lapse 发音
英:[læps] 美:[læps]
英: 美:
lapse 中文意思翻译
lapse 常用词组
lapse of time ─── 一段时间;时光的流逝
lapse of memory ─── 记错;记忆力衰退
time lapse ─── 时间流逝;时间推移
lapse 短语词组
lapse into
1. 陷入
The patient lapsed into unconsciousness.
1、lapse of attention ─── [法] 一时疏忽
2、lapse of the pen ─── [法] 笔误
3、lapse from ─── 背离
4、dry adiabatic lapse rate ─── 干绝热直减率
5、a lapse of the tongue ─── 口误
6、lapse to ─── 转归
7、lapse-rate n. ─── 气温;直减率;温度垂直梯度
8、lapse of legacy ─── [法] 遗产承受权的终止
9、a lapse of the pen ─── 笔误
10、lapse of memory ─── [法] 记忆错误
11、time-lapse a. ─── 延时的
12、time lapse ─── 时滞, ─── 时延, 慢速拍摄
13、lapse-rates (lapse-rate ─── 的复数) n. 气温;直减率;温度垂直梯度
14、lapse of time ─── [法] 时效终止
15、lapse of patent ─── [法] 专利权的终止
16、lapse it pro ─── 失效it专业版
17、lapse rate n. ─── 气温, 直减率, 温度垂直梯度
18、to lapse into silence ─── 寂静下来
19、adiabatic lapse rate ─── 绝热温度递减率; ─── 绝热温度梯度;[气象] ─── 绝热递减率
lapse 词性/词形变化,lapse变形
lapse 习惯用语
1、lapse from virtue ─── 堕落; 道德败坏
2、lapse of time ─── 时光的流逝, 一段时间
3、lapse of memory ─── 遗忘, 记错
4、with the lapse of time ─── 随着时间的推移; 逐渐
5、lapse of the pen ─── 写错, 笔误
lapse 特殊用法
1、temperature lapse ─── 【气】温度递减
2、defensive lapse ─── 防守队员一时的疏忽
3、fielding lapse ─── 防守失误
4、time lapse ─── 时滞, 时延; 慢速拍摄
lapse 相似词语短语
1、laipse ─── vt.猛击
2、lapsed ─── v.(权利的)终止;(协议的)满期;失效;(状态、活动)中止;(宗教或学说的追随者)背离;回复(先前或习惯的言语或行为);衰退;(时间)逝去(lapse的过去式及过去分词);adj.不再参与的,脱离的;(尤指宗教信仰)背弃的;终止的;不再付款的
3、laps ─── abbr.光寻址电位传感器;SDH上的链路接入规程(LinkAccessProcedureSDH)
4、elapse ─── vi.消逝;时间过去;n.流逝;时间的过去
5、lase ─── v.发出激光;以激光照射;n.(Lase)(美、印尼)莱斯(人名)
6、apse ─── n.[天]拱点;教堂东端突出的半圆或多角形室
7、delapse ─── 德拉普塞
8、lapser ─── n.失效;流逝;过失(lapse的变形)
9、lapses ─── n.小错;过失;行为失检;v.(时间)流逝;(合同)终止;背弃(宗教信仰)
lapse 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、His lapse into drunkenness followed a long run of bad luck. ─── 他的酗酒恶习带来了一连串的不幸。
2、Dropt in its Lap from some once lovely Head. ─── 一度美丽的头颅们下撤回支撑。
3、On his watch the assault-weapons ban was allowed to lapse in 2004. ─── 在他的监督下,禁止攻击性武器法案于2004年失效。
4、She flatters John all the time and John just laps it up. ─── 她一直向约翰献媚,而约翰亦欣然接受。
5、It's just a momentary lapse. ─── 只是一时的疏忽,一时冲动。
6、They dropped the problem firmly back in my lap. ─── 他们把问题断然给我推了回来。
7、He pillowed his head on her lap. ─── 他把头枕在她的大腿上。
8、He likes watching his cat sleep on his lap. ─── 他喜欢看他的小猫在他膝盖上睡觉的样子。
9、She pitted with 14 laps to go, losing a lap in the process. ─── 她布满14圈去,失去了一圈,在这个过程。
10、She kept her hands folded in her lap. ─── 她双手合拢,放在腿上。
11、The transaction would involve a considerable lapse of time because the shares could not be sold until the state debt was paid. ─── 国债没有还清,这些股票就不能出售。所以这笔交易要拖延相当一段时间。
12、Every morning he strolls for a lap in the park. ─── 他每天早上在公园里遛一圈。
13、For this program to work there must be short time lapse between saying the word and moving the arm for the food. ─── 在说“YES”和移动手臂拿食物之间必须有一个短暂的停顿。
14、Over the first four laps, Bedford stayed abreast of the German runner. ─── 在头四圈里,贝德福德一直与那名德国赛跑选手并驾齐驱。
15、He spoke of this as a regrettable lapse into political exoticism on his part. ─── 他把这件发生在身上的事作为一桩不幸的落入政治上的异国情调的失足来谈论。
16、The next lap of our trip take us into the mountain. ─── 下一段行程我们就要进山区了。
17、He was boxed in by two other runners on the tenth lap. ─── 他在跑第十圈时被另外两个赛跑运动员在前面挡住了。
18、Harris went on top in the last lap. ─── 哈里斯在最后一圈跑到了最前面。
19、"We had a slight lapse and let them in with a few set pieces. ─── “我们犯了一些错误,让他们得到许多定位球机会。
20、She was sitting,a large photograph on her lap. ─── 她坐在那里,膝盖上放着一幅很大的照片。
21、HAMLET: Lady, shall I lie in your lap? ─── 哈姆莱特:小姐,我可以躺在你的腿上吗?
