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09-12 投稿



curio 发音

英:['kjʊərɪəʊ]  美:['kjʊrɪo]

英:  美:

curio 中文意思翻译



curio 网络释义

n. 古董;珍品n. (Curio)人名;(意)库里奥

curio 短语词组

1、curio crassulifolius ─── 克拉苏利

2、curio cabinets ─── 古玩柜; ─── 古董橱

3、darkest dungeon wiki curio ─── 最黑暗的地牢维基古董

4、curio cabinets corner ─── 古玩柜角落

5、bas-relief curio ─── 浅浮雕古玩

6、curio spice ─── 好奇心是情趣。

7、curio dental ─── 牙科古玩

8、curio and relic license ─── 古玩文物许可证

9、curio cabinets with glass doors ─── 玻璃门古玩柜

10、curio shop ─── 库里奥商店

11、curio hunter ─── 古董搜寻者

curio 词性/词形变化,curio变形

名词复数: curios |

curio 相似词语短语

1、curiosa ─── n.珍品;奇品;黄色书刊

2、curiae ─── n.中世纪法庭

3、curia ─── n.元老院;地区元老院;中世纪法庭;n.(Curia)人名;(西、意)库里亚

4、curious ─── adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的

5、curios ─── n.古玩,古董;仿古董(curio的复数形式)

6、curiet ─── 居里石

7、curial ─── adj.元老院的;罗马教廷的;中世纪法庭的;n.(Curial)人名;(法)屈里亚尔;(西)库里亚尔

8、curies ─── n.[核]居里(姓氏)

9、curie ─── n.[核]居里(姓氏)

curio 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Vector Car - Mazda Car,Vector Curio Car Pictures ─── 古董汽车图片,汽车矢量插画

2、Immediately after he point at two people to say:"This unlucky person, the home house change to set up of the time dug a curio and also smiled dead." ─── 接着他指着第二个人说:“这个倒霉的人,家里房子改建的时候挖出了一批古董,也笑死了。”

3、He travelled the world to pursue his eccentric obsession, collecting stories and trivia as if filling an enormous curio cabinet. ─── 为了追求自己所痴迷的东西,他周游世界,收集各种故事和生活琐事,犹如装满一个巨大的古玩柜。

4、2. Welcome, friend! Welcome to the Old Market Magical Curio shop! ─── 欢迎,朋友!欢迎来到旧货市场的魔法古玩店!

5、Chen Liangshao's epitaph was discovered in 2002 to be possessed by a curio merchant. ─── 提要:陈良绍墓志于2002年春在古玩商人处发现。

6、the house is the master of its designers to African curio has a special passion and love, and with these decorative his room. ─── 这间屋的主人也就是它的设计者对非洲古玩具有特殊的激情和热爱,并用这些装饰他的房间。

7、Various kinds of ancient clocks in our curio shop are waiting for the respective highest Bids. ─── 本古玩店收藏的各种古钟,待价而沽。

8、Zhejiang Yonggan Curio City Co.,Ltd. ─── 浙江永淦古玩有限公司

9、What a pure child he was.He refused giving up a Wu-Fen coin, while he lost a more expensive curio vase.He did not understand that his opportunity cost for the coin was a precious curio vase. ─── 多么天真的孩子,因为不肯放弃他手中那区区五分钱的硬币而毁掉了一个昂贵的花瓶,他不明白他放弃那枚硬币的机会成本居然有一个古董花瓶那么大。

10、Qin Gallery is on Hua Wei Li 1-1E (North of Beijing Curio City ) , Chaoyang District , Beijing. ─── 秦昊画廊简介秦昊画廊位于朝阳区华威里1-1E(北京古玩城北边)。

11、As a matter of fact, Naivete has accomplished the wildest dream of every curio dealer since he met Kylin. ─── 其实,早在吴邪遇到张起灵的那一天,他就已经完成了作为一个古董贩子的最高梦想。

12、GSH now creates a modern “Curio Cabinet.” It is called “Cultural Curio Cabinet.” They carry out researches on Taiwan's unique culture as well as history, and go deep into every aspect of it. ─── 文化多宝格是专门研究台湾特有的乡土文化,并从多方面深入研究我们台湾珍贵的历史文化,也因此称为文化多宝格。

13、The world-famous Western Han "Magic Bronzc Mirror", the Chinese aneient artistic curio, has the property of "Light-Penetration". ─── 闻名世界的中国古代艺术珍品“西汉铜镜”具有“透光”功能。

14、There are many places of interest in the city-museums, temples, and curio markets. ─── 本市有许多有趣的地方,比如博物馆、庙宇、古董市场。

