guidepost 发音
英:[['gaɪdpəʊst]] 美:[['gaɪdˌpoʊst]]
英: 美:
guidepost 中文意思翻译
guidepost 相似词语短语
1、gatepost ─── n.门柱
2、milepost ─── n.里程碑;里程标志
3、guideword ─── 引导词
4、guideless ─── adj.无向导的;无指导的;无管理的
5、rudderpost ─── n.承舵柱
6、guidebook ─── n.旅行指南;指导手册
7、guideposts ─── n.[公路]路标;控制指标
8、vide post ─── adv.见后,参见后面
9、guides ─── n.指南;参考线;辅助线;v.指导(guide的第三人称单数形式);带路
guidepost 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、This system is the symmetrical duplex, contains two guidepost clear video frequencies, two groups anti-chirp pronunciations and a group data. ─── 该系统为对称双工,包含两路标清视频、两路抗噪语音和一路数据。
2、They are both a challenge and a guidepost. ─── 它们既是挑战也是路标。
3、Your guidepost stands out like a ten-fold beacon in the night: Duty, Honor, Country. ─── 使得这位二次大战中曾显赫一时的军事指挥官从权力的顶峰跌落了下来,从此结束了他52年的戎马生涯。
4、May our belief become our guidepost for our lives, and our lives become our testimony for our belief. ─── 但愿我们的信仰成为我们生活的指标,我们的生活成为我们信仰的见证。
5、I think emb mentioned "Guidepost" is also quite good kindergarten at Mei Foo. ─── 美孚附近有否较好的幼儿园/幼稚园?
6、The driver gets lost in the dense fog in the evening , sees that the roadside has a guidepost indistinctly, he stops down the vehicle dimly. ─── 司机大雾天晚上迷了路,隐隐约约看见路边有一个路标,就把车停下来看。
7、This article explicitly proposes may continue science development view should become the Chinese socialist construction the green guidepost. ─── 本文明确提出可持续的科学发展观应该成为中国社会主义建设的绿色路标。
8、T: Johnny, why are you late for school every morning?J: Every time I come to the corner, a guidepost says, 'School -- Go Slow'. ─── 对于外地来求学的人来说,老乡就是比别人亲切,当你听到熟悉的乡音的时候,感动油然而生。
9、12:00 - Recepcja: Midwich Elementary School. "A place with songs and sounds" "A silver guidepost is untapped in lost tongues. Awakening at the ordained order." ─── “充满音乐与声音的地方”“在失去的舌头里有一个未被利用的银色路标。在规定的指令下苏醒。”
10、John: Every time I come to the corner, a guidepost says, "School-Go-Slow. " ─── 约翰:每当我经过学校附近的拐角处,就见路牌上写着“学校--慢行。”
11、The redesign of outdoor guidepost was analyzed.It was put forward that designer should endeavoring in the full application of nearby medias. ─── 通过对户外路牌运用的分析,指出如何充分利用身边的各种媒介,是设计者所需要关心和挖掘的。
12、In form of outdoors advertisement media, lamp box, neon lamp and guidepost appeared respectively 47.01% , 15.23% , of 4.928% fall. ─── 在户外广告媒体形式中,灯箱、霓虹灯与路牌分别出现了47.01%、15.23%、4.928%的降幅。
13、Because of this dream, has the blazing emotion, to have the beat pulse, to have rushes wells up warm-blooded, has the salty astringent sweat, each guidepost engraves Xiaguan in the dream prediction; ─── 因为这个梦想,有炽热的情感、有跳动的脉搏、有奔涌的热血、有咸涩的汗水,每一个路标都刻下关于梦想的预言;
14、Write and edit and tell yours with meaning, so each tale stands for a larger message, each story a guidepost on our collective journey. ─── 意味深远地写下、编辑、讲述你自己的故事,那么每一个故事就有了更多的内涵,每一个故事就能成为我们共同旅途上的指航标。
15、a signpost; a fingerpost; a guidepost; a destination board ─── 指路牌
16、6. It is a guidepost to the future, uncovering the facts behind our existence while providing us with an understanding of the present. ─── 历史使我们透过对过去的理解,更清楚地意识到当今的时代;它是未来的路标,揭示了我们生存背后的事实,同时使我们对现在有所了解。收藏指正
17、{0>3.Any change of position of a lighthouse, light boat, guidepost, buoy and aid to navigation, or any abnormal or inoperative light, signal and sound supposed to be made. ─── 三 灯塔、灯船、标杆、浮标及一切有关航行标志之位置变更,或应发之灯号、信号、声号、失去常态或作用者。
18、And to me, this guidepost of loyalty of necessity means loyalty to one's own self. ─── 我认为,忠诚这一必需的原则也意味着对我们内在自我的忠诚。
19、He asked me, "are you shooting the building or the guidepost? ─── 答“当然是照楼了。”
20、Your guidepost stands out like a tenfold beacon in the night--Duty--Honor--Country ─── 你们的指路标,就像黑夜里分外光亮的灯标一样清楚--“责任--荣誉--国家”。
21、Johnny: Every time I come to the corner. a guidepost says, 'School-Go Slow'. ─── 约翰尼:每次我经过学校附近的拐角处,就见路牌上写着学校——缓行。
22、Let love be your guidepost. ─── 让爱做你前行的路标。
23、This study found that subjects gave visitors better satisfaction including trail's landscape, guidepost, parkway, and narration bulletin. ─── 研究结果显示游客满意的项目包括步道景观与路标、绿美化景观、解说牌;
24、This article explicitly proposes may continue science development view should become the Chinese socialist construction the green guidepost. ─── 本文明确提出可持续的科学发展观应该成为中国社会主义建设的绿色路标。
