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09-13 投稿



dicta 发音

英:[ˈdɪktə]  美:[ˈdɪktə]

英:  美:

dicta 中文意思翻译



dicta 短语词组

1、dicta are ─── 格言是

2、dicta means ─── 口述的意思是

3、dicta hr ─── 口述hr

4、dicta 2018 2018 ─── 年

5、dicta die ─── 口述

dicta 词性/词形变化,dicta变形


dicta 相似词语短语

1、dichts ─── 稠密的

2、diota ─── 迪奥塔

3、dita ─── abbr.达尔文信息分类体系结构(DarwinInformationTypingArchitecture)

4、dict ─── abbr.词典,字典(dictionary)

5、dicts ─── abbr.词典,字典(dictionary)

6、dicty ─── adj.(美)时髦的;高级的;势利的

7、dictate ─── vt.命令;口述;使听写;vi.口述;听写;n.命令;指示

8、dict. ─── abbr.字典(dictionary);口述(dictate)

9、Victa ─── 维卡

dicta 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Frost's dictum on translation ─── 弗罗斯特名言

2、The dictum that the style is the man is known to most of us. ─── 文如其人,这句名言是我们大多数人都熟悉的。

3、obiter dictum ─── n. 法官于判决中附带表示的意见, 附带讲的话

4、It was an object lesson in the truth of George Santayana's dictum: Those who refuse to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it. ─── 州和地方政府因为失去了许多的财源,会把许多重要的福利删减了。

5、Yi:(forcefully clutches Feng's collar) You change Sis. Doug?!! As an intellectual, you certainly have the nerve to ignore the dictum “gentlemen and ladies should keep courtly distance”?? ─── 翊:(猛揪住锋衣领)你帮豆姐换衣服?!!亏你还是读书人,不知道男女受授不亲的吗??

6、the well-known dictum 'Knowledge is power' ─── 著名的格言‘知识就是力量’.

7、Witticisms, maxims, dicta, proverbs, and aphorisms each inhabit a different world. ─── 妙语、座右铭、名言、谚语及格言等各自展现不同领域。

8、I had lived on dogma and dicta which I had accepted unquestioningly through the years, even though I believed little of it, because I feared to question. ─── 多年来即使不相信,我还是毫不质疑地接受教条与格言为生活的准则,因为我不敢质疑。

9、Aristotle dictum ─── 亚里士多德格言

10、He put forward seven general dicta. ─── 他提出7条总原则。

11、A major theme in philosophic argument, the issue of famous dicta became an area of Chinese philosophic discussion in very early days. ─── 摘要名言之域作为哲学论辩的重要对象,很早已进入中国哲学的论域。

12、dictum meum pactum ─── [经] 口头担保

13、I have found the contrary, that SPI as dictum in the CMMs is det rimental to many organizations: it is contrary to their value proposition to the marketplace. ─── 我发现正相反,在CMMs里把SPI做为至理名言对很多组织来说是有害的:即有背于他们对市场的价值观。

14、The situation in which the virtuous man stands is well summed up in Kant's dictum on the subject of moral freedom, "I ought, therefore I can"; ─── 关于有德之人的立场,康德在他论述道德自由时所说的“我应该,所以我能够”的名言,把它总结得很是妥当;

15、He cites Augustine's dictum that ‘If you understand it,it is not God’(Joseph Sobran) ─── 他援引奥古斯丁的最后声明‘如果你了解它,它就不是神了’(约瑟夫·索布兰)

16、First, the Court indicated in dicta that this consideration could be made as part of the issuance of the individual EIS governing each site. ─── 首先,法院在法官的意见中表明,这种考虑可以作为颁布涉及每个矿场的单个“环境影响报告书”的一部分。

17、He or she would contravene Lord Acton’s dictum and grow sadder and wiser with more power. ─── 绝对的权力,绝对的腐败),权力愈大,统治愈贤明,愈发懂得悲天悯人。

18、Three design principles provide a way to eliminate confirmation dialog boxes. The best way is to obey the simple dictum: Do, don't ask. ─── 有3个设计原则告诉我们如何消除确认对话框,最好的方式是遵循简单的格言,即做,不要问。

19、ut dictum ─── [拉]如所指示

20、dictum n. ─── 格言;

21、It justifies the infamous dictum of Smerdyakov in The Brothers Karamazov: "All things are permissible," if only one can get away with them ─── 它为小说《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》中的斯梅迪可夫的无耻格言提供了辩辞:如果能得以逃脱责任,“万事皆无禁忌”。

