subtracting 发音
英:[səbˈtræktɪŋ] 美:[səbˈtræktɪŋ]
英: 美:
subtracting 中文意思翻译
subtracting 常用词组
subtract from ─── 减去
subtracting 短语词组
1、subtracting integers ─── 减去整数
2、subtracting decimals ─── 小数减法
3、subtracting games ─── 减法游戏
4、subtracting amplifier ─── 减法放大器
5、subtracting fractions ─── 减法分数
6、subtracting fractions calculator ─── 减法分数计算器
7、subtracting vectors ─── 减去向量
subtracting 词性/词形变化,subtracting变形
动词第三人称单数: subtracts |动词现在分词: subtracting |名词: subtracter |动词过去式: subtracted |动词过去分词: subtracted |
subtracting 反义词
subtracting 同义词
take away | remove | take | discount | take off |deduct | away | lessen | detract | take from | decrease | withdraw
subtracting 相似词语短语
1、substructing ─── 子结构
2、subacting ─── 亚作用
3、substraction ─── 减法
4、abstracting ─── n.文摘;v.[图情]摘要(abstract的现在分词)
5、substractions ─── 减法
6、subtraction ─── n.[数]减法;减少;差集
7、subtractions ─── n.[数]减法;减少;差集
8、subtractive ─── adj.减去的;负的;有负号的
9、subcontracting ─── n.分包,工业转包;v.分包(subcontract的ing形式);转包
subtracting 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、At this age, you should be able to subtract one fraction from another. ─── 在你这个年龄,你应该会演算分数减法了。
2、Floor-to-Chainwheel height is determined by subtracting the specified "C" dimension from the system centerline height (add "C" dimension if used with top-mount orientation). ─── 地面到链轮高度的计算方法是从系统中心高度减去“C”尺寸(如果采用顶部安装方式,则需加上“C”)。
3、Enable "subtract from shape area" at the top bar,Create some rectangles of random sizes. ─── 使能“从形状区域减去”在顶面酒吧,创造任意大小有些长方形。
4、If you subtract the insets from the screen size, you have the size your window should be. ─── 如果从屏幕大小中减去那些insets,您就得到了窗口的应有大小。
5、Their first device could add, subtract, multiply and divide. ─── 他们的最初设计是可以计算加法、减法、乘法和除法。
6、To solve the human equation, we need to add love, subtract hate, multiply good, and divide between truth and error. ─── 为了解决人的恒等式,我们需要添加爱,减去恨,乘以善,并按对错分开。
7、Property values. The width available for fill mode is determined by subtracting the widths of all other columns from the width of the client area of the control. ─── 可用于填充模式的宽度由某一个值决定,该值等于控件工作区的宽度减去其他所有列的宽度。
8、Subtracting the current capacity means there are 50,000 - 30,000 = 20,000 pages per hour of reserve capacity growth remaining. ─── 压力测试运行发现当压力达到每小时60,000页时当前系统失败。然而,每小时50,000页后响应时间减少。
9、When you are subtracting numbers you should carry the remainder. ─── 在做减法时,你必须把余数进位。
10、Residential construction declined sharply during the quarter, as expected, subtracting about 1 percentage point from overall growth. ─── 住宅建筑急剧下降,在第二季度中,一如预期,减去约1个百分点,从整体增长。
11、Early computers did nothing but compute: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. ─── 早期的计算机只能做加减乘除运算。
12、You can use expressions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide the values in two or more fields or controls. ─── 可以使用表达式对两个或更多个字段或控件中的值执行加、减、乘和除运算。
13、Addition, subtracting, multiplication and division are basic rules of arithmetic. ─── 加、减、乘、除是算术的基本规则。
14、The idea that a machine could be built to add and subtract was an early step. ─── 制造一种能进行加减运算的机器的设想是历史的第一步。
15、It presents a method named "Concatenation Index + TFIDF + Domains Subtracting" for extracting unlisted terms. ─── 在术语提取方法上,提出了“接续指数+TFIDF+领域相减”的方法。
16、After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April. ─── 减去食物与能源的费用以后——这两项每月可能大幅变动——成品制造价格指数仍以略快的速度攀升百分零点四,相形之下,四月份仅上升零点二。
17、A signed integer type that results from subtracting two Pointers. ─── 一个有符号整型,是两个指针相减后的结果。
18、Nine minus four is five.; Four from nine is five.; Subtract four from nine and you have five. ─── 九减四得五。
19、The amount of added value is calculated by subtracting the cost the transferor recovers from the value of the leasehold at the time of transfer. ─── 土地增值额按土地使用权转让时的价值减去转让人应收回的成本后的余额计算。
20、Yes, the other PPC - profit per customer is the revenue generated by each customer after subtracting costs such as marketing, overhead and cost of product/cost of sales. ─── 不错,复印机等非营利每位顾客是每一个用户所产生的收入扣除成本等营销高架、产品成本/销售费用.
