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09-10 投稿



ligamentous 发音

英:[[lɪgə'mentəs]]  美:[[lɪgə'mentəs]]

英:  美:

ligamentous 中文意思翻译



ligamentous 短语词组

1、ligamentous ankylosis ─── [医] 韧带性关节强硬

2、ligamentous membrane ─── [医]盖膜

3、ligamentous rupture ─── [医] 韧带破裂

4、ligamentous joint ─── [医]韧带连结

ligamentous 相似词语短语

1、filamentous ─── adj.纤维所成的;细丝状的;如丝的

2、ligamentary ─── 韧带

3、atramentous ─── adj.黑色的

4、medicamentous ─── adj.药物性

5、ligament ─── n.韧带;纽带,系带

6、velamentous ─── 膜状的;帆状的

7、ligaments ─── n.[解剖]韧带(ligament的复数)

8、ligamental ─── adj.韧带的

9、ligamentously ─── 韧带

ligamentous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The axial plane of the pelvis showing the traction of the uterine ligament to the inguinal region is a clue to the diagnosis. ─── 其诊断重点在于,从骨盆腔的中轴面可以看到子宫韧带会阴部的牵引线。

2、Thirteen patients underwent a second-stage ligament reconstruction at an average of 13.8 months after the initial osteotomy procedure. ─── 13例病人在初始截骨术平均13.8月后,进行了韧带重建。

3、While his priority is to get fit following a knee ligament injury, he is also thinking of life after football. ─── 当然,欧文的首要任务还是从伤病中恢复过来,他想念着赛场上的足球生活。

4、To open the joint posteriorly, make an incision through the capsule posterior to the tibial collateral ligament. ─── 于胫侧副韧带后方切开关节囊,从后方显露关节。

5、Liverpool midfielder Francisco Duran has been ruled out of action for six months with a cruciate ligament injury. ─── 利物浦中场小将弗朗西斯科.杜兰遭遇了严重的十字韧带受伤,这使得他不得不缺席6个月的比赛。

6、In fact, some may put you at a higher risk of developing a muscle, tendon, or ligament problem. ─── 事实上,其中一些爱好会使你的肌肉,腱或韧带产生问题的风险更加大。

7、Bynum, however, won't be returning from a torn medial collateral ligament in his right knee any time soon. ─── 但是,拜纳姆短期内不可能从他的右膝伤势中恢复并且上场比赛。

8、Sprain and strain is caused by overstretching. But sprain injury related to ligament and strain injury related to muscle. ─── 扭伤和拉伤都是由过度伸展导致。但扭伤是形容韧带的受伤,拉伤是形容肌肉的受伤。

9、And each other of main cracks and microcracks coalesces through ductile or brittle fracture of the metal ligament. ─── 微裂纹以脆性方式导致界面分离,或以其裂尖区域位错发射的延性方式长大;

10、The severed fluid may form a drop or may form an unstable ligament which will later break up into drops. ─── 分裂的流体可以形成液滴,或者形成不稳定的液带,随后破裂成液滴。

11、In addition, they can be associated with concomitant elbow dislocation and ligamentous injuries. ─── 另外这类损伤还可伴发肘关节脱位和韧带损伤。

12、Fukuda k.Biomechanical study of the ligamentous system of the acromioclavicular joint.[J].Bone Joint Surg Am.1986 Mar; 68 (3):434-40. ─── 孙亚伟,徐冬,韩思林,等.悬挂式钢丝固定治疗肩锁关节脱位[J].临床骨科杂志,2006,9(3):232-233.

13、At that time there was no line and rope,so the zoic ligament maybe used to make clothes. ─── 当时还没有绳、线,可能用动物韧带来缝制衣服。

14、Calcifications is poorly demonstrated on all sequences of MRI.Therefore.MRI has limited application in evaluation of bony (but not necessarily ligamentous or marrow )abnormality. ─── MRI对于钙化物质的评估不是很好,因此在评估骨组织(不包括韧带和骨髓)不正常状态上有一定限制。

15、The anterior part and the posterior part of the tibiofibular ligament,the deltoid ligament and the torn joint capsule were repaired. ─── 内固定物去除后,38例均未出现下胫腓关节分离、距骨外移等不稳定征象,未发生创伤性关节炎。

16、To dissect ATFL and CFL, then to observe the enthesis of ligamentous, and to measure angle, length and width of these ankle ligaments. ─── 解剖出距腓前韧带(ATFL)和跟腓韧带(CFL),然后观察韧带的起止点,并测量其走行角度、长度和宽度。

17、But the loss of Arjen Robben with ankle ligament damage against Liverpool has only served to underline their fragile squad situation at the moment. ─── 不过上场比赛脚踝韧带拉伤的罗本不能出场,目前他只能在场外接受治疗。