22、Nevertheless, in the depth of the heart of people, still having to exotic it seems that cannot the preference of dictum, even if is hutch ark market not exceptional also. ─── 不过,在人们的内心深处,似乎对舶来品还是有着一股无法言明的偏好,即便是厨柜市场也不例外。

23、Perhaps this is behind Thoreau's dictum: In wildness is the salvation of the world. ─── 也许这正是梭罗的这一断言的隐含意义:人类的救世主是大自然。

24、It is an honour to use their own interpretation of this dictum. ─── 很荣幸能用自身来诠释这句名言。

25、"Pride comes before a fall" is a famous dictum. ─── “骄必败”乃至理名言。

26、Maine had a famous dictum, the progress of law has been from the status of contract. ─── 早上醒来,终于从传奇中掉落凡间,还是要去吃饭、洗衣、学习。

27、The Exchange receives its own Coat of Arms, with the motto “Dictum Meum Pactum” (My Word is My Bond). ─── 交易所有了自己的盾徽,座右铭是:我的话就是我的约定(说话算数)

28、5.Witticisms, maxims, dicta, proverbs, and aphorisms each inhabit a different world. ─── 妙语、座右铭、名言、谚语及格言等各自展现不同领域。

29、He cites Augustine's dictum that 'If you understand it, it is not God'(Joseph Sobran) ─── 他援引奥古斯丁的最后声明‘如果你了解它,它就不是神了’(约瑟夫 索布兰)

30、A dictum; a saying. ─── 箴言、格言

31、I agree with this dictum ─── 我赞成这条格言。

32、The principle of permanence of form, an arbitrary dictum, could not serve as a solid foundation for algebra ─── 型的永恒性原理是一种任意的理论,不能作为代数的牢固基础。

33、The first thing is to remember Bacon’s famous dictum: Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed. ─── 兔子是没有物产的尊敬的人,因此您必须是警惕的。

34、It was with these early settlers that the first outlines of an American culture began: a strict adherence to religious dicta diligence in work educational aspirations and a conservative lifestyle. ─── 这些早期拓荒者开创了美国文化的雏型:严守宗教训示、勤奋工作、热心教育和保守的生活方式。

35、When examining such patients,if at all possible,Osler's dictum should be followed:"Do the thing and do it first. ─── 当检查如此的病人时候, 如果全然可能,奥斯勒的言明应该被跟随:"首先做事物而且做它.

36、Najib must always remember and live by the dictum: Honesty is the Best Policy. ─── 纳吉必须谨记并遵守此格言:诚实是最好的政策。

37、As a dictum, it served him well, but it hardly amounts to a business model. ─── 很好的人生信条,但无法成为商业模式。

38、Drucker's management dictum that what is measured .gets done. what is important must be measured. is a sacred rule that must be respected. ─── 在管理上.德鲁克的至理名言是:量化的工作能做好.重要的事情要量化.这条规律必须被尊重!

39、Digital Image Computing: Techniques And Applications - Proceedings Of The Viith Biennial Australian Pattern Recognition Society Conference, Dicta 2003 ─── 数字图像计算:技术与应用-二年一次的澳大利亚图案识别社会会议权威断言2003

40、"All's well that ends well" is the dictum of unanimous common sense ─── “结果好就一切都好,”这是我们的常识一致公认的名言。

41、More than 200 years ago Benjamin Franklin coined the now famous dictum that equated passing minutes and hours with shillings and pounds. ─── 时间就是金钱。今天大家都耳熟能详的这句格言,是富兰克林在200多年前创造的。

42、If a court does not have the power to hear a case, it will not issue dicta. ─── 如果一个法院没有权力去听一个案例中,它将不会发布顶礼膜拜。

43、Let's look at a hypothetical example of how we might try to separate holding from dicta. ─── 让我们看一个假设案件,以此来探讨如何区分判决和法官附带意见。

44、and the point epitomized in his famous dictum, that “thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind”, is one which he repeatedly emphasizes. ─── 浓缩到他的最著名的一句格言中的“没有内容的思想是空泛的,没有概念的直观是盲目的”的观点被他不断地重复强调着。

45、Foolish dictum: In a team, a valuable team player must aspire to be leader. ─── 启示:愚蠢的格言--“组织中的每个人,若想成为有价值的成员,必须立志成为领导”。

46、38. a strict adherence to religious dicta, diligence in work, educational aspirations, and a conservative lifestyle. ─── 严守宗教训示、勤奋工作、热心教育和保守的生活方式。

47、Vestibulum id nunc magna, eu lacinia nibh.Ut congue adipiscing dictum. ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 semper.

