fibrination 发音
英: 美:
fibrination 中文意思翻译
fibrination 相似词语短语
1、fiberisation ─── 纤维化
2、fibrillation ─── n.[医]纤维性颤动,[生物]原纤维形成
3、fiberisations ─── 纤维化
4、fiberization ─── 纤维离析
5、fluorination ─── n.[化学]氟化作用
6、defibrinations ─── n.脱纤维作用;磨制木浆;磨木制浆纸
7、fibrillations ─── n.[医]纤维性颤动,[生物]原纤维形成
8、defibrination ─── n.脱纤维作用;磨制木浆;磨木制浆纸
9、fiberizations ─── 纤维化
fibrination 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Biomedical fibrin glue is helpful to reduce exudates and to promote recovery. ─── 医用生物蛋白胶的应用有助于减轻术后的创伤渗出,促进恢复。
2、new types of regeneration fibrin fibers ─── 再生纤维素纤维
4、Can inhibit platelet aggregation, and reduce fibrin, but also can inhibit the in vivo toxicity index of cohesion from the role of fibrin, and can inhibit thrombin-induced fibrin thrombus formation. ─── 可以抑制血小板凝聚,并使血纤维蛋白减少,还可以抑制体内毒索引起纤维蛋白的凝聚作用,并可以抑制凝血酶引起的血栓纤维蛋白的形成。
5、B, Transabdominal cross-sectional scan of the lower abdomen shows ascites with a latticelike appearance formed by organized fibrin bands (arrowheads). ─── B,经下腹部横切面显示腹水内网格样纤维带。
6、Methods?Fibrin glue was chosen to repair transected left L6,7 roots in cat,and right roots in situ of the transected ends were served as the control. ─── 方法?作者用缝合法、纤维素胶法修复猫椎管内一侧横断的腰6、腰7神经根,并以对侧自然连接做为对照;
7、Methods Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with three pores was performed on 1480 patients, and biomedical fibrin glue was used in 203 patients then observe the volume of drainage after operation. ─── 方法对1480例胆囊良性疾病进行三孔法腹腔镜胆囊切除术,并对203例病例术中局部喷洒医用生物蛋白胶,并观察其术后腹腔引流情况。
8、Rat aortic sprouting in fibrin gel experiment showed that artesunate inhibited microvessel sprouting and put off microvessel forming. ─── 大鼠主动脉环无血清培养实验表明,青蒿琥酯能明显推迟血管新生,减少新生血管数量;
9、Aim In order to investigate the effect of local application of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1)-loaded fibrin glue on intimal hyperplasia after balloon-induced injury to common carotid artery in rabbits. ─── 摘要目的观察局部应用医用胶携载前列腺素E1,对兔颈总动脉损伤后内膜增生的影响。
10、This product contains rich bamboo salt, olive oil essence and special fibrin, which can penetrate into hair root and scalp to promote blood circulation, strengthen hair root, relax curves, and relieve fatigue. ─── 本品含有丰富的竹盐,橄榄油精华和特有的纤维蛋白,能渗入发根与头皮,促进血液循环,加固发根,松弛神经,舒缓疲劳。
11、Rabbit MSCs were cultured in vitro and transfer, and the MSCs were collected for three-dimension culture with fibrin glue and combined scaffold made of xenogeneic inorganic bone. ─── 去抗原牛松质骨经处理降低了抗原性,复合骨髓基质细胞则具有了诱导成骨活性。
12、Microscopically, the valve in infective endocarditis demonstrates friable vegetations of fibrin and platelets (pink) mixed with inflammatory cells and bacterial colonies (blue). ─── 显微镜下可见感染性心内膜炎瓣膜覆盖松脆的赘生物,其中有纤维蛋白和血小板(淡红色),并夹杂着炎性细胞和菌落(蓝色)。
13、Keywords HAEC;fibrin clot;growth factor; ─── 人羊膜上皮细胞;纤维蛋白;生长因子;
14、Massive bleeding from the skull base was noted during operation very difficult to control the bleeding, finally fibrin sealant was used for hemostasis. ─── 术中因颅底血管大出血止血非常困难,最后使用纤维素封剂并黏著附近之肌肉方能止血。
