equanimity 发音
英:[ˌekwəˈnɪməti] 美:[ˌekwəˈnɪməti]
英: 美:
equanimity 中文意思翻译
equanimity 短语词组
1、with equanimity ─── 泰然沉着安之若素
2、equanimity in a sentence ─── 句子中的平静
3、equanimity media ─── 平静媒体
4、bear with equanimity ─── 安之若素
5、equanimity foundation ─── 平静基金会
6、regard sth with equanimity ─── 对(某事)安之若素
7、bear sth with equanimity ─── 对(某事)处之泰然
8、equanimity definition ─── 平静定义
9、equanimity define ─── 平静定义
equanimity 习惯用语
1、with equanimity ─── 沉着, 泰然; 安之若素
equanimity 相似词语短语
1、equitability ─── 均匀度
2、quantity ─── n.量,数量;大量;总量
3、unanimity ─── n.同意,全体一致
4、equanimously ─── adv.镇定地;安静地
5、equability ─── n.平静;无变动
6、equanimous ─── adj.安静的;镇定的
7、equality ─── n.平等;相等;[数]等式
8、equinity ─── 马科动物的本性
9、equatability ─── 均衡性
equanimity 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"Nobody's perfect", life is not always fair, and some shortcomings, limitations, discomforts, disappointments, and disadvantages must be borne with equanimity. ─── 可谓“人无完人,金无赤足”,生活并不总是一帆风顺的,并且人生来就不得不冷静地应对生活的短缺、条件的局限、身体的不适、心情的失望和不利的环境。
2、Could the president really feel as good as he sounded or was the equanimity an act? ─── 可以总统真正的感觉还会一样好,因为他听起来还是一个行为的平静?
3、We should do some honest soul searching and learn the object lessons from the current outbreak. this would enable us to tackle other future national crises with greater success and equanimity. ─── 我们应该自我反省,从这次的事件吸取经验,以便更从容和成功地克服将来的危机。
4、Equanimity, tolerance, pure-thought, freedom from attachment and hatred, (Right) conduct, religion, devotion to one s own self, all of these are said to be one and same. (275 ─── 平静、宽容、纯洁的思想、远离爱与恨、正确的行为、宗教、对自己忠诚是一个整体。
5、"I have no doubt you have a sufficiently good opinion of yourself to bear mine with equanimity," he retorted ─── “我毫不怀疑,既然你自以为很不错了,你尽可以满不在乎我的看法,”他顶了一句。
6、His sense of humour allowed him to face adversaries with equanimity. ─── 他的幽默感让他在面对对手时也不失平静。
7、Their rude remarks cracked his equanimity. ─── 他们粗俗的话语使他再也不能保持镇定
8、It makes every difficulty easy, and bears all wrongs with equanimity. ─── 因为人有爱情,重任也不觉其重,苦难反而觉著甘饴有味。
9、Diligence, frugality, and detachment from worldly desires bring you a better tomorrow. Compassion, loving-kindness, joyfulness, and equanimity bring happiness to posterity. ─── 勤俭淡泊,为自己开创美好的明天。慈悲喜舍,为子孙准备美好的未来。
10、When struggling with wily cheaters, we need not only ability and wisdom but also boldness and equanimity. ─── 在与老奸巨猾的骗子进行周旋时,所需要的不仅仅是才智还要有勇敢和镇定。
11、Here just a world of equanimity, on the person's face and the minds can't be suffused with a world of great waves. ─── 这里不过是一个平静的世界,人的脸上和心灵都不会泛出波澜的世界。
12、I am a strong, docile, pure infant the manager in the kindergarden, own a stable income and the life of the equanimity. ─── 我是一个坚强、善良、单纯的幼儿园管理人员,拥有一份稳定的收入和平静的生活。
13、face death with equanimity ─── 把生死置之度外
