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09-01 投稿



Gillian 发音

英:[ˈdʒɪliən]  美:[ˈdʒɪliən]

英:  美:

Gillian 中文意思翻译



Gillian 网络释义

n. 吉莉安(女子名,等于Juliana)

Gillian 短语词组

1、gillian lynne ─── 吉莉安·林恩

2、gillian chow ─── 周吉莲(gillian chow)

3、gillian anderson ─── [人名]吉莉安安德森n.吉莉安·安德森

4、gillian chung ─── 钟娇莲(GillianChung)

5、gillian cheung ─── 张娇莲

6、gillian lynn ─── 吉莉安·林恩

7、gillian flint ─── 吉利安燧石

8、gillian flynn n. ─── 吉莉安·弗林

9、gillian murphy ─── 吉莉安·墨菲

10、gillian ellison ─── 吉莉安·埃里森

11、gillian foster ─── 吉莉安·福斯特

12、gillian lin ─── 林娇莲

Gillian 相似词语短语

1、Lillian ─── n.莉莲(女子名,等于Lilian)

2、Lilian ─── n.莉莲(女子名)

3、gillion ─── n.十亿;n.(Gillion)人名;(法)吉利翁

4、bilian ─── 数十亿

5、gorillian ─── 大猩猩

6、William ─── n.威廉(男子名);钞票,纸币

7、Gillian ─── n.吉莉安(女子名,等于Juliana)

8、gillie ─── n.仆役;侍从;n.(Gillie)人名;(英、法)吉利

9、gillions ─── n.十亿;n.(Gillion)人名;(法)吉利翁

Gillian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They defeat Karen beckman and Gillian Gilks 15-7 and 15-5 in the women 's doubles. ─── 她们在女子双打比赛中以15比7和15比5打败了凯伦.贝克曼和吉利恩.吉尔克斯。

2、Because she did not Gillian so in love with loading and sing their own songs, played his own dramas, no intentional play beautiful woman in front of an audience. ─── 因为她没有阿娇那么爱装,唱自己的歌,演自己的戏,没有刻意在观众面前扮玉女。

3、Gillian Sheen ─── 希恩

4、There were fans at the airport to cheer them on and the fan shouted out messages to Gillian to forget the unhappy incident. ─── 有许多粉丝在机场为她们加油,向她们喊出让钟欣桐忘记不愉快事情的信息。

5、According to Gillian Edgeworth, an economist at Deutsche Bank, 51% of Hungarian credit is in foreign currencies. ─── 根据德国银行的经济学家GillianEdgeworth,匈牙利贷款的51%是外币。

6、Jacky Chan's funny stutters (on Gillian of Twins). ─── 口吃大哥劲搞笑!

7、I think to give Gillian a chance to try. ─── 我觉得要给阿娇一个尝试的机会。”

8、Anyone who hopes to win the hand of Gillian would need to have a lot money. ─── 希望娶吉琳为妻的人,得要有许多钱。

9、Gillian and Zhang Ziyi recently attended a conference of jewelry, from the effect of the scene view, Gillian's popularity has not been reduced. ─── 最近阿娇和章子怡一起出席了一场首饰的发布会,从现场的效果看来,阿娇的人气并没有减少。

10、They are more confident, competitive, visionary and have a stronger presence," Gillian O'Mara, general manager of the Steps Leadership Program, said in a statement. ─── 奥马拉说:“女性有志向,她们大胆、淘气、有趣,富有想象力。与男性相比,她们更加自信、更喜欢竞争,爱幻想,表现能力也更强。”

11、, Worsley, Gillian. ─── 供稿: Paramour, Sally.

12、Gillian, the quiet one, is therefore usually ignored by us. Actually, her unique charm can be demonstrated by her quiet and contemplative character. ─── 其实阿娇本身很有自己的神采,她本身很静,故思考比较多,所以都看到她成熟的一面。

13、They feel they have been Gillian Fun head. ─── 他们感觉被阿娇玩转了头。

14、Desk Clerk Gillian Vanderburgh .... Dick Dresner s Wife Ilia Volokh .... Elvis Impersonator (as Ilia... ─── 竞选顾问被带进莫斯科一家旅馆内,像囚犯似的被关起来,直到叶利钦获胜为止...