22、Every pilgimage they make it a competing race instead of a inspiring lapse. ─── 他们把人生看作是比赛竞争,而不是灵感的迸发
23、He knew that he might soon lapse into unconsciousness. ─── 他知道他可能很快就会陷入昏迷状态。
24、She was brought up in the lap of luxury. ─── 她从小养尊处优。
25、He might have spared his compunction, for Catherine had not noticed the lapse. ─── 不过他也大可不必感到不安,因为凯瑟琳根本没有注意到(他说话的)疏忽。
26、Harris go on top in the last lap. ─── 哈利斯在最后一圈跑到了最前面。
27、To lap better, all porous holes. ─── 上面净是气孔,便于舔食。
28、Just a lapse in vetting, said the White House. ─── 白宫说选择他只是筛选人员的时候一时疏忽而犯了错误。
29、He expected his wife to forgive his lapse. ─── 他希望他的老婆原谅他的失检。
30、He would hear the lap of canes and crutches. ─── 他会听到手杖和拐杖触地的声音。
31、He came from Delilah's lap to abraham's bosom. ─── 他改恶从善了。
32、His manacled hands were restless in his lap. ─── 他那双上了铁镣的手在膝盖上不知放在哪里才好。
33、Why is these a lapse (gop) in your employment record? ─── 在你的工作记录上,为何有段缺职时间?
34、She sits the child on her lap while singing. ─── 她唱歌时,把孩子放在自己腿上。
35、He was reared in the lap of luxury. ─── 他在奢侈的环境中长大。
36、His bag is about to fall off his lap. ─── 他的手提包快要从他的膝上掉下来。
37、The debate was marred by a brief lapse into unpleasant name-calling. ─── 因出现几句谩骂,辩论会不欢而散。
38、Once you have things where you want them, you can click preview to speed through a 24-hour cycle to see a time-lapse of the changes. ─── 一切调整好之后,您可按一下“预览”来加速24小时迴圈,以便查看随时间推移所发生的变化。
39、He used to lap the page where he stopped reading. ─── 他常把读到的那一页折起来。
40、The engine conked out on the final lap. ─── 发动机在最后一圈时失灵了
41、He is usually well-behaved;this rudeness is only a lapse. ─── 他一向彬彬有礼,这次的无礼只是一时的失态。
42、She sat with her hands in her lap. ─── 她双手放在大腿上坐着。
43、Why didn't you dump the problem in his lap? ─── 你为什么不把问题推到他身上去呢?
44、Sit properly with your hands on your lap. ─── 坐好,把手放到膝上.
45、Exposure to a gas leak in an abandoned mine induced a former Army Air Corps officer to lapse into a form of suspended animation. ─── 由于呼吸到了废弃矿井中的泄漏气体,一名前陆军航空队军官陷入了一种假死状态。
46、The book dropped off her lap. ─── 书从她的的膝上掉了下来。
47、He was cradled in the lap of penury . ─── 他自幼生活在贫困的环境里。
48、He came over, put his head in my lap. ─── 他走了过来,把他的头枕在我的裙子上。
49、His mood of contentment was beginning to lapse. ─── 他怡然自得的心情渐渐消失了。
50、His lapse of behavior is unforgivable. ─── 他的举止失礼是不能原谅的.
