plumpness 发音
英:[ˈplʌmpnəs] 美:[ˈplʌmpnəs]
英: 美:
plumpness 中文意思翻译
plumpness 网络释义
n. 丰满
plumpness 词性/词形变化,plumpness变形
名词: plumpness |形容词最高级: plumpest |动词第三人称单数: plumps |动词现在分词: plumping |形容词: plumpish |动词过去式: plumped |形容词比较级: plumper |动词过去分词: plumped |副词: plumply |
plumpness 短语词组
1、plumpness synonym ─── 丰满同义词
2、plumpness meaning ─── 丰满的意义
3、plumpness in spanish ─── 西班牙语中的丰满
4、plumpness definition ─── 丰满度定义
plumpness 同义词
go | tubby | pudgy | overweight | enviable | plonk | plummet | fatten | fatten up | plunk down | obese | fall | fill out | chunky | stout |fat | chubby | corpulent | plop | plump down | advantageous | collapse | stocky | sought-after | flop | prize | fatten out | flesh out | desirable | drop | plank | flump | stuffed | plump out | plunk | embonpoint | round | fleshy
plumpness 反义词
plumpness 相似词语短语
1、lumpiness ─── n.团块结构;结块性;块度
2、plumeless ─── 无羽
3、plumpers ─── adj.更丰腴的;更饱满的;n.鼓腮物;只投给一名选举人的投票
4、plumbness ─── n.垂直状态,垂直
5、plumpens ─── vt.使……长胖,使……变胖;vi.长胖,变胖
6、glumness ─── 闷闷不乐;忧郁
7、limpness ─── n.柔弱,软弱;疲倦
8、clumpiness ─── 笨拙
9、plumbless ─── adj.深不可测的;无法了解的
plumpness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Not only can fight superficial wrinkles, still can consolidate cells, prevention and desalination plumpness deep wrinkles. ─── 不但能对抗浅表皱纹,还能巩固细胞的饱满度,预防和淡化深层皱纹。
2、The flesh under the lower jaw, especially when plump or flaccid. ─── 下颌垂肉,双下巴下颌底部的(尤指胖乎乎或松垂的)肉
3、She is beginning to plump out now. ─── 她现在变得胖乎乎的。
4、Endothelial cells may be plump, but no atypia is present. ─── 可有内皮细胞肿胀,但无不典型性。
5、Juicy Beef, plump Tomatoes, fresh Potatoes & zesty Onions make a hearty feed. ─── 上选特质牛肉,配以新鲜番茄、土豆、洋葱等蔬菜煨制,用料精细讲究,营养健康。
6、Let rise for another 30 minutes until braid is plump and doubled in size. ─── 发酵30分钟直到辫子发到双倍大。
7、A plump brown hen was pecking around for stray grains of corn. ─── 一只月巴得圆滚滚的棕色母鸡正在四周转悠,啄食零星谷粒。
8、Lance flirts with all the ladies,whether they're slim or plump. ─── 兰斯和所有的女人调情,不管她们是胖是瘦。
9、Her plump cheeks colored prettily while he praised her exertions. ─── 他赞扬她的手艺的时候,她丰满的脸颊染上漂亮的色泽。
10、You're getting a bit plump you need to diet! ─── 你有点发胖了--得节食了!