15、Another netizen looked at the bottom of the woman's foot and compared it against known photographs of Gillian Chung, and determined the calluses and toes were different. ─── 阿娇所属的英皇娱乐集团发表声明,表示遭移花接木。

16、" And plans to return next month of Gillian Chung, after months of efforts to prepare absolutely no mood affected. ─── 而计划在下月复出的钟欣桐,连月来努力做好准备,心情绝对没有受影响。

17、Harvey is depressed because he is feeling his age and Gillian is anxious because she may have throat cancer. ─── 哈维是沮丧,因为他感觉他的年龄和吉利恩索渴望,因为她可能咽喉癌。

18、At a time when the Western world is waking up to the nightmare of obesity problems, Dr Gillian is a voice of inspiration, and her method actually works. ─── 在西方世界正在意识到肥胖症问题的可怕之时,吉里安医生巧言加以点播,而她的方法确实奏效。

19、Gillian beats the band-she’s now claiming that she’s a direct descendant of the Queen of Sheba! ─── 吉莉安简直不可一世啦??她现在总是口口声声自称是示巴士女王的嫡亲后裔。

20、The insiders are exposing, it is because he can bridge that prompted the Gillian and the successful cooperation between the automobile brand. ─── 这位圈内人士自曝,正是因为他从中牵线搭桥,才促使了阿娇与这家汽车品牌合作成功。

21、In photography stay near pont four hours later, Gillian will be left with the assistant and nanny vans speed ride back香闺. ─── 在摄影蓬逗留近四小时后,阿娇便与助手离开,并极速乘坐保母车返回香闺。

22、And this exceptional talent form into a Gillian that does not lose his self consciousness. ─── 而这奇特的基力安没有失去自我的意识。

23、Gillian a white T-shirt, jeans, wearing large masks, created long-haired pony tail coming out of Shanghai-ngan. ─── 阿娇一身白色T恤、牛仔裤,戴大口罩,长发扎成马尾,素颜现身上海。

24、Gillian comeback appearance after frequent trouble, as this evening music festival Xiannushan the guest performers at the grand finale, she will sing three songs. ─── 阿娇复出后频烦露面,作为今晚仙女山音乐节的压轴表演嘉宾,她将献唱三首歌。

25、I started to get "approval" of the columns confident group, now no longer reluctant to talk about these two episodes Gillian time of broadcast. ─── 一开始对获得“批文”自信满满的栏目组,目前则再也不愿意多谈阿娇这两集节目的播出时间。

26、GILLIAN HAWLEY: Yes, it has put Llangollen on the map. ─── 是的,欧元区已经把兰戈伦标在地图上了。

27、During her “extended vacation”, Gillian continued to receive career training.She was confident about future plans. ─── 雪藏期间,阿娇一直接受有关演艺事业的培训,她对将来充满了信心。

28、At about 8:00 or so, a thin powder of Gillian Chung Shi, accompanied by the assistant, back, Wan Chai, Emperor met to discuss matters comeback. ─── 昨晚约八点左右,薄施脂粉的钟欣桐在助手陪同下,返回湾仔英皇娱乐公司开会,商量复出事宜。

29、Shawlong: We do not plan on staying as a Adjucha or Gillian forever. ─── 绍隆:我们不打算永远当个亚丘基士或基力安。

30、Glease ;illustrated by Gillian Embleton. ─── 作者声明: by Hannah E.

31、Gillian asked how much the reward? ─── 记者问阿娇今次酬劳多少?

32、Gillian and her dog, Rocky, gear up for the trail. ─── 吉利恩和她的狗,洛奇,为远足而全副武装。(图)。

33、Thx gillian and cake for the arrangement! ─── 请问使唔使准备个寿饼?

34、Charlene placed herself in front of Gillian the entire time to protect her. ─── 蔡卓妍始终站在钟欣桐前面以保护钟欣桐。

35、During her "extended vacation" , Gillian continued to receive career training. She was confident about future plans. ─── 雪藏期间,阿娇一直接受有关演艺事业的培训,她对将来充满了信心。

36、Just that Gillian and Bobo were too naive to let him photographed their faces. Oh well, LOVE IS BLIND! ─── 可恶的是那些无耻的人把他们的隐私公开了,太可恶了!!