51、He can swin three laps in the pool. ─── 他能在游泳池里游三趟。
52、She allowed her membership to lapse after the first year. ─── 她听任她的会员资格在第一年后失效
53、But convenience and laziness seize me, and I lapse. ─── 但是,便捷和懒惰令我身不由己,我还是食言了。
54、Whether or not he succeed is in the lap of the god. ─── 他能否成功尚难以预料。
55、The moment he relaxes his concentration, he will lapse into a stutter. ─── 他思想一不集中,就结结巴巴起来。
56、In Madison, points are awarded every 20 laps. ─── 在麦迪逊赛中,每20圈计一次分。
57、He tells her all those lies and she just laps them up. ─── 他对她说的是一派谎言,可她却全部接受。
58、Why is there a lapse (gap) in your employment record? ─── 在你的工作记录中为何有段缺职时间?
59、After a lapse of six months we met up again. ─── 相隔六个月之后我们又相遇了。
60、She lived all her life in fortune's lap. ─── 她一生生活在幸福的环境中。
61、After a while, he lets his concentration lapse and moves away. ─── 不久,他的注意力渐渐离开了。
62、Don't lap up your soup, children, it's not polite. ─── 不要舔食菜汤,孩子们,那样做不礼貌。
63、A momentary lapse in the final set cost her the match. ─── 她最后一盘一走神儿,输掉了整场比赛。
64、had allowed her membership to lapse. ─── 她的会员资格期满终止,没有再续。
65、She took the lead in the second lap. ─── 她在第二圈时领先。
66、An heiress living in the lap of luxury. ─── 一位生活奢华的女继承人
67、The lapse of his claim to the land was his own fault. ─── 他沦丧那块土地的要求权是他自己的错误。
68、A brief lapse in the final set cost her the match. ─── 她在最後一盘稍有失误而致比赛失败.
69、Cat W: 2 laps, each lap 3.8 km, total 7.6 km. ─── 女子组:2圈,每圈3.8公里,总共7.6公里。
70、He had a lead of three laps over the secondplace car at the finish. ─── 他在终点线领先第二名赛车三圈。
71、The portion of a garment that covers the lap. ─── 下摆外套下部压住膝盖的部分
72、Every now and then he would lapse into the local dialect. ─── 他讲话中时而不自觉地冒出地方方言。
73、She began to sprint on the last two laps. ─── 她在最后两圈时开始冲刺了。
74、By lap 26, Senna had moved up into second position. ─── 到第二十六圈时,赛娜已经追到了第二的位置上。
75、He is too big to be on my lap the whole time. ─── 他太大了,不能一直坐在我的膝上。
76、TDR can be used as thermal mat on laps for better comfort. ─── TDR可以当作热垫使用,以缓解笔记型计算机使用者的膝部疲劳。
77、He rejoiced at his discovery of this time lapse. ─── 他为自己发现的这个时间差而得意了。
78、He managed to overhaul the leader on the final lap. ─── 他在最后一圈努力超过了领先的人。
79、She was sitting ,a large photograph on her lap . ─── 她坐在那里,膝盖上放着一幅很大的照片。
81、Third, the administration set up to regularly clean up the normative documents and the system automatically lapse. ─── 其三是建立行政规范性文件定期清理与自动失效制度。
82、She carried a Raggedy Ann doll on her lap. ─── 她双膝上抱着一个拉格弟?安布娃娃。
83、She crossed her hands on her lap. ─── 她两手叉着放在腿上。
84、She allowed her menbership to lapse after the first year. ─── 她任凭她的会。
85、Under union pressure, this law was permitted to lapse in 1966. ─── 在工会的压力下,这项法令于一九六六年取消了。
86、Frank had worked hard as a candidate, and as election day come he felt that the result was in the lap of the gods. ─── 作为一个候选人,法兰克下了很大的功夫,但在选举那天,他觉得选举结果只能听天由命。
87、A board placed on his lap served for a desk. ─── 在膝盖上摆的一块木板成了他的写字台。
88、He was overtaken on the final lap. ─── 他在最后一圈被超过。
89、Everything falls into sb.'s lap. ─── (某人)事事顺利。
要理解这部**,我觉得**名时光穿梭很容易影响我们观影的感受,我们一直带着穿梭时空的概念在看**,但**里只有一条时间线。**的原名是time lapse,实际上应该翻译为定时拍摄,也同时有时间流逝的意思。
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