48、Prof Rao's advice on landing a job flies in the face of many careers service dicta. ─── 拉奥对找工作的建议赫然不同于许多求职方面的权威论断。

49、The modern monetary theory of the balance of payments has added an extra layer of assurance to Hume's dictum ─── 现代有关国际收支的货币理论对休漠的见解又增一层可信性。

50、And yet this is the man whose simple dictum (to our shame be it spoken) has the power to make or to mar any American reputation! ─── 然而正是这个人(我们羞于谈及),仅凭他的一句话就能够创造或破坏美国的名誉!

51、Our dictum is Honesty, Responsibility, Innovation and Efficiency.We persist in pursuing technical progress and dedicating more for the society. ─── “诚信、尽责、创新、高效”是公司奉行的宗旨,不断追求技术进步,为社会创造新的价值是公司恪守的观念。

52、Ever since, Webster's dictum has been regarded as a principle of international law. ─── 自此,韦伯斯特的正式声明就被遵为国际法原则。

53、One of my favourite dicta is that people should not be categorized as good or evil, wise or stupid. ─── 我最喜欢的其中一个格言是“不应以好坏善恶、智愚贤劣来把人分类”。

54、At first, you may rebel at this dictum because it seems such a roundabout way of doing things. ─── 起先,你可能厌恶这个规则,因为它似乎是迂回的做事方法。

55、His most famous dictum, that war “is merely the continuation of policy by other means,” emphasizes his conception of war as one part of normal and pragmatic politics. ─── 如果同时使用或者能够同时使用全部用于斗争的手段,那么每次战争就只能是一次决战或者若干个同时进行的决战。

56、Cum te altera numquam, in dicta corpora mel.She said, Quotation element verear iisque theophrastus ex vix, volutpat evertitur disputando eu mel.Sed at lorem legere electram. ─── Lorem ipsum sensibus link eleifend reprehendunt 林见过顾最者跟理奖子活外你康相分地未不家作 ex nam, vocent recusabo omittantur ei nam.

57、Scientist proved that the old dictum "good medicine tates bitter but good for illness" has its basis. ─── 科学家们证明,那句古老的格言“良药苦口利于病”有一定的道理。

58、' It is by no means clear, of course, what this dictum itself means; ─── 这个断言是什么意思,当然,绝不那么清楚;

59、But waiving the lawyer's distinction between dictum and decision, the Court has decided the question for you in a sort of way. ─── 但是,撇开法学家关于“法官的意见”和“判决”两者之间的区别不谈,最高法院已经多少对这个问题给你们作出了决定。

60、Putin is playing his own riff on an old conservative dictum that says: In order for things to remain the same, they have to change a little. ─── 如今,普京明显的目的就是要保留自己在俄罗斯事务上的实权,直到按照俄罗斯宪法他可以合法地重登克里姆林宫总统宝座那天。

61、The dictum that sovereign applications should fill the screen is also true of document windows within the application itself. ─── “独占应用应该占据整个屏幕”这个原则对于程序内的文档窗口来说也成立。


63、The dictum finally came down from the lord Barack Obama, the messiah, the most merciful that all the land should be taxed and part of the proceeds would be used to fund socialized car care. ─── 直接造成我提升的其实并不是这些,而是有一次单位里与合作伙伴搞联欢,我认识了一位美国朋友,这位朋友告诉我做外贸的人,他是指做得好的,真得是待遇非常好。

64、Simplicity, tastefulness, function are our dictum ─── 朴素、雅致、功用是我们的信条。

65、Our brains do not naturally obey this admirable dictum, but by better understanding the mechanisms of memory perhaps we can move closer to Holmes's ideal. ─── 人们的大脑自然不服从这一令人钦佩的名言,但如果更好地理解记忆机制,也许人们可以靠拢霍姆斯的理想。

66、Instead Satanists must strive to apply the dictum of "Do unto others as they do onto you. ─── 相反,撒旦教徒时刻贯彻着“以其人之道还至其人之身”的格言。

67、This was also echoed by Deng's dictum: "Free our mind and seek truth from facts. ─── 这也是与邓小平的名言相呼应的:“解放思想,实事求是”。