15、The damage to the arteries leads to formation of pink fibrin--hence the term "fibrinoid". ─── 动脉损伤引起粉红色纤维素坏死物形成,因此称为纤维素样坏死。
16、Methods 3 Cases of anastomotic leakage sinus after esophagatrostomy were occlusive treated by gelfoam combined with fibrin glue on the basis of traditional therapy. ─── 方法3例食管癌术后发生胸腔吻合口瘘的患者在传统的治疗方法的基础上,应用明胶海绵颗粒联合医用生物蛋白胶封堵吻合口瘘窦道的方法。
17、Objective: To investigate the feasibility of reconstituting skin defects with cultured human oral mucosal cell suspensions in fibrin glue. ─── 摘要目的:探讨利用纤维蛋白为载体携带人口腔黏膜上皮细胞修复皮肤缺损的可行性。
18、Abstract: Objective To investigate the outcome of repairing the peripheral nerve defects with the tissue engineered nerve constructed by Schwann cells and fibrin glue. ─── 文章摘要: 目的研究雪旺细胞-生物蛋白胶复合物构建组织工程神经,修复周围神经缺损的效果。
19、Main ingredients: gingko essence, fibrin, natural plant cation, vitamin B5, elastin and etc. ─── 主要成分:银杏精华、纤维蛋白、天然植物阳离子、维他命原B5、弹力素等。
20、INGREDIENTS: Snow Lotus Cohobation, Natural Soap Essence, Papaya Ferment, Fibrin, Plum, Etc. ─── 雪莲纯露,融合天然皂角精华及木瓜酵素、纤维素、金缕梅、橄榄油等。
21、Refer to the fibrin plate assay and the clot lysis assay for determining the activities of streptokinase and urokinase, we established an assay for the activity determination of plasminogen. ─── 参照测定纤溶酶原活力的纤维平板法和测定链激酶及尿激酶活力的纤蛋白溶解气泡上升法,建立了一种快速测定人纤溶酶原活力的方法。
22、It is mainly used to transport sewage, waste water,city waste water with solid grainserious long fibrin of municipal works, industrial construction, hotel, hospital, civil defense, mine etc trades. ─── 主要用于市政工程、工业建筑、宾馆、医院、人防、矿山等行业输送带固体颗粒及各种长纤维的污水、废水、和城市污水;
23、The fibrin in this fluid can form a fibrinous exudate on the surfaces. ─── 如果以纤维素为主,会导致粘膜表面的纤维素性炎症。
24、 双语使用场景
25、Methods: We sprayed fibrin seatant by endoscope to treat the lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage of 32 cases. ─── 方法:对32例下消化道出血患者进行内镜下喷洒纤维蛋白封闭剂。
26、Thrombin is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen to the insoluble protein fibrin. ─── 凝血酶能催化可溶性血浆纤维蛋白转化为不溶性的纤维蛋白。
27、Study on the polymerization of fibrin monomer in traumatic patients ─── 创伤患者纤维蛋白单体的聚合功能
28、Prourokinase is a new generation of thnxnbolytic drug with fibrin - selective speciality. ─── 尿激酶原是新一代特异性溶栓药。
29、The necrotic epithelium becomes embedded in exuding fibrin and red and white cells,so that a grayish pseudomembrane is formed-commonly over the tonsils,pharynx or larynx. ─── 坏死的上皮细胞被纤维蛋白、红细胞和白细胞凝聚在一起形成灰白色的假膜,通常覆盖在扁桃腺、咽或喉。
30、Over the course of several days, the fibrin broke down as intended, after fulfilling its role as a temporary support for the cells. ─── 几日过后,纤维蛋白正如期望的那样,完成其作为细胞暂时的支持底物后逐渐降解。
31、When doing a grooving and hammer breaking experiment on a sample in the technology assess teal of fibrin root welding, find that fibrin backing weld will easily produce a special root incomplete fusion flaw. ─── 摘要在进行一次纤维素根焊的工艺评定试验的过程中,对取样进行刻槽锤断实验时,发现采用纤维素打底焊容易产生一种特殊的根部未熔合缺陷。
32、You will not revive after death. You may ailments from Zulus. Fibrin Bandages cure open wounds and Anti-Venoms cure most poisoning. ─── 你死亡后不会复活。怪物攻击会造成你流血、骨折、中毒等异常状态。使用纤维绷带治疗开放性伤口,抗毒血清治疗中毒。
