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09-12 投稿


medlar 发音

英:['medlə]  美:['mɛdlɚ]

英:  美:

medlar 中文意思翻译



medlar 网络释义

n. 枸杞;欧楂果

medlar 词性/词形变化,medlar变形


medlar 短语词组

1、medlar tree ─── [网络] 欧楂果木

2、medlar trees for sale ─── 出售枸杞树

3、medlar juice for dogs ─── 枸杞狗汁

4、medlar trees ─── 中型树木

5、bletting medlar ─── 调色板奖牌

6、Japanese medlar ─── [网络] 枇杷

7、medlar jelly ─── 中果冻

8、wild medlar tree ─── [网络] 野ar树

9、medlar tree pictures ─── 中等树图像

10、medlar fruit ─── 中等水果

11、wild medlar ─── [网络] 野med

12、medlar juice ─── 中等浓度果汁

13、medlar press ─── 中介压力

medlar 相似词语短语

1、pedlar ─── n.[贸易]小贩;传播者(等于peddler)

2、mudlark ─── n.拾荒者;清沟夫;沼地云雀

3、bedlam ─── n.混乱,骚乱;精神病院,疯人院

4、medullar ─── 髓状的;髓的

5、pedlary ─── n.沿街叫卖;小贩的货物(等于peddlery)

6、medlars ─── abbr.(美)医学文献分析与检索系统(MedicalLiteratureAnalysisandRetrievalSystem)

7、medal ─── n.勋章,奖章;纪念章;n.(Medal)人名;(西、捷)梅达尔

8、pedlars ─── n.[贸易]小贩;传播者(等于peddler)

9、meddler ─── n.干涉者;爱管闲事的人

medlar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The pigeon to hair and viscera wash, sundry, put in the pot, add water and medlar altogether when a salt stew. ─── 将乳鸽去毛及内脏杂物,洗净,放入锅内加水与枸杞共炖,熟时加盐少许。

2、Keywords medlar;starch-conversion fermentation;rice-wine; ─── 枸杞;糖化发酵;米酒;

3、Medlar its sweet, and Ping. ─── 枸杞子 其味甘,性平。

4、This product is made from alcohol, medlar, black ant, honey, cinnamon, hawthorn, honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, corn mint and ageratum, which is a hygienic drink for edible and medical. ─── 本品是选用枸杞子、黑蚂蚁、桂肉、山楂、金银花、菊花、薄荷、藿香等多种天然原料,以优质纯粮白酒为酒基精制而成的药食类养生饮品。

5、Ingredients:chrysanthemum、green tea 、honeysuckle、medlar、hawthorn、hongzao、orange peel、rock sugar. ─── 产品介绍:配料:贡菊花、烘焙绿茶、金银花、枸杞、野山楂、红枣、陈皮、冰糖。

6、Study on the medlar healthy effervescent granules ─── 枸杞汁保健泡腾冲剂的研制

7、medlar juice ─── 枸杞汁

8、Great to hear people say, this is what we always said medlar. ─── 听大人们说,这就是我们常说的枸杞子。

9、The development of medlar & Chinese date nutrition beer ─── 杞枣营养啤酒的研制

10、The medicine compound is prepared from cranberry extract, kiwifruit extract, cassia seed, medlar and vitamin A by a certain weight ratio. ─── 该药物组合物是由越橘提取物、猕猴桃提取物、决明子、枸杞、维生素A按一定重量配比制备而成。

11、Keywords Medlar Fermented medlar fruit wine Component Analysis; ─── 枸杞;发酵酒;成分分析;

12、tremella abluent, abluent medlar, remove a stockpot, put clear water, burn flourishing fire, join gallinaceous liver, tremella, medlar, burn, foam of fish out float; ─── 将银耳洗净,洗净枸杞子,起汤锅,放入清水,烧旺火,加入鸡肝.银耳.枸杞子,烧开,捞出浮沫;

13、This paper described two methods of medlar wine production: integrated method and fermented. ─── 摘要介绍了配制法和发酵法生产枸杞酒的方法。

14、Stewed Chicken Tendon in Medlar Broth ─── 枸杞浓汁烩凤筋

15、Chinese wolfoerry medlar ─── 枸杞

16、Taking medlar as main material,the production flow of medlar wine was studied by fermentation at controlled temperature. ─── 以桑葚和枸杞为原料,研究了桑葚枸杞发酵果酒生产工艺的优化。