18、However, less than a month after the motorcycle he accidentally sprained his left ankle ligament, and the matter had lied to the team. ─── 但是,不到一个月后他就骑摩托车不小心扭伤了自己的左脚脚踝韧带,并且就此事向球队撒了谎。

19、The entire caudate lobe was resected and skeletization lymph node dissection of the hepatoduodenal ligament was performed in all cases. ─── 所有患者同时附加全尾叶切除手术和肝十二指肠韧带淋巴结骨骼化清扫。

20、During the open reduction of DDH, the laxity of the capsule and ligament can also be verified. ─── 以往的研究发现DDH患儿多伴有全身关节松弛,这与髋脱位术中所见松弛薄弱的髋关节囊与圆韧带相符。

21、Henan team with the last round of fighting, Du Zhenyu a sprained left ankle joint lateral ligament, the half-way off. ─── 上轮与河南队激战中,杜震宇扭伤了左脚踝关节外侧韧带,中途下场。

22、Often the vertical force is the femur, which causes vertically orientated ramal fractures anteriorly and ligamentous injury posteriorly. ─── 垂直力通常来自股骨,引起前方垂直方向的耻骨支骨折和后方韧带损伤。

23、For 5 patients, there existed Type III tendinous arch in 4 cases, and Type II ligamentous arch in 1 case with a thecal cyst. ─── 5例患者中,4例存在III型腱弓,1例为II型伴腱鞘囊肿。

24、Take brand as the ligament, conformity society resource, logical develop, resource cooperative. ─── 以品牌为纽带,整合社会资源,有机发展,资源合作。

25、A small zone, as of a ligament. ─── 小带小带,象韧带的

26、On this foundation, together with is traumatic element, the ligament between spine can happen rupture or flabby. ─── 在此基础上,加之外伤因素,棘间韧带可发生断裂或松弛。

27、He's snapped a ligament in his knee. ─── 他弄断了膝盖的一条韧带。

28、From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. ─── 全身都靠他联络得合式,百节各按各职,照著各体的功用彼此相助,便叫身体渐渐增长,在爱中建立自己。

29、For Bynum, it's a different season, a different knee and a different injury, a torn ligament as opposed to a dislocated kneecap. ─── 再说拜纳姆,这是一个不同的赛季,不同的膝盖和不同的伤病,韧带撕裂和膝盖骨关节错位是不同的。

30、Study Design. This is a report of a patient with a rare unstable 3-column ligamentous injury of the thoracic spine. ─── 研究设计:一例罕见的不稳定胸椎三柱韧带损伤的报道。

31、"It was something in the knee ligament," Mourinho said. ─── “埃辛的膝关节韧带有些问题,”穆里尼奥说。

32、Patients with posterior cruciate ligament, lateral collateral ligament, or only grade-I or II MCL injury were excluded. ─── 后交叉韧带、外侧副韧带或仅有I或II度MCL损伤的患者均予以排除。

33、After four weeks, many trabeculae formed with osteocytes adherent to periodontal ligament. ─── 八周后,因牙齿移动与施力衰减,牙周韧带之结构重组后趋近于正常。

34、With Gary Neville out of action with ankle ligament damage, the Irishman has fulfilled the role of right-back admirably. ─── 加里.内维尔因为脚踝人带的伤病远离球场,这位爱尔兰人还很好的顶替了边后卫的位置。

35、In some cases, the mamilloaccessory ligament becomes calcified, which may lead to nerve entrapment. ─── 在一部分病例中,乳突副突韧带骨化,使神经被包埋于其中。

36、Are Outcomes of Bimalleolar Fractures Poorer Than Those of Lateral Malleolar Fractures with Medial Ligamentous Injury? ─── 双踝骨折的预后比伴有内侧韧带损伤的外踝骨折差?

37、The defender has ligament trouble and bruising that means he will be laid up for over a month more - which ends his United campaign. ─── 他的韧带受伤,还需再病床上躺一个多月,这意味着他的赛季已经结束了。

38、Was 10 years chela ligament pulled can be you still treated now? ─── 10年前脚韧带拉伤了现在还能治疗吗?

