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09-13 投稿



diking 发音


英:  美:

diking 中文意思翻译



diking 短语词组

1、diking spills ─── 玩游戏

2、diking means ─── 筑堤意味着

3、diking def ─── 定义

4、diking system ─── 岩墙系, ─── 岩脉系

5、diking company ─── 迪金公司

diking 词性/词形变化,diking变形


diking 相似词语短语

1、deking ─── n.(尤指冰球)假动作;v.(尤指冰球)用假动作诱骗对手

2、Viking ─── n.北欧海盗

3、dirking ─── n.短剑,匕首;vt.用短剑刺;n.(Dirk)人名;(德、荷、葡)迪尔克;(英)德克

4、disking ─── v.用圆盘耙耙地;把……灌成唱片(disk的现在分词)

5、duking ─── n.公爵,(公国的)君主;公爵(种)樱桃;n.(Duke)人名;(西、俄、瑞典、英)杜克

6、dinking ─── n.空心冲;v.装饰;打扮(dink的ing形式)

7、Siking ─── 暗示

8、biking ─── n.自行车,骑单车;踏单车;v.骑自行车(bike的现在分词形式)

9、dyking ─── n.堤;女子同性恋者;n.(Dyke)人名;(英)戴克;(德)迪克

diking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Through U-Pb isotope age study in sheeted dike complex, has gained the isochrone age is 114-133Ma.The age is early cretaceous,which indicates the time of formation of sheeted dike complex. ─── 另外,在该蛇绿岩套中的岩墙群进行了单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素测年,获得的表面年龄值为114-133Ma之间,时代为早白垩世,基本反映了席状岩墙群的成岩年龄。

2、Reliability theory for the safety evaluation of the dike is still at the preliminary stage.With the introduction of the random field theory in the future, more reasonable results are expected to draw. ─── 可靠度理论用于堤防工程安全评价方面的研究,仍还处于初级阶段,今后可引入随机场理论,有望得出更为合理成果。

3、Snow fell on North Dakota National Guardsmen as they relayed sandbags to shore up a dike along the Red River. ─── 北达科他州国民警卫队在红河沿岸,传递沙袋上堤防洪。

4、It can carry out the several following operations:(1) It can work out the geographic diagram of the dike dam automatically. ─── 堤坝区域地形图的自动生成。

5、Local scour on the head of a spur dike is disadvantageous to the structures. ─── 丁坝坝头的局部冲刷对丁坝的整治效果产生不利影响。

6、Because of faults and ground water H_2S gas of the coal seam of the east side of the dike is escaped in late stage,while the west side takes on H_2S abnormity because of well capping conditions. ─── 岩墙东侧因断层和地下水的作用,煤层中H2S气体后期遭逸散,西侧因封盖条件较好而呈现出H2S气体异常.

7、When the river dike is completed, the crops will be safe against floods. ─── 修好河堤, 庄稼就不怕淹了。

8、Emergence stratums are of Sinian、Devonian、Permian、Trias and intrusive Granite dike and coarse - grained granite dike. ─── 出露地层为震旦系、泥盆系、二叠系、三叠系以及侵入的花岗岩脉和花岗伟晶岩脉。

9、The crack in the dike is getting wider. ─── 堤上的裂口越来越大。

10、This paper analyzes the chief important problem existing in forest dike in Daxinganling area and points out the complicated measures to govern there. ─── 分析了大兴安岭地区林业堤防存在的主要问题,提出了综合治理措施。

11、However to prevent Elvis to spell is too ominous, second half Lao Li uses the dike Asia spear to change him. ─── 不过为了防止埃尔维斯拼的太凶,下半场老李还是用堤亚戈将他换下。

12、The dike has cracked. ─── 堤上裂口了。

13、A crack or breachin a dike or levee. ─── 决口堤或坎的裂口。

14、A long dike will collapse because of an ant-hole in it; a tall building will be burned down by a spark from a chimney's chink. ─── 千丈之堤,以蝼蚁之穴溃;百尺之屋,以突隙之烟焚。

15、The sand dike that contains it is by volume one of the largest dams in the world. ─── 就容积而言,现在环绕这座尾矿池的砂坝,已经成为全世界最大的坝堤之一。

16、Abstract:The scheme for section BC heightening design of the dike for diversion and debris barrier outsideShantou Port and the technological requirements are introduced. ─── 介绍汕头港外导流拦沙堤BC段加高设计方案及其技术要求。

17、After go out dike the stranger to tail, don't talk with the stranger as far as possible. ─── (3) 取款后提防陌生人尾随,尽量不要和陌生人搭话.

