遭受最重要人物不同意的目光。
74、He'd probably give me that disapproving look that I'd seen in Mom's eyes from time to time. ─── 他可能会失望地看着我,就像妈妈时不时看我的眼神。
75、Support for his handling of the economy overall has slipped, according to Gallup, with 55% approving and 42% disapproving, as opposition among Republicans has hardened. ─── 盖洛普民调结果显示,奥巴马对整体经济的处理支持率下滑(55%支持、42%不支持),这是因为共和党中的反对派态度变得强硬。
76、A resolution disapproving his decision was subsequently introduced but was voted down in the House of Representatives on July 27. ─── 其后虽有国会议员提出决议案反对总统的决定,但决议案于七月二十七日在众议院遭否决。
77、It would have been only courteous to kneel at the proper time, as all did, since I had voluntarily come; but for all the disapproving glances, I, the stiff-necked Jew, would not kneel. ─── 既然我来这里是出于自愿,我本来也应该仅仅出于礼貌在这个(要下跪的)当时候和大家一起下跪的,但是尽管面对许多非难的眼光,而我这个倔强的犹太人是不会下跪的.
78、The CSRC shall, according to the statutory conditions and procedures, make decisions on approving or disapproving the applications for stock issuance. ─── 中国证监会依照法定条件和法定程序作出予以核准或者不予核准股票发行申请的决定。
79、In an emailed statement, a White House spokesman said the White House 'has a longstanding policy of disapproving uses of the President's name and likeness for commercial purposes. ─── 白宫一名发言人在通过电子邮件发送的声明中说,白宫一直以来的政策是不赞同将总统的名声和肖像用于商业用途。
80、His disapproving remarks about cars are nothing but sour grapes. ─── 他那些不以为然的话不过是酸葡萄心理罢了。
81、Disapproving to Neglect the Resource of Marine Aquaculture and Enhancement--Nereis ─── 不容忽视的海水增养殖资源--沙蚕
82、Janet gave him a disapproving look. ─── 珍妮特给了他一个不赞同的眼神。
83、Results The rate of approving and disapproving homosexual behaviors were 3.0% and 46.2%. ─── 结果3.0%的学生赞同同性恋行为,46.2%的人反对,其他持无所谓态度。
84、Her father threw a disapproving glance at her. ─── 她父亲不满地瞥了她一眼。
85、With regard to applications that do not meet the requirements, the bureau shall make the decision of disapproving the advance sale and explain the reasons. ─── 对不符合预售条件的,应当作出不同意预售的决定并说明理由。
86、The act of disapproving; condemnation or censure. ─── 不赞成;非难;谴责
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