33、After embedding in a woundhealing matrix, mimicked by fibrin gels, OEC migrated from the fibroin scaffolds into the fibrin and formed a microvessel-like network. ─── 当OEC接种在用纤维凝胶模拟伤口愈合基质中时,其从蚕丝纤维支架上迁移到纤维蛋白上并形成微血管状的网络结构。
34、Peripheral nerve deficit bridged by a new type of fibrin tube ─── 新型纤维素导管桥接周围神经缺损的研究
35、Methods The bioactivity of the same reteplase sample was assayed by four methods of clot lysis assay,fibrin plate assay,chromogenic substrate assay and bubble assay, respectively. ─── 方法分别使用凝块溶解法、平板溶圈法、发色底物法及气泡法4种方法,测定同一批瑞替普酶样品的生物活性。
36、Objective: To compare postoperative lesion healing, bleeding prophylaxis of fibrin glue (FG) after high frequency electrocoagulatomy for gastrointestinal protuberant lesion. ─── 摘要目的:观察消化道隆起性病变切除术后应用国产医用生物蛋白胶(FG)对电凝创面愈合及预防出血、穿孔的作用。
37、The aggregated platelets swell and disintegrate and are gradually replaced by fibrin. ─── 最后,纤维蛋白凝块由内皮细胞和白细胞释放的纤溶酶溶解掉。
38、Here, the pericardial cavity has been opened to reveal a fibrinous pericarditis with strands of stringy pale fibrin between visceral and parietal pericardium. ─── 图示纤维素性心包炎,在心包脏层和壁层之间可见白色绒毛状的纤维素。
39、Exudation has led to an outpouring of fluid with fibrin into the alveolar spaces seen here, along with PMN's. ─── 图示大量液体、纤维素和中性粒细胞渗出到肺泡腔。
40、An esophageal acute ulcer is shown here in which the squamous mucosa has been lost. In the ulcer base are inflammatory cells and fibrin. ─── 图示:食管急性溃疡。鳞状上皮消失,溃疡底部有炎细胞和纤维蛋白。
41、Astrup T, Sten M. The fibrin plate method for estimating fibrinolytic activity[J]. Arch Biochem Biophys, 1952,40: 346. ─── 张龙翔,张庭芳,李令媛.生化实验方法和技术[M].北京:北京人民教育出版社1982,138
42、Abstract: Purpose The aim is to investigate the hemostatic and protective effect of fibrin sealant(FS) on liver trauma in rats. ─── 摘 要: 目的探讨局部应用人纤维蛋白胶(FS)对实验性肝损伤的止血和护创作用。
43、There are two orthogonal tests aboutsoluble glass adhesive and fibrin adhesive. ─── 此课题的研究不仅具有重要的理论意义,而且具有实际意义。
44、This diagram depicts the appearance of a serous pericarditis.The amount of inflammation is minimal, so no exudation of fibrin occurs. ─── 此图所示的是严重的心包炎时呈现的外观,炎症的范围较小,没有纤维素性渗出物渗出。
45、Repair with long strips terylene patch or self pericardium reinforcement with hemostatic gauze and tissue fibrin glue was approved to be useful to treat left ventricular rupture which is a lethal complication after heart operation. ─── 左室破裂是心脏手术后的严重的并发症 ,用长涤纶补片距裂口 10mm处修补 ,外盖自身心包补片加固 ,并加用组织生物胶、止血纱布粘固是一种有效的修补方法
46、Figure 4.A, Transabdominal cross-sectional scan shows an extensie lattice network of fibrin bands (arrowheads) in ascites. ─── 图4A,经腹部横切面扫描显示腹水内分布广泛的网格样纤维带(短箭头)。
47、Ederle A,Scattolinl C,Bulighin G,et al.Does the combination of human fibrin sealant with ranitidine accelerate the healing of duodenal ulcer[J]? Ital J Gastroenterol,1991,23(6):354-356. ─── 李世勇,于波,梁振家,等.乳腺癌根治术中创面使用纤维蛋白胶促进伤口愈合的研究[J].中华外科杂志,2005,43(15):1021.
48、Li YZ,Ge BF,Liu XY,et al.The repair of osteochondral defects in rabbits using a composite of bone morphogenetic protein and fibrin sealant.Orthop J Chin,2001,8:366-368. ─── [6]李益中,葛宝丰,刘兴炎,等.骨形态形成蛋白复合纤维蛋白载体修复全厚关节软骨缺损的实验研究.中国矫形外科杂志,2001,8:366-368.
