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09-10 投稿


bosomed 发音

英:[[bʊ'zəmd]]  美:[[bʊ'zəmd]]

英:  美:

bosomed 中文意思翻译






bosomed 常用词组

bosom friend ─── 知己;知心朋友;契友

in the bosom of ─── 在(亲人)之间

bosomed 短语词组

1、bosomed meaning ─── 波美体意思

2、full-bosomed ─── [网络] 全身心

bosomed 词性/词形变化,bosomed变形


bosomed 相似词语短语

1、bloomed ─── adj.模糊的;无反射的;v.盛开;兴旺;把钢锭等轧成坯块;使模糊(bloom的过去分词)

2、bottomed ─── adj.底的;(处于)底层的;v.给(鞋子)装底;查明…的原因;使到达底部(bottom的过去分词)

3、bosom ─── n.胸;胸怀;中间;胸襟;内心;乳房;内部;vt.怀抱;把…藏在心中;adj.知心的;亲密的;n.(Bosom)人名;(西)博索姆

4、boomed ─── n.繁荣;(某种体育运动、音乐等)突然风靡的时期;吊杆;隆隆声;水栅;帆桁;v.使兴旺;发隆隆声;急速发展;用低沉的声音讲话;鸣叫;n.(Boom)(美、荷、俄、英、比、德)博姆(人名)

5、besomed ─── n.扫帚,扫把;长柄细枝扫帚,长把帚,竹扫帚;v.(用扫帚)清扫,扫地

6、unbosomed ─── vt.吐露;透露;vi.剖明心迹;吐露心事

7、blossomed ─── 长成(blossom的过去式和过去分词);发展(blossom的过去式和过去分词);开花(blossom的过去式和过去分词)

8、imbosomed ─── vt.围住;怀抱(等于embosom)

9、embosomed ─── vt.围绕;环绕;怀抱;珍爱

bosomed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Engraves it on the contrary deeply into my bosom. ─── 反将它深刻地镌进了我的怀里。

2、Did she also take the skunkto her bosom? ─── 她把臭鼬也抱在怀里吗?

3、She drew a little book from her bosom. ─── 她从怀里取出一本小册子。

4、He had learned not to be a philosopher in the bosom of his family. ─── 他已经懂得不能在家人之间充当哲学家。

5、A summer palace was half bosomed in trees. ─── 一座夏宫半掩在大树的怀抱里。

6、Winding finger. Body. Without the residual heat bosom. ─── [缠绕的手指.身体.没有馀温的怀抱.

7、She clasped her child to her bosom. ─── 她把孩子紧紧揽在怀里。

8、He bared his bosom to the crowd. ─── 他向众人袒示胸怀。

9、He exchanged intimacies with his bosom friend at the party. ─── 在晚会上,他和他的密友亲密交谈。

10、She resolved to keep the secret in her bosom. ─── 她决定把这一秘密藏在心中。

11、And Naomi took the child and laid him on her bosom, and she became his nurse. ─── 16拿俄米就把孩子抱在怀中,作他的养母。

12、Her bosom rose and fell as she breathed. ─── 她的胸脯随着呼吸而高低起伏。

13、Her bosom plimmed gradually. ─── 她的胸脯逐渐丰满起来。

14、Never warm a snake in your bosom. ─── 决不能养虎贻患。

15、Have I not described a pleasant site for a dwelling, when I speak of it as bosomed in hill and wood, and rising from the verge of a stream? ─── 我在说这个地方掩映在山林之中,坐落在溪流之畔时,不是把它描绘成一个舒适的住处吗?