18、The fammers dug a deep dike to carry water to the rice field. ─── 农人们挖深沟把水引到稻田。

19、Levee: An embankment for preventing flooding; a continuous dike or ridge (as of earth) for confining the irrigation areas of land to be flooded. ─── 堤防:用来防止淹水的堤坝;一个连续的围堰或土坎(地表)为阻止灌溉区被洪水泛滥。

20、Interactive design of the dike dam. ─── 堤坝交互式设计。

21、A brain you academic, if the lonely boat, flutters, flutters, is rippling your youth, whether floats to your life dike? ─── 一脑子你的学术,如寂寞的小船,飘荡,飘荡,荡漾着你的青春,能否漂到你生命的堤岸?

22、An embankment or dike, especially in India. ─── 堤岸土堤或堤防,尤其在印度

23、Geodelft Watex analyzes stability and erosion in soil in the design of dike structures. ─── Geodelft Watex是一款用于在提坝的结构设计中来分析土壤的稳定和侵蚀性的软件。

24、The retaining dike is constructed by bulldozing in warping area, then taking sand directly from the river channel using silt-sucking boat and DPB bump platform. ─── 围堤采用推土机从淤区内推土填筑,简易吸泥船和DPB电泵平台直接从河道内取沙。

25、Therefore, it is necessary to further study the reliability theory application for safety evaluation of the dike systematicly and deeply. ─── 因此,需要进一步对可靠度理论在堤防工程安全评价中的应用进行系统而深入的研究。

26、He turned and ran up on to the dike to continue his survey of the broad riverbed, and a scene of grey met his vision. ─── 一片茫茫的铁青色充塞视野。 真宽呀,他暗暗惊奇了。

27、Occurrence: dike, sill, laccolith, lopolith, stock and batholith. ─── 产状的定义、岩脉、岩床、岩盖、岩盆、岩株和岩基。

28、There is a dike on the road in front, be careful not to fall. ─── 前面的路上有条沟壕,大家注意不要摔着。

29、Solidifying chiefly as a minor intrusion, especially as a dike or sill, before reaching the earth's surface. Used of rocks. ─── 半深成的,浅成的在到达地球表面之前的主要作为小型岩石群固化的,尤其象岩脉或岩床的凝固用于指岩石

30、Below Sanjiadian was a boundless plain, across which a high dike stretched to the horizon. ─── 三家店下游的平原一望无际,高高的河堤远远伸向天尽头。

31、A closely woven mat of brush and poles used to protect an embankment, a dike, or a dam from erosion. ─── (用以护堤、坝等的)柴排,沉排,沉床荆棘和杆子的密织席,用于保护堤、坝,使不受侵蚀

32、The dike has been a great protection to Holland. ─── 堤防一直对荷兰有莫大的保护作用。

33、Winters leads a contingent on a risky mission over a Dutch dike that results in a "turkey shoot" of fleeing Germans. ─── 中尉温李察率领士兵在荷兰堤防进行危险任务,最后轻而易举取得胜利,击退德军。

34、The paper explains the calculation method of dike on the soft foundation in the respect of plastic flow and stability against sliding, the study of stability raised in the design is in progress. ─── 从塑流分析、抗滑稳定分析等方面对软土地基上堤坝稳定计算方法进行论述,并对实际工程设计中提高其稳定性进行研究。

35、The armed forces and people build the country dike of totally. ─── 军队和人民建设国家的完全堤防。是这个意思!哎。。。。

36、To strengthen may eventually have breakdown one day pretending out, the sea thinking that the man must be careful when needing to cry really, that may breach a dike truly goes beyond all bounds. ─── 伪装出来的坚强总会有崩溃的一天,当男人真正要哭的时候,一定要当心,那可真实决堤的海一发不可收拾。

37、The dam burst.; The dike burst. ─── 堤坝溃决。

38、YU Jian-ping. Geotechnic test instruction of ’98 seepage burst section of Yangtze River shank dike in Jiu Jiang[R]. Wuhan: Yangtze River Section Institute Earthwork Research Bureau,1998. ─── 余建平.九江市长江干堤’98溃口段土工试验说明[R].武汉:长江科学院土工研究所,1998

39、In Tarim River middle reach area with water transport dike and also ecological brake section were all better obviously than that without ecological brake section. ─── 塔里木河中游地区在建有输水堤防又有生态闸的断面地下水位、水质以及植被综合优势比均明显好于无生态闸断面。

40、Is inelegant in the Pakistan dike , above the elevation 1800 meters , the fresh oxygen , the anoin , the fragrance fine has blocked each exportation , hat moment , I and nature love ! ─── 不在巴堤雅,在海拔1800米之上,鲜氧、负离子、芬多精封锁了各个出口,那一刻,我与大自然恋爱了!

