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09-13 投稿



futurist 发音

英:[ˈfjuːtʃərɪst]  美:[ˈfjuːtʃərɪst]

英:  美:

futurist 中文意思翻译




futurist 短语词组

1、futurist technology ─── 未来主义技术

2、futurist book ─── 未来主义书籍

3、futurist hydra rescue review ─── 未来派九头蛇救援评论

4、futurist predictions ─── 未来主义预测

5、futurist fantasy ─── 未来主义幻想

6、futurist labs ─── 未来主义实验室

7、futurist movement art ─── 未来主义运动艺术

8、futurist movement ─── 未来主义运动

9、futurist art ─── 未来主义艺术

10、futurist poetry ─── 未来主义诗歌 ─── 未来派诗歌

futurist 词性/词形变化,futurist变形

复数--futurists;比较级--more futurist;最高级--most futurist。

futurist 相似词语短语

1、futurism ─── n.未来主义;未来派

2、figurist ─── 图形

3、futuristic ─── adj.未来派的;未来主义的

4、futures ─── n.期货;未来,前途(future的复数形式)

5、futurity ─── n.未来;来世;后世的人

6、culturist ─── n.养殖者,培养者

7、auteurist ─── n.(有独创风格,可与作者比肩的)电影导演(等于auteur);adj.导演主创论的

8、luxurist ─── 奢侈主义者

9、futurists ─── n.未来主义者;未来派画家;adj.未来主义的

futurist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The futurist predicted that nanotechnology would totally change the living conditions of human beings in the new century. ─── 如同历次技术革命引起设计变革一样。

2、This argument with the U.S. futurist author of "The 21st century is a century consumer culture," no, it is equally interesting. ─── 这个论点与美国未来学家托夫勒的“21世纪是消费文化的世纪”如出一辙,具有异曲同工之妙。

3、But already, my favorite futurist, Peter Schwartz of the Monitor Group, predicts that we are entering a new political and economic paradigm. ─── 但是,我所喜欢的未来主义者MonitorGroup的PeterSchwartz已经预计到了我们正在进入一个政治经济的新格局。

4、Superb graphics and impeccable technical production will get you hooked on this futurist racing game. ─── 超级的图形和无懈可击的技术上的制造将会拿你在这场未来派画家竞赛游戏上被钩住。

5、22.The author believes that Futurist poetry is_____. ─── 作者相信未来派诗歌是_____。

6、Futurist Naisi thinks that information, knowledge and creativeness have changed into information, knowledge and creativeness in new society. ─── 未来学家奈斯比特认为,在新的社会中,关键的战略资源已转变为信息、知识和创造性。

7、So will futurist adventures that evoke the splendor of the movie past. ─── 激发昔日电影辉煌的未来冒险故事也一样能。

8、Last century, the famous futurist, Nesbit ever forecasted that "franchising will be the leading commerce model in next century". ─── 上个世纪一位著名的预言家奈斯比特曾预言到,“特许经营将成为下个世纪主导的商业模式”。

9、Futurist inspiration with great importance to the visual sense of velocity; simultaneity of movements: a continuous innovation of image. ─── 对速率的视觉形象而言,未来派艺术家的灵感极为重要;一系列动作同时发生:形成一个连续革新的影像。

10、The approach I find that works best is to avoid the generalist publications and futurist pundits who talk about big trends. ─── 我发现最有效的办法是要避免一般杂志和未来主义专家所谈论的大趋势。

11、Zany, gag-filled sci-fi spoof about a frozen man who has to adapt to a strange futurist world when he thaws out. ─── 滑稽的、充满搞笑的科幻小说电影,描述一个冷冻的人醒来时必须适应陌生的未来社会。

12、I've always thought you to be an intuitive futurist. ─── |我常常认为你是直觉上的未来派.

13、Such a nanobot will never become more than a futurist's daydream. ─── 这种奈米机器人,永远只会出现在未来主义者的白日梦里。

14、Under this situation, American futurist Alvin Toffler has put forward the concept of Mass Customization in his book "Future Shock". ─── 这种情况下,美国未来学家AlvinToffler在《未来的冲击》一书中提出了大规模定制的概念。

15、Marinetti, inventor and leader of the Futurist movement, had already given the world Futurist art, literature, music and architecture. ─── 马里内蒂是未来主义运动的创立者和领导者,已然给这个世界带来了未来主义的艺术、文学、音乐已经建筑。

16、though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as Literature. ─── 尽管这符合未来主义诗歌的规律和要求,但却很难被归为文学。

17、All participants were impressed with the bar set-up which had a futurist design that facilitated teaching and is appropriate for international bartending competitions. ─── 出席典礼的各界人士都对博伟国际教育集团设计的酒吧样板室留下了深刻的印象。该酒吧样板室设计先进,布局合理,适合教学,引领国际调酒潮流。

18、Make no doubt about it," Stanford University professor and world-renowned "futurist" Paul Saffo told "Good Morning America's Weekend Edition. ─── 很多年来这都只是科幻事物,但专家说从今以后的25年,梦想会变成现实。

19、Sawat-dii I have 34 years old, I'm french and I'm looking for serious girl for friend...perhaps more in the futur? but I no play and i'm serious boy. ─── 您的交友目的?