49、Factor XIII or fibrin stabilizing factor is an enzyme (EC of the blood coagulation system that crosslinks fibrin. ─── 什么是'因子十三缺陷-罕见的疾病所造成的凝血因子缺乏症'?
50、A fibrin adhesive agent was prepared from fresh human plasma by cryoprecipitation. ─── 本文应用“冷沉淀”法从人血浆中提取纤维组织粘合剂(下简称纤粘剂)。
51、Weiss C Bierhans A kinscherf R Hack V,intherT Nawroth PP Bayt schP,Tissue factor-dependent Pathway is not involued in exercise-induel formation of thrombin and fibrin [J].JAPPJ Physiol,2002 ,(1):92. ─── 张宜龙.牛磺酸对长期大强度运动训练后,大鼠自由基代谢、膜流动及钙转运变化的影响[J].运动医学杂志,1999,18(3):248-251.
52、Discover the film inside these patient uteruses is local finally prostate element constituent is unusual reach fibrin deliquescent system function is too strong. ─── 最终发现这些患者子宫内膜局部前列腺素组分异常及纤维蛋白溶解系统功能过强。
53、Methods:An agar-fibrin plate assay was compared with other assays including fibrin plate and agarose-fibrin plate to determine NK activity. ─── 方法:建立琼脂粉-纤维蛋白平板法测定纳豆激酶的活性,并对本法与纤维蛋白平板法、琼脂糖。
54、To seek for a safe and more effective solution, with the help of fibrin gastroscopy, many countries have recorded their Esophageal Foreign Body removal operations since the last 1980's. ─── 为了寻找更安全更有效的方法,自20世纪80年代起,各国均有应用纤维胃镜技术取食管异物的报告。
55、Similarly, fluorescent thrombin bound ubiquitously on the surface of fibrin clots, overlapping slightly with PS-exposing platelets. ─── 同样,荧光凝血酶约束无所不在表面的纤维蛋白凝块,重叠略有聚苯乙烯揭露血小板。
56、Malignant hypertension leads to fibrinoid necrosis of small arteries as shown here. The damage to the arteries leads to formation of pink fibrin--hence the term "fibrinoid. ─── 恶性高血压导致小动脉的纤维素样坏死。动脉的损伤导致了粉红色的纤维素形成因此称为纤维蛋白样”。
57、The fibrin often results in the the finding on physical examination of a "friction rub" as the strands of fibrin on epicardium and pericardium rub against each other. ─── 听诊时出现心包摩擦音,这是因为沉积在心外膜和心包的纤维素相互摩擦所致。
58、The acidity phosphoric acid that special Gao Nong contains to spend in prostate fluid is enzymatic, it still contains fibrin to dissolve enzymatic, the seminal fluid of curdle is new and liquefacient. ─── 前列腺液中含有特别高浓度的酸性磷酸酶,它还含有纤维蛋白溶解酶,使凝固的精液重新液化。
59、It appears pink because it is composed of fibrin and platelets. ─── 此物呈现红色,因为其是由纤维素和血小板构成的。
60、"Use Fibrin Bandages to cure Open Wounds, and Anti-Venoms to cure any poisoning.You get ailments from Zombies (known by the radio callsign Zulu), and you cannot revive in this game. ─── "使用纤维绷带治疗开放性伤口,抗毒血清治疗中毒,怪物攻击会造成你流血、骨折、中毒等异常状态,游戏中你死亡后将不能复活。"
61、But it may increase postoperative complications such as anterior chamber fibrin formation, posterior synechiae and rubeosis iridis. ─── 但术后前房炎症反应、虹膜后粘连、虹膜新生血管及眼压升高等并发症较高,需严格掌握手术适应证。
62、Open Wounds stack, hence a Fibrin Bandage may not cure all your open wounds in a single use. ─── 开放性创口状态可以叠加,使用一次纤维蛋白绷带可能无法痊愈你的所有开放性创口。
63、SFMC soluble fibrin monomer complex ─── 可溶性纤维蛋白单体复合物
64、Small fibrin thrombi can form in small arteries of brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs to produce ischemic tissue damage. ─── 小纤维蛋白血栓可在脑、心脏、肺、肾以及其它器官的小动脉中形成,引起组织缺血。
65、Its principle is to make fibrin deliquescent, reduce or purify thrombosis. ─── 其原理是使纤维蛋白溶解,减轻或去除血栓形成。