39、Histologically, the ligamentous attachment of the nerve roots within the foramina consists of adipose and connective tissue. ─── 组织学上,被脂肪包裹的神经根的带状连接组织由脂质及结缔组织构成。

40、The Slovakian spent two months on the sidelines after suffering a knee ligament injury in Liverpool's 3-2 win against Man City. ─── 在利物浦客场3比2逆转曼城受伤后,斯洛伐克人已经花了两个月在病床治疗他的膝关节韧带的伤病。

41、A 3-D model of phalange, collateral ligament and K-pins was developed by CAD software SolidWorks. ─── 指骨与掌骨骨折约佔所有骨折的10%。指骨骨间骨折一般处理的方式有骨钉、骨板、外固定器及副木。

42、She goes on stage the left leg ligament had already torn, foot phalanx bone fracture. ─── 她上场的时候左腿韧带已经撕裂了,脚趾骨骨折了。

43、Extend gymnastics is OK also and soft tendon, ligament, articulatory, activity is neurological. ─── 伸展体操也可以柔软肌腱、韧带、关节、活动神经系统。

44、After a scan on Thursday, the team said in a statement that Beckham had suffered a sprained medial collateral ligament in his right knee. ─── 在经过周四的扫描后,英格兰队对外发出声明:贝克汉姆遭受扭伤导致右膝韧带拉伤。

45、Elastic protein is the major constituents of elastic ligament and gives ligament with flexibility. ─── 弹性蛋白是弹性韧带中心的成分,赋予韧带以伸缩性。

46、She tore ligament in her ankle while she was playing squash. ─── 她在打壁球时把踝部韧带拉伤了。

47、Dorsal flexion instability(DISI) may appeared when radiolunate ligament only was cut and dorsal angulation was over 10? ─── 同时切断挠腕背侧韧带、挠月韧带时,掌倾角在一10。

48、The posterior oblique ligament or superficial MCL were not reefed, and the range of motion was checked before closing. ─── 后斜韧带或浅表的MCL都没有内折,结束之前检查关节活动范围。

49、He tore a ligament playing football. ─── 他在踢足球时扯断了韧带。

50、But the bad news is that Carvalho has limped off with knee ligament damage. ─── 但坏消息是卡瓦略膝部肌腱受创需要拐着离场。

51、Greater mobility from incomplete descent or lack of a scrotal ligament predisposes to this condition. ─── 下降不完全或阴囊韧带缺乏使睾丸活动度增加即可能更易发生扭转。

52、During the surgery the longus collies muscle ,longus capitis muscle,anterior longitudinal ligament and atlantoax-ial articul ar capsules were cut. ─── 后方固定方法包括:经寰枢侧块关节螺钉固定、寰枢侧块钉板固定和借助于枢椎椎弓根螺钉的枕颈固定。

53、Trail running will result in more ankle ligamentous injuries than fractures, but the possibility of fracture should be kept in mind. ─── 野外跑步常导致踝关节韧带损伤,但是一定要记住有可能发生骨折。

54、At the distal articulation of the scaphoid is the -shaped scaphotrapezial ligament. ─── 在舟骨远侧的关节间,有呈“”形的舟头韧带。

55、Bryant will have surgery for a torn ligament on his right pinkie. But before that, Bryant will play for USA Basketball in the Olympics in August. ─── 布莱恩特会给他的右手的尾指进行一个外科手术。但是在这以前,布莱恩特会为美国国家队征战8月的北京奥运会。

56、Resulting in less stress on the posterior cruciate ligament for a safer, more effective movement. ─── 字型韧带的压力,使锻鍊更加安全有效。

57、On MRI, abnormal signals due to spinal cord compression, tears of posterior longitudinal ligament and interspinous ligament were demonstrated. ─── MRI同时还显示了脊髓受压信号异常及后纵韧带、棘间韧带、椎间盘的撕裂。

58、Hypertrophic synovium, synovitis, villous hyperplasia, tears of ligamentous tissue and lesions of cartilage were arthroscopically visualized and resected or renovated. ─── 关节镜下见到不同程度的滑膜增生、肥厚,韧带的撕裂或软骨损伤,均在关节镜下予以切除并清理关节。

59、Expose the medial malleolus by reflecting the periosteum but preserve the deltoid ligament. ─── 剥离、牵开骨膜,显露内踝,但保留三角韧带。

60、Experts do not need surgery Drogba said: "no serious ligament tear. ─── 专家透露德罗巴不需要手术:“韧带没有严重撕裂。”

61、After violent campaign, knee inside is aching, ligament or meniscus have a problem, how should do? ─── 剧烈运动后,膝盖内侧疼痛,是不是韧带或半月板有问题啊,该怎么办啊?

62、Methods. Sixteen human cadaveric cervical spines were stripped of soft tissue leaving the occiput and ligamentous structures intact. ─── 方法:十六具人尸体颈椎标本,剥离软组织,保留颅骨和完整的韧带结构。

63、To the hospital for a check: posterior cruciate ligament tear! ─── 到医院一检查:后十字韧带撕裂!

