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08-31 投稿



fissile 发音

英:[ˈfɪs(ə)l]  美:[ˈfɪsaɪl]

英:  美:

fissile 中文意思翻译



fissile 反义词


fissile 常用词组

fissile material ─── 核燃料;可裂变物质

fissile 短语词组

1、fissile 7 ─── 裂变7

2、fissile means ─── 裂变手段

3、fissile mass ─── 裂变质量

4、fissile rock ─── 易裂变岩石

5、fissile material ─── [化] 易裂变物质

6、fissile rock crossword clue ─── 裂变岩石纵横字谜线索

7、fissile nuclide ─── [化] 易裂变核素

8、fissile isotope ─── [化] 裂变同位素

9、fissile meaterials ─── 可裂变肉类

10、fertile-to-fissile ratio ─── [化] 可转换的与易裂变的核素之比

11、fissile region ─── 裂变区

12、Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty 《 ─── 裂变材料禁产条约

13、fissile plutonium ─── 裂变钚

14、fissile fuel ─── 裂变燃料

15、fissile meaning ─── 分裂意义

16、fissile out ─── 易裂变的

fissile 同义词

fissionable |frangible

fissile 词性/词形变化,fissile变形

名词: fissility |

fissile 相似词语短语

1、fissate ─── 固定的

2、missiles ─── n.[航][军]导弹(missile的复数)

3、fissiped ─── adj.足趾分裂的,裂足的;n.裂趾类动物

4、fissle ─── 沙沙声

5、emissile ─── 发射

6、fissive ─── 易裂变

7、missile ─── n.导弹;投射物;adj.导弹的;可投掷的;用以发射导弹的

8、scissile ─── adj.易裂开的;易切断的

9、fishily ─── adv.多鱼地;无表情地

fissile 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And this again is the fissile isotope. ─── 这也是易裂变同位素。

2、To make the fissile material, he needs to develop an ability to enrich uranium. ─── 为了得到分裂物质,他需要发展浓缩铀的能力。

3、These, however, are modest concessions, unlikely to get the Iranians to abandon a 20-year-old uranium enrichment project, a process that can create fissile material for warheads. ─── 欧盟在与伊朗进行谈判的同时,也与美国就伊朗核问题进行了长达数周的磋商,相互做出让步。欧盟答应,在核会谈失败后,将支持美国将伊朗核问题提交给联合国安理会。

4、produces the same kind of fissile material as it burns ─── 燃烧时能产生同种裂变物

5、fissile muclide ─── 裂变核素

6、Saturation Condition of the Fissile Nuclides of Sub-critical System Driven by Accelerator ─── 加速器驱动洁净核能系统中的核素平衡条件

7、A Chinese delegation is currently actively participating in the negotiation on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the Convention on Banning the Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons. ─── 中国代表团正在积极参加《全面禁止核试验条约》和《禁止生产核武器用裂变材料公约》的谈判工作。

8、fissile furnace ─── 裂解炉

9、Experts say there are two ways to make fissile material for nuclear weapons. ─── 有关专家说,要把矿石原料制成核武器有两种办法。

10、The other would end the production of fissile materials for bombs. ─── 另一个条约则将终止武器级裂变材料生产。

11、Negotiations should be conducted as soon as possible for the conclusion of a universal and verifiable Fissile Materials Cut-off Treaty. ─── 要尽早谈判缔结具有普遍性的可核查的《禁止生产武器用裂变材料公约》。

12、Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor-Borosilicate glass Raschig rings and its application criteria ─── 反应堆外易裂变材料的临界安全硼硅酸盐玻璃拉希环及其应用准则

13、Similarly, the effort to ban making more fissile material for bombs was last stymied by Iran and Pakistan; ─── 但是凭奥巴马一人是不可能在任何一点上取得成功的。

14、Instead, it requires a space where thousands of centrifuges can spin and a great deal of time to produce fissile material. ─── 相反,它只需要一个可供数千台离心分离机运转的地方,以及大量的时间生产核原料。

15、As a first step towards outlawing nuclear weapons, America should seek a new treaty that verifiably ended the production of fissile materials “intended for use in state nuclear weapons”. ─── 作为全面禁止核武器的第一步,美国将谋求建立一新条约,能确定结束“试图用于国家核武器”的裂变物质的生产。

16、fissile nuclide ─── 易裂变核素

17、Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors-Administrative regulation for nuclear criticality safety ─── 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全核临界安全行政管理规定

18、The results of the simulation and calculation can be used as a guide to the measurements of fissile yields of nuclear materials and other relative research works. ─── 模拟结果可用于指导核材料裂变产额测量等研究工作。

19、fissile crystals; fissile wood. ─── 易裂的水晶;容易开裂的木头。

20、separated fissile material ─── 分离可裂变物

21、China has all along adopted a positive attitude to the negotiation of a convention that prohibits the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons purposes,known as the FMCT. ─── 中国对谈判缔结"禁止生产核武器用裂变材料条约"(简称"禁产条约")历来持积极态度。