11、The way his plump hand clutched at her hip seemed somehow improper; not morally, aesthetically. ─── 他肥胖的手掌放在她臀上的样子有点不适切,不是道德上的,而是美感问题。
12、A lean, hunger wolf chanced one moon shiny night to fall in with a plump, well-fed House-Dog. ─── 一只瘦瘦的饿狼偶然在一个月明之夜遇见了一只吃得很好的挺肥的家犬。
13、One white, plump leg was incessantly moving with a rapid, spasmodic twitching. ─── 一条雪白的大粗腿快速不停地、像发疟疾似的抖动着。
14、A plump old man saying "Chick, chick" and feeding peanuts to squirrels. ─── 一个肥胖的老头嘴里发出“啧啧”声在喂松鼠吃花生。
15、Few expected that so many Latinos would turn out, or that they would plump so heavily for Mrs Clinton. ─── 几乎没有人预测会有更多的拉美裔选民参选,或者加大对克林顿女士支持的力度。
16、Their daughter is quite plump but their son is positively elephantine. ─── 他们的女儿很胖; 可是儿子呢,简直像大象。
17、I looked them over coolly and picked out a plump young wench who seemed full of feathers. ─── 于是我不慌不忙地审视她们一番,挑出一个身段很丰满的年轻小妞,看来她的身体不错。
18、She smiled and squeezed the plump palms of Aunt Pitty between her own. ─── 她满面笑容地紧紧握住皮蒂姑妈那双胖乎乎的手。
19、Excess fatty tissue; plumpness. ─── 丰满多余的脂肪组织;肥胖
20、She was twenty-seven perhaps, plump, and in a coarse fashion pretty. ─── 她大约有二十七岁,体态丰满,长得虽然俗气,倒挺漂亮。
21、Have you not seen Both plump and slender beauties turn to dust? ─── 君莫舞,君不见、玉环飞燕皆尘土!
22、Moisturizing factors can continually replenish moisture to the skin, and make the skin plump, ruddy and white. ─── 保湿因子能不断为肌肤补充水份,用后令肌肤饱满红润,洁白如皙。
23、All out of breath, she plump down on a chair. ─── 她上气不接下气,扑通倒在椅子上。
24、Only plump, fully developed seed should be planted. ─── 只有饱满,成熟的种子应该种.
25、I haven't seen you for years, you've become plump. ─── 多年没见,你变富态了。
26、Having abundant flesh;plump. ─── 多肉的;肥胖的
27、Full melons and fruits of vulture , the pellet are plump in work, aesthetic feeling of having countless rich fruits. ─── 作品中雕满了瓜果,颗粒饱满,有硕果累累之美感。
28、His cheeks are beginning to plump out/up. ─── 他的脸颊胖起来了。
29、He told me plump that he would not give in. ─── 他直截了当告诉我,他决不让步。
30、The plump shadowed face and sullen oval jowl recalled a prelate, patron of arts in the middle ages. ─── 他那郁郁寡欢的胖脸和阴沉的椭圆形下颚令人联想到中世纪作为艺术保护者的高僧。
31、He was a young history don, a short, plump man, dapper in dress. ─── 他是一位年轻的历史学教师,矮小圆胖,穿着干净利落。
32、Her neck was short but rounded and her arms plump and enticing. ─── 她的脖子短,但浑圆可爱; 两臂丰腴,也很动人。
33、Her figure was both plump and slender, elastic as steel. ─── 她的身材又丰满又苗条,象钢丝一样地有弹性。
34、We could also increase pod yield by adding proper nitrogen to increase valid pods per plant and plumpness rate of pod. ─── 不同类型花生品种对氮肥的响应不同,珍珠豆型花生品种的适宜施氮量较普通型花生品种的为低。
35、Plumpness seems to run in the family. ─── 肥胖似乎是这家庭中的特色。
36、She bent to plump up the cushions. ─── 她弯下腰,轻拍这些垫子。
37、A short plump man came waddling towards me. ─── 一个矮胖的男人一摇一摆地向我走来。
38、Tower has carved like King Kong, muscle plump, bold powerful and lively dance scene in Kabuki. ─── 塔身雕有金刚像,肌肉丰满,刚劲有力,舞伎活泼多姿。
39、An eagle coldly eyed a plump pigeon. ─── 一只鹰冷眼注视着一只肥鸽。
40、Drinking plenty of water will keep the skin hydrated and plump, hiding cellulite stores. ─── 多喝水可以保持肌肤水润亮泽,从而看不到已形成的脂肪团。
