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09-10 投稿



unspotted 发音

英:[ˌʌnˈspɑːtɪd]  美:[ʌnˈspɒtɪd]

英:  美:

unspotted 中文意思翻译



unspotted 网络释义

adj. 清白的;无瑕疵的;无污点的

unspotted 词性/词形变化,unspotted变形

名词: unspottedness |

unspotted 反义词


unspotted 同义词

unvoiced | unexpressed | undeclared | assumed | unuttered | unverbalized | understood | implicit | unsaid | unstated | wordless | unverbalised | tacit |connotation | silent | mute | tongueless

unspotted 短语词组

1、Unspotted Saw-whet Owl ─── 无斑点的猫头鹰

unspotted 相似词语短语

1、sunspotted ─── 日光浴

2、bespotted ─── 盆栽

3、unpotted ─── 未印刷

4、spotted ─── adj.有斑点的;斑纹的;弄污的;v.发现(spot的过去分词);玷污;弄上污痕;n.(Spotted)人名;(英)斯波蒂德

5、undotted ─── undoted

6、respotted ─── 呼吸

7、unblotted ─── 未开图

8、-spotted ─── adj.有斑点的;斑纹的;弄污的;v.发现(spot的过去分词);玷污;弄上污痕;n.(Spotted)人名;(英)斯波蒂德

9、unshotted ─── unshoted

unspotted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She is a virgin, a most unspotted lily. ─── 她是个纯洁的少女,一朵洁白无瑕的百合花。

2、There are but two things that chiefly excite us to love woman, an attractive beauty and unspotted fame. ─── 能引起我们去爱女人的,主要只有两样东西:动人的美,和清白的名声。

3、There are but two things that chiefly excite us to love women, an attractive beauty and unspotted fame. ─── 能引起我们去爱女人的,只要只有两样东西,动人的美貌和清白的名声。

4、beheld divinity in the "unspotted innocence" of nature. ─── 自然才是神圣的“洁白无瑕”

5、Unspotted Saw-whet Owl ─── n. 白眉鬼鸮

6、remained unsuspected as the head of the spy ring; he was able to get into the building unspotted and unsuspected. ─── 当间谍头子按门铃的时候仍未引起怀疑;他能清白的无嫌疑地进入房屋。

7、Leaf indumentum composed of branched hairs, leaf blade broadly-elliptic, base auriculate-cordate or slightly cordate; corolla unspotted. ─── 由分枝毛,叶片宽椭圆形,心形基部耳形的或稍心形组成的叶毛被;花冠没有斑点。(35

8、But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb unspotted and undefiled. ─── 而是用宝血,即无玷无瑕的羔羊基督的宝血。

9、And I will understand in the unspotted way, when thou shalt come to me. I walked in the innocence of my heart, in the midst of my house. ─── 走到上主面前,应该欢呼!

10、27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. ─── 27在神我们的父面前,那清洁没有玷污的虔诚,就是看顾在患难中的孤儿寡妇,并且保守自己不沾染世俗。

11、It was a new humanity unspotted with sin that He offered to the death of the cross. ─── 那是一个新的人,没有罪的污秽,献在十字架上受死。

12、he was able to get into the building unspotted and unsuspected. ─── 他能清白的无嫌疑地进入房屋。

13、He was able to get into the building unspotted and unsuspected. ─── 他能清白、不受怀疑地走入大楼。

14、" Fear of the very appearance of evil is a purifying principle, which enables a man, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to keep his garments unspotted from the world. ─── 远离试探诱惑,清心祷告主,是敬虔度日的原则,同时藉著圣灵的保守,上帝使我们在世,毫无玷污或皱纹。

15、This is pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. ─── 在神与父面前,那清洁没有玷污的虔敬,就是看顾在患难中的孤儿寡妇,保守自己不受世界玷污。

16、See glaze quality: Lubricious liquid is taken on glaze drop, number is wiped with wet cloth after second, glaze unspotted is beautiful. ─── 看釉面质量:在釉面滴上带色的液体,数秒钟后用湿布擦干,釉面无斑点的为佳。

17、Yet now he hath reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unspotted, and blameless before him: ─── 可是现今天主却以他血肉的身体,藉着死亡使你们与自己和好了,把你们呈献在他跟前,成为圣洁、无瑕和无可指摘的,

18、Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. ─── 在父上帝眼中,那纯洁没有缺点的虔诚便是:照顾在苦难中的孤儿寡妇和保守自己不受世界的腐化。

19、Water lily remains unspotted from sludge.If we avoid the sludge and plant it in the dry land, it would have been dead long time ago. ─── 荷花居污泥而不染,若为怕水污而种在旱地上,它早就枯死了。

20、3.She is a virgin, a most unspotted lily. ─── (她是个纯洁的少女,一朵洁白无暇的百合花。

21、Then study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman not ashamed, rightly dividing the words of truth, keeping self unspotted from the world; ─── 通过研修使得自己为上帝所首肯,无愧于他的做工人,正确地讲述真理之言,是自己不沾物质世界的尘埃;

22、And gave him a new one all unspotted. ─── 然后递给他一张全新洁白的纸。

23、The leopard, especially in its black, unspotted form. ─── 豹无斑点的豹,尤指黑背

24、But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb unspotted and undefiled, ─── 而是用宝血,即无玷无瑕的羔羊基督的宝血。

