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09-10 投稿


emotionally 发音

英:[ɪˈmoʊʃənəli]  美:[ɪˈməʊʃənəli]

英:  美:

emotionally 中文意思翻译



emotionally 网络释义

adv. 感情上;情绪上;令人激动地;情绪冲动地

emotionally 同义词

passionately | ardently | warmly |expressively | enthusiastically | fervently

emotionally 词性/词形变化,emotionally变形

动词过去分词: emotionalized |动词第三人称单数: emotionalizes |动词过去式: emotionalized |动词现在分词: emotionalizing |

emotionally 短语词组

1、emotionally unavailable ─── 心有所属情感无法敞开

emotionally 反义词


emotionally 相似词语短语

1、emotional ─── adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的

2、emotionalism ─── n.感情主义;诉诸感情;主情主义

3、evolutionally ─── 进化地

4、emotionalise ─── 情绪化

5、emotionality ─── n.情绪性;感动性

6、emotionable ─── 动情的

7、notionally ─── adv.假设地;理论上

8、devotionally ─── adv.虔诚地;信仰地;祷告地

9、unemotionally ─── 毫无感情的

emotionally 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The trick is to be able to provide that intuitive understanding and acceptance without becoming emotionally invasive . ─── 眼下是要能够提供直观的了解和接受,没有造成情绪侵袭。

2、People remember emotionally charged events more easily than they recall the quotidian. ─── 和日常琐事相比,人们更容易记住富于情绪化的事件。

3、Being in a state of excitement; emotionally aroused; stirred. ─── 兴奋的处于激动状态的; 兴奋的; 激昂的

4、He was not emotionally stable enough to think through his decision. ─── 他情绪不够稳定,不能清楚地考虑他的决定。

5、As far as I know, they have been emotionally detached from each other for quite some time. ─── 就我所知,他们相互感情上已有一些时间。

6、To trouble emotionally or mentally; upset. ─── 使烦恼,使不安使情绪或精神烦躁;使不安

7、Karma is any emotionally traumatic experience that is recorded in time. ─── 业力是任何在时间中被记录的情感创伤体验。

8、Laurel Holloman is emotionally well balanced and also has a well developed intellectual grasp. ─── LU情绪平稳,具有知性美.

9、Emotionally unresponsive and detached; introverted. ─── 孤独的感情上反应冷淡且冷漠的;性格内向的

10、Pressure comes either way,materially and emotionally. ─── 压力来自两方面,既有物质上的,也有感情上的。

11、They shop when they are feeling emotionally distressed, and use spending as a coping mechanism. ─── 他们会在其心情抑郁之时购物,并将花钱作为一种应对机制。

12、In retrospect I admit it was an unforgivable thing to do and I've paid the price for it, emotionally and financially. ─── 回顾往事,我承认这是一件不可宽恕的事,我也为此付出了感情上和经济上的代价。

13、If your kids lie to you, you feel emotionally ripped off. ─── 如果你的孩子对你撒谎,你会觉得你的感情受到了欺骗。

14、An emotionally stressful event or a traumatic change in a person's life. ─── 人生转折点,剧变在一个人的生活中使其有感情重压的事件或使其受创的转变

15、They had no great use for Nixon; emotionally, each of them would probably have preferred a Democratic President. ─── 他们都不大喜欢尼克松,从感情上说很可能都喜欢一位民主党总统。

16、Emotionally unresponsive and detached;introverted. ─── 孤独的感情上反应冷淡且冷漠的;性格内向的

17、This is also a good time for survivors to talk about how they're coping emotionally and psychologically. ─── 同时这也是个良好的机会让生存者谈论他们正在面对的情感与心理压力。

18、Any time you emotionally connect to someone you create an attachment through an energy cord. ─── 任何时候你情绪上地连结某个人,就透过能量索创造连结。

19、Intense and emotionally perceptive, you appear to be tacitum. ─── 你感情强烈且敏锐,表现得沉默寡言。

20、Emotionally or spiritually revived or regenerated. ─── 再生的感情上或精神上复活或再产生的

21、It's not always easy for nurses to distance themselves emotionally. ─── 对护士来说,使自己不动感情并非总是很容易。

22、GRISSOM: Because you're emotionally involved. ─── 因为你会把个人感情带到案子中去。

23、The trial leads Qui-Gon's apprentice into an emotionally difficult time, even after he is cleared of the charges. ─── 审判给欧比的情绪上留下了阴影,甚至在他背判无罪后阴影还是挥之不去。