66、The gene structure, biochemical characteristics, biological functions in solubilizing fibrin, enzyme activity assay, isolation and purification of nattokinase are reviewed in this paper. ─── 本文就纳豆激酶的基因结构、生化特性、生物学功能、酶活性测定及分离纯化等方面进行了综述。
67、Materials and Methods: Under the high-resolution CT-guidance, The cystic fluid was aspirated and fibrin glue (FG) therapy were performed in all the 9 patients with sacral nerve root cysts. ─── 材料与方法:对9例骶神经根囊肿患者,在高分辨力CT引导下定位,行腰穿针经骶孔刺入神经根囊肿内,抽尽囊肿内液体。
68、Keywords fibrin giue;hemostasia;clinical therapy.; ─── 关键词纤维蛋白胶;止血;临床疗效;
69、GTZ iv 25 mg/kg and 6.25 mg/kg can shorten euglobulin lysis time(ELT),andremarkably increase the serum fibrin degradation product(FDP)and decreasefibrinogen. ─── iv 甘糖酯25 mg/kg 和6.25 mg/kg 可使家兔血浆 ELT 缩短,血清 FDP 含量增加,血浆 Fg 含量减少。
70、The pericarditis here not only has fibrin, but also hemorrhage. ─── 图示心包炎时不但有纤维素形成,而且还有出血。
71、According to the reasons of the flaw, find out the solutions and improve the welding quality of fibrin root welding. ─── 根据缺陷产生的原因,找出了解决这种特殊的根部未熔合缺陷产生的方法,提高了纤维素根焊的焊接质量。
72、and decrease the weight of plasma fibrin clot. ─── 减轻血浆纤维蛋白凝块的重量。
73、late stage fibrin degradation product ─── 晚期纤维蛋白降解产物
74、Akassoglou's team looked at the molecular-cellular interface to discoer how tissues respond to deposition of the fibrous protein, fibrin. ─── Akassoglou的研究小组通过观察分子-细胞接口发现了组织对纤维蛋白或纤维蛋白原沉积的反应。
75、Effects of nutrition such as glucose, tryptone, soybean powder, corn powder, and fibrin as well as surfactants on fibrinolysin production by B. ─── 大豆粉、玉米粉、表面活性剂和底物等对枯草杆菌产血纤维蛋白溶解酶和产酶特性的影响。
76、As an independent risk factor of atherosclerosis, fibrin(ogen) and its degradation products involve in the processes of the formation and development of atherosclerosis. ─── 作为动脉粥样硬化的独立危险因素,纤维蛋白(原)及其降解产物参与了动脉粥样硬化的形成和发展过程。
77、The chemical constituents of pod of Gleditsia sinensis Lam. have been studied.The saponin, fibrin, half fibrin, xylogen and proteins of it have been mensurated. ─── 初步研究了皂荚中所含的化学成分,测定了皂甙、纤维素、半纤维素、木质素、果胶、蛋白质相对于绝干皂荚的质量百分含量。
78、INGREDIENTS: Snow lotus Cohobation, Natural Soap Essence, Pawpaw Ferment, Fibrin, Lubajiao, Etc. ─── 雪莲纯露、天然皂角精华、木瓜酵素、纤维素、芦芭胶、金缕梅、橄榄油等。
79、The bimedical fibrin sealant (BFS) ─── 医用生物蛋白胶
80、To fibrin therapeutic use extracted from the venom of the anticoagulant effect of a substance, can be reduced fibrinogen and blood viscosity, for the treatment of arteriovenous thrombosis was good results. ─── 去纤维蛋白治疗应用从蛇毒中提取的一种抗凝作用的物质,可以降低纤维蛋白原和血液粘度,用以治疗动静脉血栓获得良好效果。
81、Microscopically, the pericardial surface here shows strands of pink fibrin extending outward. There is underlying inflammation. Eventually, the fibrin can be organized and cleared, though sometimes adhesions may remain. ─── 显微镜下在心外膜的表面可见有大量的粉红色的纤维素渗出。最终,纤维素可被吸收、清除,有时纤维素不能被吸收、清除而导致粘连。
82、Using Glass Fibrin Isolation Board Technology with adsorption mode,gas compounding is reaching 99%. Using green lead calcium alloy for board,so there is no need for water adding maintenance. ─── 吸附式玻璃纤维隔板技术,气体复合率达到99%,板栅采用环保铅钙合金不含镉,无需加水维护。
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