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09-10 投稿



incremental 发音

英:[,ɪnkrɪ'mentəl]  美:[ɪnkrə'məntl]

英:  美:

incremental 中文意思翻译



incremental 同义词

accession |addition | increase | raise | boost | augmentation | rise | growth | extension

incremental 词性/词形变化,incremental变形

副词: incrementally |形容词: incremental |

incremental 短语词组

1、incremental cash flow ─── [经] 增加的现金流动(量)

2、incremental computation ─── [计] 增量计算

3、incremental backup ─── 增量备份 [计] ─── 增量备份

4、incremental budget ─── [经] 增量预算

5、incremental compiling ─── [计] 增量编译, 渐增编译

6、incremental compiler ─── [计] 可增编译程序; 逐句编译程序

7、incremental control ─── [化] 增量控制

8、incremental compaction ─── [计] 增量精简法

9、incremental cost analysis ─── [经] 增值成本分析

10、concurrent incremental documentation ─── [计] 并行增量文件编制

11、incremental analysis ─── [经] 增量分析, 增值分析

12、incremental cost ─── [经] 增支成本

13、incremental construction ─── [计] 增量构造法

14、incremental capital-output ratio ─── [经] 资本-产出增长比率

15、incremental cost saving ─── [经] 增支成本节约额

16、incremental cost of capital ─── [经] 资本的边际成本

17、incremental computer ─── [计] 增量计算机

18、incremental coordinate ─── [计] 增量坐标

19、incremental change ─── 递增量 [计] ─── 递增量

incremental 反义词


incremental 相似词语短语

1、incrementalism ─── n.递增论;渐进主义(指政治和社会改革方面)

2、increment ─── n.[数]增量;增加;增额;盈余

3、incrementally ─── adv.递增地;增值地

4、instrumental ─── adj.乐器的;有帮助的;仪器的,器械的;n.器乐曲;工具字,工具格

5、excremental ─── adj.粪便的;排泄物的

6、incrementalist ─── 渐进主义者

7、decremental ─── 减少

8、recremental ─── adj.渣滓的;废物的

9、increments ─── n.增量(increment的复数);增加数

incremental 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The system should have low latency if the replication of incremental changes is required. ─── 如果需要复制增量更改,系统则应具有较低的滞后时间。

2、For instance, incremental GC attempts to spread the cost of the major collections over several minor collections. ─── 例如,增量GC会尽量将主收集的代价分散到几个小的收集上。

3、Second, the "outside" incremental housing loans to individual housing loans exceeded half of the increase. ─── 其二,“两外人士”住房贷款增量已超个人住房贷款增量的半数。

4、Provision for the land value incremental tax liability resulting from land revaluation. ─── 因土地重估增值而提列待缴之土地增值税。

5、Therefore, full or incremental populations take longer to complete, but there will not be any data loss. ─── 因此,完成完全填充或增量填充需要更长的时间,但是不会丢失任何数据。

6、Provide the service on a subscription or pay-per-view basis to generate incremental data revenue. ─── 为终端用户提供订阅或按次计费服务来产生数据增值业务。

7、During ISE Mode, the user has a choice of several incremental methods. ─── 在ISE模式下,用户可在多种增量法中进行选择。

8、Cut over the success rate lower, will directly cause the increment of words. ─── 切换成功率降低,将直接导致掉话的增加。

9、Therefore, reform and consummation increment duty system imperative. ─── 因此,改革和完善增值税制度势在必行。

10、The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios of scheme A,B and D were77.98,315.22and9.68,respectively as against scheme C. ─── A、B、D方案相对于C方案的增量成本-效果比分别为77.98、315.22、9.68。

11、AddRef(); // Increment ref to prevent delete on return. ─── 增加计数,以避免返回的时候卸载该对象.