41、He met the charge with a plump denial. ─── 他断然否认对他的指控。
42、The first corner I turned, I came plump upon one of our slaves, snooping around with a watchman. ─── 刚拐了一个弯儿,我就迎头撞见了我们的一个奴隶,跟着一个看守他的人,扒头探脑的,正在那里走来走去。
43、crosses from forage rye and winter wheat were lower in seed setting rate(10.21%)and poor in compatibility, but the plumpness were higher(41.20%). ─── 黑麦和冬小麦杂交组合结实率(10.21%)低,亲和性差,但籽粒饱满度(41.20%)相对较高,远缘杂交结实率与籽粒饱满度之间相关关系不明显。
44、She added, however, that she might plump for Time instead. ─── 但是季莫申科又补充说,她可能会选择《时代》周刊。
45、She was a small, plump, fair woman, with a bright, clear eye, and an extraordinary air of neatness and briskness. ─── 她是个娇
46、He tells me plump that he will not give in. ─── 他直截了当告诉我,他决不让步。
47、They finally plump for the new house rather than the old one. ─── 他们最终还是选定要新房子,不要旧房子。
48、She was a small, plump woman, aging now but with a shiny, warm face, all the features generous. ─── 她的个子不高,体态丰腴,虽然上了年纪,但面色红润,容光焕发。
49、The mighty hunter returns with gifts of plump birds. ─── 勇敢的猎人总能逮住肉多的鸟。
50、Her whole plump countenance beams with satisfaction. ─── 她的丰满的脸蛋上挂着满足的微笑。
51、At the same time, the number of nematode, nematode load and the weight of panicles under different seed plumpness rates were detected. ─── 同时检测了不同稻粒饱和度下小穗头和健康稻粒在线虫虫量、有虫率和粒重间的差异。
52、The stability of meiosis seed-set rate and plumpness of kernels might be changed when the cytoplasm of a triticale was changed. ─── 改变小黑麦细胞质有可能增加减数分裂的稳定性,提高小黑麦的结实率与籽粒饱满度。
53、She was a short, plump, bustling woman. ─── 她是一个矮矮胖胖的,忙忙碌碌的妇女。
54、Tending to plumpness; fleshy. ─── 倾于肥胖的;肥胖的
55、But she is too slim. I hope she would be as plump as I. ─── 可就是太瘦了,我希望她能长得像我一样,稍微胖一点儿。
56、Waists were by far the most admired of eight physical features, followed by *s, legs, thighs and plumpness. ─── 到目前为止,腰身排在评判女人美丽与否的8大特征之首,其次是乳房、小腿、大腿和丰满的身材,而髋部、臀部和苗条的身材排在了最后。
57、The flesh under the lower jaw,especially when plump or flaccid. ─── 下颌垂肉,双下巴下颌底部的(尤指胖乎乎或松垂的)肉
58、She was already plump, homely and sprouting a faint moustache. ─── 她已经臃肿、不好看了,而且开始长出一些微微的胡须。
59、To become plump or fleshy; gain weight. ─── 变胖变肥或变胖;增加体重
60、An unusually grim expression clouded his plump face: he was thinking hard. ─── 他的胖脸上例外地堆起了严肃的神情,他在用心思。
61、GIVEN the choice of subsisting on seal or whale I would plump for the former, without enthusiasm. ─── 假如让我选择是依靠靠海豹还是依靠鲸鱼来维持生活,我会毫无热情地决定选择海豹。
62、Round and plump with lashings of peppery red fruit flavours and oaky hints. ─── 圆润,丰满的酒体带有一丝橡木桶的气息。
63、His plump legs seemed to go by themselves, without guidance. ─── 他两条肥腿似乎没有指使就能自动行走。
64、She was a plump girl of eighteen or so, outspoken, with a free and easy manner, very much the modern school-girl. ─── 她是一个胖胖的十八九岁的姑娘,举止大方,言语也洒脱,而且处处带着女学生的派头。
65、Two head-tails hung elegantly in front of her plump chest and stretched to the slender waist. ─── 两条“列库”角优雅地垂在她丰满的胸脯前,一直伸到她纤细的腰肢。
