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09-13 投稿



weblike 发音

英:[['weblaɪk]]  美:[['weblaɪk]]

英:  美:

weblike 中文意思翻译



weblike 短语词组

1、weblike carcinoma cancer ─── 网状癌

2、weblike definition ─── 网络化定义

3、weblike membrane ─── 网状膜

4、weblike crossword ─── 网络纵横字谜

5、weblike tissue crossword ─── 网状组织纵横字谜

6、weblike tissue ─── 网状组织

7、weblike meningeal layer ─── 网状脑膜层

weblike 相似词语短语

1、herblike ─── 类草药

2、beelike ─── 像蜜蜂一样

3、belike ─── adv.或许,大概,恐怕

4、wheylike ─── 乳清样

5、bedlike ─── 等于

6、biblike ─── 藏书

7、womblike ─── 娘娘腔的

8、be like ─── 像…,相像

9、weedlike ─── 周型

weblike 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Really weird things are happening... the sweet young Candy Stripers are seducing all the men in the hospital, then wrapping them in a hideous weblike substance. ─── 十分怪异的事情发生...甜蜜年轻的糖果舞女正在诱惑医院里全部的男人,然后用一种十分可怕的网状物包住他们。

2、A few white weblike hairs were carried in the air behind him. ─── 几茎蛛丝般的白发在脑后迎风飘动。

3、A delicate fabric made of yarn or thread in an open weblike pattern. ─── 网眼织物:由纱或线织成的有网眼图案的精美织物。

4、The myelin has a weblike appearance in such preparations ─── 髓磷脂在此标本中呈网状外观。

5、a delicate fabric made of yarn or thread in an open weblike pattern ─── 由纱或线织成的有网眼图案的精美织物

6、At other times, Berners-Lee has described it as "the application of weblike design to data" - for example designing for re-use of information. ─── 在其他的时候,Berners - Lee曾经这样描述这它“对数据像互联网那样设计的应用程序”-比如对信息的再利用设计。

7、separate toes, each bordered by a weblike lobe. Used of the feet of certain birds. ─── 的有分开的足趾,每趾都粘有网状叶,用于某些鸟类。

8、Having separate toes, each bordered by a weblike lobe. Used of the feet of certain birds. ─── 有蹼的有分开的足趾,每趾都粘有网状叶,用于某些鸟类

9、A delicate fabric made of yarn or thread in an open weblike pattern. ─── 网眼织物由纱或线织成的有网眼图案的精美织物

10、The flattened, weblike part of a feather, consisting of a series of barbs on either side of the shaft. ─── 箭翎羽毛的压平的网状部分,由箭杆任一侧的一系列倒钩组成

11、The flattened, weblike part of a feather, consisting of a series of barbs on either side of the shaft. ─── 羽毛的压平的网状部分,由箭杆任一侧的一系列倒钩组成

Divine Intervention歌词?

Divine Intervention - Slayer


In a web like Hell

How did I reach this place

Why are they haunting me

I cannot look at God's face


Brilliant light

Trying to run

Want to scream but cannot speak

I cannot look at God's face

Blind my eyes I cannot see

What is being done to me

In my mind is only pain

All the memories are drained



Deathless torture

Void with no mercy

Black shroud blinds those who see


Naked before you I stand

Shattered shrine of flesh and bone

God's piercing through my soul

Segments of my life

Morbid pieces of reality

Twisted personality

Many faces yet faceless

Familiar things give way to strange

No mercy no reason just pain


Sub-conscious control

Threshhold of pain unfolds

Transfixed martyr saving race

Who am I to judge thy grace


In a web like Hell

How did I reach this place

Why are they haunting me

I cannot look at God's face

Blind my eyes I cannot see

What is being done to me

In my mind is only pain

All the memories are drained

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