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09-12 投稿



fisher 发音

英:['fɪʃə]  美:['fɪʃɚ]

英:  美:

fisher 中文意思翻译



fisher 网络释义

n. 渔夫;渔船;食鱼貂n. (Fisher)人名;(法、俄、丹、德、瑞典、吉尔)菲舍尔;(英)费希尔

fisher 短语词组

1、Fisher electrophotometer ─── [医] 费希尔氏光电比色计

2、Fisher's tufts ─── [医] 费希尔氏丛

3、Redlich-Fisher plaques ─── [医] 雷-费二氏小斑

4、fisher coffee ─── 费希尔咖啡

5、fly-fisher n. ─── 用虫(形)饵钓鱼的人

6、Tully–Fisher relation ─── 图利-费舍尔关系

7、colin fisher ─── 科林·费希尔

8、Fisher bed ─── [医] 费希尔氏悬吊床

9、cobalt fisher-tropsch catalyst ─── [建] 费托水煤气合成钴催化剂

10、bottom-fisher ─── 最低价渔利者

11、core fisher ─── 岩心打捞工具

12、Fisher's sign ─── [医] 费希尔氏征(心包粘连时的一种心杂音)

13、sponge-fisher's disease ─── [医] 采海绵潜水员病

14、Fisher's accentuated ─── [医] 费希尔氏杂音(在佝偻病患者头部听诊的一种杂音)

15、fisher cat ─── [网络] 有机猫草;渔猫;猫鼬

16、fisher equation ─── [经] 费舍氏公式

17、fisher effect ─── 费雪效应

18、the great fisher of souls ─── 撒旦, 魔鬼

19、fisher online fisher ─── 在线

fisher 词性/词形变化,fisher变形

动词过去分词: fished |动词现在分词: fishing |动词第三人称单数: fishes |动词过去式: fished |名词复数: fish |

fisher 相似词语短语

1、fishier ─── (味道或气味)象鱼的;可疑的(fishy的比较级)

2、fishes ─── n.鱼类;(非正式)鱼雷;接合板(fish的复数);v.捕鱼;打听消息;搜寻;用接合板修补(fish的第三人称单数)

3、finisher ─── n.整理工;修整器;决定性的事件;最后优胜者

4、fishery ─── n.渔业;渔场;水产业

5、wisher ─── n.希望者;祝愿者

6、Fisher ─── n.渔夫;食鱼貂;n.(Fisher)(美、加、英、俄)费希尔(人名)

7、fished ─── n.鱼;鱼肉;双鱼座;接合板;(非正式)怪人;(非正式)鱼雷;v.钓鱼,捕鱼;搜寻;打听消息;打捞;用接合板修补;n.(Fish)(美、爱)菲施(人名)

8、pisher ─── 皮舍

9、fishers ─── 渔夫;渔船;食鱼貂(fisher的复数形式)

fisher 习惯用语

1、the great fisher of souls ─── 撒旦, 魔鬼

fisher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In his compelling new book, Fisher shares the values that have guided him on the court and off. ─── 在他出版的新书里,费舍尔分享了那些引导他在场上场下的生活的价值。

2、If you're looking ways to help those in need this Veteran's Day, you might check out a respectable charity like the Fisher House Foundation. ─── 在退伍军人日,如果你想帮助这些需要帮助的人,你可以加入一个有名望的慈善机构,比如渔人社基金会。

3、Then the pearl fisher would go back into his dinghy and the island once more be deserted of man. ─── 于是,采珠人将返回自己的小船,而小岛又将渺无人迹。

4、Fractional reserves expand the money supply, which, until the age of Keynes and Fisher, was called inflation. ─── 部分准备金制度扩大了货币供应,而直到凯恩斯和菲舍尔之前的时代,这一现象一直被称为通货膨胀。

5、AFinnish fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure in his fishing-net. ─── 一个星期五的下午,一个芬兰渔夫没有打到一条鱼,最后他终于发现他的鱼网上有一个大裂缝。

6、"I think guys foul," he said."No one delivers a blow on this team.Maybe (guard Derek) Fisher is our best enforcer. ─── " “我认为陷入犯规危机的时候,”他表示,“没有人挺身而出,可能小鱼是我们球队最佳的执行者。

7、Pushing for more playing time, battling Fisher in practice is the only way to get a bigger and better deal. ─── 争取更多的商场事件,在训练时和费舍尔争斗时得到更大更好的合同的唯一选择。

8、The Mexico fisher asked : then? ─── 墨西哥渔夫问:然后呢?

