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09-10 投稿



inauguration 发音

英:[ɪˌnɔːɡjəˈreɪʃn]  美:[ɪˌnɔːɡjəˈreɪʃn]

英:  美:

inauguration 中文意思翻译



inauguration 词性/词形变化,inauguration变形


inauguration 同义词

preliminary | original |maiden | germinal | inauguration | primary | initiative | opening | first | introductory | initiatory | inaugural address | initial

inauguration 常用词组

inauguration ceremony ─── 就职典礼

inauguration day ─── n. 美国总统就职日

inauguration 反义词


inauguration 短语词组

1、inauguration day ─── [法] 就职日

2、inauguration speech ─── 就职演讲

3、inauguration ceremony ─── 就职典礼

4、inauguration of a state ─── 开国大典

5、inauguration caremony ─── [法] 就职典礼, 开幕典礼, 落成典礼

inauguration 相似词语短语

1、inaugurations ─── n.就职典礼;开始,开创;开幕式

2、inauguratory ─── adj.开始的;就职的(等于inaugural)

3、inaugurator ─── n.开创者;举行就职典礼者

4、inaugurated ─── v.开始;开幕(inaugurate的过去分词);使正式就任

5、inaugurating ─── vt.创新;开辟;开创;举行开幕典礼;举行就职典礼

6、inquiration ─── 询问

7、inaugurates ─── vt.创新;开辟;开创;举行开幕典礼;举行就职典礼

8、inaugurate ─── vt.创新;开辟;开创;举行开幕典礼;举行就职典礼

9、induration ─── n.硬化;[医]硬结;顽固;无情

inauguration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For the inauguration of his Suzhou Museum of the Suzhou City, China, I.M. Pei wished a selection of ink paintings by Zao Wou-Ki planned for six months. ─── 2006为了祝贺好友贝聿铭设计的苏州博物馆的开幕,赵无极精选部分水墨画作品,在苏州博物馆的展厅进行了长达6个月的特展。

2、Washington is almost ready for a weekend packed with events, leading up to the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama. ─── 华盛顿几乎已经在周末为迎接选出的新一任总统巴拉克.奥巴马的就职典礼做好了准备。

3、He said that the inauguration of CHP today is in itself quite a remarkable achievement in the space of less than one year . ─── 他说生防护中心于不足一年内成立,本身亦是一项重要的成就。

4、Two days before the inauguration, when a preacher told a crowd that Mr Obama was not the Messiah, he was booed (in jest, one hopes). ─── 在就职典礼前两天,有一位传教士对听众说奥巴马并非弥赛亚,得到的却是一片嘘声(希望这只是玩笑)。

5、He got the GOP equivalent of rock-star treatment when he came to Washington last January for Bush's Inauguration. ─── 去年一月他到华盛顿参加布什就职典礼的时候,得到了共和党对待摇滚歌星的待遇。

6、He said that the inauguration of CHP today is in itself quite a remarkable achievement in the space of less than one year. ─── 他说生防护中心于不足一年内成立,本身亦是一项重要的成就。

7、A railway carried it up the 2,343-foot mountain for the 1931 inauguration. ─── 1931年,为举行落成典礼,通过铁路把它运送到2343英尺高的山上。

8、They were handed back by former policeman Donald Card at a ceremony marking the inauguration of an archive of mr.Mandela's life. ─── 在曼德拉生平陈列中心的揭幕仪式上,前狱警唐纳德·卡德将日记本物归原主。

9、A president who refused to put off unpleasant decisions, as Mr Obama promised during his inauguration, would be honest about all this. ─── 就像奥巴马先生在就职典礼上所承诺的那样,如果一位总统拒绝推迟执行令人不快的决策,他就该坦诚面对所有这一切。

10、Members of the Assembly! Comrades! Today's inauguration of the Border Region Assembly of Representatives is of great significance. ─── 各位参议员先生,各位同志:今天边区参议会开幕,是有重大意义的。

11、The inauguration of the new center in central Los Angeles featured entertainment in keeping with the multicultural setting. ─── 位于落山鸡地理中央的新中心开幕式展现娱乐表演为主,以此来与多元这个大背景保持一致。

12、His inauguration speech was a veiled warning not to take his campaign hype at face value. ─── 他的就职演说中暗含的意思,是想提醒人们在看待他的竞选承诺时不要光看表面。