15、It is one of the biggest curio shops in the craft brothers in Shanghai. ─── 在上海同行中是规模较大的古玩店之一。

16、If you'll be in Beijing over the weekend, get up early and make a trip to Panjiayuan, a giant flea market where every imaginable curio, artifact and fake Tang dynasty knock-off is on sale. ─── 如果你周末来北京,那么早点起来。可以去一趟潘家园。这是家大型的旧货市场,售买各种的珍奇小物品、手工艺品以及唐朝赝品,你能想到的,这里都有。

17、curio shelves ─── 博古架

18、A cooked-up replacement would be the monetary equivalent of Esperanto — an artificial curio. ─── 一种替代货币就像是货币领域的世界语(一种“古董”似的人造语言)。

19、April, Go to the Antique Town to Seek Curio ─── 四月,到古玩城赛宝

20、Yesterday in curio city I bought a sword which has a protuberant point and a narrow body after removing the rust. ─── 昨天,我在古玩城买了一把直刀,刀尖有一些突起,有些象雁翎刀,但刀身窄,把锈去掉后。

21、1851 A master was asked the question, "What is the Way?" by a curio ... ─── 0936大脑是最高贵的器官--因为是大脑告诉你的。

22、WhilePascualita is more of a curio than a religious draw in devoutlyCatholic Mexico, a few people have left votive candles outside the shopand even attribute a miracle to her. ─── 虽然帕斯卡拉和虔诚的墨西哥天主教的宗教绘画相比更倾向于一个古董,仍然有一些人在店铺外面供奉蜡烛,甚至视她为奇迹。

23、There was a silence then that filled the little curio shop. ─── 接着这个小古董店变得一片寂静。

24、Antique curio shop ─── 古玩店

25、On the top of “Tang Paradise”, we can see that the genuine curio (Wild Goose Pagoda), surrounded by massive forged ones (the Tang-style tour compounds), appears solitude and lonely. ─── 我们在一个巨大的唐景观公园大唐芙蓉园的高处可以看到,真古董(大雁塔)被规模宏大的假古董(唐风小区和唐风旅游建筑群等)包围着,显得孤立、无辜。

26、Placing those pieces in a curio cabinet will be a nice tribute to your Grandmother and create an interesting focal point. ─── 把它们放在古董台上,就是对你祖母最好的贡物,并创造一个有趣的焦点。

27、curio dealer ─── 古董商

28、Random Thoughts on Porcelain Curio (II) Liao Wenwei ─── 瓷玩琐记(下)廖文伟

29、I n ancient times, scholars and gentlemen usually had cabinets that could store up the curio treasures they collected especially when traveling. ─── 古时候的旅人,常会带著一种盒子到四处去游历或做生意;

30、It is a commercial street major in calligraphy works, painting, curio, and relevant articles. ─── 位于越秀区文德路,是著名的字画古玩一条街,专营名人字画、壁画、及画框等字画相关产品。

31、curio shop ─── 珍品商店古董店

32、During thousands years of Chinese curio collection, three nation wide curio collection cruxes appeared, at the end of Song dynasty, the beginning of Qing dynasty and the end of Qing dynasty. ─── 中国数千年的收藏历史中,出现过三次全国性的收藏热。

33、antique and curio dealer ─── 古玩铺

34、By this act of hubris, he becomes a historical curio: the only Australian prime minister to have fought just one election. ─── 由于这一狂妄之举,他成为了一个历史上的异类:唯一仅参加一次大选的澳大利亚总理。

35、Genuine Leather curio goods embroided with the Big 5 animals. From keyrings to credit card booklets. ─── [相关分类:皮夹,钱包和卡夹,皮革产品,纺织附件

36、The curio shop backs the post office ─── 古玩店位于邮局的后面。

37、A cooked-up replacement would be the monetary equivalent of Esperanto -- an artificial curio. ─── 人为造出一种替代货币就像是货币领域的世界语(一种“古董”似的人造语言)。

38、Miniature curio cabinets have long been used to store the small treasures that were beloved by the emperors. ─── 多宝格是皇帝用来摆放锺爱而小巧的奇珍异宝。

39、The atmosphere is much like the curio library of a Victorian gentleman scholar, full of elegant glass-and-wood vitrines, dimly ornate wall coverings, velvet curtains and engagingly stuffy wall-text. ─── 馆内氛围象极了维多利亚时期某个绅士学者的惊奇图书馆,满是考究的玻璃和木质橱窗,色泽暗淡而华丽的墙纸,天鹅绒窗帘和引人入胜又乏味古板的墙壁内容。