20、Tea polyphenol is a new natural antioxidant.The properties,productio n and applications of tea polyphenol were introduced in the papar,and its futur e was bright. ─── 介绍了新型天然抗氧化剂茶多酚的性质、生产及其在食品、医药等方面的应用,并展望了其发展前景。

21、futurist manifesto ─── 未来主义的宣言

22、This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as Literature. ─── 这样,即使它满足了未来诗歌的规定和要求,它也很难被划分到文学的范畴。

23、Futurist inspiration with great importance to the visual sense of velocity; simultaneity of movements: a continuous innovation of image. ─── 对速度的视觉形象而言,未来派艺术家的灵感极为重要;一系列动作同时发生:形成一个连续革新的影像。

24、Thirty years ago, futurist Alvin Toffler predicted that mankind will enter the information society - just thirty years, predictions have become an undisputed fact. ─── 三十年前,未来学家托夫勒预言,人类将进入信息社会--仅仅三十年,预言已成为不争的事实。

25、He is a futurist philosopher and neocon activist. ─── 他是一名未来派哲学家,一名新保守主义激进分子。

26、A city that was the birthplace of Arte Povera, a city inspired by the exuberance of the Futurist movement and the creativity of Felice Casorati. ─── 她是贫穷艺术的诞生地,一个从未来派艺术运动和费莉斯.卡索拉蒂的创造得到灵感的城市。

27、Case is rather difficult, for whatever Futurist poetry may be even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right--it can hardly be classed as Literature. ─── 然而就未来主义诗歌来说,情况则不这么简单了,因为不管未来主义诗歌是什么--就算承认它赖以存在的理论。

28、Ask a potenti employ to introduc you to your futur co-work either on the initi or secondari interview. ─── 初次面试或再次面试中请雇佣者给你介绍一下未来的同事。

29、Under this situation, American futurist Alvin Toffler has put forward the concept of Mass Customization in his book "Future Shock" . ─── 这种情况下,美国未来学家AlvinToffler在《未来的冲击》一书中提出了大规模定制的概念。

30、Planning The Futur ─── 计划将来

31、This speeding up of life, says the Futurist, requires a new form of expression. ─── 未来派诗人声称,这种加速的生活节奏需要一种新的表达形式。

32、My Futurist experiment in cooking has worked. ─── 我在烹饪方面的未来主义实验凑效了。

33、This speeding up of life, says the Futurist, requires a new form of expression.We must speed up our literature too, if we want to interpret modern stress . ─── 加速了的生活需要一种新的表达方式,如果想诠释现代社会的压力,那麽我们的文学也必须加速。

34、The well-known futurist Alvin Toffler writes along lines similar to the analysis of Yankelovich regarding a required change in values. ─── 从社会问题的角度来看,自我实现的渴望再加上追求致富,使得我们未能从外部来看待社会和社会需求。

35、Today the Futurist cinema creates precisely that polyexpressive symphony” [from The Futurist Cinema Manifesto]. ─── 今天,未来主义电影正奏响了这首多表现主义的交响曲。”


37、The author believes that Futurist poetry is more of a transient phenomenon than literature. ─── 作者认为未来派诗歌与其说是一种文学形式,还不如说是一种暂时的过渡现象。

38、Futurist poetry is more of a transient phenomenon than literature. ─── 未来派诗歌与其说是文学,不如说是昙花一现。

39、" My efforts to answer questions like that have made me something of an accidental futurist. ─── 我对这个问题的回答使我看起来像一个偶然的未来主义者。

40、He is a futurist with a track record and enough credibility for the National Academy of Engineering to publish his sunny forecast for solar energy. ─── 他是个未来派,有背景,也足够可靠,能让国家工程学会对他那套乐天派的太阳能预言感冒。

41、The Aging Population in Hong Kong,Ma cau and Taiwan:the Current Status -quo and the Futur e Trend ─── 港、澳、台地区人口老龄化的现状与未来趋势

42、About Things In The futur ─── 考虑将来可能从事的活动

43、futurist poets ─── 未来主义诗人

44、Please include three science fiction, futurist, surrealist, or fantasy samples of your work. ─── 请包括三个科幻小说,未来派,超现实主义,幻想你的工作或样品。

45、Mr Kurzweil's journey as a futurist began when he became intrigued by rapid advances in computing capacity. ─── 库兹威尔先生早期对计算能力的飞速发展兴趣颇浓,随后开始了作为未来学家的旅途。

46、Blizzard... Thank you for making your game accessible to us disabled players! Please keep up the trend with all your futur games. ─── 非常感谢你们,暴雪,你们让残疾人也能玩游戏,请在你们以后的游戏中继续下去。

47、There's a bizarre futurist sculpture of him flying through a symbolic ring in front of the so-called Cosmonaut's House. ─── 还有加加林从一个富有象征意义的环中飞过的奇特的未来派雕塑,就坐落在宇航员公寓得前面。

48、" Groups is the concept of non-American futurist Tuofuledi spread out. ─── 非群体化传播概念是美国未来学家托夫勒提出来的。

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