14、Therefore living but is a men, really very tired very hard, from spirit to body, can hardly have the equanimity of a moment with quiet and peaceful. ─── 因此,生而为一个男人,真的很累很辛苦,从精神到肉体,很难有一刻的平静与安宁。
15、Now I know that action reduces the lion of terror to an ant of equanimity. ─── 现在我知道,行动会使猛狮般的恐惧,减缓为蚂蚁般的平静。 我现在就付诸行动。
16、She had recovered her equanimity, and tapped her neighbour with her wand and talked as usual ─── 她已经恢复了平静,拿柳条轻轻拍打和她并排的女孩子,照旧有说有笑的了。
17、You will discover now that your vision itself becomes more expansive, and that there is more peace, more compassion in your gaze, more equanimity, and more poise. ─── 现在,你会发现你的视野变得开拓了,眼神变得更祥和、慈悲、宁静及安定。
18、A gifted person gains energy from adversity. A gifted person turns harsh words into the music of compassion, lovingkindness, joyfulness, and equanimity. ─── 有出息的人能将不好的事物转化为自我奋发的动能有作为的人能将刺耳的语言转化成慈悲喜舍的音乐。
19、One's awareness radiates outward from the hara, bestowing equanimity, stability, and freedom from doubt and anxiety. ─── 产生呼吸活动的主要肌肉是横隔膜(把腹腔和胸腔分开)肋间肌群(位于肋骨之间)一般的呼吸活动是通过将穹顶状的横隔膜向下压缩成水平状来完成的。
20、An American State Department spokesman deflected reporters' irate questions on the matter with equanimity. ─── 一位美国国务院发言人迂回地避开了记者的有关问题,颇为镇静。
21、bear sth with equanimity ─── 对(某事)处之泰然
22、Equanimity, universal love compassion, soft heartedness, non hatred, non revengefulness and free thinking are all Buddhist principles that are essential factors of a developed society. ─── 修学八正道能成就寂静、慈爱、柔软、无憎恨、无敌意与解脱心,这些是佛教的总纲,也是一个成熟社会必须具备的要素。
23、"I have no doubt you have a sufficiently good opinion of yourself to bear mine with equanimity," he retorted. ─── “我毫不怀疑,既然你自以为很不错了,你尽可以满不在乎我的看法,”他顶了一句。
24、And consider if magnanimity, freedom, simplicity, equanimity, piety, are not more agreeable. ─── 再考虑是否慷慨、自由、朴素、镇静、虔诚不更令人愉悦。
25、She was sure his equanimity was fictitious ─── 她确信他的镇定是佯装的。
26、When you feel painful, blessing you get the equanimity with the mercy. ─── 当你感到痛苦时,祝福你得到平静和慈悲。
27、He is whip-smart, to be sure, but the equanimity with which he approaches politics seems the bigger asset during a crisis era. ─── 可以确定地说,他很聪明,他在经济危机时期所表现出的沉着与稳重看起来是更重要的资本。
28、In fact, she could endure the hospital with equanimity now because it was a perfect happy hunting ground. ─── 事实上,她现在对医院里的事情已能镇静地应付了,因为那里还是一个很好很愉快的狩猎场呢。
29、Strengthening equanimity, centered within, he should cut off any penchant to conjecture or worry. ─── 他应该达到超然,凝思静虑,斩断疑惑和恶行。
30、a wise person who is calm and rational; someone who lives a life of reason with equanimity. ─── 一个冷静理智的英明的人;过着理性与冷静生活的人。
31、regard sth with equanimity ─── 对(某事)安之若素
32、She accepted the prospect of her operation with equanimity. ─── 她心情平静地接受了动手术的可能性。
33、Imperturbable equanimity ─── 泰然自若