16、Helen is the woman he has taken to his bosom. ─── 他娶做妻子的女人是海伦。

17、He kneads her shoulders and neck tenderly and let her head against his bosom. ─── 他轻柔地按摩她的肩膀,颈项,让她的头靠在他的胸前。

18、Her ample bosom wobbled as she laughed. ─── 她丰满的乳房随着她的笑声颤动着。

19、"Hurts" verymuch;Then directly sneaked in the help more bosom. ─── 一句"真是很疼"然后径直地钻进了援越的怀里。

20、He spent his weekend in the bosom of his family. ─── 他在家庭团聚中度他的周末。

21、She bosomed her birthday card. ─── 她把生日贺卡揣在怀里。

22、My try is "the boundless prairie broaden my bosom". ─── "无边的草原使我心胸驺然开阔"

23、They destroy themselves even in the bosom of happiness. ─── 他们甚至在幸福的怀抱中把自己毁灭。

24、She clasped the baby to her bosom. ─── 她把孩子紧紧抱在怀里。

25、Do not be quick to anger, for anger lodges in the bosom of fools. ─── 你不要心里急躁恼怒,因为恼怒存在愚昧人的怀中。

26、Because can meet bosom friend in the person's whole life really not easy. ─── 因为在人的一生中,可遇到知己真的不易。

27、How he fondles and caresses it, as a child resting on his bosom! ─── 他把它怀抱在胸中,抚它、亲它、偎它!

28、quite stunning with large dark eyes and a beautiful high- bosomed figure; ─── 大大的黑色眼睛,美妙的、高耸的乳房,非常迷人;

29、He felt against his shirt, the agitation of her bosom. ─── 他感到她的胸脯贴住自己的衬衫,不断地一起一伏。

30、Go to your bosom; knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know. ─── 到你的胸前,敲敲门,问你的心看它到底知晓什麽。

31、She wore a flower on the bosom of her dress. ─── 在衣服的胸襟上,她戴了一朵花。

32、LESLIE and TONY, two lower middle-class bachelors, are bosom friends. ─── 世上到底有没有不败的爱情招数?

33、He nursed resentment against you in his bosom. ─── 他对你怀恨在心。

34、When he heard of the project, the dean clutched it to his bosom. ─── 主任一听说这个项目就非常喜欢。

35、She clutched the child to her bosom. ─── 她把孩子搂在怀里。

36、Enjoying the bosom of Mother. ─── 依偎在母亲怀里。

37、He held the sleepy child to his bosom. ─── 他把昏昏欲睡的小孩抱在怀里

38、A dumb and grumbling anger swelled his bosom. ─── 他心里涌起一股无名怒火。

39、She pressed the baby to her bosom. ─── 她把婴儿紧紧地抱在怀里。

40、His story has come home to my bosom. ─── 他的故事使我内心深为感动。

41、May allah take him into the bosom of the afterlife.Inshallah. ─── 听听听听听听听听听听 He will be sorely missed.

42、No difference heart in one's bosom is genuine asceticism. ─── 二一、内心没有分别心,就是真正的苦行。

43、A Summer Palace was half bosomed in trees. ─── 一座夏宫半掩在大树的怀抱里。

44、She pressed the child to her bosom . ─── 她把孩子紧搂在怀里。

45、Happy are you, Hester that wear the scarlet letter openly upon your bosom! ─── 你是有幸的,海丝特,因为你能把红字公开地戴在胸前!

46、His Broad bosom soothes my restlessness. ─── 他的宽容平息我的狂燥。

47、X line bosom is clairvoyant, see horizontal midriff apophysis. ─── x线胸部透视,可见到横膈隆起。

48、She held the child to her bosom. ─── 她把小孩抱在怀里。

49、So, very soon the public bosom closed. ─── 因此,公众的胸怀很快就被关闭了。

50、full-bosomed women; the green-bosomed earth. ─── 胸部丰满的女人;大地绿色的胸怀。

51、She had twelve intimate and bosom friends out of the twenty-four young ladies. ─── 二十四个同学里面,倒有十二个是她的心腹朋友。

52、His sorrows were locked in his own bosom. ─── 他把满腹悲伤埋在心里。

53、If only you have got a bosom friend, there is meaning in your life. ─── 人生得一知己,斯则世同怀视之。

54、In the bosom of the palpitating air! ─── 在空气跳颤的胸中!