9、The judge's secret message was: "Jackie Fisher, who are you? Dreadnought," Tench wrote in the Guardian newspaper. ─── 史密斯密码的含义就是:“杰基·费希尔,你是怎样一个人呢?一个大无畏的人。”坦奇在发表在《卫报》上的文章中说。

10、There was Dr. Lincoln Fisher, born in Michigan, brought up in New England, dark, young, eager, quick. ─── 一个是林肯·费希尔大夫,生在密执安州,长在美国东北部,黝黑,年轻,热烈,敏锐。

11、Fisher was a Laker for eight seasons and a member of the Golden State Warriors for two years before signing with the Jazz last season. ─── 费舍尔为湖人队效力8年,在上个赛季与爵士队签约之前,他为金州勇士队效力2年。

12、If Fisher or Farmar went down, we don't have a backup PG. ─── 又假设万一费舍尔或者是法玛尔倒下了,我们也没有什麽好的控球后卫用来顶替备用。

13、Zhejiang Fishery Testing Farm.Marine algae flora of Shenshan [J].Jour Fisher, 1936, 13(3,4): 42-47. ─── [1]浙江省水产试验场.嵊山海藻志 [J].水产月刊,1936,13(3,4):42-47.

14、Well a fisher of men and fishermen have a lot in common. ─── 得人的渔夫跟一般的渔夫有很多共通点。

15、His first big achievement came in 1978, when he received the Avery Fisher Prize. ─── 1978年他崭露头角,赢得艾维·费雪奖。

16、At noon, I was introduced on the stage by our state treasurer, Jimmie Lou Fisher, who had been with me since 1978. ─── 当天中午,从1978年便与我共事的阿肯色州财政部长吉米,卢.费希尔介绍我登上了舞台。

17、And so, you know, illegal fisher, locking for sharks for their shark fin, are a becoming increasingly boardbold. ─── 于是,正如你所知道的,那些为了鱼翅而到处捕捉鲨鱼的非法渔民变得越来越胆大妄为。

18、Woodruff, Sarah Fisher Gardial. ─── 作者声明: Robert B.

19、T-Crap drives in plows into Fisher and he is called for the foul.The refs decided this game. ─── 垃圾麦迪带球突破冲撞了小鱼,却因此吹小鱼犯规,裁判决定了比赛(的结果)。

20、Fisher LSD was used for multiple comparison on the statistical significance of the coefficients. ─── 同年龄段的人体皮肤摩擦系数在性别之间差异不大;

21、She could have filled up the blanks without the help of Mrs. Fisher's insinuations. ─── 不用费雪太太的暗示她就可以填充这些空白。

22、A good early sign for the Lakers: Derek Fisher making a pull up 16-foot jumper. ─── 对于湖人队来说,有个好兆头--费舍尔在16尺远的地方可以跳投。

23、The opposing team sets a pick, and Fisher funnels the PG straight into the pick. ─── 对手的控卫做出了一个决定想往哪个方向突破,然后老鱼在防守的时候就给他留下这个突破方向。

24、How many fishes can a fisher fish if a fisher can fish ? ─── 如果一个渔夫能够网鱼,他能网多少条鱼?

25、Perry has been linked to actress Tricia Fisher, daughter of Connie Stevens and Eddie Fisher. ─── 佩里曾经和女演员特里西娅·菲希尔传出绯闻,特里西娅是著名演员埃迪·菲希尔和康尼·斯蒂文斯的女儿。

26、On January 26, 2005, McGovern won "The Henry Johnson Fisher Award," a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Magazine Publishers of America (MPA). ─── 2005 年1月26号,麦戈文获得美国杂志出版人协会颁发的终身成就奖。

27、Do the Right Thing (or Do the Market Exclusivity Thing?) Dennis Fisher, M. ─── 做正确的事情(还是做市场垄断的事情?