68、A major theme in philosophic argument, the issue of famous dicta became an area of Chinese philosophic discussion in very early days. ─── 名言之域作为哲学论辩的重要对象,很早已进入中国哲学的论域。

69、Remember the dictum our professor taught us, ‘diffidence leads to envy which gives rise to spite. ─── 记住教授告诉我们的名言:‘缺乏自信会导致嫉妒,进而产生怨恨。’”

70、1.Los alumnos escriben en sus cuadernos lo que les dicta el maestro. ─── 学生们把老师听写的内容写在练习本上。

71、"He cites Augustine's dictum that ‘If you understand it, it is not God’" (Joseph Sobran) ─── “他援引奥古斯丁的最后声明‘如果你了解它,它就不是神了’”(约瑟夫·索布兰)

72、3 courage. that is, confidence to act on the decisions of the mind. in speculation there is value in mirabeau's dictum: “be bold, still be bold; always be bold.” ─── 勇气。就是很自信地就决定。米拉波有一句关于投机价值的格言:“勇敢,还是要勇敢,永远要勇敢。”

73、Morbi dictum rutrum magna.Sed vitae risus. ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 tortor at ipsum.

74、He was made to order for Bethune, who now invoked his famous dictum with a vengeance ─── 他正合白求恩的口味,白求恩彻头彻尾遵循他的名言。

75、Such dicta vary in weight and importance . ─── 这样的意见在影响力和重要性方面都存在着差异。

76、Remember the dictum our professor taught us, diffidence leads to envy which gives rise to spite. ─── 记住教授告诉我们的名言:缺乏自信会导致嫉妒,进而产生怨恨。

77、Yet Kissinger succeeded in defying an old Washington dictum that you can have in the capital visibility or influence,but not both. ─── 在华盛顿有一条传统格言:要么抛头露面,要么得势弄权,二者不可兼得。基辛格却公然蔑视这种传统。

78、Prof Rao's advice on landing a job flies in the face of many careers service dicta. ─── 拉奥对找工作的建议赫然不同于许多求职方面的权威论断。

79、The principle of permanence of form, an arbitrary dictum, could not serve as a solid foundation for algebra. ─── 型的永恒性原理是一种任意的理论,不能作为代数的牢固基

80、Let us here only call to mind the remarkable dictum of Adam Smith on the English Navigation Laws. ─── 亚当·斯密对于英国的航海条例曾作出耸动一时的论断,我们只要在这方面回想一下就够了。

81、I'm ever mindful of Microsoft Windows Live VP Debra Chrapaty's dictum that "In the future, being a developer on someone's platform will mean being hosted on their infrastructure. ─── 我还记得MicrosoftWindowsLive副总裁DebraChrapaty的话“未来在某人的平台上作为开发者就意味着你根植于这个基础结构。”

82、In this respect, as in others, we try to "reverse engineer" our future at Berkshire, bearing in mind Charlie's dictum: "All I want to know is where I'm going to die so I'll never go there. ─── 就这方面而言,我们试着事先规划伯克希尔的未来,时时谨记查理常说的一句格言,“希望能够知道自己最后会死在哪里,然后打死都不去那里!”

83、'when investing money, the amount of interest you want should depend on whether you want to eat well or sleep well.' wall street dictum... ─── 小弟听说英国债卷利息满高的,想买点玩玩,应该风险比玩股票底吧。

84、Witticisms display the power of mind over circumstance, dicta purport to offer a timeless absolute truth recently discovered, and aphorisms gesture to mysteries that, the more we explore them, grow still more mysterious. ─── 妙语展现心灵超脱于环境之上的力量;名言则提供晚近发现的永恒绝对真理;而格言展示出奥秘,愈深究其意义,它们愈发神秘。

85、But in spite of the dictum of some philosophers man does not accept any arbitrary and absolute limit to his knowable world. ─── 但是尽管某些哲学家有过权威性的断言,人类对于他的可知世界还是无以接受任何专断和绝对的极限。

86、judicial dictum ─── 法官对判决的意见, 法官审判时表示的意见

87、Be thought that "best profit of the personage money meet Jew who does business most even looks upon young fad" as famous dictum aphorism. ─── 被认为最会做生意的犹太人甚至把“年轻时尚人士的钱最好赚”奉为至理格言。

88、It justifies the infamous dictum of Smerdyakov in The Brothers Karamazov: "All things are permissible," if only one can get away with them. ─── 它为小说《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》中的斯梅迪可夫的无耻格言提供了辩辞:如果能得以逃脱责任,“万事皆无禁忌”。

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