forethoughtful 发音
英:[ˈfɔːrθɔːtfəl; ˈfoʊrθɔːtfəl] 美:[ˈfɔːθɔːtfʊl]
英: 美:
forethoughtful 中文意思翻译
forethoughtful 词性/词形变化,forethoughtful变形
形容词: forethoughtful |名词: forethoughtfulness |副词: forethoughtfully |
forethoughtful 短语词组
1、forethoughtful meaning ─── 先入为主的意思
forethoughtful 相似词语短语
1、forethoughtfully ─── 深思熟虑地
2、forethought ─── n.深谋远虑;先见;考虑将来;adj.预先计划好的
3、unthoughtful ─── adj.考虑不周的;未深思的;粗心的;轻率的
4、forethoughtfulness ─── n.深谋远虑;慎重
5、foresightful ─── 有远见的
6、aforethought ─── adj.预谋的;事先考虑的;故意的;n.预谋
7、thoughtful ─── adj.深思的;体贴的;关切的
8、forethoughts ─── n.深谋远虑;先见;考虑将来;adj.预先计划好的
9、forthought ─── 不假思索的
forethoughtful 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、with little or no preparation or forethought. ─── 没有准备,没有预先计划好。
2、The contemplation of a crime well enough in advance to show deliberate intent to commit the crime; forethought. ─── 蓄意预先对犯罪的周全考虑以显示犯罪的故意动机;预想
3、If I'd had the forethought to bring my raincoat, I wouldn't have got wet in the storm. ─── 我当初如果想到要带雨衣,便不会被暴风雨淋湿了。
4、To gain the advantage over(another) by cleverness or forethought; outwit. ─── 智胜由于事先考虑周到或聪明而胜过(别人);以机智取胜
5、And there are those who talk, and without knowledge or forethought reveal a truth which they themselves do not understand. ─── 有些人在言谈之间,不自觉地显露了他们也无法理解的真理。
6、Life is like playing chess, forethought wins. ─── 世事如棋,妙算者胜。
7、Performed or expressed without preparation or forethought. ─── 即席表演的没有准备或事先思考而表演或表达的
8、showing careful forethought. ─── 表现出小心的预先考虑。
9、without preparation or forethought or knowledge. ─── 没有准备、预计或知识。
10、A little forethought would have saved you much trouble afterwards. ─── 如果事先稍微考虑一下的话,就会省掉你以后的许多麻烦了。
11、The afterthought is good,but forethought is better. ─── 事后回想有益,事前考虑更佳。
12、Is is not best or necessary for a young person to associate with "Tome, Dick and Henry" without forethought or purposes. ─── 如果没有事先的掂量或明确的目的,一个年轻人就随便和张三、李四或王五交往,那是不妥当、不必要的。
13、Spoken, carried out, or composed with little or no preparation or forethought. ─── 当场的,即兴的,无准备的未经或很少准备或构思而讲的,做的或谱写的
14、"In life, as in chess, forethought wins" ─── 人生如下棋,多谋得胜利
15、The only counter to it is knowledge, wisdom, forethought, and understanding the First Rule. ─── 唯一的应对之道就是知识、智慧、深谋远虑以及理解第一守则。
16、Without forethought or provision; unawares. ─── 没有事先想好或事先准备好地;冷不防地。
17、In the end, wisdom and forethought will win. ─── 最后还是智慧和深谋远虑者得胜呀。
18、Using encryption takes a bit of forethought. ─── 使用加密功能就必须要事先做些准备工作。
19、Without preparation or forethought;extemporaneously. ─── 未经准备地没有准备或事先思考;即席地
20、Spoken, done, or composed with little or no preparation or forethought. ─── 即席的,即兴的未经或很少准备或构思而讲的、做的或谱写的
21、Mastery of work comes from diligent application, and success deponds on forethought. ─── 业精于勤,行成于思.