24、"My client is remorseful and clearly emotionally distraught. ─── “我的委托人现在非常后悔,万分痛心。

25、It may be that others perceive you as judgmental, or as emotionally cool or distant, or emotionally fragile. ─── 你需要知道这是为什么。也许其他人认为你是会论断或者情绪上冷淡,很脆弱。

26、When he pulls away, she emotionally follows him.She worries about hirn. ─── 另一个她可能会感情用事阻止他抽离的方法是,否定他独处的需要。

27、I do not believe for a second that many of these choices are emotionally easy to make. ─── 我暂时不相信许多选择,在感情上很容易做出。

28、She is emotionally immature. ─── 她在情感上不成熟。

29、People working 1 also tend to be emotionally defensive and hypersensitive or very pushy, but not usually in-between. ─── 1倾向于情绪上的自卫和过度敏感或强迫他人,但通常不会在两者之间.

30、Now she is telling her friends she divorce d our son because he was emotionally abusive. ─── 但是现在她正在告诉她的朋友们说她离婚是因为我们儿子情绪暴躁。

31、The Language of Light is an emotionally based magnetic form of communication based on sound, tone, color and movement. ─── 光之语是以在声音、音调、色彩和运动基础上的、基于情感的磁性通讯方式。

32、She is emotionally disturbed. ─── 她情绪失常。

33、You're too emotionally involved with the situation. ─── 你在这件事上感情投入太多了。

34、A most practical and emotionally calloused Youth interrupted. ─── 一个非常讲究实际而心肠很硬的年轻人插了一嘴。

35、A man emotionally in love can be pathetic. ─── 一个真正陷入爱河的人是很悲惨的。

36、He felt creatively and emotionally sterile. ─── 他感觉自己既缺乏创造力又没有充沛的感情。

37、This, too, is equally emotionally unintelligent. ─── 亦即职场成功之道主要在于情绪智商与情绪能力。

38、You see all kinds of retirements in sports, and most of them are emotionally awkward, and difficult to watch. ─── 不像大多数的退役运动员那样,神色尴尬,难以面对这种情况。

39、To become exhausted physically or emotionally. ─── 体力或精神极疲惫

40、He was emotionally unstable. ─── 他情绪多变。

41、I completely understand, as a gamer myself, how emotionally invested you are in your Paladin character. ─── 做为一个玩家,我完全可以了解你们在你们的圣骑士上面投入了多少感情。

42、To cause to break down emotionally or psychologically; upset. ─── 使沮丧使在情感上或心理上失去控制;使不安

43、To cause to break down emotionally or psychologically;upset. ─── 使沮丧使在情感上或心理上失去控制;使不安

44、Personality: Open &extroversive; Conscientious; Emotionally stable; Market &customer driven. ─── 个性素质:开放、负责、沉稳,和客户服务意识。

45、Emotionally or mentally restless or uneasy. ─── 不安的情感上或精神上不安定的或不自在的

46、He became insular, emotionally dead, passionless and morose. ─── 他变得孤僻,心灰意冷,郁郁寡欢。

47、He got emotionally involved with that girl. ─── 他和那个女孩相爱了。

48、They have suffered physically and emotionally. ─── 他们遭受了肉体上和感情上的折磨。

49、His Gaoyou Story concentrately displays the special gift of his novel, on which his special aesthetic emot... ─── 他的“高邮故事”集中体现了他小说的“异秉”,寄托其“与众不同”的美学情感和艺术追求。

50、A wide range of emotionally stressful events may trigger a relapse. ─── 多种令人情绪紧张的事情都可能引起旧病复发。

51、First win for 2003 but an emotionally difficult race for Michael. ─── 2003年的第一次胜利,但对于迈克尔来说,是一场在情绪上非常困难的比赛。

52、He always retreated emotionally at the first whiff of conflict. ─── 只要有一点冲突的迹象,他在感情上就退缩。

53、"Emotionormal" came out with the media cliche, saying people are "emotionally stable" rather than outraged. ─── “Emotionormal”(情绪稳定)即媒体用陈腔滥调发表言论,它们宁可说人们是“情绪稳定”也不说是义愤填膺。

54、Emotionally stirred or moved. ─── 受到感动的感情上受到冲击或感动的

55、I try not to become emotionally involved. ─── 我尽量不要感情用事。

56、How are you emotionally at this race which could result in the World Championship? ─── 你是如何在感情上这场比赛可能导致世界锦标赛?