28、Fisher effect: the one-for-one adjustment of the nominal interest rate to the inflation rate. ─── 名义利率的调整与通货膨胀率是步调一致的。

29、Most of the people on the island are fisher folk. ─── 岛上的人大多数是渔民。

30、Iverson tied the game at 73 when he hit a soft jumper in the lane and was fouled by Fisher. ─── 尽管费舍尔对艾弗森在内线的一次慢跳投犯规,答案还是将球投进将比分追成73平。

31、One such friend was Charlotte Fisher. ─── 其中这样的一个朋友是夏洛特·舍耳。

32、In the days to follow, Fisher's continued failure to cooperate put him in danger of getting kicked out of the Army. ─── 接下来的日子中,费舍尔拒绝配合军队的劣迹,使他处在了被部队开除的危险境地中。

33、Why did Fisher have to be back out on offense. There is no good reason. AK was doing great. Unbelievable. Asbsolutely unreal!! ─── 为什么费舍尔不得不退出进攻。没有什么好的理由。AK做得很棒!难以置信,简直就是太不真实了!

34、Jackson also wants to keep the 33-year-old Fisher fresh. ─── 同时禅师也希望保证33岁的小鱼不会太疲劳。

35、He could emerge as a Derek Fisher type in time, as his attitude fits what Riley is looking for. ─── 他迟早会成为费舍尔那样的球员,因为他的态度正是莱利所一直寻找的那种类型。

36、Miller Fisher Syndrome and other related variants of Guillain-Barre's Syndrome. ─── MillerFisher综合征和其相关的格林-巴利综合征变异型

37、The Dynamic Architecture concept was introduced by Florentine architect David Fisher. ─── 动态建筑学的理念是佛洛伦萨派建筑学家大卫?费舍尔提出的。

38、Fisher:australian politician who served three terms as prime minister between 1908 and 1915 and was australian high commissioner in London (1916-1921). ─── "费歇尔:澳大利亚政治家,在1908年至1915年间任了三届首相,曾是驻伦敦的澳大利亚高级代表(1916-1921年)."

39、Official Bob Delaney whistled Ellis after Ellis and Fisher tumbled to the floor on an inbounds play. ─── 勇士教练尼尔森在问到那个在比赛还有4秒时有争议的犯规时把矛头指向费舍尔。

40、Jaworski, Robert Fisher, Gordon Paddison, Robert J. ─── 作者:Rafi Mohammed, Bernard Jaworski, Bernard J.

41、A fisher poles his raft down the Li River, against the backdrop of limestone hills. ─── 在石灰岩群山的背景下,一位渔夫正用竿子撑着木筏沿漓江而下。

42、Not content to jeer old favorite Derek Fisher, they booed Bryant's every move. ─── 他们已经不满足于只是嘲弄费舍尔,科比的每个动作他们都会发出嘘声。

43、Sophie Fisher: But then, as you get to know the person, that's the lyrics. ─── 但是接下去呢,你得去了解这个人,这就是歌词了。

44、Finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish on Friday. ─── 一个名叫非什尔的芬兰渔者在星期五连一条鱼都没钓到。

45、When Derek Fisher strolled by, Hamblen pulled him aside. ─── 当费舍尔缓步走来,布伦把他拉到一边。

46、The statistics he uses were invented in 1943 by Ronald Fisher. ─── 他使用的统计方法源于罗纳德·费雪1943年创立的统计学。

47、In the Fisher tradition, the XLT-30 is affordable, tough, and simple to use while providing maximum performance. ─── 在费雪的传统文化中, xlt - 30是负担得起的,特别过硬,使用简便,同时提供最高性能。