13、My fellow citizens: At this last presidential inauguration of the 20th century, let us lift our eyes toward the challenges that await us in the next century. ─── 同胞们,今天是20世纪最后一任总统就职典礼,让我们一道来远眺我们在下一世纪将会遇到的挑战。

14、On January 11, 1983, I took the oath of office for the second time, before the largest crowd ever to attend an inauguration in our state. ─── 1983年1月11日,在一大群民众面前,我第二次宣誓任职州长,在我们阿肯色州,有这么多人参加州长的就职典礼,还是头一回。

15、After his inauguration as provisional, or temporary, president in February 1861, Davis sent a peace commission to Washington. ─── 在他于1861年就职临时总统后,大卫斯立刻派遣一队和平委员会到华盛顿。

16、Adams was very unhappy when he left office. He did not attend the inauguration of he next President, Thomas Jefferson. ─── 亚当卸任时很不愉快。他没有参加下任总统托马斯·杰弗逊的就职典礼。

17、Gallup poll showed that 45% of Americans identify with or lean towards the Democratic Party, down from 52% around the time of Mr Obama's inauguration. ─── 一项盖普洛民间调查显示45%的美国人民认同或倾向于民主党,比奥巴马宣布就职其间的52%所有所下降。

18、Rodin exhibition in Tokyo. Display of drawings at the Nouvelle Bibliotheque in Lyons. Inauguration of the Rodin Room in the Metropolitan Museum of New York. ─── 于东京举办展览。在里昂新图书馆展示绘画作品。纽约大都会博物馆罗丹馆揭幕。

19、The1 st phase is estimated to be completed in3 months if the construction goes well and it will dispose of1,000 tons of waste each day upon its inauguration. ─── 如果施工顺利,预计三个月可以完成一期工程,技入使用后每天可处理垃圾1000吨。

20、The inauguration was a big event. ─── 就职仪式是一场盛典。

21、The party began several hours ahead of the inauguration ceremony in the sleepy fishing town in western Japan, which has turned into the nation's leading cheerleader for Obama. ─── 在这个寂静的日本西部小渔村,庆祝大会在就职典礼前几小时开始,成为全日本率先开始替欧巴马加油的啦啦队。

22、When the inauguration is over, please exit according to the entrance route. ─── 六、大会结束后,请按入场时的路线退场。

23、"I believe my most important aims will be to protect civil and economic freedoms," he told guests at the inauguration, broadcast live on state television. ─── “我相信我最主要的目标是保护公民的经济自由,”在他的就职典礼上他告诉客人们,国家电视台现场广播。

24、Tuesday's swearing-in is expected to set records from the largest crowds to the most intense security of any inauguration. ─── 奥巴马周二的宣誓就职预计会成为史上参加民众最多,安全保障最严的一次就职仪式。

25、Mr Nutter's inauguration in January 2008 saw Philadelphians waiting for up to four hours outside City Hall to shake his hand. ─── 2008年1月,纳特宣誓就职,当时费城人在市政府外苦等四个钟头,来同新市长握手。

26、The President of the United States holds inauguration every four years. ─── 例句美国总统的就职典礼每四年举行一次。

27、A new website hopes to save guests at president-elect Barack Obama's inauguration balls from the ultimate fashion faux pas -- wearing the same dress as someone else. ─── 一个新的网站新闻希望能够使奥巴马就职典礼上的宾客免受时尚尴尬--与别人穿同样的衣服!

28、In the run-up to the inauguration, Mr Medvedev has been far less visible than Mr Putin. ─── 在就职典礼前的这一段时间里,普京的出镜率比梅德韦杰夫要高得多。

29、Around a hundred curious people attended the inauguration today, and they were able to taste delicacies from Gattuso's land, Calabria, for free. ─── 今天近百位好朋友受邀参加了开张仪式,免费品尝加图索家乡卡拉布里亚风味的美食。

30、A survey found that73% of the public had a favorable impression of Abni's inauguration speech, and63% believed his stance would improve cross strait relations. ─── 一项民调讲有七成八耶郎对阿扁总统就职耶演讲感觉满意,嘛有六成三认为伊对两岸耶关系耶改善有帮助。

31、Meantime, federal and local authorities are putting the finishing touch es on their security plan for Tuesday's inauguration. ─── 与此同时,联邦和当局正在为周二的就职典礼做最后的安全准备。