17、Stewed squab with ginseng and medlar (tranquilize the mind, enrich vital energy and anti-ageing) ─── 人参枸杞炖乳鸽(宁神益气、抗衰老)

18、New medlar can be broken, the use of Qi Zi applied to the face, as you always painted the same cream applied to the face. ─── 可采用新颖枸杞子打烂后,用杞子涂于面部,像您往常涂面霜一样涂于面部。

19、China - medlar plant garden ─── 枸杞园

20、They were all treated with oral taking of Fuyuan mixture (FYM, consisted of ginseng, medlar, salvia, bitter cardamon, etc). ─── 两组均给予复元合剂(由鹿茸、人参、枸杞子、丹参、益智仁等组成)口服。

21、Japanese medlar ─── 枇杷

22、In addition, medlar can improve skin's ability to absorb nutrients, often eat can play the whitening effect. ─── 另外,枸杞可以提高皮肤吸收养分的能力,常吃能起到美白作用。

23、Raw material: Dry snail head 100 grams, the medicine that conceive hill 25 grams, medlar 25 grams, gallinaceous foot 10, thin pork 300 grams, ginger 2, green 2. ─── 原料:干螺头100克,怀山药25克,枸杞子25克,鸡脚10只,瘦猪肉300克,生姜2片,葱2根。

24、A Sampling Method for Medlar Grown for a Green Food ─── 无公害枸杞的取样技术

25、Medlar can be drinking tea, have a strong medicinal value. ─── 枸杞子可以泡茶喝,有很强的药用价值。

26、medlar total saccharide ─── 枸杞总糖

27、Keywords medlar;royal jelly;apple juice;compound healthy beverage; ─── 枸杞;蜂王浆;苹果汁;保健饮料;

28、Compound medlar mixture ─── 复方枸杞合剂

29、A Study of the Protective Effect of Compound Medlar Mixture on Experimental Hepatic Injury ─── 复方枸杞合剂对实验性肝损伤保护作用的实验研究

30、Will after medlar is abluent, put a stockpot in, after burning boil, 20 minutes will be stewed to be become namely on boiler buy slow fire. ─── 将枸杞洗净后,放入汤锅里,烧沸后,将锅置文火上炖20分钟即成。

31、Development of how-Sugar Drinks Made of Aloe and Medlar ─── 低糖芦荟枸杞饮品的研制

32、The collective effect of angelica medlar yam? ─── 当归枸杞山药的共同功效?

33、Chinese Medlar ─── 构杞

34、The product has a good flavor and a nice taste with the combined flavor of wine and medlar fruits. ─── 成品酒色纯正,口感醇厚,酒香和枸杞果香融为一体。

35、Ningxia medlar ─── 宁夏枸杞

36、Development of medlar jujube vinegar ─── 枸杞枣醋的研制

37、Chemical control technique of medlar storage pests is studied especially on the research of Aluminium Phosphide. ─── 对枸杞储藏害虫的化学防治技术进行了研究,特别是对磷化铝熏蒸剂进行了针对性的研究和开发。

38、Main ingredient: Puerarin, Dandelion, Yam, Medlar, Ebony, Citron, Chrysanthemum, Cogongrass rhizome. ─── 主要成份:葛根、蒲公英、山药、枸杞子、乌梅、香橼、菊花、白茅根。

39、Medlar polysaccharide ─── 枸杞多糖

40、Can also select some nutritious food into the soup, such as orange peel, medlar, fennel, all kinds of vegetables. ─── 也可以选择一些营养的食品进煲汤,比如陈皮,枸杞,茴香子,各种蔬菜。

41、Studies on Functional Juice that Contained Haw,Red Chinese Date and Medlar ─── 山楂·红枣和枸杞复合保健饮料的研制

42、Breast is columbine 1, medlar 30 grams, saline a few. ─── 乳鸽1只,枸杞30克,盐少许。

43、Effect of medlar against aging and its role in reinforcing the DNA reparative ability ─── 枸杞子的抗衰老功效及增强DNA修复能力的作用