48、Four of the girls including Marian Fisher were buried Thursday and a fifth girl was being buried Friday. ─── 包括玛丽安·什尔在内的四名女孩星期四下葬,另外一名女孩在星期五下葬。

49、Of course, Lakers fans adore Fisher for his hard-nosed defensive play. ─── 当然,湖人球迷们还是很喜欢他顽强的防守。

50、Fisher has shown nothing but promise, and Prada ended up being one of those unexpected guilty pleasures. ─── 费舍尔显示出来的只有承诺,普拉达最终成为那些可望不可及的商品之一,购买这些东西给人带来喜悦的同时还带来愧疚感。

51、Turning around, the fisher folk saw Pinocchio dive into the sea and heard him cry out, "I'll save him!" ─── 渔夫们转过身来,看见皮诺乔跳进海里,听到他大叫:“我要救他!”

52、E.LG.Tyler: Fisher and liShtwood's Law of Mortagage ,P. 6. ─── 刘得宽.民法诸问题与新展望[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,2002.452.

53、But Fisher is not worried about his stats. ─── 但是费舍尔并不担心他的数据。

54、Look closely at the Lakers and see how their eyes are glued on Kobe Bryant and Derek Fisher. ─── 仔细看看湖人队吧,他们球员的目光一直集中在科比和费舍尔身上。

55、And what about Fisher? Where the hell is he? ─── “费蛇耳咋样了?这孙子跑哪去了?”

56、Fisher theorizes that this is a "female mechanism for mate choice. ─── 从外观上无法判断一个男人能否生育。

57、Fortunate, perhaps. But Fisher said the way the win came about could have an impact on his team. ─── 也许是幸运吧,但是费舍尔说这样的胜利方式也会对自己的球队有影响。

58、Fisher also said Lakers coach Phil Jackson has been critical of overpassing. ─── 小鱼还提到:禅师也曾责备过他们传球过多。

59、As in 1996, this year saw Allison Fisher end with the # I ranking in the WPBA. ─── 像1996年一样,1997年埃里森?费希尔以在WPBA中排名第一而告终。

60、Two days later, Fisher introduced Kevin to his cohort and roommate, Andre Martinez. ─── 他很惊讶地知道,费蛇耳,只比他大几岁,也和他一样是个杂交混血儿;半中国-眼睛可以看出,眉毛下面总是有一小滴油说明他还有一半巴西血统。

61、Fisher and Martinez did not agonize over anything. ─── 可费蛇耳和马丁内兹从来不受任何事情折磨。

62、International human resource management in the introductory HRM course By: Fisher, Cynthia D.; Southey, Greg. ─── 初级人力资源管理课程中的国际人力资源管理。

63、Josh Powell had 14 points and Luke Walton 11 to lead the reserves, and Derek Fisher also scored 11. ─── 乔仕-鲍威尔拿下14分,卢克-沃顿拿到11分,而德里克-费舍尔也拿到了11分。

64、A Finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure in his fishing- net. ─── 一个名叫费希尔的芬兰渔民在一个星期五的下午未能捕捉到任何鱼,结果他发现的鱼网上有一个大裂口。

65、As for the rest of the Lakers' backcourt, Farmar and Fisher combine to form a solid point guard duo. ─── 在湖人剩下的后场球员中,砝码和老鱼组成了控卫的坚实人选。

66、After the fourth miss, Coby Karl and Derek Fisher make theirs, leaving Bryant to take the final shot. ─── 在投失第四个后,卡尔和费舍尔都成功投进了,轮到科比投最后一个球。

67、Their light weight also means they can be lofted by smaller and mobile space launch vehicles (SLVs)," stated Fisher. ─── 他们的重量轻,同时也意味着他们可以放样较小和移动空间运载火箭( SLVs ) , “费希尔说。

68、Fisher was 0 for 6 before connecting from the right baseline, which was emblematic of the Lakers' shooting woes. ─── 在右侧底角投中这个球前费舍尔是6中0,这也体现了湖人全队糟糕的投篮。

