organizable 发音
英:[['ɔ:gənaɪzəbl]] 美:[['ɔ:gənˌaɪzəbəl]]
英: 美:
organizable 中文意思翻译
organizable 相似词语短语
1、formalizable ─── 形式化的
2、organically ─── adv.有机地;有组织地;器官上地
3、realizable ─── adj.[数]可实现的;可实行的;可感觉到的
4、normalizable ─── [数]可规范化的
5、organizability ─── 组织性
6、organisable ─── 可组织的
7、oxygenizable ─── 可氧化的
8、organize ─── vt.组织;使有系统化;给予生机;组织成立工会等;vi.组织起来;成立组织
9、cognizable ─── adj.可认识的;可辨识的;可以审理的
organizable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of theInternational Labour Organiz ation whose ratifications have been registeredwith the Director-General of the International Labou r Office. ─── 本公约应仅对批准书已经局长登记的国际劳工组织各会员国具有约束力。
2、Natural Combination, Organizable Composition, Reasonable Utilization--Creation for Shanghai Bright Dairy Corporation Headquarters Building ─── 自然契合,有机组合,合理利用——上海光明乳业总部大楼创作感想
3、The American Society of Golf Course Architects is a non-profit organiz. ─── 美国高尔夫球场设计协会。
4、Goals of the job: - Engineering and design of speed sensors for the local Chinese market - Support sales organiz...... ... ─── 公司名称:福科贝(苏州)紧固件有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-9
5、Optimal Configuration Platform for Network-Based and Re-organizable Manufacturing Resources ─── 基于网络的可重构制造资源优化配置平台研究
6、In this program, you will learn how to make better decisions within group or department settings, recognizing the more network-oriented and decentralized organiz... ─── 在这个程序中,您将学习如何使组内或部门设置更好的决策,认识到更多的网络,今天的面向企业和分散的组织结构。
7、6.In return, UNECO recognizes the autonomy of provincial, federal and state cultural organiz but offers support and guidance when requested. ─── 作为回报,联合国教科文组织认可这些省级的、联邦的以及国家的文化组织的自治,并且在被要求的时候提供支持与指导。
8、Replacement ventilation has been adopted to establish supply-air outlet in the ground so as to improve air current organiz... ─── 采用置换通风形式,在地面上设置送风口,改善气流组织。并给出了运行效果及评价。
9、The Dutch government and the nonprofit organization Women's World Banking organiz ed the 2-day meeting. ─── 荷兰政府和非营利组织妇女世界银行组织了这次两天的会议。
10、10.Cultural Institutions : refer to units which have their own organiz ational system and independent accounting system and specialize in or serve cult ural development. ─── 文化事业机构:指从事专业文化工作和为专业文化工作服务的独立建制的单独核算的单位。
11、This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of theInternational Labour Organiz ation whose ratifications have been registeredwith the Director-General. ─── 本公约应仅对其批准书已经局长登记的国际劳工组织各会员国具有约束力。
12、10. Cultural Institutions : refer to units which have their own organiz ational system and independent accounting system and specialize in or serve cult ural development. ─── 融际一贯恪守“为客户创造最大价值”的经营理念,始终本着“严谨,认真,负责,诚信,专业,规范,卓越”的服务精神,以国际同类机构的服务质量标准进行业务操作。收藏指正
13、Your speech class will give you train ing in research ing topics, organiz ing your ideas, and present ing yourself skillfully. ─── 你的演讲课将会在研究主题、织思路、表现技巧方面对你进行训练。
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