44、(Soup of 4) breast columbine medlar. ─── (4)乳鸽枸杞汤。


46、The fermented medlar wine was produced through crushing, homogenizing, fermentation at low temperatures, aging, filling, HTST sterilization, ect. ─── 发酵生产枸杞酒需将鲜枸杞果破碎、均质成汁,经低温发酵、陈酿、灌装、高温瞬时杀菌等工序制成。

47、It says that it was because that she ate Chinese wolfberry medlar every day. ─── 咎其原因,据说就是每天都吃枸杞子。

48、Development of Pumpkin Medlar and Aloe Complex Fermentation Ratafee ─── 南瓜、枸杞、芦荟复合发酵果酒的研制

49、Load medlar gallinaceous abdomen, add spice, wet tissue seals basin mouth, basket evaporate makes be eaten together with rice or bread after 2 hours. ─── 将枸杞装入鸡腹,加入佐料,湿棉纸封住盆口,笼蒸2小时后作佐餐。

50、Radical Treatment of Hongkong Foot with Medlar ─── 枸杞子根治足癣

51、Pressure, make the immune system of our body be between the beetle and the block, introduce here " soup of big jujube of medlar of yellow over sixty years of age " , tipple is OK defend our immune system. ─── 压力,使我们身体的免疫系统岌岌可危,在此介绍“黄耆枸杞大枣汤”,常喝可以捍卫我们的免疫系统。

52、The mixed juice of pumpkin,medlar and aloe was used to produce complex ratafee. ─── 果酒酿造中的二氧化硫控制是重要的食品安全研究课题。

53、Development of a medlar rice wine with low alcohol concentration ─── 低度枸杞米酒的研制

54、Steep it with medlar into wild vegetable sauce. ─── 枸杞浸泡于野菜煮汁内,放入炸好的丝瓜,备用。

55、Study on Health Functionality of New SG Yoghourt Fermented with Haw (or Medlar) and Lycium Chinese ─── 山楂枸杞保健酸奶的功能性研究

56、Can medlar eat when menstruation comes? ─── 月经来的时候能不能吃枸杞?

57、Keywords medlar;fruit wine;production processing; ─── 枸杞;果酒;工艺;

58、Abstract: Based on datum of medlar's sampling from 6 province in northern china and field experiment during 2000 and 2001,,we analyzed the factor which affected the quality of Lycium barbarum L. ─── 枸杞为宁夏“五宝”之首,是著名中药材、高级滋补品和保健食品,宁夏枸杞子以品质优异畅销国内外。

59、medlar hydro-apozem ─── 枸杞水煎剂

60、compound juice drink of medlar ─── 枸杞复合汁

61、Effect of soil and meteorologic condition on the content of medlar ashes ─── 土壤和气象条件对宁夏枸杞灰分含量的影响

62、medium sweet Medlar wine ─── 半甜枸杞酒

63、Roll right amount water Bao, put medicine of lean lean of foot of snail head, chicken, pig, Huai Shan, medlar, ginger a Bao boils, slow fire Bao 3 hours, next salt flavor. ─── 把适量的水煲滚,放入螺头、鸡脚、猪瘦肉、怀山药、枸杞子、姜1片煲滚,慢火煲3小时,下盐调味。

64、The health beverage has orange fragrance to make up the defect that the medlar has bad flavor. ─── 本发明产品中的橘红气芳香,正好弥补枸杞风味欠佳的缺陷。

65、The byproduct of jujube and medlar were developed using enzyme hydrolysis, alcohol fermentation and acetic fermentation to produce medlar jujube vinegar. ─── 摘要利用枣制品下脚料枣液和枸杞通过酶解、酵母发酵、醋酸发酵等工艺研制了枸杞枣保健醋。

66、The invention discloses an ice medlar wine brewed by taking medlar fruits as raw materials and a brewing method thereof. ─── 本发明公开了以枸杞果为原料酿制的冰杞酒及其制作方法。

67、Take a small cup and in turn lay dioscoreae, medlar and taro in it. ─── 3取一小盅,将淮山、枸杞、芋头依序放入盅底。

68、Keywords microcolumn high performance liquid chromatography;solid phase extraction;carotenoids;medlar; ─── 快速分离柱高效液相色谱法;固相萃取;类胡萝卜素;枸杞;