37、Gillian Gibbons was arrested after she let her students name a teddy bear Muhammad. ─── 该教师的一名律师称,她被指控侮辱伊斯兰教并被判入狱15天。

38、In my view, it is very normal that Gillian cannot gain the excuse from public. ─── 在我看来,阿娇得不到公众的原谅是正常的。

39、Canto pop-star, Gillian Chung, one of the alleged victims of the recent publication of nude pictures of artists , broke her silence yesterday. ─── 疑似艺人网上?照事件,其中一名受害人女艺人钟欣桐,昨日打破沈默。

40、Ms Gillian Chung said 21 JAN was her birthday. She had to work on that date. Maybe she was invited but she could not present. ─── 钟欣桐小姐曾说过一月二十一日才是她真正的生日,但她那天要在工作中度过。可能她曾被邀请,但她婉拒出席吧。

41、Popular" fiction included best-sellers like "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn, and Danielle Steel's "The Sins of the Mother”. ─── 流行”小说包括吉莉安·弗林的《消失的女孩》和丹尼尔·斯蒂尔的《母亲的罪恶》等畅销书。

42、So, is it inevitable for Gillian to confront the negative response after comeback? My answer is yes. ─── 那么,阿娇付出复出真难逃负面影响么?我的答案是肯定。

43、Grandfather always made the most fuss of Gillian; she was the apple of his eye. ─── 祖父总是极其宠爱吉林恩,她是他的掌上明珠。

44、They defeated Karen Beckman and Gillian Silks 15-7 and 15-5 in the women's doubles. ─── 她们在女子双打比赛中以15 比7 和15 比5 打败了凯伦·贝克曼和吉利恩·吉尔克斯。

45、Other leading cast members, including Chen Hong, Gillian Chung and Japanese actor Masanobu Ando, were all at the press conference and explained their role in the film. ─── 其他加盟的演员包括陈虹,钟欣桐和日本演员安藤政信,他们都出席了新闻发布会并说明了在影片中所饰演的角色。

46、Thereafter, this special one will continue eating other Gillian and continue to evolve and finally emerge as an Adjucha. ─── 从此这特别的基力安会吞噬其他的基力安,继续地进化成亚丘基士。

47、Earlier, Gillian returned to Hong Kong from Beijing, local journalists, were made known, and even block the State Administration of Radio go back to work so that the impact of its all go. ─── 早前,阿娇从北京返回香港,接受当地记者采访时,知无不言,连广电总局封杀令对其复出工作的影响都侃侃而谈。

48、Did you expect gillian would have no nerves? ─── 你想到吉利恩会这样坦然自若吗?

49、Associated Press Writer Gillian Wong in Singapore contributed to this report. ─── 美联社作家吉利安发在新加坡促成了这一报告。

50、March 10, Gillian silence at one year after the formal announcement comeback. ─── 3月10日,阿娇在沉寂一年后正式宣布复出。

51、As the lowest Menos on the scale, Gillian is born by the mixing of several hundreds of hollows. ─── 作为最底层的大虚,基力安是好几百个虚混合而成。

52、Is it inevitable for Gillian to confront the negative response after comeback? ─── 阿娇复出,真的难逃出负面影响吗?

53、Whitlock, Gillian and David Carter, eds. ─── 黄源深、陈弘。

54、I didn't quite agree with 10 cause I don't think Gillian is a wretch. ─── 我不是很同意10楼的观点,因为我不认为阿娇是个可怜人。

55、, Pugh, Gillian. ─── 供稿: Hearn, Barbara.

56、with the assistance of Paddy Ladd and Gillian Rudd. ─── 书名/作者 Analysing sign language poetryRachel Sutton-Spence ;

57、Gillian had asked a local worker to carve the bowls from a piece of the trunk of the golden elm. ─── 吉莉安让当地的一个工人用金榆树的树干来雕刻碗。

58、Beijing to attend the day before coming out of the fashion brand advocacy activities to attract over a hundred fans up games for Gillian as a booster! ─── 前日现身北京出席代言的时装品牌活动,吸引逾百名歌迷撑场,为阿娇打下强心针!

59、Gillian O'Sullivan ─── 奥沙利文

60、Gillian likes to wear simple clothes. ─── 吉莉安喜欢简单的穿著。

61、Gillian Lyons broke up with a man she calls "the Beastmaster" and said she's been waiting for him to return her possessions for two years. ─── 吉莉安里昂与一个被她称为“魔头”的男人分道扬镳,她说她等他归还自己的财物已经等了两年。

62、Her partner, Charlene did not fare any better. Charlene had "panda eyes" and looked more tired than Gillian. ─── 她的搭档,蔡卓妍也不好受。蔡卓妍的“熊猫眼”看起来比钟欣桐更累。

63、After Gillian's Reporter Meeting, do you satisfy ?! ─── 啊娇开完记招会,你/妳满意答覆吗?!