32、On the third anniversary of Nixon's Inauguration Day we were in the thick of planning an event nobody imagined possible in 1969: the visit of a United States President to Beijing. ─── 在尼克松总统宣誓就职三周年的时候,我们正忙于准备一件大事:美国总统访问北京。这在1969年是谁也不能想像的。

33、Sauer,58, is known as a rather timid partner of the German chancellor. He did not even go to her inauguration in late2005. ─── 今年58岁的萨奥尔生性羞涩,他甚至没有参加2005年底默克尔的总理就职仪式。

34、I am pleased to send my warmest congratulations to you on the inauguration of your new headquarters. ─── 值此新总部大楼揭幕之际,我很高兴地对你们表示最热烈的祝贺。

35、Adams was very unhappy when he left office. He did not attend the inauguration of he next President, Thomas Jefferson. ─── 亚当卸任时很不愉快。他没有参加下任总统托马斯·杰弗逊的就职典礼。

36、It is very unusual because most popular Cabinets lose their support one month after their inauguration. ─── 她曾经由于把前任首相森喜郎说成"死鸭子"和"债务国王"而遭处分。

37、The president-elect had said he wanted most U. S. combat troops out of Iraq within 16 months of his inauguration. ─── 奥巴马曾表示,希望大部分美军作战部队在他就职之后16个月内从伊拉克撤出。

38、Obama waits backstage before stepping out onto the inauguration stand. ─── 奥巴马在走出去参加宣誓仪式之前在后台等待。

39、In the leadup to the Civil War, South Carolina and six other states seceded from the Union before Lincoln's inauguration in March 1861. ─── 南北战争前,南卡罗莱纳州和其他六州在林肯一八六一年三月的就职典礼前退出美国。

40、Chateau Talbot has a history of over 100 years in wine production.The ownership of the vineyard has been held in the hands of the Cordier family since its inauguration. ─── 大宝庄座落在圣祖利安村的西部,在1855年的酒庄评级中被评为四级名庄。

41、The inauguration was set to resemble a coronation. ─── 该就职典礼被设计成一个类似加冕典礼的仪式。

42、They later attended the inauguration of the University. ─── 他们后来参加了该大学的成立典礼。

43、Chen Shuibian flies back to Taiwan Tuesday from Costa Rica, where he attended the inauguration of Costa Rican President Oscar Arias on Monday. ─── 他星期一在那里参加了哥斯达黎加总统奥斯卡.阿里亚斯的就职仪式。

44、Sadly, their release was delayed until the day of President Reagan's inauguration, proof that all leaders play politics, even in a theocracy. ─── 可悲的是,人质的获释一直拖到里根总统的就职典礼那天,这证明了所有的领导人都爱玩弄政治权术,神权国家也不例外。

45、South Korea's new President Lee Myung-bak (L) and outgoing President Roh Moo-hyun laugh after Lee's inauguration at parliament in Seoul in this Feb. 25, 2008 file photo. ─── 2008年2月25日,首尔,资料照片。在韩国新总统李明博的国会就职仪式上,李明博与卢武铉亲切交谈。

46、At the inauguration,the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court swore in the new President. ─── 在总统就职仪式上,联邦最高法院总检察长主持了新总统宣誓就职。

47、The case method received a major boost in 1948 with the inauguration of the Interuniversity Case Program (ICP). ─── 1948年校际案例计划(ICP)的启动给予了案例方法一个极大的推动力。

48、He invited the leaders of the Puerto Rican independence party to his inauguration and unveiled a status of Che Guevara a few days later. ─── 他邀请波多黎各独立党的领导人参加他的就职典礼,过了几天又举行了切格瓦拉塑像的揭幕典礼。

49、The two preachers who spoke at the inauguration put it more forcefully. ─── 在就职典礼上发言的两位牧师说的更加有力。

50、In the lead up to the Civil War, South Carolina and six other states seceded from the Union before Lincoln's inauguration in March 1861. ─── 同年4月,南卡罗来纳州的森普特堡传来第一响炮声,象征持续4年的南北战争揭开序幕。由他当选成为总统到他正式就任,有7个州宣布脱离联邦独立。

51、One day I was invited by the Reverend Robert Jenkins to his inauguration as the new pastor of Morning Star Baptist Church. ─── 一天,我接到了罗伯特.詹金斯牧师的邀请,去出席他就任晨星浸礼会教堂牧师的仪式。

