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09-08 投稿



dissipates 发音

英:[ˈdɪsɪpeɪts]  美:[ˈdɪsɪpeɪts]

英:  美:

dissipates 中文意思翻译



dissipates 反义词


dissipates 词性/词形变化,dissipates变形

动词现在分词: dissipating |名词: dissipater |动词第三人称单数: dissipates |动词过去式: dissipated |动词过去分词: dissipated |形容词: dissipative |

dissipates 同义词

spread out | foolishly | squander | loosen | shell |scatter | disperse | blow | frivol away | fritter | spread | throw away | waste | shoot | dispel | fool away | fritter away | drive away | disintegrate | fool | spend | dissolve | break up

dissipates 短语词组

1、dissipates syn ─── 消散syn

2、dissipates synonym ─── 消散同义词

3、dissipates heat ─── 散热

4、dissipates definition ─── 消散定义

5、dissipates mean ─── 消散平均值

dissipates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The opposition, slowing or prevention of oscillation, or decreasing vibration amplitude, as kinetic energy dissipates. ─── 指随着动能的损耗,振动变慢或幅度降低。

2、Dissipation of rent is a situation where potential income is not captured ; instead, it dissipates in the sense that no person in the model claims it. ─── 租值消散是指在沒有人能夠獨享資產價值的情況下,資產的價值會因競爭而消散。

3、"Time dissipates to shining ether the solid angularity of facts" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ─── “时间会让事实坚固的棱角消失在明亮的天空” (拉尔夫·威尔杜·爱默生)。

4、If a part of the body drawn from Pleiadian thought-form dissipates enough love, the cells will fall into death and disease. ─── 如果一部分汲取自昴宿星思想形态的身体驱散了足够多爱的话,那么细胞将会跌入死亡和疾病。

5、Dissipates pain caused by colic ─── 让绞痛完全消失

6、The intrigue surrounding the murders dissipates. ─── 围绕着这起谋杀的阴谋渐渐散去。

7、As the thought-form of fission dissipates, a new journey emerges for the return journey to the Tao within. ─── 当核裂变的思想形态被驱散,一条回家到内在道的道路就得以浮现。

8、dissipates resources self-indulgently. ─── 放任地挥霍钱财的人。

9、The entire process takes a few million years, over which time the disk gas also dissipates by either accreting onto the central star or getting blown out of the system altogether. ─── 整个过程需时数百万年,在这期间气盘会受到中心星体的吸积或吹拂而全部耗散消逝。

10、Globalization is effective at keeping inflation down when there is good substitution scope between services and manufacturing in labor markets.This effect dissipates overtime. ─── 全球化可以有效压低通胀,如果劳动力市场有足够的制造业和服务业劳动力替换发生。

11、9 Also, if the Qi dissipates and you don't refilled it timely; inevitably, your vigor and vitality will be in shortage. ─── 同样,如果气消散后不能获得补充,则元气不足,精神便不济了。

12、When a bridge dissipates force it spreads it out over a wider area. ─── 当一座大桥驱散压力,它把压力分散到广阔的范围。

13、As the density dissipates, one ascends upwards in vibration and the biology becomes increasingly crystalline in form. ─── 当致密度被驱散时,一个人在振动和生物体上提升成更晶体化的形态。

14、Once they see a path forward, the original emotion almost always dissipates, or at least does not feel so overwhelming. ─── 一旦人们看到了一条前进的路,最初情绪几乎必定消散,或者,不会那么地铺天盖地。

15、This Kadima Party was really Sharon's party in every way, so, without Sharon, I think you will see it lose support after the sympathy vote dissipates. ─── 从各方面来看,卡迪马党是真正沙龙的党。因此,如果沙龙不在了,我想你会看到当同情消失的时候,他们的支持也会消失。”

16、As the light dissipates you will slowly fade back into con. ─── 让你远离过轻,你这一辈子过去。

17、Funnily enough, though, the fear always dissipates on Christmas Eve as you just know that Santa will be coming - even if you did slip up a few times. ─── 有趣的是,即便你不小心疏忽犯了几次错,而当你知道圣诞老人会来,担忧总是会在圣诞夜烟消云散的。

18、After the body dissipates exhaustedly, the mind for a very long time does not have to be tranquil actually. ─── 当身体的疲惫消逝之后,心灵却久久不得宁静。

19、Depression is related to the normal emotions of sadness and bereavement, but it does not remit when the external cause of these emotions dissipates, and it is disproportionate to their cause. ─── 抑郁症是关于正常忧愁和哀伤的情感,即使这些情感消散,外部原因驱除,它也并不缓和。

20、Once inside the thick doors of the Shenzhen School of the Arts, however, the grating noise dissipates .Through those doors, many young pianists have found their mecca. ─── 但踏入深圳艺术学院的厚重大门后,刺耳的噪声便逐渐消失,许多青年钢琴家也在学校内找到学习圣地。

21、The shield remains part of the wall until the duration elapses or until repossessed by the wearer, at which time the wall of ectoplasm dissipates. ─── 该盾牌成为墙的一部分,直到持续时间结束或持用者取回它,同时星质墙将消散。

22、Walks in dissipates, I want to cry but have no tears. ─── 行走在消逝中,我又欲哭无泪.