25、Jam 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. ─── 雅1:27在神我们的父面前,那清洁没有玷污的虔诚,就是看顾在患难中的孤儿寡妇,并且保守自己不沾染世俗。

26、In unspotted species, Yellow is made only at low levels throughout the wing, generating just a light dusting of black pigment. ─── 那些翅翼完全没有斑点的果蝇,整个翅翼Yellow蛋白质浓度都很低,只会制造微量的黑色素。

27、She is not very bright, but the only completely good person I know. Maybe you have to have a fairly low I.Q. to remain unspotted from the world. ─── 她不很聪明,但她是我所认识的完美无瑕的好人。或许只有智商相当低下才能做到出污泥而不染。

28、My Father, keep me Day by Day; Guide Thou my footsteps all the way, Keep me unspotted, free from sin, loyal without and pure within. ─── 恳求我天父,日日常看顾;步步蒙导领,行此一生路!保我无玷污,远离众罪辜;内蕴接纯洁,外显必忠恕!

29、14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who by the Holy Ghost offered himself unspotted unto God, cleanse our conscience from dead works, to serve the living God? ─── 何况基督的血呢?他藉著永生的神,已把自己毫无瑕疵的奉献于天主,他的血岂不更能洁净我们的良心,除去死亡的行为,好去事奉生活的天主?

30、And gave him a new one all unspotted. ─── 然后递给他一张全新洁白的纸。

31、We must keep ourselves unspotted from this world! ─── 我们必须保守自己不沾染世俗!

32、Leaves white pubescent on both surfaces. Tepals white or pale rose, unspotted. ─── 叶白色短柔毛在两面。花被白色或者苍白的玫瑰,没有斑点。

33、Tepals primrose yellow, greenish yellow, or pale yellow, rarely yellowish white or orange-yellow, unspotted. ─── 花被片樱草黄色,黄绿色,或者浅黄,很少淡黄白色或者橙黄色,没有斑点。(35

34、unspotted from the world ─── 没有染上社会恶习的

35、For her kindred, should the tidings ever reach them, and for the companions of her unspotted life, there remained nothing but the contagion of her dishonour; ─── 若是这些浪潮传到她的亲属或是她身无暇疵时代的同伴那里,除去染上她的耻辱之外,别无其它!

36、4 As he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and unspotted in his sight in charity. ─── 因为他于创世以前,在基督内已拣选了我们,为使我们在他面前,成为圣洁无瑕疵的;

37、14Wherefore, dearly beloved, waiting for these things, be diligent that you may be found before him unspotted and blameless in peace. ─── 为此,亲爱的诸位,你们既然等候这一切,就应该勉力,使他见到你们没有玷污,没有瑕疵,安然无惧;

38、26 For she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty, and the image of his goodness. ─── 她是永远光明的反映,是天主德能的明镜,是天主美善肖像。

39、How much more shall the blood of Christ, who by the Holy Ghost offered himself unspotted unto God, cleanse our conscience from dead works, to serve the living God? ─── 何况基督的血呢?他藉着永生的神,已把自己毫无瑕疵的奉献于天主,他的血岂不更能洁净我们的良心,除去死亡的行为,好去事奉生活的天主?

40、An aspirant had to keep his body, mind, senses, and soul unspotted; ─── 求道者要保持身体,思想,官能和灵魂的清白;

41、And gave me a new one all unspotted. ─── 然后递给我全新洁白的一天。

42、14 Wherefore, dearly beloved, waiting for these things, be diligent that you may be found before him unspotted and blameless in peace. ─── 为此,亲爱的诸位,你们既然等候这一切,就应该勉力,使他见到你们没有玷污,没有瑕疵,安然无惧;

43、Jas. 1:27 This is pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. ─── 雅一27在神与父面前,那清洁没有玷污的虔敬,就是看顾在患难中的孤儿寡妇,保守自己不受世界玷污。

44、One felt that he had kept himself unspotted from the world ─── 旁人会感到他没被世俗污染。

45、Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. ─── 27在神我们的父面前,那清洁没有玷污的虔诚,就是看雇在患难中的孤儿寡妇,并且保守自己不沾染世俗。

46、For Collatine's dear love be kept unspotted; ─── 看在柯拉廷的份上,能免于遭受玷污;

47、an unspotted leopard ─── 无斑点的豹

48、See glaze quality: Lubricious liquid is taken on glaze drop, number is wiped with wet cloth after second, glaze unspotted is beautiful. ─── 看釉面质量:在釉面滴上带色的液体,数秒钟后用湿布擦干,釉面无斑点的为佳。

49、What doth it profit God if thou be just? or what dost thou give him if thy way be unspotted? ─── 纵然你公正,对全能者能有什么好处?纵然你品行齐全,对天主有什么利益?

50、She is a virgin, a most unspotted lily. ─── 她是个纯洁的少女,一朵洁白无瑕的百合花。

51、Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. ─── 在神我们的父面前,那清洁没有玷污的虔诚,就是看雇在患难中的孤儿寡妇,并且保守自己不沾染世俗。

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