52、Large crowds gathered to see this Portrait of Bill Clinton, drawn on his inauguration as 41st president of the USA. ─── 一群人争看比尔克林顿的画像,画于其当选为美国第41任总统的就职仪式上。

53、The time of his inauguration was a time of tension and fear about nuclear weapons. ─── 他就职的时候正是核武器引起的紧张和恐慌的时期。

54、And Washington is getting ready for the presidential inauguration, holding a rehearsal today. ─── 华盛顿已经准备好了总统的就职典礼,并进行了彩排。

55、The picture shows Dr.Gustav Humbert, Airbus President and CEO delivers his speech at the inauguration ceremony of Airbus (Beijing) Engineering Centre. ─── 图为空中客车公司总裁兼首席执行官洪博达博士在空中客车公司(北京)工程技术中心开业典礼上致词。

56、In the United States, Inauguration Day is the day on which the President of the United States is sworn in and takes office. ─── 在美国,就职日是这一天的美国总统宣誓就职,并就职。

57、The inauguration of a new 'President is the central sacrament of American democracy-- a time of rekindled hope and rising expectation. ─── 一位新总统的就职是美国民主的主要圣礼,也是重新燃起希望和激发更大期待的时刻。

58、In the months before Lincoln's inauguration, President James Buchanan tried to deal with the situation. ─── 在林肯就职的前几个月,詹姆士.布坎南总统试图解决当前的困境。

59、Newly elected Chechen president Alu Alkhanov looks on during his inauguration in Grozny, Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2004, Nearly five months after his predecessor was assassinated. ─── 10月5日,俄罗斯车臣共和国当选总统阿尔哈诺夫在车臣首府格罗兹尼宣誓就职。约5个月前,阿尔哈诺夫的前任被暗杀。

60、During the ceremony celebrating the signing, groundbreaking and inauguration of 146 local projects, the Doumen District Administrative Service Center was formally opened. ─── 在斗门区举行146个项目签约、动工、投产仪式的同时,斗门区行政服务中心也正式挂牌运作。

61、At the inauguration , the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court swore in the new President . ─── 在总统就职仪式上,联邦最高法院总检察长主持了新总统宣誓就职。

62、The inauguration ceremony for the new building will be held this morning. ─── 今天上午将举行新厦的落成典礼。

63、Inspired by Roman triumphal arches, this structure was erected in 1889 to celebrate the centennial of George Washington‘s inauguration. ─── 华盛顿广场拱门的设计灵感来自于罗马凯旋拱门,于1889年为了庆祝乔治华盛顿就职典礼100周年而建。

64、He did not attend the inauguration of he next President, Thomas Jefferson. ─── 他没有参加下任总统托马斯?杰弗逊的就职典礼。

65、"Americans might care a lot about the presidential inauguration, but Chinese may not be very interested. ─── “美国人可能很关心总统的就职典礼,但中国人可能没那么感兴趣。”

66、June, 2007 awarded the honorary Doctor degree by the (Zhu La Long Gong) Buddhist University of Thailand; Attending the inauguration of the first Buddhism channel in Srilanka. ─── 2007年6月被泰国朱拉隆功佛学大学授予教育学名誉博士学位。应邀率团参加斯里兰卡第一个佛教电视频道“佛教”的开播仪式。

67、On September 27th, 2007, the ”Inauguration Ceremony” of the Taiwan Hot Spring Tourism Association's New Chairman was held at King's Resort &Spa, Tai-an Township, Miaoli County. ─── 2007年9月27日来自全省温泉乡的业者们,齐聚在苗栗县泰安乡锦水温泉饭店,见证了中华民国温泉观光协会新旧理事长的交接仪式。

68、On Inauguration Day, the swearing in of (a) President will reflect the pomp and circumstance of a coronation ceremony, with dignitaries from around the world in attendance. ─── 在就职日,来自世界各地达官显要的出席,使总统的就职宣誓仪式,如同国王加冕典礼一般的华丽与隆重。

69、Sauer, 58, is known as a rather timid partner of the German chancellor.He did not even go to her inauguration in late 2005. ─── 今年58岁的萨奥尔生性羞涩,他甚至没有参加2005年底默克尔的总理就职仪式。