64、The majority of injury properties are parenchyma contuse, ligament avulsion and muscle sprain (62.7 % of total). ─── 损伤性质多为软组织挫伤、韧带撕伤、肌肉拉伤;

65、Operation essential:Separating and shortening levator muscle from superior transverse ligament to correct ptosis. ─── 手术要点:自上横韧带上分离缩短提上睑肌矫正上睑下垂。

66、The moment he knew it was the cruciate ligament he was down but he is a positive guy. ─── 当得知伤在十字韧带时他很失落,但他是个乐天的家伙。

67、During sustained AF, the shortest AFCL/ERP was ligament of Marshall (LOM) in 2 dogs and the left inferior PV in 6 dogs. ─── 在所有8只犬中,最短AFCL/ERP位于Marshall韧带的有2只,位于左下肺静脉的有6只;

68、Beckham: Sprain on the internal lateral ligament of the left ankle. Medical treatment and physiotherapy. ─── 左脚踝内侧韧带扭伤,医药治疗和理疗。

69、The capsular ligament is a sac surrounding the articular cavity of a freely movable joint and attached to the bones. ─── 关节囊韧带是一种包围着某个自由运动关节的关节腔并连接到骨头上的关节囊。

70、The arthroscopic technique also allows assessment for other associated intra-articular injuries such as ligamentous structures. ─── 关节镜还有助于判断其他伴发的关节内损伤,如韧带的损伤。

71、E. Second trimester education. Discomforts include backache, round ligament pain, constipation, and indigestion. ─── 中孕教育。不适感包括背痛,圆韧带疼痛,便秘及消化不良。

72、COL6A1 Polymorphisms Associated With Ossification of the Ligamentum Flavum and Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament. ─── 伴有黄韧带骨化和后纵韧带骨化的COL6A1多态性.

73、During the walking, the maximum contact force is 2644N, about 2.99BW, and the maximum ligament tensile force is 595N, whichhappened in the MCL. ─── 在平地行走时,膝关节的最大接触力大小为2644N,约为人体重的2.99倍(BW),最大韧带张力大小为595N,发生在MCL上。

74、Operation is the main therapy for broad ligament hysteromyoma. ─── 手术是主要的治疗方法。

75、If a man hire an ox, and he break its leg or cut the ligament of its neck, he shall compensate the owner with ox for ox. ─── 如果有人租借公牛,并且折断牠的腿或者切牠脖子的韧带,他将用公牛赔偿这个所有者。

76、The uterus receives its blood and nerve supply through the broad ligament. ─── 子宫通过阔韧带,接受血管和神经分布。

77、It originates from Poupart's ligament/inguinal ligament and the inner anterior crest of the ilium. ─── 从外面就可以看到这些肌肉被三条或更多腱划经过。

78、From this perspective, said Han Wang ligament rupture was triggered by the knock-on effect Perkin injured. ─── 从这个角度说,韩鹏韧带断裂是王永珀受伤引发的连锁反应。

79、No medial fixation was used in the patients with a deltoid ligament injury. ─── 三角韧带损伤的患者未予以内侧固定。

80、Chelsea are hopeful Ashley Cole will play again this season, despite the scan on his knee confirming ligament damage. ─── 尽管阿什利-科尔的检查结果为膝部扭伤,切尔西仍旧希望他能够在这个赛季重新上场比赛。

81、"Pudendal nerve blockade is administered at the sacrospinous ligament and provides highly effective anesthesia to these areas. ─── 会阴神经阻断麻醉施用在刺状荐骨韧带,可提供这些区域相当有效的麻醉效果。

82、Ligamentous structures of FM on continuous thin sections were observed and compared with the images of CT and MRI. ─── 对枕大孔区韧带结构的连续断面形态进行观察 ,并与CT、MR图像对照研究。

83、In the second type, which is rare, herniation into the lesser sac occurs through the gastrocolic ligament (33,35,36). ─── 另一种类型很少见,是经胃结肠韧带疝入一小囊内。

84、The ROM of left,right axial rotation and lateral bending increased 22.0%,25.9%and 26.8% respectively after truncating the left alar ligament. ─── 左侧韧带断裂使寰枢关节左右轴向旋转和右侧弯运动范围分别增加22.0%、25.9%和26.8%。

85、Clinically,the fracture of radial capitulum is often complicated with the injury of this ligament. ─── 同时,临床上也以桡骨头损伤合并内侧副韧带损伤多见。

86、That's because the golfer is having surgery to repair a torn ligament in his left knee. ─── 因为这位高尔夫球员正准备为他左膝拉伤的韧带做修复手术。

87、Objective: The posterior cervical ligamentous complex had some important biomechanical effects. ─── 目的:颈椎后方韧带复合体具有重要的生物力学作用。

88、Radiocarpal and midcarpal arthroscopy provides the best means to diagnose these ligament injuries. ─── 在舟状骨扩孔和螺钉植入前放置一根偏心克氏针可以避免螺钉植入氏骨折旋转移位。

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