57、Under state law, any family members who were financially or emotionally dependent on the dead are allowed to seek the company's settlement. ─── 根据弗吉尼亚州的法律,任何在经济上或情感上依附于遇难者的家庭成员都可以向肇事企业索取赔偿。

58、Mentally or emotionally confused; not well-adjusted socially. ─── 头脑或情绪紊乱的;不很适应人际关系的。

59、For to cry under certain emotionally disequilibrating conditions is necessary for the maintenance of health. ─── 因为在某些感情失衡的状态下,哭对保持身体健康是必要的。

60、A lot of women are affected emotionally by the hormonal changes that accompany the change of life. ─── 伴随着更年期的内分泌变化使很多妇女的情绪受到影响。

61、An aloof or emotionally unresponsive person. ─── 冷漠,感情淡薄的人

62、He is emotionally disturbed. ─── 他的心绪被扰乱了。

63、Do you use housework as a way to disengage emotionally? ─── 你用家务活去掩盖你的情感?

64、You know I am a very casual person, but emotionally, I have had to eat a loss. ─── 你知道我是个很随便的人,但是在感情方面,我已经吃了一次亏了。

65、The children seem unaffected emotionally by their parent's divorce. ─── 孩子在情绪上似乎未受到父母离婚的影响。

66、He was emotionally unstable. ─── 他情绪易波动。

67、Even with all the technology, he pulls off an emotionally engrossing performance. ─── 即便拥有所有的特效化妆,但他还是胜任了情绪上引人入胜的表演。

68、If your parents leaned too heavily on you emotionally, you might still need to be parented, no matter what your age. ─── 如果你的父母对你倾注过多的感情,你不管多大年纪了,可能还是会依赖他们的照料。

69、You may not agree, but investigate, even intellectually, logically, not emotionally then you are lost. ─── 你也许不同意,而是去探查,即使是从智力上,从逻辑上,而不是从感情上去探寻,然后你也迷失了。

70、If you do , you are showing that you are emotionally weaker. ─── 如果你做了,那就是等于你在说你是个感情脆弱的人。

71、It was a special magical talent and an emotionally charged form of speculation. ─── 它是一种特殊的不可思议的才能,并且又是一种满载激情的思维。

72、Topol Posuo the shore, weeping willow emotionally, boats roaming. ─── 岸边白杨婆娑,垂柳动情,小船漫游。

73、He is not emotionally available to me! ─── 他在感情上不关心我!

74、I basically tear myself apart emotionally, energetically, connecting with you and making sure that you enjoy this moment. ─── 我简单地把自己分成情感上的和力量上的,和你们互动还有确保你们享受这样一个时刻。

75、Though old beyond her years in some respects, she was emotionally immature and certainly not ready for marriage. ─── 尽管她在某些方面很老练,但她在感情方面还不成熟,肯定不能马上结婚。

76、Hence the vibe that keeps audiences emotionally engaged. ─── 也正是这种氛围时刻牵动这观众的情感。

77、Emotionally he was quite un-awakened and didn't know what love was. ─── 在感情上他还没开窍,不知道爱是怎么一回事。

78、Do you appreciate the people who support you emotionally? ─── 你感谢过那些在感情上支持你的人吗?

79、Dump things that weigh you down emotionally and spiritually. ─── 丢弃那些你精神上和情感上的重负。

80、As far as I know, they have been emotionally detached from each other for some time. ─── 就我所知,他们相互感情上疏远已经有了一些时间了。

81、You come under stress and anxiety and emotionally there are upsets. ─── 你来承受压力和焦虑及情绪有得罪。

82、She didn't want to get entangled(= emotionally involved)with him. ─── 她不想与他有瓜葛。

83、The right-wing group had already been poleaxed mentally and emotionally. ─── 右翼团体已经从思想和感情上被分散瓦解了。

84、The Indian was emotionally attached to his mountains, valleys, or prairies. ─── 印第安人非常热爱自己的高山、溪水和草原。

85、She is easily upset emotionally. ─── 她的心绪容易烦乱。

86、Also, Shen says young people should be prepared to be independent in marriage -- both emotionally and financially. ─── 此外,申还认为,年轻人应该做好在婚姻中保持独立的准备:无论在感情还是经济上。

87、Instead of punching their lights out emotionally, call on your deeper, calmer, quieter, most mature self. ─── 与其在情绪上做斗争,不如换醒体内的那个更深沉,安静,冷静,成熟的自己。

88、An unhappy childhood produces emotionally disturbed adults. ─── 一个人童年不幸福,长大了心理就会不正常。

89、To exhaust physically or emotionally. ─── 使体力或精神疲惫

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