41、An analysis is made of the characteristics of dike works, perviousness of dike foundation and seepage characteristics of different foundations. ─── 对堤防工程特点、地基渗透性、不同地基的渗流特点进行了分析,提出了渗流控制设计原则和措施选择。

42、This article analyzes the feature of Heilongjiang dike projects and presents the method to quote weaving for entering a bid of dike projects and the weaving principle should be followed. ─── 对黑龙江省堤防工程的特点进行剖析,提出如何编制堤防工程的投标报价以及应遵循的编制原则。

43、Centuries of silt deposition and diking has caused the river to flow above the surrounding farmland, making flooding a critically dangerous problem. ─── 几世纪的淤泥沉积以及筑堤导致了河水六向周围的农田,造成洪水泛滥的严重后果。

44、Abstract: Full automatically Controlled LC-2 Trencher was developed according to geological conditions of the dike of medium lower reaches in Yangtze River. ─── 中文摘要: 针对长江中下游大堤地质条件 ,自行研制了LC - 2型全自动监控式拉槽机。

45、Kawada 32-year-old said: "I never thought I would live a long time, but is now the first time that I wanted to live a long, and would like to live more than long dike failed. ─── 32岁的川田说:“我从没想过我会活得很久。但现在我第一次想要长寿,想比堤未果活得更久。”

46、The paper introduced the application of the vibrating hole cutting spraying intercepting seepage wall technique in the urban dike damage prevention,dike reinforcement and intercepting seepage. ─── 介绍振孔切喷截渗墙技术在城区堤防消险加固截渗工程中的应用。

47、The real dike pattern can be approximately duplicated theoretically by the superposition of two very simple stress fields. ─── 实际岩脉式从理论上可以通过两个最简单的应力场的叠加复现。

48、Solidifyingchiefly as a minor intrusion, especially as a dike or sill, before reaching the earth's surface. Used of rocks. ─── 半深成的,浅成的在到达地球表面之前的主要作为小型岩石群固化的,尤其象岩脉或岩床的凝固用于指岩石。

49、The effect of the length of dike and protrusion ratio of river on the incipient velocity is analyzed, it sets up the foundation of evaluating the influence of vertical vortex on the local scour. ─── 分析了坝长和束窄率对瞬时起动流速的影响,为进一步分析竖轴旋涡对坝前颗粒运动及局部冲刷的作用建立了基础。

50、Practice and Study in Fine Sand Hydraulic Filling for Diking ─── 吹填粉细砂筑堤实践与研究

51、It is much as spokes of wheels around hubs formed by Spanish peaks and Dike Mountain. ─── 它看上去十分像围绕由两班牙峰和岩脉山所构成的轮毂的轮辐。

52、Applying diking method with underwater burst treated soft base to large thermal power plants ─── 水下爆炸处理软基筑堤法在大型火电厂中的应用

53、Enhances a new lake level of utilization areas dike project construction utilization standard as far as possible, increases its storage capacity, reduce sits submergence area. ─── 尽量提高新湖一级运用区堤防工程建设运用标准,增大其库容,缩小其淹没面积。

54、Including large-scale river dike engineering and traffic engineering. ─── 其中包括大规模的江河堤防工程和交通工程等。

55、Mother and youngsters on a dike near Kota Bharu, Malaysia, set out to transplant seedlings. ─── 在马来西亚的科塔布鲁,母亲与孩子们在田坎上赶路,去移栽秧苗。

56、Premier Yu directs the head of the Provincial Water Conservancy Bureau to repair the dike in Chiayi. ─── 俞院长指示省府水利局长洪炳麟要尽速修建嘉义县中埔乡石村的河堤。

57、One ant hole may cause the cause the collapse of a thousand-li dike. ─── 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。

58、Diked 1993 fee income rises nearly 100 million yuan, dike the proportion in cost amount increases Fei Zhanshui, develop the area is as high as most probably above. ─── 1993年堤防费收入上升到近亿元,堤防费占水费总额中的比重加大,发达地区高达八成以上。


60、And it also suggests specific methods of reinforcement based on the stabilization analysis and calculation towards the problems of trans-dike structures of Hanjiang main dike. ─── 对汉江干堤穿堤建筑物业已存在的问题,也通过稳定分析计算,提出了有针对性的除险加固措施。

61、The scientifical basis to determine the engineering optimum planning is provided by the Sanjazi dike rebuilding in this paper. ─── 分析三家子堤防改建项目优化方案,为改建项目决策提供科学依据。

62、The South Lake Island, largest of its kind on the Kunming Lake, is linked with the East Dike by 17-Arch Bridge. ─── 南湖岛东连十七孔桥与东堤接壤,是昆明湖中最大的岛。

63、By use of 3-D ultrasonic doppler velocimeter,the turbulence characteristics of water flow in the spur dike head and backflow region are observed and analyzed systematically. ─── 利用三维超声学多普勒流速仪对丁坝坝头附近水流和回流区水流的紊动特性进行了系统的观测和分析,得到了丁坝坝头和回流区的水流特性及紊动动能的分布规律。

