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09-06 投稿



disruptive 发音

英:[dɪsˈrʌptɪv]  美:[dɪsˈrʌptɪv]

英:  美:

disruptive 中文意思翻译



disruptive 网络释义

adj. 破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的

disruptive 短语词组

1、disruptive tube ─── [电] 析像器管

2、disruptive spark ─── [电] 迅裂电花

3、disruptive strength ─── [化] 破坏强度

4、disruptive oxidation ─── [化] 破坏氧化; 破坏氧化作用

5、disruptive sequence ─── 破裂序列征

6、disruptive chasm ─── 破坏性的鸿沟

7、disruptive pressure ─── 击穿气压

8、disruptive force ─── [电] 分裂力

9、disruptive selection ─── 分裂选择

10、disruptive field intensity ─── 击穿电场强度

11、disruptive power ─── 破坏性力量

12、disruptive discharge ─── [医] 迅烈放电, 电容放电疗法

13、disruptive technology ─── 突破性科技;颠覆性技术

14、disruptive capital flows ─── [经] 破坏性的资本流动

15、disruptive voltage ─── 哗电压

16、disruptive prisoner ─── 破坏性囚犯

17、disruptive patient ─── 破坏性病人

18、disruptive test ─── 击穿试验,耐电压试验

19、disruptive explosive ─── 爆裂性炸药

disruptive 词性/词形变化,disruptive变形

副词: disruptively |

disruptive 常用词组

disruptive innovation ─── 破坏性创新

disruptive behavior ─── 破坏性行为

disruptive 相似词语短语

1、disrupting ─── 使混乱;扰乱(disrupt的现在分词)

2、disjunctive ─── adj.分隔的;分离的;n.反意连接词

3、disruptively ─── 妨碍地

4、irruptive ─── adj.突入的;爆发的;急剧增加的

5、disrupture ─── n.分裂

6、nondisruptive ─── 不制造混乱的

7、descriptive ─── adj.描写的,叙述的;描写性的

8、disruption ─── n.扰乱,打乱,中断

9、discerptive ─── 分词

disruptive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Loud talking and disruptive behavior should be avoided. ─── 不要大声说话或打断别人。

2、The specialist can also be more vulnerable to disruptive technology and the sudden substitution of one material for another. ─── 产品的“专一化”也会由于科技的迅猛发展和替代性材料而显得“弱不禁风”。

3、But the attempt to smear Mr Serra threatens to disrupt his second term before it begins. ─── 但在这开始之前,抹黑塞拉的企图可能影响到他的连任。

4、At McLaren, the departure of Juan Pablo Montoya did not outwardly appear too disruptive as Pedro de la Rosa got back into the swing of racing. ─── 在迈凯轮车队,胡安-帕布鲁-蒙托亚的离开从表面上看并没有让车队变得四分五裂,因为佩德罗-德-拉-罗萨回到了参赛的队伍中来。

5、The crisis will prove hugely disruptive, however. ─── 然而,这场危机将带来极大的破坏性。

6、"No problem found" calls are reduced, and disruptive emergency calls become scheduled service. ─── 减少"未发现问题"的拜访数量,对影响业务的紧急拜访制定服务计划,并按计划提供服务。

7、But standing in its way is a handful of former allies who are unwilling to support another disruptive battle in the Middle East. ─── 但是在中间阻碍它的却是一些以前的盟国,他们不愿意在中东再一次爆发引起混乱的战争。

8、Panic disorder does not need to disrupt your life in any way! ─── 不要让恐慌症以任何方式来打乱你的生活!

9、The saints addressed an elder's W disruptive behavior on the January 20 home meeting. ─── 圣徒们提出W长老与一月20号打断家聚会的行为。

10、Obama vowed to disrupt, dismantle and defeat Al-Qaeda there. ─── 奥巴马决心在那里分化、击溃并最终消灭基地组织。

11、The quarrels of the different political parties seemed likely to disrupt the state. ─── 各政党的争执可能导致国家分裂。

12、For 10 years or even longer, they engaged in disruptive activities, acting at the outset in collaboration with Lin Biao. ─── “四人帮”的破坏实际上是十年,或者说是十年以上,开始是同林彪结合在一起。