69、Braised Gensing and Medlar with Chinese Forest Frog ─── 参杞田鸡油

70、Objective To observe reproductive toxicity and teratogenicity of compound medlar oral solution in rats by intragastric administration. ─── 目的观察复方枸杞子口服液经灌胃对大鼠的生殖毒性和胚胎致畸作用。

71、So the author constructs the standard of Xiaogan sanitary rice-wine, which uses oligosaccharide, konjak, and medlar as the medicinal herbal material. ─── 文章构建了以低聚糖、魔芋、明列子、枸杞子等为原料的孝感保健型米酒的标准,目的在于推动米酒企业标准与时俱进,提高米酒企业科技含量。

72、Is medlar Chinese traditional medicine? Is its price expensive? ─── 枸杞是中药吗?它的价格贵不贵?

73、The industrialization of Ningxia medlar develops, will bring rich and generous duty source for Ningxia. ─── 宁夏枸杞的产业化发展 ,将为宁夏带来丰厚的税源。

74、Main ingredient: Polygonatum, Officinale, Medlar, Puerarin, Yam, Ebony, Acid jujube kernel, Bulrush root, Agkistrodon, Endothelium Corneum, Amomum villosum, Ejiao, Mulberry leaves. ─── 主要成份:玉竹、黄精、枸杞子、葛根、山药、乌梅、酸枣仁、芦根、蝮蛇、鸡内金、砂仁、阿胶、桑叶。

75、Abstract: A mixed beverage of fruit and vegetables was made from apple, tomato, medlar and carrot as the raw materials. ─── 摘要: 以苹果、番茄、枸杞和胡萝卜为原料,开发研制出一种果蔬复合饮料。

76、Sauteed balsam pear with chinese medlar ─── 枸杞凉瓜

77、Subject_Topical_Eng: Zhejiang Changshan Microorganism health care food;Chrysanthemum;oneysuckle;medlar;The panax;lotus flower core;Pandahai;longjing; candy ─── 微生物保健食品;猴头菇;贡菊;金银花;枸杞子;参片;莲子芯;胖大海;龙井茶;冰糖

78、Study of Rice Wine with Medlar and Black Date ─── 杞枣黄酒的研制

79、Pterosaur Soup with Medlar and Ginseng ─── 参杞飞龙汤

80、Gingkgo leaf, medlar and chrysanthemum health drink was scientifically made mainly from Gingkgo leaf, medlar and chrysanthemum by a series of disposal. ─── 摘要银杏叶枸杞菊花保健饮料是以银杏叶、枸杞及菊花为主要原料,经过一系列处理及科学方法配制而成。

81、Will breed columbine go wool and splanchnic and sundry, abluent, put water and medlar are added to be stewed in all inside boiler, ripe when a few that add salt. ─── 将乳鸽去毛及内脏杂物,洗净,放入锅内加水与枸杞共炖,熟时加盐少许。

82、Stewed Duck with Ginseng and Medlar ─── 参杞炖老鸭

83、medlar drying kiln ─── 枸杞烘干窑

84、Peanut when used with red date, longan and medlar, is restorative and has the function of staunching and enriching the blood, so it is benefit to the weak patients with loss of blood. ─── 将花生连红衣一起与红枣、桂圆、枸杞配合使用,既可补虚,又能止血补血,最宜于身体虚弱的出血病人。

85、This paper discussed how to make beverage use peanut, red date, longan and medlar. ─── 本文探讨用花生、枸杞、桂圆、红枣为原料制作成饮料。

86、Rinse lean pork and cut into pieces, add into marinade to marinate for a while. Soak medlar in hot water, drain. ─── 将瘦肉洗净,切片,加腌料略腌。枸杞子泡热水,取出沥乾。

87、the packing box can guarantee the fresh medlar not to be perished and extruded during the transportation. ─── 该包装盒能够保证鲜枸杞在运输过程中不腐烂、不受挤压。

88、1.With ham, old chicken, precious jade Bao of column, lean lean 3 hours of soup, put the component such as powder of peony, onion, medlar. ─── 1.用火腿、老鸡、瑶柱、瘦肉煲3小时汤,并放入芍药、葱末、枸杞等成份。

89、4.Tea of a cup of medlar is drunk first after getting up in the morning, filling gas raises the effect of the body. ─── 4. 早上起床后先喝一杯枸杞茶,有补气养身之效。

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