64、They dug a dike along walls of the school. ─── 他们沿校墙挖沟。

65、Wiering M.A. and Driessen P.P.J., “Beyond the art of diking: interactive policy on river management in The Netherlands”, Water Policy, Vol.3, pp.283-296(2001). ─── 国立云林科技大学水土资源及防灾科技研究中心,浊水溪冲积扇扇顶区地下水补注计画,经济部水利署委讬研究报告,2005年。

66、As he rode towards the dike, Prince Andrey smelled the fresh, muddy smell of the pond. ─── 在驰马经过堤坝时,安德烈公爵闻到池塘的绿藻和清凉的气息。

67、The direct hit by Typhoon No. 17 damaged 862 kilometers of the dike in Wenzhou, of which, up to 357.7 kilometers was completely washed away. ─── 十七号台风的正面袭击,使温州市损坏堤坝八百六十二公里,其中完全冲毁的达三百五十七点七公里。

68、Rolled compaction experiment of construction of non-cohesive soil diking ─── 无粘性土筑堤施工碾压试验

69、During1946, the dike might have been closed, but Nationalist generals were transporting troops north through Honan on a railway over the dried-up river bed and they interfered with UNRRA's work. ─── 一九四六年,河堤本来是可以堵口的,但是,国民党的将军们要利用经过河南境内黄河故道上面的铁路往华北运兵,于是,他们干涉了联合国善后救济总署的工程计划。

70、But he rode back into the road not far from Bleak Hills, and overtook his regiment at the halting-place near the dike of a small pond. ─── 但离童山不远,他又回到大路上,并在一处小水塘的堤坝旁,赶上正在休息的他那一团的队伍。

71、Construction of diking project with fine sand and quality control ─── 细砂筑堤工程施工与质量控制

72、But the Spartans, despite their claim to act on the basis of dike (justice) and the divine law, were motivated as much by interest or advantage as any other actor in the international arena. ─── 但是,虽然斯巴达人宣称他们是按照正义和神的法则办事,他们还是如国际舞台上其他的角色一样,被利害和利益所驱动。

73、Main Products: General boats series, sports boats series, GRP Dike series, fishing boats series, drifting boat campaign, banana boat campaign. ─── 主要产品系列:通用艇系列,运动艇系列,玻璃钢底壳系列,钓鱼艇系列,漂流艇系列,香蕉艇系列。

74、Dike flow of spilled material using soil or sandbags to minimize contamination of drains, surface and ground waters. ─── 以土壤或者沙袋堤防泄漏物,将对下水道,地表水和地下水的污染危害降至最小。

75、A crack or breach in a dike or levee. ─── 决口堤或坎的裂口

76、In order to reduce the capacity of sand and stone without influencing overtopping, crown wall is usually set on the dike. ─── 如何设置防浪墙,既可保证其稳定要求,又能满足其容许越浪量,就是一个亟待解决的问题。

77、Camouflages the strong generalmeeting has collapse one day, when the man really is just about tocries, certainly must be careful, that may really burst a dike searound beyond redemption. ─── 他们的眼泪大多不是为自己流,可能是陪朋友、同事、亲人,甚至是邻居,反正只要有需要,天秤的眼泪随叫随到。

78、The great dike will fall apart for the ant nest.Your character and the attitude but not your natural talent determines your life altitude. ─── 千里堤坝可以溃于蚁穴,是你的品质与态度而不是你的天资决定着你生命的高度。

79、The dike burst, and the flood waters vomited forth. ─── 大坝塌了,洪水喷涌而出

80、It is located in Pokou Village, Si Dao Gou Town, Linjiang City, divided by a dike with Pokou generating plant.There are arbors, long corridors and ferries. ─── 四道沟五河山庄:位于临江四道沟镇坡口村,与坡口电站库区一堤之隔,堤坝上建有凉亭、长廊和渡口。

81、The second half just began, Du Wenhui has the single tool opportunity, after his shooting keeps off, dike Asia Ge Hetao great halfs-volle by opposite party goalkeeper is kept them out. ─── 下半场刚开场,杜文辉获得单刀机会,他的射门被挡出后,堤亚戈和陶伟的补射又被对方门将拒之门外。

82、Eighty millimeter (80mm) unloading lines will be installed from each raw material tank to the dike wall. ─── 80毫米(80毫米),卸载将每个原料罐的堤防墙上安装的电话线路。

83、Therefore, we should give emphasis on the preventing the dike collapse, shortening the flooding period, and pay more attention to protection of the developed area in anti-flood. ─── 因此,在抗洪救灾中,要重点预防溃垸,设法缩短被淹时间,对经济水平较高的地区要重点保护。

84、In the southern Chinese provinces province of Guangxi, soldiers and local people struggle struggled to short shore up the bridge to diea breached dike. ─── 在中国南部省份广西,部队和当地居民奋力抢险以防决堤。

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