13、An incremental approach, officials say, is needed because an immediate FTA would be too disruptive to Taiwan's economy. ─── 一位官员表示自由贸易协定的签署要一步步来,不能操之过急,否则会过度扰乱台湾的经济。

14、But PLMs can be very disruptive if they are accompanied by arousals from sleep. ─── 不过,如果伴随有突然的觉醒,那么周期性肢体运动障碍造成的干扰会大得多。

15、The Taliban are vowing to disrupt Thursday's balloting. ─── 塔利班扬言要扰乱星期四的选举。

16、Would they roughhouse and punch and disrupt the class by yelling or fidgeting with their tails in the air? ─── 会不会打其他的同学?会不会把它的尾巴甩到空中,打扰同学们上课?

17、No views disruptive of the Kuomintang-Communist united front will be tolerated. ─── 任何破裂国共两党的统一战线的主张是不许可的。

18、Having to stand in line was a nuisance. The disruptive child was a nuisance to the class. ─── 不得不排队真讨厌。这个捣蛋的学生令全班人讨厌

19、Insurgents still managed to disrupt the calm. ─── 叛乱者仍然设法打乱安静。

20、Today, at school, I, Ryan, Andrew and Alyson were doing spelling and we were loud, disruptive and rude. ─── 今天,在学校,我和岚,安德鲁,爱丽森作拼字练习,我们很吵闹,影响他人,没有礼貌。

21、He said he did not want to do it, because he did not want disrupt the team chemistry. ─── 他说他不想做新的交易,因为他不想破坏现在球队已经产生的化学反应。

22、The wet field did not disrupt the Americans' crip (crisp) passing while the North Koreans displayed energy and speed. ─── 场地的潮湿并没有影响美国球员们干脆漂亮的传球和韩国球员过人的精力的速度。

23、The students who attend have committed a range of infractions, from continued disruptive behavior to drug use. ─── 参加该项目的学生有着包括从不断扰乱课堂秩序到吸毒的各种违纪行为。

24、She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class. ─── 她搅扰了班上其他的学生。

25、Periods of apnea end with a brief partial arousal that may disrupt sleep up to hundreds of times a night. ─── 呼吸暂停周期以短暂局部觉醒结束,每晚可能干扰睡眠达数百次。

26、To impede or disrupt in movement or action. ─── 使不能或艰于移动或行动

27、As a disruptive technique, it has drawn extensive attention due to its broad application prospects. ─── 作为一种突破性的技术,由于其巨大的应用前景而广受关注。

28、Footstep wanted to disrupt you much. ─── 多想打乱你的脚步。

29、Research in animals has shown that alcohol can disrupt the development of new brain cells in adults. ─── 在动物身上进行的试验表明,酒精会损害成年动物脑细胞的发育。

30、Peasants and rural governments are reluctant to come clean about anything that might disrupt local economies. ─── 农民和农村政府不愿将任何有碍地方经济发展的实情和盘托出。

31、China may yet undergo internal upheavals that could disrupt its economy. ─── 中国可能还不会酝酿导致经济崩溃的内部剧变。

32、Short selling is disruptive speculation that requires someone else to lose. ─── 买空卖空是破坏性很大的投机勾当,总要导致损人利己的结果。

33、If a student is disruptive during class, I assign him/ her to detention, without further discussion. ─── 如学生于上课中扰乱,我就迳行留置,没有商量的馀地。

34、Alcohol can produce violent, disruptive behaviour. ─── 酒能促成暴力的和破坏性的行为。

35、A statement on the ministry's Web site said the pranks had been disruptive to the officials' work, urging that they stop. ─── 中国科学技术部在网站发表一项声明,表示这些留言干扰官员工作,呼吁他们停止继续恶作剧。

36、Or - just as with the previous desktop hits of the past, will it come from a little-known upstart with a disruptive technology? ─── 亦或——就像以前的桌面,来自一个具有颠覆性技术的鲜为人知的暴发户?

37、To inhibit, block, or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent). ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动

38、Will International Rules on Subsidies Disrupt the World Trading System? ─── 关于补贴的国际规则是否会打乱世界贸易体系?