21、Because Listing 1 represents only a portion of the total log record, we need to subtract the first timestamp from the last. ─── 因为清单1只表示全部日志记录的一部分,我们需要从最后一项中提取出第一个时间戳。
22、Subtracting the amount of capacity growth during the lead time yields the threshold of workload which should trigger an upgrade. ─── 减去在筹建时间字段里面容量增加的数量就应该是触发提升工作量的开始。
23、Well, we don't have a plus one 1 so let's remove it by subtracting one. ─── 不过我们还没有+ 1这一项,所以我们在后面减去一个。
24、After three rewrites, deleting many pages, it turns out to be an interesting “subtracting” process. ─── 创作思想的变化,就像文稿的删除,是个“减”“损”的过程。
25、or it might be some way of "rebooting" the gut microbiome directly, by adding missing species or subtracting unwanted ones. ─── 或直接通过添加缺失的物质或减去不需要的物质“重启”肠道微生物组
26、If you subtract 6 from 9, you will have 3. ─── 九减六等于三。
27、Before and after reading out the signals, you can extract noise existing within the pixels themselves, and then cancel it out by subtracting it at a later stage. ─── 在读取信号之前和之后,你可以提取存在于象素中的噪音信号,然后在后续的过程中通过减去这些噪音信号来达到消除它们的目的。
28、So the amplitude subtracting computer-aided speckle inteferometry is the best method to measure the deformation of specimen. ─── 因此一般选择用振幅型减法模式的计算机辅助散斑干涉法来进行物体的变形测量。
29、Finally, the ICA method is used to subtract all these MUAP spikes from original EMG signals. ─── 在运动单元动作电位(MUAP)聚类以及从原始信号中去除已识别的MUAP波形等方面也进行了改进。
30、If you subtract 3 from 7, you have 4. ─── 七减三等于四。
31、Subtracting the lead time from that date yields the the Trigger Point when upgrade work should begin. ─── 从日期字段中减去这个筹建时间,就应该是这个升级应该开始的触发时间。
32、The time required for one subtract operation, excluding the time required for getting data from the memory and giving the result back to the memory. ─── 一次减法操作所需的时间,不包括从存储器取出数据和把结果送回存储器所需要的时间。
33、He is learning to add and to subtract. ─── 他在学加减法。。
34、For almost as long as Juanita could remember, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural. ─── 在胡安妮塔的记忆中,加减乘除对自己来说早就是如同呼吸一样简单而自然了.
35、Learn to add responsibly instead of subtracting. ─── 学会负负责任地使用加法并取代减法。
36、You do not need calculus or algebra, but you must be on easy terms with basic math - adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. ─── 你不需要知道微积分或高等代数,但你必须熟悉基本的算术——加、减、乘、除。
37、Click the cells in your document that contain the numbers you want to subtract. ─── 在文档中含有要减去的数字的单元格上单击。
38、Only by subtracting the improvement in a placebo control group could the actual value of the drug be calculated. ─── 只有去掉安慰剂对照组的效果才能真正来衡量药物的实际价值。
39、In offices there are slide rules for multiplication and division, and desk machines which can add, subtract, multiply and divide. ─── 在办公室里有能做乘法除法的计算尺,以及能加减乘除的台式计算机。
40、What Dr Shields did was to work out a way of subtracting the noise, and thus extracting the signal . ─── 谢尔兹博士所做的就是找出法子降低噪音,从而将信号提取出来。
41、Every command that I enjoin on you, you shall be careful to observe, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it. ─── 凡我吩咐你们的事,你们应谨慎遵行;不可加添,也不可删除。
42、This is done by subtracting the offset current for a given channel from subsequent measurements made via that channel. ─── 在通过某个通道进行测量时,则可从测量读数中减去该通道的偏移电流。
43、Based on tableau method, we present a feasible algorithm to check the consistency of KB, to extend, subtract, and change KB. ─── 使用表推演方法,检查知识库协调性,对知识库进行扩展、约减和修正,给出可行方法。
44、Using these three timestamps, the host can determine transit time across the network by subtracting the originate time from the receive time. ─── 使用这三个时间戮记,主机能够以从接收时间减掉起始的时间来决定出跨越网路的传送时间。
45、Instead of using an ADA( Allowance for Doubtful Accounts) account, why can't we just subtract estimated future write-offs from the Accounts Receivable? ─── 为何不能直接减除应收帐款所估计的备抵呆帐,而使用备抵科目?