64、After I left. I ate and drank some beer with Gillian and Ale. ─── 我离开以后,和G总以及熊妾一起吃饭、喝了一些啤酒。

65、The British Civil Service Gillian Peele ─── 英国公务员制度

66、If an Adjucha does not continue eating hollows of similar standing, he will return to Gillian form. ─── 要是亚丘基士不继续吞噬相同等级的虚,他就会退回到基力安。

67、The X Files: I Want to Believe (2008) Directed by Chris Carter. With David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Amanda Peet. ─── 档案差不多,不过火行者后来就没有再看影集了,所以无法以X迷的...

68、Although, Gillian has officially lifting the ban. ─── 虽说,阿娇已经正式解禁。

69、Gillian whole face smiles, except for "For Chiu" and "Edison Chen" The question not answered, the other also very cooperative. ─── 阿娇全程笑容满脸,除了对于“欲照”和“陈冠希”有关提问不作回答外,其它也表现得相当合作。

70、"May I write a note? " asked Gillian, with a smile. Miss Hayden supplied him with paper and pen, and then went back to her writing table. ─── “我可以写一张纸条?”问阿娇,面带微笑。海登小姐提供纸笔他,然后又回到她的写字台。

71、Herbal tea shops during the passing, the Gillian Chung even stopped to buy GE food aide drinking water, please. ─── 期间路过凉茶铺时,钟欣桐更停下来买葛菜水请助手饮。

72、Despite the public and the fans not knowing much about the blonde in Shane's life Gillian was playing a big part. ─── 尽管公众和歌迷们并不怎么了解尚恩身边的这位金发女郎,但事实上她扮演了尚恩生命中最重要的角色.

73、Gillian: Did you see that documentary on cosmetic surgery last night? ─── 吉莉安:你昨夜又没有看那部美容外科手术纪录片?

74、Yan Zhao after the door, although she was involved in more than one star, but all seem to point the finger of blame Gillian. ─── 艳照门发生后,虽然涉及的明星不止她一个,但所有的矛头似乎都指向阿娇。

75、Dr Gillian McKeith works with eight ordinary people, considered to have the worst eating habits in Britain, to give them a diet makeover and get them back on track to healthy eating habits. ─── 吉里安·麦凯斯医生与8位被认为是英国饮食习惯最差的普通人展开协作,来改变他们的饮食,使他们回复到健康饮食习惯的正轨。

76、I hope Gillian have the enough force to get out of the low life. ─── 我还是希望阿娇能有足够的力量走出人生低谷。

77、Sudan's president pardoned Gillian Gibbons today. ─── 苏丹总统已于今天原谅了她。

78、Next, Eddie turned to his sister, Gillian. ─── 接着埃迪向他妹妹吉莉安求助。

79、Gillian question whether customary comeback? ─── 问阿娇是否习惯复出?

80、Clarence: Gillian Anderson - Scheda con informazioni biografiche ed una raccolta di link. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

81、Gillian:Fine, but the clients have been waiting for two hours. This is ridiculous. ─── 吉莉安:很好,但是客户已经等了两个小时了耶。这真是太夸张了。

82、Both of them, right. And believe it or not, this is David and Gillian's first broadcast interview together in a decade. ─── 现在电影的情节,特别是两个主要人物之间的关系,隐藏着一些神秘的东西.

83、Gillian is one of the top seed. ─── 吉利恩是最佳选手之一。

84、Above all, Gillian is not a girl as clear as we saw before and she is just a little unlucky. ─── 总之,阿娇的为人并未如我们以前所见一样纯净,同时她也实在有点倒霉。

85、Another warning voice was that of Gillian Tett, the FT's award-winning capital markets editor. ─── 另一个警告声音来自英国《金融时报》获奖资本市场编辑吉莲-邰蒂(GillianTett)。

86、The Love Crimes of Gillian Guess ─── 盖丝的爱情犯罪

87、According to Hong Kong media reported that Edison Chen is also the Internet through MSN admit to Gillian, but also about the woman take the initiative to eat, want to vanish the hatchet. ─── 据港媒报道,陈冠希还在网上透过MSN向阿娇认错,又主动约女方吃饭,希望冰释前嫌。

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