39、Absences at school began to drop, and the children's disruptive behaviors softened. ─── 上课缺勤率开始下降,孩子们的捣乱行为有所缓和。

40、Most of the students who struggled did so because of their lack of attention in class and their disruptive behavior. ─── 大部分的学生都是因为他们课上不能专心听讲,还有时扰乱课堂而失利。

41、To impedeor disrupt in movement or action. ─── 使不能或艰于移动或行动。

42、Torre's disruptive platoons at first and in the outfield have more or less ended since Jason Giambi left. ─── 但自从技安不在阵中后,托瑞爷爷手上那一垒和外野的空缺多多少少也可以补上一些了。

43、Hu interprets it as "no self-initiated disruptive attempts" or to be exact, "no major changes. " ─── 胡诠释为“不做自我毁灭的尝试”或者准确些“不折腾”。

44、The Kashgar officials said ETIM had planned a series of attacks to disrupt or distract from the Olympics. ─── 喀什官方说计划在奥运会期间发起一系列袭击以转移人们对奥运会的关注。

45、Campus police had been notified of his disruptive behavior during classes at a community college, and he was eventually expelled in October. ─── 拉夫纳在美国一所社区大学念书时,校园警方曾接到过关于其破坏性行为的通报,最终拉夫纳于去年10月被校方除名。

46、But damming rivers may destroy or disrupt wildlife and other natural resources. ─── 但是,在河流上筑坝可能会破坏或扰乱野生动物生活和其它自然资源。

47、As a spokesman noted, Yahoo had been reorganizing once or twice a year, 'which has been disruptive. ─── 正如一位发言人所说的,过去雅虎每年都会有一、两次的人事变动,不过这种做法会扰乱公司的运营。

48、The Islamic Jihad militant group says it fired rockets at the area to disrupt the Israeli election. ─── 伊斯兰圣战者激进组织声称,朝那个地区发射火箭是为了扰乱以色列的选举。

49、"But we have a lot of small, very disruptive day-in-and-day-out problems on the factory floor," one industrialist said. ─── 一位实业家说:“在工厂办公楼里,我们面对着许多细小但破坏性却很大的问题,它们日复一日,无休无止地发生。

50、He was expelled from school for disruptive behaviour. ─── 他因破坏行为被学校开除了。

51、Unfortunately, men are hit with more bouts of disruptive snoring than women. ─── 不幸的是,男人比女人更容易打鼾。

52、Sleeping late on weekends can also disrupt your circadian rhythm. ─── 周末迟睡也会打乱人体的日夜周期。

53、Can you imagine Sir Alex Ferguson attempting a disruptive prank like this? ─── 你能想象弗爵爷以这种打断采访的形式来和球员开玩笑么?

54、He says that the Iraqi Armed Forces will act decisively against anyone trying to disrupt order in Anbar province. ─── 他说,伊拉克武装部队将对任何试图干扰安巴尔省秩序的人采取果断措施。

55、To inhibit,block,or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent. ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动

56、But we should not think there are no potentially disruptive forces. These forces may come from any direction. ─── 但切不要以为没有破坏力量。这种破坏力量可能来自这个方面,也可能来自那个方面。

57、A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain. ─── 中风可导致大脑供氧中断。

58、"If a disorderly adjustment does take place, it will be very costly and disruptive to the world economy," he said this week. ─── 他本周表示:“如果真的发生无序调整,这对全球经济来说,代价将会非常高昂,破坏性也会非常严重。

59、Co-working is often cheaper and less disruptive than equipping a telecommuting employee's home with high-speed Internet and phone service. ─── 联合办公通常来说比起给员工家装备诸如高速网线及电话等通讯终端都会更便宜,也更少的破坏性。

60、Other illegal operations that seriously disrupt market order. ─── 其他严重扰乱市场秩序的非法经营行为。

61、Even the earliest power cuts, it was realized, would be disruptive , and damaging to the state's economy. ─── 人们意识到,即使是最初阶段的电力缩减,也是有破坏性的,将损害本州的经济。

62、They should not themselves create restrictive, distorting or disruptive effects on international trade. ─── 原产地规则本身不得对国际贸易产生限制、扭曲或破坏作用。

63、But Rolex thrived in the face of disruptive technologies. ─── 但劳力士在面临破坏性技术的蓬勃发展.

