impliedly 中文意思翻译
impliedly 短语词组
1、impliedly definition ─── 隐含的定义
2、impliedly warrant ─── 默示保证
3、impliedly ratified ─── 默许批准
4、impliedly authorized ─── 默示授权
5、impliedly meaning ─── 隐含的意思
6、impliedly acquiesce ─── 默许
7、impliedly synonym ─── 隐含同义词
impliedly 相似词语短语
1、imploringly ─── adv.恳求地;哀求地
2、implied ─── v.暗示;意味着……为必然结果;必然包含(imply的过去式及过去分词);adj.暗指的
3、implosively ─── 爆聚地;内向爆炸地;集中于一点地;内破裂地
4、impledge ─── vt.抵押;当
5、improvisedly ─── 即兴地
6、implicity ─── n.不怀疑;隐晦,含蓄
7、implicitly ─── adv.含蓄地;暗中地
8、implies ─── v.意味着(imply的第三人称单数);蕴含;暗指
9、simplemindedly ─── 简单地
impliedly 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、It is impliedly consented. ─── 它被默认了。
2、Explicitly or impliedly indicating a testing institution to produce a fraudulent testing report or to alter or forge any testing report; ─── 明示或暗示检测机构出具虚假检测报告,篡改或伪造检测报告的;
3、Second, such protests may be made "expressly or impliedly. " ─── 其次,抗议可以“明白”或“隐含”地提出来。
4、In UK the law derives its authority, expressly or impliedly, from Parliament. ─── 在英国,法律的权威,明示或着暗示地,来自于议会。
5、(2) Explicitly or impliedly indicating a testing i titution to produce a fraudulent testing report or to alter or forge any testing report; ─── (二)明示或暗示检测机构出具虚假检测报告,篡改或伪造检测报告的;
6、If so, his fallacy can be exposed even more easily without resorting to the tactics that you are accused for, and which you impliedly agree. ─── 言论自由是可以指出其他人的说话问题所在,正如几十万香港人上街指出董建华的错误!
7、Second, such protests may be made “expressly or impliedly. ─── 其次,抗议可以“明白”或“隐含”地提出来。
8、The condition expressly laid down by Article 85 as regards agreements or concerted practices is, therefore, impliedly but certainly inherent in the concept of abuse of a dominant position. ─── 因此,第85条对协议或者有关惯例的明确设定的条件,暗示性地但肯定地通过滥用优势地位的概念来体现。
9、impliedly adv. ─── 暗示,暗指;
10、or (2) confers authority to grant relief if any other statute that grants consent to suit expressly or impliedly forbids the relief which is sought. ─── (二)授与准许救济的权力,如果其他允许起诉的法律明示或暗示应禁止给予所请求之救济。
11、Contracts can be formed expressly or impliedly. ─── 合同可以明示或默示地产生。
12、The CLP Group does not indicate expressly or impliedly any endorsement, approval, recommendation or preference of or for those third party websites or the products and services provided on them. ─── 中电集团不会就此等第三方网站或其所提供之产品和服务作出明确或暗示的嘉许、批准、推荐或偏好。
13、impliedly reserve ─── 默示保留
14、” The district court further held that such conduct by Qualcomm was so inconsistent with an intent to enforce its patent rights that the rights became impliedly waived. ─── 地区法院进一步判决,高通的这种行为与其要实施专利权的企图不符,因此决定其专利权已被默示放弃。
15、expressly or impliedly give tips. ─── 明示或默示地放弃提示。
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