23、The gas usually dissipates readily outdoors, ─── 通常瓦斯在室外很容易消散

24、And try to exercise regularly.Working out counteracts the unhealthy buildup of body fat and dissipates the nervous energy that often drives you to that carton of ice cream. ─── 一个临近威胁出现时保护中加大身体能量供应量的荷尔蒙也用于告诉你一旦的大脑当能量用尽时就需要恢复精力。

25、When a bridge dissipates force it spreads it out over a wider area. Transference involves moving force from a weak area to a stronger area. ─── 当吊桥消散压力时,它会将压力扩展到更广的区域,而转移是指将压力从较弱的区域移到较强的区域。

26、However, when the tests needed to adequately verify the integration no longer fit in a fast build, the illusion that builds validate integrations dissipates. ─── 然而,当这些需要充分验证这些集成的测试不再适合快速构建的时候,构建验证集成的幻想就消散了。

27、The moment he relinquishes his grip on the blade, it dissipates. ─── 如果魂刃者松开握剑的手,剑就会自动消解。

28、In opening your heart you can receive this love and experience how it dissipates what is not your truth in your field. ─── 当打开你的心灵,你就可以接收到这份爱,并体验到它是如何驱散你能量场中并非你真相的事物。

29、As the darkness dissipates, you will have another two or three days before it becomes daylight again. ─── 当黑暗消散,当它再一次变成白昼以前你另外还会有两三天。

30、But we become real , become influence, become matter, become having more big ambition, the dream time those childhood dissipates also with that. ─── 我们变得现实了,变得势力,变得物质,变得有更大的抱负,而那些童年时的梦也随之消散。

31、When all the smoke dissipates, you'll see the truth. ─── 当的烟雾散去时,你会看到庐山真面目的。”

32、D) The warm air from the defrosting vent for the front windshield cools rapidly as it dissipates throughout the rest of the car. ─── 即使当把热空气吹向司机和乘客的脚和脸部的暖气打开时,除霜口仍可以很有效率地工作。

33、In the love, boundaries hold, darkness dissipates , and consciousness that seeks to destroy you simply has no place to stand. ─── 在爱中,界域被掌握,黑暗消散,寻求扭曲你的意识们完全没有立足之地。

34、Protects seating faces because part of the erosive flow energy dissipates through second orifice. ─── 由于通过第二个孔消耗了侵蚀流体的能量,达到保护阀座表面的目的。

35、In the love, boundaries hold, darkness dissipates, and consciousness that seeks to destroy you simply has no place to stand. ─── 在爱中,界域被掌握,黑暗消散,寻求扭曲你的意识们完全没有立足之地。

36、One who dissipates resources self-indulgently ─── 败家子,挥霍无度的人

37、The dense mist slow dissipates as the sun rises. I see you are gazing at me, smiling softly at dawn. ─── 太阳慢慢升起,浓雾渐渐散去。我看见你深情地凝视着我,晨曦中梨涡浅笑。

38、Dismiss Ectoplasm. Dissipates ectoplasmic targets. ─── 解散星质:解散由星质构成的目标。

39、Love also dissipates the greater the attachment which may be why the wealthiest often end up very sad and sour towards the end of their lives. ─── 爱也会驱散更多的连线,这可能也就是为什么最富有者常会在生命尽头以异常悲惨痛苦为结局的缘故。

40、A miniature Christmas tree bulb dissipates about one watt, mostly in the form of heat. ─── 一颗装饰圣诞树用的小灯泡通常以热的形式消耗掉约一瓦特的功率。

41、This dissipates some of the energy of the impact. ─── 这消散一些能源所产生的影响.

42、Turbulence is inherently a three-dimensional process.In a turbulent cascade, kinetic energy shifts from large length scales to small ones, where ultimately it dissipates as heat. ─── 由于紊流本身是个三维的过程,在紊流瀑布里,动能尺度不断缩小,最终因耗散而变成热。

43、The love generally dissipates as humans enter the natural world dream as humans do not contribute to the love held within it. ─── 爱通常会当人类进入大自然梦想时消散,因为人类并没有给其中维系的爱做出贡献。

44、When a bridge dissipates force it spreads it out over a wider area.Transference involves moving force from a weak area to a stronger area. ─── 当吊桥消散压力时,它会将压力扩展到更广的区域,而转移是指将压力从较弱的区域移到较强的区域。

45、So what is it about the human condition that moves dream about or dissipates dream in one region only to have excessive dream in another? ─── 因此,人类转移梦想,也就是在一个地区驱散梦想而在另一个地区产生过多梦想的情况,是什么原因呢?