46、Subtract 3 from 7 and you have 4. ─── 七减三得四。
47、A month later, read the meter again and subtract the first reading from the second. ─── 一个月后再读一次表,从第二次读数中减去第一次读数。
48、To deduct or subtract from a cost or price. ─── 减少从费用或价格中扣除或减去
49、Divide 6 by 3 and then subtract 1 from the quotient. ─── 从6除以3所得的商减去1。
50、But you'll have to subtract what it coststo fuel your mower. ─── 不过,你需要减去除草机的燃油成本。
51、To deduct from an amount; subtract. ─── 减去,减掉从一数量中抽出;减掉
52、Subtract 135 degrees from Jupiter gives 306 or 6 degrees Aquarius. ─── 从木星对应宝瓶座的306度或6度减去135度。
53、At this age,he should be able to subtract one fraction from another. ─── 他这个年龄应该会演算分数减法。
54、Basic skills, such as subtracting, multiplication and time-telling, are usually the first to go. ─── 基本的技能,像是减法、乘法和看时间等,通常是孩子会最先忘记的。
55、Eight minus three equals five.|| Three taken from eight leaves five. || Subtract three from eight and the remainder will be five. ─── 八减三等于五。
56、The Operation is set to Subtract on this node. ─── 在这个节点上操作设置为减操作。
57、Then subtract your obligation from your assets. ─── 从你的资产中除去债务。
58、Subtract one addend from the sum. If you can get the other addend, you're right. ─── 加法的验算。从算出的和里减去一个加数,看是不是等于另一个加数。
59、You have to subtract 25% tax from the sum you receive. ─── 你必须从所得款中扣除25%的税款。
60、Who in your life is subtracting value from and adding misery to it? ─── 哪些人减少了你生活中的价值,并给它带来痛苦?
61、Subtract them, and America “actually trains more engineers per capita than either India or China does. ─── 减去他们,美国“实际上列车更多的工程师,人均比印度或中国,是否”。
62、When you subtract 3 from 7, the answer is 4. ─── 7减去3等于4。
63、To deduct from an amount;subtract. ─── 减去,减掉从一数量中抽出;减掉
64、An arithmetic section capable of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, plus other mathematical functions. ─── 可以进行加、减、乘、除及其他数学功能的算术部分。
65、If you subtract 3 from 5, you get 2. ─── 五减去三就得二。
66、If you subtract two from five you get three. ─── 五减去二剩下三。
67、Subtracting this value from 100 can give a good approximation of total CPU usage. ─── 从100里面减去这个值可以得到一个总的CPU使用量的优良的近似值。
68、Since any source can be negated, there is no need for a subtract instruction. ─── 因为可以对目标取负,所以减法指令就没有存在的必要了。
69、Instead of stripping off the least significant 1 bit (i. e. subtracting), we now add it on at each stage to get the next entry to adjust. ─── 剥离而不是最不显着1位(即扣除)外,我们现在在每个阶段,到下一个条目得到调整。
70、What Dr Shields did was to work out a way of subtracting the noise, and thus extracting the signal. ─── 史立德博士的工作便是寻找能减少这些噪音从而提取出信号的方法。
71、Can't subtract a number expression with an address expression Xasm. ─── 中不允许将一个数字表达式与一个地址表达式相减。
72、Add or subtract a daily meal, and you soon gain or lose a surge. ─── 一天加入/减少一餐,不久,人们就会失去/得到一次要吃的冲动。
73、The words "less 3" tell us to subtract three from the unknown number. ─── “减去3”这几个字,告诉我们将从一个未知数中减去3。
74、If you subtract 2 from 7, the result is 5. ─── 7减2等于5。
75、Subtract from many modern poet all that may is find in shakespeare and trash will remain. ─── 从现代诗人中删掉见诸莎士比亚作品的东西之后,则只会剩下渣滓了。
76、Subtracting his cues from his world view, we get man's net contribution as the difference. ─── 从他的世界观中减去这些线索,其差值就是纯粹由人提供的东西。
77、If you subtract 2 from 8, you get 6. ─── 8减去2是6。
78、A company or individual's net worth can be measured by subtracting the total liabilities from the total assets. ─── 从公司或个人的总资产中刨去债务总额就是其净资产。
79、He did not hesitate to subtract terms with literal coefficients. ─── 他毫不迟疑地进行了文字系数项的相减。
80、You could transmit the A character code to the video display to generate an echo right after subtracting the A character code from a carriage Return. ─── 从“回车”字符减去A字符代码后,你便可以将A字符代码传送到荧光屏显示器,以便立即产生一个回波检验信号。
81、What is the procedure for adding or subtracting fractions that have different denominators? ─── 如何运算分母不同的分式的加、减法?
82、In their first year at school, most children learn to add and subtract. ─── 入学第一年,多数孩子学习加减法。
83、He could add and subtract, but hadn't learned to divide. ─── 他会做加减法,但还没有学会除法。
84、The main operations are: to add, subtract, multiply and divide. ─── 主要的运算方式有加、减、乘、除。(加了“方式”二字)
85、Increased export taxes depress domestic grain prices since the local value is determined by subtracting the tax rate from export prices. ─── 出口税的提高降低了国内谷物价格,因为国内价格是按出口价格减去出口税来计算的。
86、From this amount you need to subtract something to cover fixed overheads. ─── 从这个总额中你需要扣除一些来支付固定的经费开支。
87、A natural modeling device would be simply to subtract something from the subject's payoff when she loses. ─── 倒有一个浑然天成的建模窍门,那就是只要在实验对象拍卖失标的时候从她的所得里减去某个数量。
88、Binary - operators can be applied only on primitive numeric types and are predefined to subtract the second operand from the first. ─── 二元-运算符只能在基元数值类型上应用,并被预定义为从第一个操作数中减去第二个操作数。
89、Allow system professionals to add or subtract applications using a set of common services. ─── 允许系统专家使用一组通用服务添加或减少应用程序。
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