12、A class which supports incremental matching of a pattern against a set of stored strings. ─── 一个提供依靠存储的字符串来匹配图案这种功能的类。

13、All human is but the increment of the power of the eye . ─── 一切人类科学不过是洞察力的增加。

14、A decrease, especially a small or incremental one. ─── 减少尤指小规模或逐步增加者的减少

15、Incremental development of the systems raises issues of stability, long-term economic value and coordination. ─── 地下系统的增长引起了人们对于稳定性、长期经济价值和协调发展等问题的关注。

16、Minimum fluctuation or smallest increment of price movement. ─── 价格移动中最小的波动或最小的增量。

17、One science you get excited by incremental steps, by even small things. And in a sense, this is an incremental step. ─── 在科学研究中一个小小的进步都会让你激动不已。从某种意义上说,这件事情是一个进步。

18、Steven Benner: In science you get excited by incremental steps, by even small things. ─── 在科学研究方面,你会因为又向前迈进一步而兴奋不已,哪怕是在小事情方面的进展。

19、You can use these scripts to establish incremental changes to the database and then clean up those changes. ─── 可以使用这些脚本来建立对数据库的增量更改,然后清理这些更改。

20、They advocate an incremental approach to reform, rather than “big bangs” or “shock therapy. ─── 他们主张一种循序渐进的改革,拒绝“震荡疗法”和“休克疗法”。

21、The essence of innovation study is the knowledge increment. ─── 创新学习的实质是知识的增殖。

22、Devices commonly used in ballads are the refrain, incremental repetition, and code language. ─── 多采用叠词、叠句和特定的语言。

23、Its costs are mostly fixed, so any incremental revenue is profit. ─── 它的成本几乎是固定的,因此任何增加的收入都是纯盈利。

24、Compared with incremental losses of $1.3 trillion, that is too tight. ─── 与增加的1.3万亿美元的损失相比,这有些捉襟见肘。

25、An infinitesimal increment in a variable. ─── 变量无限小的增量

26、In the event of a liquidation, creditors now trying to increase their incremental recoveries would get nothing. ─── 如果进行清算,那么现在希望尽可能多地收回资金的债权人将一无所获。

27、China's incremental consumption of tradable goods last year, at about $275bn, was nine times as great as the US's. ─── 去年,中国在可买卖商品上的消费大约增长了2750亿美元,是美国的9倍。

28、An incremental iterative method based on the Newton-Raphson mehtod is adopted. ─── 单元位移场由三个节点平移量和三个节点转 角描述。

29、Many decisions in life involve making small incremental adjustments to an existing plan of action. ─── 一生中的很多决定包括给目前行动的计划做小的渐渐增加的调整。

30、Specifies an increment value for a loop counter. ─── 为循环计数器指定一个增量值。

31、From the market trend, prices will be in video shops in the context of a Xianfang incremental edged down trend. ─── 从市场的趋势来看,商铺的租售价格均会在现房增量的背景下呈微降态势。

32、The incremental cost of TFS over tiotropium alone amounted to $243,180 per quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) gained. ─── 与单独应用噻托酚相比获得每一质量修正生命年(QALY),TFS所需的增量成本要增加$243,180。

33、Impactful Packaging. product packaging is eye-catching and results in high incremental sales. ─── 具影响力的包装.系列产品的包装很吸引眼球,从而增加了产品的销售量.

34、How do I run an Incremental Backup without the scheduler? ─── 如何在不使用调度程序的情况下进行增量备份?

35、Both threads increment a variable in a while loop and run for a set time. ─── 两个线程在while循环中都增加一个变量,并运行一段设定的时间。

36、Also, these log files are necessary to perform incremental and differential backups using the Windows Backup utility. ─── 另外,对于使用Windows备份实用程序执行增量备份和差异备份来说,这些日志文件也是必不可少的。

37、Scroll down to Irradiance Map Mode and change it to Multiframe Incremental. ─── 10 )向下滚动到辐射地图模式,并将其变更Multiframe增量。

38、This is how incremental backup works. ─── 这就是增量备份的工作原理。

39、A finite increment in a variable. ─── 变量增量变量的有限增量

40、Provide incremental cost funding for energy efficiency improvements in compressors. ─── 为压缩机在能效方面的改进提供增益成本基金。