22、A little forethought will save you lots of trouble. ─── 事前的考量可避免不必要的麻烦。
23、He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them. ─── 夫惟无虑而易敌者,必擒于人。
24、Of course, this doesn’t always go as planned since being mysterious and interesting requires so much forethought. ─── 当然,这并非永远都能照计画来走,因为神秘又有趣需要相当周密的事前考虑。
25、2.The headstrong impetuous man rushed into things without forethought. ─── 这个顽固的莽汉,不预先考虑,仓促行事。
26、In life as in chess forethought wins ─── 人生如下棋,多思则能胜
27、4. A little forethought would have saved you much trouble afterwards. ─── 事先略作盘算就会省却你以后不少的损失。
28、With a little more forethought we could have bought the house we really wanted. ─── 我们当初若是稍微再多考虑一下,也许就能买到我们真正想要的房子了。
29、To decide with care or forethought. ─── 慎选谨慎或考虑周到后决定
30、far-sightedness; great forethought foresight ─── 深谋无虑
31、an offhand remark.What is Iunrehearsed is said or done without rehearsal or practice though not necessarily without forethought: ─── 随意的评论。所谓Iunrehearsed,就是未经复述或练习就说或做的,虽然没有不构思的必要:
32、without apparent forethought or prompting or planning. ─── 没有明显的预先考虑、提示或计划。
33、Without forethought or plan. ─── 无意中,不知不觉地没有预想或计划地
34、Some Forethought Contemplation over New Opportunities in East Asia ─── 关于东亚新机遇的几点前瞻性思考
35、Then, starting sometime Wednesday, you're feeling a little calmer and giving things more forethought (or maybe hindsight! ─── 然后,周三的某个时候,你会变得冷静下来而且做事情也会变得深思熟虑(或者是事后聪明!)
36、"extemporary:Spoken, done, or composed with little or no preparation or forethought." ─── "即席的,即兴的:未经或很少准备或构思而讲的、做的或谱写的."
37、After some forethought I decided to fly. ─── 经过先前的考虑后我决定要飞翔。
38、forethought homicide ─── 谋杀
39、Facing the Nothingness of One's Life and Experiencing the Forethought of "Death"--Leo Tolstoy's Negation in the Perspective of Existentialism ─── 直面生存虚无先行体验"死亡"--从存在主义视野看托尔斯泰精神中的否定倾向
40、Sometimes Darwin's discoveries owed more to fortuity than forethought. ─── 有时达尔文的发现多是出于偶然而非预见性的。
41、Then, in the Epilogue, we stress that framing opportunities occur often and that, with forethought, we can make the most of them. ─── 若你如多数人般都是很小比例,第七章将启动你的自身天分:机会一出现,思想已准备好自然应对沟通对话。
42、But in choosing the things that should be committed to memory the utmost care and forethought must be exercised; as lessons well learnt in youth are never forgotten. ─── 但在挑选应该被记住的东西的时候,必得深思熟虑,也得有先见之明;年轻时学得的课程,一生难忘。
43、marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful . ─── 以缺乏注意、考虑、先见或者周到为特点;不仔细。
44、5.Caution:Careful forethought to avoid danger or harm. ─── 谨慎:仔细考虑以避免危险或伤害。
45、It is not best or necessary for a young person to associate with "Tome, Dick and Henry "without forethought or purpose. ─── 如果没有事先的掂量或明确的目的,一个年轻人就随便与张三,李四或王五交往,那是不妥当,不必要的。
46、The parts of the human brain that evolved most recently, and which are connected to what we consider to be our "higher" faculties of reason and forethought, are also essential to social life. ─── 人类大脑最后进化的部分,与我们认为人类有“高等的”理性和深谋远虑的能力相关联,对社会生活也是必不可少。
47、An empty refrigerator illustrates a lack of forethought. ─── 空空的冰箱说明主人缺乏先见。
48、Prometheus was not only the giver of fire.His name also means “forethought”. ─── 普罗米修斯不只将火种赐与人间,他的名字也意味着“深谋远虑”。
49、With a little more forethought we can have buy the house we really want. ─── 我们当初若是稍微再多考虑一下, 也许就能买到我们真正想要的房子了。
50、So it does require more planning and forethought to come out on top. ─── 因此需要更多的计划和深谋远虑。
51、Prudence is a good thing; forethought is wisdom ─── 谨慎小心是好事;深谋远虑是明智
52、Careful forethought to avoid danger or harm. ─── 谨慎仔细考虑以避免危险或伤害
53、If you'd had the forethought to bring your overcoat,you wouldn't have got cold during the night on the mountain top. ─── 你们当初如果想到要带大衣,在山顶上过夜便不会得感冒了。
54、VOICE: That certainly sounds like forethought worthy of an engineer. ─── 这听上去确实像一个深谋远虑的工程师精心的设计。