46、Turns on lathe the hurricane, crazy Lei Juding, the desire dissipates again between this, my perfect journey has stepped into the heaven, leaves with the world.. ─── 旋开飓风,狂雷聚顶,欲望再在此之间消散,我完美的旅途踏入了天堂,与世离别。。。

47、A useful and graciously austere half-light which dissipates puerile fears and obviates falls. ─── 半明的光,严肃而温和的光,对解除幼稚的畏惧心情和防止堕落是有好处的。

48、During this time patients may develop extensive peripheral edema, which dissipates over the next few days as the fluids are mobilized and requirements stabilize. ─── 在这段时间内可能出现广泛的外周性水肿,这些水肿在其后的几天内会由于体液的流通和体液需要量的平衡而消除。

49、To make winter gear that dissipates moisture but holds in heat, manufacturers use specially extruded hollow fibers that retain insulating air. ─── 为了制造可蒸散水气同时又要保留热气的冬衣材质,业者使用特殊射出的中空纤维,这样可以留住空气,增加隔热的效果。

50、The short line that returns to the straight Path of Life is the last chance for people to turn back to nature before the upper road disintegrates and dissipates. ─── 回到直的生命道路的短线条就是人们在上面道路分解和消散之前回到自然的最后机会。

51、Witness each out-breath as it leaves your body and dissipates into space. ─── 关注每个呼气时空气离开身体散失在空间。

52、Time dissipates to shining ether the solid angularity of facts(Ralph Waldo Emerson. ─── 时间会让事实坚固的棱角消失在明亮的天空(拉尔夫 威尔杜 爱默生)。

53、It has to be maintained continuously -- and maintaining it takes energy, maintaining it finally dissipates you. ─── 只有无一丝一毫不自然的东西才能永远永远与你在一起。

54、But that's a short-term risk that dissipates once they go off the pill, he says. ─── 不过,那是一个短期的风险消散后,他们到过避孕药,他说。

55、Whether or not the attack hits, a thrown mind-blade then dissipates. ─── 无论是否命中,投出的念刃都会消解。

56、In fact, the cooling system on a car driving down the freeway dissipates enough heat to heat two average-sized houses. ─── 事实上,冷却系统把热量散发时将热量分为了两部分。

57、When all the smoke dissipates, you’ll see the truth. ─── 当所有的烟雾散去时,你会看到庐山真面目的。

58、As the karma dissipates, the thought-form is transmuted and transcended. ─── 当业力消散,思想形态被转换和超越。

59、Once worry about the credit crisis and its impact on the U.S. and global economies dissipates, many analysts say funds will resume their flow to Asian stock markets. ─── 分析家们认为,人们一旦对信贷危机及其给美国和全球经济所带来影响的担忧情绪消散后,资金将会重新流入亚洲股市。

60、She takes no damage from a fire lash she creates, and if she releases her hold, it immediately dissipates. ─── 操焰者不会被自己所造的火焰鞭所伤,如果他松开鞭子,鞭子就会立刻消散。

61、And that is why any encouragement taken from Mr Henderson's resignation dissipates quickly. ─── 这也是为什么韩德胜离职带来的积极信号迅速消散的原因。

62、Once that body is destroyed, the psionic pulse dissipates, flaring with a pale, bluelight. ─── 当他们的身体被摧毁的时候,这种脉搏迸发而出,就会看到一种暗淡的蓝光。

63、5 bit/stage pipelined ADC dissipates 10% less power by using the method. ─── 使用此方法可使每级位数均为1.5bit的流水线型模数转换器节省10%的功耗。

64、But once the book moves into documenting the full spectrum of anti-democratic strategies employed by neoliberalism's proponents, the potency of the metaphor dissipates. ─── 可是,在以后的章节里,作者一旦开始全面辑录新自由主义辩护士如何使用反民主的策略时,这个暗喻的力量就呈衰减之势。

65、The eventual partial recovery of global equities as fear inevitably dissipates should do the rest. ─── 政府资本对银行业的暂时性注入将对该过程的顺利进行有所助益;

66、Without myelin, the signal leaks and dissipates. ─── 没有髓鞘的话,电讯号就会漏流而消散。

67、The dense mist slow dissipates as the sun rises . I see you are gazing at me , smiling softly at dawn . ─── 太阳慢慢升起,浓雾渐渐散去。我看见你深情地凝视着我,晨曦中梨涡浅笑。