34、The woman acquire the method of love to be to slow-movingly permeate, then taste love in the equanimity of fragrant. ─── 女人获得爱的方法是缓慢地渗透,然后在平静中品尝爱的芬芳。
35、Edward was a model of good temper and his equanimity imperturbable ─── 爱德华是个典型的好性子,他总是沉着镇定。
36、It is a testimony to Mr Conte's 24 years of misrule that the coup was greeted at the least with equanimity by most Guineans. ─── 几内亚人对政变的最激烈态度也无非是泰然处之,这反衬出了孔戴24年的残暴统治。
37、Halcyon, quietude, calmness equability equanimity equilibrium impassivity, placidity ─── 平静相关的词
38、Hurtle the fox with term the Ying Ying hold hands mountain, look noisy toward this but equanimity of the small town walk. ─── 令狐冲与任盈盈携手下山,向这个看来热闹却平静的小镇走去。
39、with equanimity ─── 沉着泰然安之若素
40、a good measure of equanimity under stress and hardship as well as when some unexpected success or good luck might have made me too exuberant. ─── 从那时起,每当我遭遇困难阻碍,或者遇到可能使我过于兴奋的成功或好运的时候,这句话对我的帮助很大,它使我保持镇定,泰然处之。
41、To my surprise the Gold King took the reproof with equanimity. ─── 我真没料到,黄金大王竟然老老实实地接受了这个训斥。
42、to endure great financial pressures with equanimity ─── 以镇定自若的态度经受住财政上的巨大压力
43、Bossuet, though very drunk, preserved his equanimity. ─── 博须埃,醉得也不含糊,却还能保持镇静。
44、She recovered her equanimity , and was an agreeable image of serene dignity. ─── 她恢复了平静,显得安祥端庄、神采奕奕。
45、She maintained her equanimity throughout her long ordeal. ─── 她在长期的苦难中心情一直都很平静。
46、He received the bad news with surprising equanimity. ─── 听到这个坏消息时,他平静得令人吃惊。
47、Tranquility is beauty. Equanimity is joy." ─── "宁静最美,安定最乐。
48、must keep your equanimity. ─── 务必保持冷静
49、She accepted the prospect of her operation with equanimity. ─── 她心情平静地接受了动手术的可能性。
50、The equanimity soul, who tortures his body in various ways in the hope of getting happiness in this world and the other world, performs the unblemished penance. ─── 一个镇静的灵魂,通过各种各样的方法来折磨自己的身体以期获得今生和来生欢乐,就要奉行纯粹的苦修。
51、Could lonely wait my endless rest With equanimity. ─── 我将能孤独等待长眠,心平气和地。
52、Some tolerate subjectivist propaganda and regard it with equanimity ─── 有些同志听凭别人宣传主观主义,也安之若素。
53、When Baylor full court, people looked at the ceiling with equanimity. ─── 当贝勒满法庭上的人若无其事地望着天花板。
54、We might like to imagine that we are in equanimity and that we don't have the three poisons, but that's like not drinking strong tea. ─── 也许我们会想象那是一种镇定的状态,当然不是像喝了浓茶的那种状态,在那种状态下,我们没有三毒的存在。
55、Your eyes, the aquamarine blue that is still, to sky similar, there is equanimity, there is rain-storm. ─── 您的眼睛, 仍然是, 对天空相似, 那里的蓝绿色是沉著, 那里是暴雨。
56、Having such achievements at such a young age, Dharma master naturally receives quite a bit of praise, but he views this with equanimity. ─── 如此年轻的年龄就有这样的成就,法师自然受到不少赞誉,但他对此都看得平淡如水。
57、Equanimity (in Sanskrit, upekkha) ─── 平(梵文: “upekkha″)。
58、Certainly knew myself, so i always be looking for the equanimity of the heart. ─── 是因为对另一个阶级的期盼吗?最根本的一个问题是:他们以后会幸福吗?