41、The amount by which a variable is decreased; a negative increment. ─── 减量可变量被减少的可变量,负增长

42、Start, with full, incremental, or update, or stop population of a full-text index. ─── 启动或停止全文索引的完全填充、增量填充或更新填充。

43、Incremental Shu-ping from ore mining and Kaiyuan. ─── 增量来自于平舒矿和开元矿。

44、And he praised AMR for attempting a complete overhaul, rather than incremental improvements. ─── 他赞扬AMR公司尝试对系统进行彻底的整修,而不是逐步改良。

45、That said, I can imagine incremental infrastructure being built at mini, micro and pico-levels. ─── 一个农民投资水管抽水设备,将可以灌溉自己的田地和附近的农田,进而建立联合式的渐进基础设施。

46、TDD is an iterative process and requires you to run the test cases after small incremental changes to the code during code development. ─── TDD是一种迭代流程,需要您在代码开发中对代码做出细微增量式更改之后运行测试用例。

47、At issue was the question of granting patents for incremental developments. ─── 在解决的问题是授予专利的增量发展。

48、A small change, but incremental. ─── 变化虽小,但是在逐步增加。

49、Do Not Confuse Average with Incremental Payoffs Most managers naturally hesitate to throw good money after bad. ─── 不要将平均收益和增量收益混淆多数管理者自然而然的会对把资金投入表现差的部门或项目而犹豫不决。

50、The volume of incremental data changes might be low, but the volume of data initially distributed might be high. ─── 增量数据更改的量可能很小,但初始分发的数据量可能很大。

51、For logic devices, the incremental current gain is very important. ─── 对于逻辑器件来说,提高电流增益是非常重要的。

52、Less Increment, When will the China Film Industry be Mature? ─── 少了增值,中国电影产业几时成熟?

53、A file is created from this option that is then used in the incremental input file option. ─── 使用该选项将创建一个文件,该文件随后将供增量输入文件选项使用。

54、An enchanting story may be the unearned increment of a conventional inquiry. ─── 一个妙趣横生的故事或许只是因为一声普普通通的问候不期而至。

55、At the point of DW/ODS interface this paper maintenances views in DW in an incremental way. ─── 在DW/ODS接口处采用追加的方式,增量维护DW的数据,保证了DW的一致性。

56、Several companies have seen impressive incremental revenues from the beginning. ─── 一些公司一开始就收获了不菲的增量收入。

57、Other goals are to balance the portfolio among incremental and radical investments and for efficient use of resources. ─── 其他的目的用来权衡逐步投资与基本投资的利弊和有效利用资源。

58、Contrary to the indentation, the increment is not part of the loop. ─── 与缩进的意义相反,此自增语句并不是循环的一部分。

59、Complementary and Incremental Mortality Risk Prediction by Cortisol and Aldosterone in Chronic Heart Failure. ─── 关键词:心力衰竭;心血管疾病;一氧化氮;非洲美洲;试验

60、The steps below show you how to do an incremental backup and restore. ─── 下面的步骤向您展示了如何执行增量备份和恢复。

61、Costs are categorized as incremental cost and sunk cost for the sake of decision making. ─── 为决策需要可将成本分为增量成本和沉入成本。

62、By using an incremental approach, the problems involving material or geometric nonlinearity have been solved. ─── 借应用一种增量方法,已经解决了包括材料的或几何的非线性问题。

63、There are a number of applications in these patches that can benefit from low cost incremental monitoring. ─── 在这些碎片上许多的应用可以从低成本增加的监测中受益。

64、It applies the initial snapshot to the Subscriber and moves and reconciles incremental data changes that occur. ─── 它将初始快照应用于订阅服务器,并移动和协调所发生的增量数据更改。

65、Build a secondary index on a timestamp column if you want to improve the performance of incremental population. ─── 如果您想改善增量填充的性能,则可在时间戳列上生成一个二级索引。

66、in the long run , the price of any given commodity should revert to the cost of producing an incremental unit of supply. ─── 最后,任何给定农产品和矿产品的价格都应该回归到供给增加任何一单位生产的成本。