55、forethought is wisdom. ─── 深谋远虑是明智。
56、This paper is just a skeleton, and we need more forethoughtful study on each of these landmarks. ─── 本文只是列出了一些节点,笔者期待着对每个里程碑的更深入的挖掘。
57、Without preparation or forethought; extemporaneously. ─── 未经准备地没有准备或事先思考;即席地
58、prudence,discretion,foresight,forethought,circumspection These nouns are compared as they refer to the exercise of good judgment and common sense, especially in the conduct of practical matters. ─── 当这些名词意指良好的判断和常识的运用时,常把它们进行比较,尤其是指对实际事务的处理。
59、Some forethought and preparation is necessary before you embark on the project. ─── 你着手进行这个项目之前必须有所考虑,有所准备。
60、Rom. 12:17 Repay no one evil for evil; take forethought for things honorable in the sight of all men. ─── 罗十二17不要以恶报恶,要准备在众人面前作善美的事。
61、A little forethought would have saved you much trouble afterwards ─── 如果事先稍微考虑一下的话, 就会省掉你以后的许多麻烦了。
62、to gain the advantage over(another) by cleverness or forethought; outwit ─── 由于事先考虑周到或聪明而胜过(别人);以机智取胜
63、To gain the advantage over(another) by cleverness or forethought;outwit. ─── 智胜由于事先考虑周到或聪明而胜过(别人);
64、It is not best or necessary for a young person to associate with "Tom, Dick and Henry" without forethought or purpose. ─── 它可以有力地救一个人,也可以轻易地毁掉一个人。世上没有什么比这更确定无疑的了。
65、They prefer to train by the seats of their pants ? no planning, no forethought, and minimal structure. ─── 他们喜欢凭本能训练?没有计划,没有事先的考虑和最低限度的结构。
66、With a little more forethought we can have bought the house we really want. ─── 我们当初若是稍微再多考虑一下,也许就能买到我们真正想要的房子了
67、Prudence, discretion, foresight, forethought, circumspection These nouns are compared as they refer to the exercise of good judgment and common sense, especially in the conduct of practical matters. ─── 当这些名词意指良好的判断和常识的运用时,常把它们进行比较,尤其是指对实际事务的处理。
68、In life, as in chess, forethought wins. ------Charles Buxton ─── 人生如下棋,多思则能胜。--------查尔斯。巴克斯顿
69、without forethought or plan; inadvertently. ─── 没有预先考虑或者计划;没注意。
70、With forethought, that can be built into automated tests. ─── 在经过仔细考虑后,可以将这个过程构建到自动化测试中。
71、Prudence is a good thing; forethought is wisdom. ─── 谨慎小心是好事;深谋远虑是明智。
72、This paper is just a skeleton, and we need more forethoughtful study on each of these landmarks. ─── 当然,本文只是列出了一些节点,笔者期待着对每个里程碑的更深入的挖掘。
73、In life, as in chess, forethought wins. ─── 人生如下棋,多思则能胜。
74、The words had come out without forethought ─── 这话未加思考就脱口而出了。
75、The Industrial Revolution has unfolded, for the most part, without design or forethought. ─── 工业革命开展已久,但多半时候并未经过缜密思考,也没有前瞻的视野。
76、It is not best or necessary ofr a young person to associate with " Tom, Dick and Henry" without forethought or purpose. ─── 如果没有事先的掂量或明确的目的,一个年轻人就随便与张三、李四或王五交往,那是不妥当、不必要的。
77、an offhand remark.What is unrehearsed is said or done without rehearsal or practice though not necessarily without forethought ─── 随意的评论。所谓unrehearsed,就是未经复述或练习就说或做的,虽然没有不构思的必要
78、All of these services are available through the innocuous looking electrical lines currently in your home.Evidently electrical lines were manufactured with more forethought than phone lines. ─── 在家庭网络数据的保密性和安全是重要的和被谈论在另一个部分。
79、"If you'd had the forethought to bring your overcoat, you wouldn't have got cold during the night on the mountain top." ─── "你们当初如果想到要带大衣,在山顶上过夜便不会得感冒了。"
80、marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful ─── 以缺乏注意、考虑、先见或者周到为特点;不仔细
81、It is not best or necessary for a young person to associate with "Tom, Dick and Henry" without forethought or purpose.Some fixed rules about the company be or she keeps should be observed. ─── 如果没有事先的掂量或明确的目的,就随便的称兄道弟,也许就是在太不妥当的前提下,为没有必要的麻烦埋下了伏笔。
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