66、The Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster has a plump rounded body and expandable cheekpouches. ─── 他们的身体浑圆滚胖,颊部有可扩大的囊袋。
67、She is a little on the plump. ─── 她有点发福了。
68、A plump, dark-blue pigeon flew into the road, and hurriedly went to drink in a puddle near the well. ─── 一只肥的,深蓝色的鸽子飞到路中间来,急急地到井边一个水洼跟前去喝水。
69、The result showed(1) the correlation and partial correlation relationships of grain color, plumpness to yield and quality characters were not significant. ─── 结果表明,(1)籽粒颜色和饱满度与产量及品质性状的相关和偏相关均不显著;
70、And the feeding rate and plumpness index of Channa asiatica changed with the season, highest in the summer and lowest in the winter. ─── 其摄食率和饱满指数随季节变化而变化,以夏季最高,冬季最低。
71、It was in favor of leaf dry matter accumulation for the increase of grain plumpness during the early stage after heading. ─── 抽穗后初期阶段叶片干物质进行一定的积累有利于籽粒充实度的提高;
72、However, six-row barley can be readily obtained that has kernel plumpness and grain protein similar to two-row varieties. ─── 然而,在六棱大麦品种中也容易找到与二棱大麦的颗粒饱满度和蛋白质含量相似的品种
73、He had a plump face, lemur-like eyes, a quiet, subtle, modulated voice. ─── 他有一张胖胖的脸,狐猴般的眼睛,以及安详、微妙和富于抑扬顿挫的嗓音。
74、The substrate concentration was not the principal factor for poor grain plumpness of the inferior grains. ─── 同化物基质浓度不是弱势粒充实差的主要限制因子。
75、He's not thin if anything he's rather on the plump side. ─── 他可不瘦--按说还算有点胖呢。
76、He coughed with embarrassment, pulled out a handkerchief, and wiped his plump face vigorously. ─── 他不自然地“咳”了几声,掏出一块手帕来揿在他的胖脸上拚命的揩。
77、Their daughter is quite plump but their son is positivelyelephantine. ─── 他们的女儿很胖;可是儿子呢,简直像大象。
78、His cheeks are beginning to plump out. ─── 他的面颊开始变得圆起来了。
79、She's not thin,if anything she's on the plump side. ─── 她并不瘦,其实她还有点胖呢。
80、A plump species of plover (Charadrius hiaticula) that breeds in northern regions of the world. ─── 剑鸻:一种体态丰满的鸻鸟科鸟(剑鸻属剑鸻),在地球的北部地区繁衍
81、The plump performance can be measured by the compress work per thickness. ─── 单位厚度的压缩功可以量化铬鞣绵羊服装革的丰满性。
82、The fish near Hokkaido grow plump and delicious, and local special dishes include sashimi, sushi, and seafood hot pot. ─── 北海道附近的鱼类很肥美,当地特色料理还有生鱼片、寿司以及海鲜火锅。
83、At 50, he was plump and out of condition. ─── 50岁了,身体发胖,体况欠佳。
84、"Matre Andry," said Jehan, still hanging fast to his capital, "hold thy tongue, or I fall plump on thy head. ─── “安德里老公,闭住你的鸟嘴,要不,看我掉下去砸在你的脑袋上。” 约翰一直吊在柱顶上,接过话头说道。
85、wealth of the world . a warm human plumpness settled down on his brain. ─── 一个温馨丰腴的肉体在他的头脑里安顿下来。
86、But comparing the design with the way phoenixes are usually represented and in view of the bird's evident plumpness, I believe it is in fact a chicken. ─── 不过比较中国人描绘凤凰的习惯,以及从鸡碗上强调鸡身的肥度来看,我倒认为这是鸡。
87、Plump goose liver soaks in Brandy and other liquor to get coated aspic. ─── 以白兰地等烈酒,提炼上等鹅肝的鲜美滑顺口感。
88、Dumplings here are lusciously plump and thin-skinned.Peking duck is incomparably tender and juicy. ─── 北京饺子皮薄馅多,北京烤鸭肥嫩多汁,无与伦比。
89、She is too plump to fit into this dress. ─── 她太富态了,穿不下这件衣服。
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