40、The shopping arcade on the first floor sell all kinds of souvenirs,jewellery ,local speciality,fashion clothes and curio. ─── 一楼大堂的商场内各式纪念品、本特产、时装古玩等各类商品琳琅满目,令您爱不释手。

41、7. He come across this in a curio shop. ─── 他在一个古玩店里偶尔发现了这个。

42、curio cabinet ─── 古董橱

43、imitation curio; fake curio ─── 仿造的古董

44、curio collecting ─── 古董收集

45、Chamber Of Curio Of China National Federation Of Industry And Comme ─── 中华全国工商业联合会古玩业商会

46、Tourists who like art may buy calligraphy and painting and curio in China. ─── 爱好艺术的游客,还可以在中国购买字画和古玩。

47、In this emergency, mother had no choice but to break this unpredictable expensive curio vase. ─── 万般无奈之下,母亲只好打碎了这个价值不菲的古董花瓶。

48、Red and blue spectacles, it was imagined, would be routinely employed to watch a film. Flat projection would be a historical curio. ─── 当时人们认为那种红蓝3D眼镜将是未来观影必备物品,平板投射技术将成为历史古董。

49、Special Auction by Shenzhen Curio World and Shenzhen Chengxinde Auction Co., Ltd. ─── 深圳古玩城与诚信德专场拍卖会。

50、a curio; an antique; a curiosity ─── 古玩

51、Upholster by rosewood, eaglewood and curio add dense classical lasting appeal and art atmosphere in every branch store; ─── 我们的会所都以高起点、高材料为依托,提供高水准、高档次的环境设施和休闲服务而闻名。

52、This set of glass curio was made with the latest technology. ─── 这套玻璃古玩是用最新工艺制作的。

53、It began as a curio item on an obscure maritime website and grew into the mystery of the summer. ─── 它开始只是某家名不见经传的海事网站上刊登的一件不让人注意的小事,继而演变成今年夏季的一个迷团。

54、Welcome, friend! Welcome to the Old Market Magical Curio shop! ─── 欢迎,朋友!欢迎来到旧货市场的魔法古玩店!

55、We keep good credit standings in our management all the time and win good appraisements from multitudinous lovers of curio collection. ─── 本公司在经营过程中一直恪守信誉,赢得了广大收藏爱好者的一致好评。

56、curio hunter ─── 古董搜寻者

57、Random Thoughts on Porcelain Curio (I) Liao Wenwei ─── 瓷玩琐记(上)廖文伟

58、Don't trifle away your time on curio hunting. ─── 别把时间都浪费在搜集古玩上面。

59、curio and imitation curio ─── 古玩及仿古玩

60、By the way, the first topic of “Cultural Curio Cabinet” is Taiwan's well-known food tradition. ─── 而多宝格的初试啼声即是介绍台湾向来颇负盛名的饮食文化。

61、I came across this old brooch in a curio shop ─── 我在一家古玩店意外发现(找到)了这只古老的胸针。

62、Welcome to Jewelry curio store ─── 珍宝轩古玩店歡迎您的光臨

63、Have a cup of coffee, browse the magazines and enjoy the curio, nothing better than that! ─── 在这里喝杯咖啡,翻翻杂志,赏赏古玩,想想心思,养心养性,是最好不过了。

64、It's not my job to please your curio ... ─── 唔礼貌就讲Why should I send you my pics?

65、Curio City Ivory Selected Items Shop ─── 古玩城象牙精品店

66、He likes to collect curio watch very much, driver, beat bowling etc....... ─── 在影视,歌坛发展很成功,受到了无数歌迷,影迷的喜爱。

67、You'd better declare your curio to the official. ─── 你最好把那件古玩向海关官员申报纳税。

68、These aren't ragged!BE the curio of my collections!Certainly, if you don't like, you can throw away. ─── 这些不是破烂!是我收集的古董!当然,如果你不喜欢的话,你可以扔掉.

69、the house is the master of its designers to African curio has a special passion and love, and with these decorative his room. ─── 这间屋的主人也就是它的设计者对非洲古玩具有特殊的激情和热爱,并用这些装饰他的房间。

70、It is a commercial steer major in calligraphy works, painting, curio, and relevant articles. ─── 位于越秀区文德路,是著名的字画古玩一条街,专营名人字画,壁画,及画框等字画相关产品。

71、Antique & Curio Store ─── 文物商店

72、According to the researcher who engaged in curio,they said RuYi is iron silver articles,Jian is called pinch silks embeded silver article. ─── 好像如意和剑不是同一种工艺,据请教多年从事古玩鉴定的博物馆人员,这如意是铁錽银工艺,剑叫做掐丝嵌银工艺。

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