22、Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor-Nuclear criticality safety criteria for steel-pipe intersections containing aqueous solutions of fissile material ─── 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全含易裂变物质水溶液的钢质管道交接的核临界安全准则

23、At the Conference on Disarmament, we agreed on a work plan to negotiate an end to the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons. ─── 在裁军会议上,我们赞同一项工作计划,该计划以谈判终止那些用于制造核武器的可核分裂物质生产。

24、China supports the Conference on Disarmament in concluding a comprehensive and balanced program of work and launching negotiations on the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty as soon as possible. ─── 中国支持裁谈会尽快达成全面平衡的工作计划,早日启动“禁产条约”谈判。

25、To prove whether or not the fissile spiral type artificial femoral head replacement conforms to biomechanics principles. ─── 目的:论证分体螺旋式人工股骨头置换的合理性。

26、In my view, a number of policies in a relatively short time centralized in a multi-pronged, will promote the real estate industry into maturity, a healthy real estate market three fissile. ─── 笔者认为,多项政策在相对较短的时间内集中式地数管齐下,必将促进房地产业的成熟蜕变,引发房地产市场的三大良性裂变。

27、fissile structure ─── 剥离构造

28、fissile nucleus ─── 可分裂的核

29、fissile component ─── 可裂变成分

30、Convention on Banning the Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons of Other Nuclear Explosive Devices ─── 禁止生产武器用裂变材料公约

31、thermally fissile Pu ─── 热裂变钚

32、Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors Safety controls in conducting subcritical neutron multiplication measurements in situ ─── 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全次临界中子增殖就地测量安全规定

33、Reinvigorated diplomacy on a treaty cutting off the production of fissile material for weapons might do so as well. ─── (重振外交上努力,加速武器级裂变材料的禁产谈判也可以起到修补全球不扩散制度的作用。

34、This symbiotic approach is to be optimized as a whole, supplying its own tritium and producing net power spending deuterium, lithium and fast fissile materials. ─── 这两类堆长期结合共生,配合发展.形成一系需氚的纯聚变堆和一系供氚的混合堆,统一优化,保持氚自给,消耗氘锂和快中子裂变材料,提供净输出功率。

35、a convention banning production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons be negotiated and concluded; ─── 通过谈判缔结一项禁止生产核武器用的裂变材料公约;

36、The few fissile materials could not maintain the chain type response(overwhelming majority neutron escape). ─── 少量的裂变材料不能维持链式反应(绝大多数中子逃逸了)。

37、Factors arising from the mutation of the impulse from the West, but also from the tradition of its own fissile. ─── 引起这场突变的因素有来自西方的冲激,也有来自传统自身的裂变。

38、Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor Performance and testing requirements for nuclear criticality detection and alarm systems ─── 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全核临界事故探测与报警系统的性能及检验要求

39、Slightly larger, but also fissile? ─── 稍微大一点,又要裂变?

40、Use of Borosilicate-Glass Raschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber in Solutions of Fissile Material ─── 易裂变材料溶液中用硼硅玻璃拉希环作中子吸收剂

41、And we will call upon countries to begin negotiations in January on a treaty to end the production of fissile material for weapons. ─── 我们将呼吁各国从明年一月开始谈判一项协议,以终止可用于武器的裂变材料的生产。

42、China supports the early conclusion of the Convention on Banning the Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices (FMCT). ─── 中国支持尽早缔结一项“禁止生产核武器用裂变材料公约”(“禁产公约”)。

43、Fissile wood is not good for making cutting boards. ─── 易裂的木头不易做砧板。

44、The fission fragments are highly radioactive, and will contaminate the fissile uranium if they are not removed periodically. ─── 分裂的裂片有着很强的放射性,而且如不定期清除,就会污染裂变的铀。

45、Convention Banning the Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear-Weapon Purpose ─── 禁止生产核武器用途裂变材料公约

46、the region of a nuclear reactor containing the fissile material where the reaction takes place ─── 包含反应发生的易分裂的物质的核反应堆的区域

47、fissile region ─── 裂变区活性区

48、He warned against the possibility of North Korean produced fissile material winding up in the hands of terrorists. ─── 他警告要防止北韩生产的裂变材料落入恐怖分子手中。

49、Because of advantages of low cost and fissile activity, classified collection is suitable to rural area. ─── 生活垃圾分类收集以其低成本和裂变活性的优势适合在农村采用。

50、There are no prospects for breaking this impasse on the immediate horizon, even though the US has recently distanced itself from the fissile material issue over verification issues, said a senior non-US diplomat. ─── 一名非美国的高级外交官说,当前没有任何可以打破这种僵局的迹象,尽管美国已经自己将裂变材料话题引伸到了进行核查的方面。