69、Perry has been linked to actress Tricia Fisher, daughter of Connie Stevens and Eddie Fisher, who played Hollywood Madam Heidi Fleiss in a TV film. ─── 佩里曾经和女演员特里西娅·菲希尔传出绯闻,特里西娅是著名演员埃迪·菲希尔和康尼·斯蒂文斯的女儿。

70、Andrew Fisher becomes the 5th Prime Minister of Australia. ─── 1908年的今天,安德鲁·费希尔成为澳大利亚的第五任总理。

71、What's more, Fisher reported that Tatum, now almost 3, is doing great. ─── 另外,费舍尔也谈到了他快到三岁的女儿泰特姆的情况还算良好。

72、It was instinctive for her to proffer help to Mrs. Fisher. ─── 她情不自禁地向费雷太太主动提出援助。

73、Fisher was behind bars last night, charged with attempted murder. ─── 指控犯有谋杀未遂罪,费希尔昨晚进了监狱。

74、J. Kawaiwasser &P. W. Dykema (1930), K-D Music tests. Manual of directions, New York: Carl Fisher. ─── 台湾省立师范大学教育研究所(1963),K-D音乐性向测验研究报告,,,.

75、As opposed to Andrew Bynum, Derek Fisher, Lamar Odom and Luke Walton? ─── 与安德鲁拜纳姆,费舍尔,奥多姆和卢克沃尔顿为敌?

76、After a team video session, four starters sat out a scrimmage -- Derek Fisher, Kobe Bryant, Andrew Bynum and Pau Gasol. ─── 在球队录像部分过后,有四个首发球员不需参加球队对抗赛,分别是--老鱼,科比,安猪,和加索尔。

77、As a veteran brand strategist for cable networks like CNN,the Discovery Channel,and ESPN,Robin Fisher Roffer had become an expert at generating buzz. ─── 作为美国有线电视新闻网、探索频道和ESPN等有线网络的资深品牌战略家,罗宾·费希尔·罗菲已经成为一位制造舆论的专家。

78、"There are a lot of reasons why, but we don't plan on allowing it to continue," Fisher said. ─── 小鱼(现在可以叫“老鱼”了)说:“这有许多原因,但我们不打算让厄运继续下去."

79、It is a fond fisher that angles for a frog. ─── 再蠢的渔翁也不至于钓青蛙。

80、To solve this model, the bosonization is introduced by Kane and Fisher. ─── 为了解决这个模型,Kane和Fisher引入了玻色化方法。

81、R. E. Fisher and B. T. Galeb, Optical System Design, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2001. ─── 庄福明,“变焦光学系统之全域解,”国立中央大学光电科学研究所,博士论文,民国85年。

82、"For Portland to take that position, that's tough," Fisher said. ─── “开拓者采取这一立场,真是糟糕透了,”费舍尔说。

83、If you have any questions, please call Anne Fisher at 555-6203 during office hours. ─── 如有疑问,请在办公时间致电555-6203找安妮·费希尔。

84、There was contact after Barry drew Fisher into the air with a pump fake above the three-point line, but the referees did not make a call. ─── 这与巴里在3分线上用推的方式把拉费舍尔到空中是有关系的,但那是裁判并没有吹哨。

85、Fisher's 11-year-old sister, Barbie, a ealed to Roberts to shoot her next, Rhoads said. ─── 丽塔接着说,菲什尔11岁的妹妹芭比要求罗伯茨接下来向她开枪。

86、If Vspan can do nothing but stop Fisher, we might as well try him. ─── 假如斯潘什么也不做,只要他能防死费舍尔,我们也会让他试试。

87、Yet despite his wounds he volunteers in the Fisher House. ─── 不论他的伤,他自愿进入费舍尔的房子。

88、"It's L.A., so the visibility and the spotlight is more intense," Fisher said. ─── “这里是天使之城,盯着你的人和对着你的照相机要多很多”废舌说。

89、"When I got traded to Utah," Fisher reminisces, "I went on the Stephen A. ─── 小鱼回忆道:“当我被交易到爵士队在出席StephenA.

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