25、Hopefully, these findings could render as a guidepost leading the professional growth for the part of teachers in an information society. ─── 各层面角色期望各有五项到九项,计有八十八项,本研究可作为教师惕励奋勉的专业成长指标。
26、These great national problems are not for your professional participation or military solution. Your guidepost stands out like a ten-fold beacon in the night: Duty, honor, country. ─── 这些重大的国家问题并不是为了你们的专业参与或者军事手段。你们的指导目标像是在夜里光芒万丈的灯塔所凸显着的:责任、荣耀、国家。
27、After leaving Shin-Fujiwara Station, asking for direction and strolling for a while, I easily found this guidepost. ─── 出了站、问了路、走了段、一块蛋糕地发现了这标示;
28、Afternoon West River returns, again when meets with the creek, we haverealized this desire, from the guidepost I knew this river is calledPara the river. ─── 下午西江归来,重与小河见面时,我们实现了这个愿望,从路标上我知道这条河叫巴拉河。
29、Enterprises also have further enhanced the advertising campaign.The advertising can be seen in guidepost, building, doorplate of shop, car, media and so on. ─── 企业在广告宣传力度上加强:高速路口的路牌广告、楼牌广告、门店门牌广告、车身广告、媒休广告等均有出现,这些也体现了一个市场的成熟和发展。
30、Error on Huishen Expressway Guidepost ─── 惠深高速公路指示牌的错误
31、Establishment like sculpture, guidepost, chair, flower-bed must add the finishing touch which in the small street construction and so on; ─── 在小街道建设中要画龙点睛的设置如雕塑、路标、座椅、花坛等;
32、a guidepost resembling a hand with a pointing index finger. ─── 一个伸出食指的手形路标。
33、Teacher: Johnny, why are you late for school every morning? Johnny: Every time I come to the corner, a guidepost says, 'School -- Go Slow'. ─── 迟到的原因老师:约翰尼,为什么你每天早晨都迟到?约翰尼:每当我经过学校附近的拐角处,就见路牌上写着‘学校-缓行’。
34、The driver gets lost in the dense fog in the evening , sees that the roadside has a guidepost indistinctly,he stops down the vehicle dimly. ─── 司机大雾天晚上迷了路,隐隐约约看见路边有一个路标,就把车停下来看。
35、" Answered, "for the names on the guidepost, I have to stop you shooting them. ─── “他们干什么违法乱纪的事了,不让我拍?”
36、A guidepost advised him that his destination was still eight miles distant. ─── 路标指示他离目的地还有8英里。
37、Any change of position of a lighthouse, light boat, guidepost, buoy and aid to navigation, or any abnormal or inoperative light, signal and sound supposed to be made. ─── 灯塔、灯船、标杆、浮标及一切有关航行标志之位置变更,或应发之灯号、信号、声号、失去常态或作用者。
38、Johnny:Every time i come to the corner, a guidepost says, "school Go slow"" ─── 约翰尼:“每当我经过拐角处,就看见牌上写着:学校----慢行!
39、Teacher:Johnny,why are you late for school every morning?Johnny:Every time I come to the corner,a guidepost says, School-Go Slow ─── 老师说道:现在,孩子们,我要你们保持绝对安静,静得你们连一根针落到地上都听得见。过了一会儿,全静下来了,一个小男孩尖叫道:“扔针吧。”
40、A place with songs and sounds. A silver guidepost is Untapped in lost tongues. Awakening at the ordained order. ─── 在音乐与歌声洋溢的地方,银色的标识因无声而沉寂,唯有既定的顺序方能将其唤醒。
41、Mereds:Every time I come to the corner,a guidepost says,"School-Go Slow". ─── 梅斯蒂:每次我经过学校附近的拐角处,就看见交通标志上写着“学校慢行”。
42、It is a guidepost to the future, uncovering the facts behind our existence while providing us with an understanding of the present. ─── 历史使我们透过对过去的理解,更清楚地意识到当今的时代;它是未来的路标,揭示了我们生存背后的事实,同时使我们对现在有所了解。
43、That phrase sounds simple, but it's been a guidepost for me and the foundation of who I am. ─── 这句话听着简单,却成为我做人的准则和基石。
44、wage guidepost ─── 工资指标
45、When he will a moment ago placed the place of guidepost, see guidepost the reverse side is writing: "Welcome you to come back, goofy. ─── 当他来到刚才放置路牌的地方时,见到路牌背面写着:“欢迎你回来,傻瓜。”
46、Your guidepost stands out like a tenfold beacon in the night--Duty--Honor--Country. ─── 你们的指路标,就像黑夜里分外光亮的灯标一样清楚--“责任--荣誉--国家”。
47、We have a huge guidepost there and we're not going to violate that. ─── 我们有一个巨大的向导而且我们不打算违背它。
48、Looking for Guidepost of Poetry Amidst Clamour ─── 在喧嚣中寻找诗歌的路标
49、The life does not have the guidepost, all directions decided by you. ─── 人生没有路标,一切方向由你决定。
50、The Reason of Being Late Teacher: Johnny, why are you late for school every morning?Johnny: Every time I come to the corner, a guidepost says, 'School -- Go Slow'. ─── 迟到的原因老 师:约翰尼,为什么你每天早晨都迟到?
51、9 see joke: The tourist comes to driveway of a countryside, see a guidepost, writing above: "The driveway closes, cannot advance. ─── 9看笑话: 游客来到一条乡村马路,见到一个路牌,上面写着:“马路封闭,不能前进。”
52、Tom: I each time passed by the corner, above a guidepost is writing:" School ---- slow line. " ─── 汤姆:我每次路过拐角,一个路标上面写着:"学校----慢行。"
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