51、Given their fissile nature, it is no wonder regulators are keen to simplify and standardise them. ─── 考虑到这些金融工具未来的不稳定性,清理者渴望简化和标准化这一金融工具。

52、They are continuing to pursue fissile material, which is probably the most challenging aspect of a nuclear weapons program. ─── 他们正在购买分裂性材料,可能是核武器程式最大的困难部分。

53、separated fissile fuel ─── 分离裂变燃料

54、fissile dispersion ─── 裂变物弥散

55、But this isotope is radioactive and decays about six times faster than does uranium 238, which indicates that the fissile fraction was much higher in the distant past. ─── 但是,铀235是具放射性的,而且衰变的速度比铀238快六倍,表示在古代,这个易分裂同位素的比率,比现在高得多。

56、Brands such intangibles may fissile and bring long-term profits. ─── 品牌这种无形资产可进行裂变,为企业带来长期利润。

57、Atomic scientists are predicting that Iran will have acquired enough fissile material for its own bomb by the end of this year. ─── 原子能学家预计伊朗将在年底获得足够的可用于制造核武器的分裂物质。

58、the region of a nuclear reactor containing the fissile material where the reaction takes place. ─── 包含反应发生的易分裂的物质的核反应堆的区域。

59、This study could be applied to the fissile material safeguard, such as nuclear monitoring and verifying. ─── 这一研究对有关核材料的监控、核查等安全保障技术有重要的应用价值。

60、With China's help, Pakistan had already been expanding fissile-material production. ─── 在得到中国的帮助下,巴基斯坦已经扩大了其裂变材料生产。

61、a convention banning production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons ─── 一项禁止生产核武器用的裂变材料公约

62、Fissile character is more before disease. ─── 病前多为分裂性人格。

63、A convention banning production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons has been ─── 缔结一项禁止生产核武器用的裂变材料公约;

64、Still, she said the goal to end fissile material production is achievable and the international community "expects it of us. " ─── 但她同时表示,禁止生产可裂变材料的目标是可以实现的,国际社会“将希望寄予我们”。

65、Should Iraq acquire fissile material, it would be able to build a nuclear weapon within a year. ─── 伊拉克一旦获得可裂变物质,就能在一年内制造出核武器。

66、Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor -Borosilicate glass Reschig rings and Its application criteria ─── 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全硼硅酸盐玻璃拉希环及其应用准则

67、The characteristics of three types of proposed tritium production facilities, fissile type, accelerator production tritium (APT), and fusion type, are presented. ─── 比较了裂变堆、加速器、聚变堆三种氚生产装置的不同特点。

68、fissile core ─── 裂变活性区

69、Breach offers money with compensatory sex complemental, include to reduce the world to put an amount further level and etc of recycle lack fuel are fissile material. ─── 缺口用补充性供货补足 ,包括进一步减少世界存量水平和再循环乏燃料及其他易裂变材料。

70、fissile isotope ─── 裂变同位数

71、Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors Criticality safety criteria for the handling, storage and transportation of LWR fuel unit outside reactors ─── 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全堆外操作、贮存、运输轻水堆燃料单元的核临界安全准则

72、fissile material production reactor ─── 裂变材料生产堆

73、Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty ─── 停止交易可裂变物资条约

74、U.S. officials said there was no fissile material found at the Syrian site or any evidence Damascus was developing an atomic weapon. ─── 据美国官员说,叙利亚的这处设施里没有看到有核裂变物质或其他显示该国正在发展核武器的迹象。

75、fissile fuel ─── 裂变燃料

76、fissile material ─── 可裂变物质核燃料

77、fissile plutonium ─── 易裂变的钚射线伤害

78、The hybrid breeders can provide plenty of fissile material for PWR or FBR. ─── 聚变-裂变混合堆可以为压水堆或快堆提供充足的核燃料。

79、fissile phase ─── 裂变相

80、There has not been a single incident involving our fissile material, which clearly reflects how strong our controls and mechanisms are. ─── 我们的核材料没有发生过一起事故,这反映出我们的控制与管理机制是如何地有效。

81、The critical mass the fissile materials smallest quality which needsfor the maintenance chain type response is called the critical mass. ─── 指临界质量临界质量为维持链式反应所需要的裂变材料的最小质量称为临界质量。

82、produces the same kind of fissile material as it burns. ─── 燃烧时能产生同种裂变物。

83、Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors -Nuclear criticality control criteria and subcritical limits for plutonium-natural uranium mixtures ─── 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全钚-天然铀混合物的核临界控制准则和次临界限值

84、"You can look at it like a couple of very large uranium mines, " he said of the fissile material that would result from the program. ─── “你可以把它看成好几座大型铀矿(的裂变原料在支持这个方案)。”他说。

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