64、Senna says he is not out to maim, just disrupt a game. ─── 塞纳说他并非为了使人受伤而犯规,她只是想中断比赛。

65、Anti-war demonstrators disrupt the meeting and 50 people are arrested. ─── 反战示威者中断了此次会议并有50人被捕。

66、He has a disruptive influence on the other children. ─── 他能影响别的孩子使他们失控。

67、Most of us will not want to disrupt our children's education by uprooting to another country. ─── 大多数人不会为了实现移居他国的理想,而中断孩子的学业。

68、But in time periods measured in a few decades or even centuries,such changes may prove highly disruptive to many forms of life,including human beings. ─── 但是用几十年甚至几个世纪的时间进行衡量,这种化学成分变化对于许多形式的生命,包括人类,都可以证明是非常有破坏性的。

69、A few disruptive students can easily ruin a class. ─── 只要有几个爱捣乱的学生,就能把全班搅乱。

70、It may disrupt almost any part of the body: skin, joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels or brain. ─── 光是在美国,就约有140万人为狼疮所苦,尤其是18~65岁间的非裔妇女,每250人中就有一人受此病所苦。

71、The teachers are prepared to down chalk unless the disruptive pupils are removed from their classes. ─── 如果不把那些捣乱的学生从班上开除出去,教师们就准备罢教。

72、ALTER ASSEMBLY does not disrupt currently running sessions that are running code in the assembly being modified. ─── ALTER ASSEMBLY不中断当前正在运行的会话,这些会话正在运行所修改的程序集中的代码。

73、If you disrupt routine operations, they try deadlier ones. ─── 如果你阻止了常规性袭击,他们会尝试更为致命的。

74、Even though Skype is a massive (and disruptive) presence in Internet communications, it has never been very profitable. ─── 即使Skype本身在互联网通信方面是巨大的(和破坏性的),它的收益也从来没有非常可观。

75、Temperatures and densities never climb high enough to ignite disruptive thermonuclear burning. ─── 其温度及密度永远无法攀升到足以点燃具破坏性的热核燃烧。

76、A couple of armoured cars speeding out from your defensive line can be used to sucker units into you AT Screen or disrupt the attack. ─── 几辆在你防线内展开的装甲车可以用来吸引敌军进入你的反坦克视线内或者混乱敌方攻击。

77、In some cases ,a virus may contain no intentionally harmful or disruptive instructions at all. ─── 在某些情况下,某种病毒可能一点没有包含什么故意有害的或破坏性的指令。

78、To inhibit,block,or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent). ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动。

79、They would like to disrupt us, damage morale and hurt us with the Americans. ─── 他们想扰乱我们的布署,挫伤我们的士气,损害我们与美国人的关系。

80、Offsite training is more disruptive to the employees day-to-day routine. ─── 但在公司外培训会扰乱或影响雇员的日常生活。

81、Joe Cole has suffered a knee-ligament injury that could disrupt Chelsea's entire season. ─── 乔科尔在比赛中的膝盖韧带受伤可能要面临无法为蓝军战斗一个完整的赛季。

82、Disruptive behaviour in the forums or torrents comments will result in a warning ( ). ─── 在论坛或种子资源评论区有不文明行为者将被予于警告处分!

83、But their innovations fell victim to disruptive technologies. ─── 但他们的创新却成了颠覆性技术的牺牲品。

84、Alkadiri, the PFC Energy analyst, says the Bodman-led U.S. delegation had played "an almost disruptive role. ─── 哈利勒还表示,他认为当前没有理由向市场增加石油供应。

85、The Taliban had vowed to disrupt the election and retaliate against voters. ─── 塔利班曾扬言要扰乱选举,并报复参加投票的选民。

86、However, there are already enemy agents playing a disruptive role within our national united front, namely, the traitors, Trotskyites and pro-Japanese elements. ─── 但是我们的民族统一战线中已经存在着起破坏作用的奸细分子,这就是那些汉奸、托派、亲日派分子。

87、academics identify five traits that are common to the disruptive innovators: questioning, experimenting, observing, associating and networking. ─── 学者们指出了颠覆性创新者共有的五个特征:质疑、实验、观察、联想和社交。

88、Crisis of Breath. You disrupt the subject's breathing. ─── 呼吸危机:中断受术者的呼吸。

89、But we should not think there are no potentially disruptive forces. ─── 但切不要以为没有破坏力量。

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