70、"The president will have done as much as possible in the 10 months between his inauguration and Copenhagen," Bookbinder said. ─── “总统先生应该在距离哥本哈根会谈十个月的时间内尽量多做一些事,”布克班德说。

71、Between Franklin Roosevelt's first election victory in November 1932 and his inauguration in March 1933 America's economy spiralled even further down. ─── 从1932年11月FranklinRoosevelt首次选举获胜到1933年3月他的就职典礼之间,美国经济日趋恶化。

72、The inauguration was a solemn event. ─── 就职典礼是一件隆重的大事。

73、The main Dow Jones Index dropped more than 4%, the biggest one-day fall in nearly two months and a record fall in Inauguration day. ─── 主要道琼斯指数下滑超过4%,是近两个月来跌的罪厉害的一天,创下了当选日以来的最低记录。

74、On my way to class this morning, in front of Sproul Hall, there were a ton of people there waiting to watch the inauguration on the big screen the school had set up. ─── 在我上学路上,在sproulhall前面(也就是学校大门口)聚集了一帮子人,等着看总统就职呢,学校在那里杵了个大屏幕。

75、On the third anniversary of Nixon's Inauguration Day we were in the thick of planning an event nobody imagined possible in 1969: the visit of a United States President to Peking. ─── 在尼克松总统宣誓就职三周年的时候,我们正忙于准备一件大事:美国总统访问北京。这在1969年是谁也不能想像的。

76、They pitched into presidential inauguration to celebrate the important moment of the country. ─── 他们全力投入总统就职典礼来庆祝国家重要的一刻。

77、Chinese teen to attend Obama inauguration. ─── 中国青少年出席奥巴马就职.

78、A coronation was a big event, like our president's inauguration. ─── 在那个年代,加冕典礼是件大事,更甚于现在的总统就职典礼。

79、They were handed back by former policeman Donald Card at a ceremony marking the inauguration of an archive of Mr Mandela's life. ─── 在曼德拉生平陈列中心的揭幕仪式上,前狱警唐纳德·卡德将日记本物归原主。

80、The son of a Chinese dissident says his father has disappeared, just days before he was to attend a U.S. consulate reception to mark Barack Obama's inauguration. ─── 中国持不同意见的活动人士姚立法的儿子说,他的父亲在要参加美国驻武汉领事馆举办庆祝欧巴马就职招待会的几天之前失踪了。

81、Having attended the grand inauguration of our new factory, we all believe Tetra Pak will have a great future. ─── 刚刚参加完盛大的利乐新厂开业典礼,每个人都看到了公司美好的前景。

82、Inauguration of new school building and Anglican Heritage Centre (converted from the old general office). ─── 圣中新校舍与"圣中文物馆"(由旧办公室改建)落成。

83、On Saturday, January 20,1945, the fourth inauguration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt was conducted without fanfare. ─── 1945年1月20日,星期六,富兰克林 - D - 罗斯福的第四任就职仪式没有大排

84、An Internet library aimed to be accessible to surfers around the world is now on line, with its formal inauguration in Paris on Tuesday. ─── 一个旨在为世界各地冲浪者提供方便的网上图书馆目前已上线,该图书馆于周二在巴黎完成其正式落成典礼。

85、For the inauguration of the Alcalade XXXI Stadium a game was scheduled between Sporting and Manchester United. ─── 为了阿尔瓦拉德球场的开幕式,安排了一场里斯本竞技和曼联的比赛。

86、Less than six weeks before his inauguration, Obama declined to say how large an economic stimulus plan he envisions. ─── 他说:“现在首要的任务是为病人‘输血’以稳定其病情。

87、At his inauguration last month, the president said his administration would reach out to rival states, declaring "we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist. ─── 在上一个月他的就职仪式上,总统说他的政府将进入竞争阶段,宣布“我们将伸出一只手,如果你愿意松开你紧握的拳头。”

88、The somber, elegiac tones before President Obama's oath of office at the inauguration on Tuesday came from the instruments of Yo-Yo Ma, Itzhak ... ─── 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏奥巴马就职典礼丑闻//马友友的大提琴是放的录音,不是现场表演//纽约时报消息源查看全文2009-01-2417:19:29

89、Three celebrated tenors sang at the president's inauguration. ─── 3位著名的男高音歌手在总统就职仪式上演唱。

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