68、Romolas deep calm happiness encompassed Tito like the rich but quiet evening light which dissipates all unrest. ─── 罗摩拉斯的深刻而宁静的幸福包围着蒂托,犹如黄昏那无尽而安详的阳光,能够消除一切的不安。

69、As the red dissipates, the energy then turns pink and into the vibration forgiveness, and it is the pink ray that allows the attachment associated then to release. ─── 当红色消散,能量随之转动粉红色并进入宽恕的振动,而就是粉红光线容许相关的连线随后去释放。

70、The Namibian mist rapidly dissipates once the sun rises, so the beetle has just a brief opportunity to collect water. ─── 太阳一升,纳米比亚的雾气迅速消散,因此甲虫仅有一点儿时间集水。

71、Climate change could become your version of health-care reform under Bill Clinton: an overambitious policy that dissipates your political capital early on. ─── 气候变化可能成为克林顿失败医改的翻版:这一过大野心将耗尽你之前积累的政治资本。

72、Reverse the spiral spinning it downward until it dissipates. ─── 朝下逆转螺旋,直到它消散。

73、As a result, the inverted thought-form of love dissipates the movements of love within as well as between individuals or within groups. ─── 这样,被逆转的爱的思想形态就驱散了内在爱的运动,也驱散了人们之间或者团队里爱的能量运动。

74、The yeast converts the grapes' natural sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide, which then bubbles and dissipates. ─── 酵母转化葡萄的糖份成酒精和二氧化碳,然后产生气泡最后消散。

75、After the pain dissipates, the damaged skin begins to peel. (Not a pleasant process, to say the least. ─── 当疼痛消失后,损坏的皮肤开始蜕皮。至少可以说,这并不是一种令人愉快的经历。

76、Once they see a path forward, the original emotion almost always dissipates, or at least does not feel so overwhelming. ─── 一旦人们看到了一条前进的路,最初情绪几乎必定消散,或者,不会那么地铺天盖地。

77、Romolas's deep calm happiness encompassed Tito like the rich but quiet evening light which dissipates all unrest. ─── 罗摩拉斯的深刻而宁静的幸福包围着蒂托,犹如黄昏那无尽而安详的阳光,能够消除一切不安。

78、The inner eye wall eventually dissipates while the outer intensifies and moves inward. ─── 其后内眼壁最终消散,外眼壁则增强并向内移动。

79、The warm air from the defrosting vent for the front windshield cools rapidly as it dissipates throughout the rest of the car. ─── 来自前窗除霜口的温暖气体迅速冷却,当它消散在车周围时。

80、Friction dissipates energy in the same way that a profligate dissipates a fortune, by converting it from an ordered to a disordered form ─── 摩擦把有序能转变为无序能,就象浪子挥霍财产那样消耗着能量。

81、Poverty is a vibration that dissipates dreams. ─── 贫穷是一个驱散梦想的振动。

82、It is designed with simple structure with favorable radiator.In addition, it dissipates small amount of heat without noisy. ─── 它具有良好的散热设施,结构简单,发热小,无需风扇散热,无噪音;

83、A few miles away, the doses would be much lower as the radiation dissipates. ─── 几英里外,随着放射性物质的消散,辐射水平会低很多。

84、CooLMaX polyester from Du Pont is being promoted 10 runners in the form of a fabric that dissipates body heat, keeping the runner cool. ─── 杜邦(Du Pont)公司的“最凉涤纶”(CooLMaX~)正通过10位跑步者穿着该纤维服装排出体热、使运动者凉快做宣传。

85、The warm air from the defrosting vent for the front windshield cools rapidly as it dissipates throughout the rest of the car. ─── 来自前窗除霜口的温暖气体迅速冷却,当它消散在车周围时。

86、A device that absorbs and dissipates heat produced by an electrical component, such as an integrated circuit, to prevent overheating. ─── 一种吸收并散发由电子部件(如集成电路等)产生的热,以防止过热的设备。

87、On one hand it “dissipates” and accepts the prevalence of the natural elements, on the other hand it deals with their presence as an artificial element of abstract origin. ─── 一方面,它接受流行的自然元素,另一方面,它将这些元素处理成抽象的人工元素。

88、Usually, little or no intraoperatie sedation or adjunctie analgesia is required.On release of the tourniquet, anesthesia rapidly dissipates. ─── 通常不需要辅助或仅需辅助少量的镇静药,松开止血带后,麻醉作用迅速消失。

89、We suggest sharpening on a wet stone because it cleans the pores of the sharpener dissipates frictional heat and facilitates smooth sharpening action. ─── 我们建议使用一块弄湿了的磨石,因为研磨液体能帮助清洁磨具上的孔,能散去摩擦产生的热量,还能使磨刀的动作更加顺滑。

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