59、kept the change; must keep your equanimity. ─── 保管零钱;务必保持冷静
60、"And the third [personal ideal] has been to cultivate such a measure of equanimity as would enable me to bear success with humility, the affection of my friends without pride" (William Osler). ─── “第三个是打算培养出这样一种镇静以致使我能以谦逊来对待成功, 不以朋友的爱戴而骄傲”(威廉·奥斯勒)。
61、I may go so far as to say that I have not lived wholly in vain. If my record were closed tonight I could still survey it with equanimity. ─── 我满可以说,我完全没有虚度此生。如果我生命的旅程到今夜为止,我也可以问心无愧地视死如归。
62、Calm self-possession; equanimity. ─── 冷静自控,沉着
63、He received the bad news with surprising equanimity ─── 听到这个坏消息时,他镇定得令人吃惊。
64、Nothing disturbs his equanimity. ─── 没有任何事能扰乱他平静的心绪。
65、Plant the seeds of goodness, shine them with the light of lovingkindness, water them with compassion, weed and prune them with altruistic joy, and enjoy them with equanimity. ─── 感恩大家的付出,也祝福大家都能够在这一条慈济大道上永远都不退转。生生世世都行菩萨道,都能够跟得上上人的脚步,不要脱队。
66、Lynde took his loss with equanimity ─── 林德对于输钱,处之泰然。
67、He should be fearless, bear his ineluctable fate with equanimity ─── 人应当无所畏惧,对不可避免的命运安之若泰。
68、The heart of seven treasures is at ambition won to profoundly wear moderate and soft words tenderness by him, gradually resume equanimity. ─── 七宝的心被他随意中透着温柔的话语温暖着,渐渐恢复平静。
69、To express cheerful acceptance or equanimity ─── 不在乎:表达愉快的接受或泰然自若的心情
70、Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions. ─── 很少人可以很冷静,理性的表达与他所处社会环境中普遍偏见相悖的观点,想法。更多的人完全无法形成这样的观点,想法。
71、Nonetheless, the notion that large deficits and increasing debt can be accepted with equanimity until the private sector starts spending again is too sanguine. ─── 但是,如果认为在私人部门重新开始花钱之前,人们可以镇定地接受巨额赤字和不断增加的债务,那就太过乐观了。
72、She received the news with surprising equanimity. ─── 她收到消息时出奇镇定。
73、Then he gave the watchword to the officer of the day as" Equanimity," and so, turning as if to sleep, gave up the ghost at Lorium. ─── 然后他留下当天的口令“公正无私”,随即转身睡觉并死于洛里姆。
74、to take something calmly; to bear something with equanimity; to keep face ─── 泰然处之
75、characteristic of a philosopher,as in equanimity,enlightenment,and wisdom ─── 具有哲学家特点的,如泰然自若、开明和智慧
76、Always think: The living true meaning is a health, equanimity but the happiness's life! ─── 始终认为:生活的真谛就是健康、静而快乐的生活!!
77、In person, Reagan was a great deal like Obama, in his self-confidence and his equanimity under pressure. ─── 做人方面,里根和奥巴马很像。他们都极其自信,在压力面前相当镇定。
78、If the world's population does not look like rising or shrinking to unmanageable levels, surely governments can watch its progress with equanimity ? ─── 只要世界人口的增长或减少还可以控制,政府就可以理所当然的坐视不理,任其发展?
79、She went again, and in so doing temporarily recovered her equanimity. ─── 她又去看了戏,而且这样一来又暂时恢复了她的平静。
80、They decided that Lena should have the nourishing food that had been ordered her( herself?) and they made a solemn resolution not to let it disturb their equanimity. ─── 大家认为,莲娜点过的那些有营养的东西应该让她吃,并下定决心不要让这些东西乱了自己的方寸。
81、He was not angry, not even irritated, and he enjoyed his equanimity. ─── 他没有生气,甚至没有烦躁,他对自己的心平气和感到很满意。
82、But she recovered her equanimity by the time they had travelled a dozen miles ─── 不过他们走了十二英里以后,她又恢复了平静。
83、Wben the conference was concluded a spirit of equanimity prevailed among all the delegates impormtant agreements had been reached after. ─── 代表们经过许多小时的慎重讨论,终于达成重要的协议,大会结束时,他们之间充满和平的气氛。
84、Equanimity nurtures wisdom. When we concentrate wholeheartedly on the task at hand and perceive the truth behind shifting phenomenon, wisdom will naturally grow. ─── 智慧由定而生,若能心专念一,从事入理,即能产生智慧。
85、My soul sings a song because of exorbitant equanimity. ─── 我的灵魂因过分的平静而唱歌。
86、Mr. Pickwick's equanimity was at once restored ─── 匹克威克先生的镇静马上恢复了。
87、The absence of old friends one can endure with equanimity . ─── 一个人跟老朋友生离死别可以处之泰然。
88、It has often helped me to retain a good measure of equanimity under stress and hardship as well as when some unexpected success or good luck might have made me too exuberant. ─── 从那时起,每当我遭遇困难阻碍,或者遇到可能是我过于兴奋的成功或好运的时候,这句话总能帮我保持镇定。
89、Impartiality or equanimity towards all living beings in the world, whether friends or foes, and life long abstention from injury to living beings, is a vow difficult to observe. ─── 公正和平和的对待世界上的一切生物,不论他们是朋友还是敌人,永远不要去伤害他们这是一条很难做到的誓言。
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