55、She bosomed her letter. ─── 她把信揣在怀里。

56、The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. ─── 后来那讨饭的死了,被天使带去放在亚伯拉罕的怀里。

57、He pressed her to his bosom. ─── 他把她紧紧拥抱在胸前。

58、His grandfather is in Abraham's bosom. ─── 他祖父安息了.

59、The round-bosomed maid came in, drew the curtains, pushed back a log, and said consolingly: "Verra--vera. " ─── 胸部丰满的女佣进来了,她拉上窗帘,往火炉里捅进一块木柴,并安慰地说:“维拉——维拉。”

60、He came from Delilah's lap to abraham's bosom. ─── 他改恶从善了。

61、And in your fragrant bosom dies. ─── 在你那芬芳的怀抱中死去。

62、She took pity on him only when he adopted the disguise of a bedraggled cuckoo, and tenderly warmed him in her bosom. ─── 后来宙斯隐身为一只羽毛披乱的杜鹃鸟,赫拉这才可怜他,温柔疼护地把他放在怀里取暖。

63、Need not how can the method of the operation make bosom greatens? ─── 不用手术的方法怎样能使胸部变大?

64、His Italian listeners were taken to his bosom, and their hearts beat with his. ─── 他喜欢他的意大利听众,他们也和他心连心。

65、You can't show your bosom before three o'clock. ─── 下午三点之前你不能露胸口。

66、She strained the boy to her bosom. ─── 她把那个男孩紧紧地搂在怀中。

67、Why to meet paroxysmal bosom is frowsty, is breath hurried? ─── 为何会突发性胸闷,呼吸急促?

68、Did she also take the skunk to her bosom? ─── 她把臭鼬也抱在怀里吗?

69、He did not mention it even in the bosom of his family. ─── 他甚至在自家人中也未提及此事。

70、The robber thrust his sword through the travelers bosom. ─── 中文:那强盗以刀刺穿了那旅客的胸部。

71、In the bosom of such as these the spirit dwells in rhythmic silence. ─── 在这种人的心里,灵魂寓于自然韵律的寂静中。

72、Do you think retractive in his bosom? ─── 你想缩进他的怀抱里吗?

73、She strained the boy to her bosom . ─── 她把那个男孩紧紧地搂在怀中?

74、A certain excitement began stirring in his bosom. ─── 一阵激动涌上了他的心头。

75、Does cummer go can you accept grand bosom? ─── 女友去隆胸你会接受吗?

76、He wore a pin in the bosom of his shirt. ─── 他在胸前的衬衣上戴了个别针。

77、Go, counsellor; thou and my bosom henceforth shall be twain. ─── 去,我的顾问;从此以后,我再也不把你当作心腹看待了。

78、A dark jealousy stirred in his bosom. ─── 他内心生出一阵恶毒的嫉妒。

79、In his patient, generous bosom he bears the anguish of a world. ─── 他那宽宏大量的胸膛承受着人间一切苦难。

80、He lay beneath an ample-bosomed maple tree near the guest-shack, and joyously felt sleep running through his veins. ─── 他躺在棚屋旁边一株鲜花盛开的槭树下面,只觉得愉快的睡意流遍了脉管。

81、She bosomed her birthday card. ─── 她把生日贺卡揣在怀里。

82、Her profuse skirt bosomed out with the gusts. ─── 她的宽大的裙子被风吹得鼓鼓的。

83、He's twenty-one yet still lives in the bosom of his family. ─── 他21岁了,但仍然与父母和兄弟姐妹住在一起。

84、She felt an ache in her bosom. ─── 她感到心里疼痛。

85、Your destiny rests in your own bosom. ─── 你的命运在你的内心中。

86、They were saved, were taken into the bosom of the Lord. ─── 他们被拯救了,被带到了上帝的怀中。

87、She strained her little baby to her bosom. ─── 她把她的婴儿紧紧搂在怀里。

88、She feels an ache in her bosom. ─── 她感到胸痛。

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