67、The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios of Group A and B were69.30yuan and48.26yuan,respectively as against Group C. ─── A、B组相对于C组的增量成本-效果比分别为69.30元、48.26元。

68、The incremental collection option has been part of the JDK since 1.2. ─── 增量收集选项自1.2起就成为JDK的一部分。

69、The raids on Russia's constitution are incremental but no less insidious. ─── 俄罗斯宪法所受冲击与日俱增,而其手段之隐秘让人咂舌。

70、An incremental approach, officials say, is needed because an immediate FTA would be too disruptive to Taiwan's economy. ─── 一位官员表示自由贸易协定的签署要一步步来,不能操之过急,否则会过度扰乱台湾的经济。

71、Incremental changes in physical actiity, if sustained oer a long period of time, proide an enormous benefit, he said. ─── 他说,在体力活动上逐渐增加变化,如果能够一直坚持下来,就能获得一个巨大的好处。

72、In this way complexity can be accrued by incremental additions, rather than basic revisions. ─── 也即,复杂性是通过叠加的方式积累起来的,而非在基本结构上“从头再来”。

73、Keeping incremental backups of the system's important (and user) files is an important way of preventing this sort of disaster. ─── 保存系统中重要(以及用户)文件的增量备份是防止这种灾难出现的一种重要方法。

74、She receives a salary increment each year. ─── 她每年得到加薪。

75、M8 Greyhound no longer does incremental engine damage to vehicles. ─── M8灰狗不在对装甲车造成叠加性的引擎损害。

76、Once the incremental upgrade process is underway, defining new application servers on Version 5 nodes is not allowed. ─── 一旦增量升级过程已经在进行中,就不允许在版本5的节点上定义新的应用程序服务器。

77、The incremental phase shift required between two adjacent elements is given by equation (7-1). ─── 两个相邻单元间需要增加的相移由式(7-1)给出。

78、Our word of advice for this task is (as we stated earlier in this article) summed up in two words: incremental releases. ─── 我们对这项任务的建议(正如在本文的前面所述)可以概括为四个字:增量发布。

79、What is incremental cell upgrade? ─── 什么是增量单元升级?

80、In an incremental, iterative process like Extreme Programming, good design is essential. ─── 在类似于极端编程这样的递增和迭代过程中,良好的设计是本质。

81、The SKF motor encoder unit uses a compact and robust active sensor that produces an incremental encoder signal. ─── SKF主动式传感装置包含了一个主动式传感器,设计紧凑而坚固,非常类似于增量编码器的功能。

82、H. and E.C.Hunke, 2004: Modeling sea ice transport using incremental remapping. ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 Lipscomb, W.

83、In the event of a liquidation, creditors now trying to increase their incremental recoveries would get nothing. ─── 如果进行清算,那么现在希望尽可能多地收回资金的债权人将一无所获。

84、Multiple electric circuits may be employed to provide incremental control to meet load requirements. ─── 为了适应负荷增加需要,可采用复接电路提供增量控制。

85、This value is what will be used when a subsequent incremental population starts. ─── 以后再启动增量填充时,就会使用此值。

86、The number of items in the polar array determines the scale factor increment. ─── 圆形阵列的项目数量取决于缩放因数的增量。

87、At issue was the question of granting patents for incremental developments. ─── 在解决的问题是授予专利的增量发展。

88、Incremental revenues are only one reason these companies are taking the plunge into cross-media ad sales. ─── 增量收入是这些公司在多媒体广告销售上赴汤蹈火的唯一理由。

89、On this basis, we lodge relevant on the means and strategies of advancing incremental effect of port corporations. ─── 以此为基础,提出相应提升港口企业增值效应的方法和策略的建议。


TN系统是一种液晶显示技术,有三种形式:TN(Twisted Nematic)模式、STN(Super Twisted Nematic)模式和TFT(Thin Film Transistor)模式。TN模式是最早的液晶显示技术,具有响应速度快、成本低的特点,但视角较窄。










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