inadequacy 发音
英:[ɪnˈædɪkwəsi] 美:[ɪnˈædɪkwəsi]
英: 美:
inadequacy 中文意思翻译
inadequacy 反义词
inadequacy 同义词
inadequateness |shortcoming | fault | shortfall | lack | defectiveness | deficiency | scarcity | defect | scantiness | failure | incompetence | shortage | failing | insufficiency | problem
inadequacy 短语词组
1、attitude of inadequacy ─── [医] 不适当态度
2、intensifies the inadequacy ─── 加剧了不足
3、cardiac inadequacy ─── [医] 心机能不全
4、mitral inadequacy ─── [医] 二尖瓣关闭不全, 二尖瓣闭锁不全
5、insufficiency or inadequacy ─── 不足或 ─── 不足
6、reserve for inadequacy ─── [经] 不充足(不敷用)准备
7、immaturity-inadequacy ─── 不成熟- ─── 不成熟
8、inadequacy means ─── 不足手段
9、insufficiency and inadequacy ─── 不足和 ─── 不足
10、intensifies the inadequacy of ─── 加剧了
11、inadequacy definition ─── 不足定义
12、inadequacy define ─── 不足界定
13、inadequacy synonym ─── 不足同义词
14、assumed inadequacy ─── 假设不足
15、hepatic inadequacy ─── [医] 肝机能不全
16、renal inadequacy ─── [医] 肾机能不全
17、inadequacy thesaurus ─── 不足叙词表
18、inadequacy meaning ─── 不足意义
19、valvular inadequacy ─── [医] 瓣膜关闭不全, 瓣膜闭锁不全
inadequacy 词性/词形变化,inadequacy变形
inadequacy 相似词语短语
1、inarticulacy ─── n.拙于辞令;口齿不清
2、inadvertency ─── n.错误;疏忽;粗心;怠慢;不注意
3、inadequately ─── adv.不适当地;不够好地
4、inadequate ─── adj.不充分的,不适当的
5、adequate ─── adj.充足的;适当的;胜任的
6、inaccuracy ─── n.错误;不精确
7、adequacy ─── n.足够;适当;妥善性
8、inadequacies ─── n.不足;缺陷
9、intestacy ─── n.无遗嘱死亡
inadequacy 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Severe renal artery stenosis may lead to renal inadequacy. ─── 严重的肾动脉狭窄可导致肾功能不全。
2、However, there exists a striking contrast between farmers' cultural disadvantage and their strong cultural needs and the inadequacy in community culture in rural areas. ─── 但是,新时期农民在文化上的弱势、农民对文化的强烈需求与农村社区文化的匮乏形成强烈反差。
3、On the other hand, raw material inadequacy also is one of the biggest obstacles of development international market of Vietnam shoemaking manufacturer. ─── 另一方面,原材料不足也是越南制鞋厂商开拓国际市场的最大障碍之一。
4、This too pains me - the inadequacy of this diary. That I should show anyone this attempt at an explanation of myself in words is itself painful enough. ─── 何况,希求人了解,而以想方设计用文字来反复说明的日记给人看,已够是多么可伤心的事!
5、J Huang said:"Metaphorical and metonymic extensions point to the inadequacy of a feature checking account". ─── In corpora, we get "吃 奶"、“喝稀饭”,这用传统的[液体][固体]不好解释。
6、Two years ago, when the project was launched, institutional inadequacy was the overarching challenge of transportation. ─── 两年前,在项目开展之初,其制度的缺陷是交通的超负荷挑战。
7、The basic causes do not lie in the inadequacy of the teaching methods, nor the difficulty of the language itself. Rather, it is the lack of motivation and the lack of opportunity to practise the language they have learned. ─── 主要原因不在于英文或华文难学,或教师教得不好,而在于缺少学习动机与缺乏机会使用所学语文。
8、There's nothing wrong with being an ordinary doughnut other doughnuts cover themselves with glaze and sprinkles to compensate for feeling of inadequacy. ─── 做普通的小甜饼也不错,其它小甜饼都是用糖浆和其它修饰来弥补缺憾的.
9、I gulped back my own feelings of inadequacy. I almost never watch myself back on anything. And I suppose it shows. ─── 我也想说说自己的不足,话到一半又咽了回去,我本人几乎从未回顾与总结自己的过去,但我觉得这能说明问题。
10、The shipper shall be liable for any damage to the interest of the carrier resulting from the inadequacy or inaccuracy or delay in delivery of such documents. ─── 因办各项手续的有关单证送交不及时、不完备或者不正确,使承运人的利益受到损害的,托运人应当负赔偿责任。
11、A.Morpheus inadequacy can raise the content with hormonal pressure, make us the pressure that feels raises new standard quickly. ─── A.睡眠不足会提高压力荷尔蒙的含量,令我们所感受到的压力迅速提高到新的水平。
12、"Go into town stealthily, make a gun not " , with the avocation that will describe Ding Lei inadequacy has been been. ─── “悄悄地进城,打枪的不要”,用来形容丁磊的副业不足为过。
13、Generally she accepted the family life in all its crowded inadequacy, withdrawn into a world of her own and ignoring the unpleasant aspects. ─── 在通常情况下,她还能忍受她那拥挤寒伧的家庭生活,引退到她自己的世界里去,而不去管那些令人不快的事情。
14、As for To overcome this inadequacy it is most important to use additional alyou. ─── 关于薪水,请您定夺。
15、If have,fight the oxidation, antioxidant inadequacy that fights freedom radical action or lack, can make the freedom inside airframe base generation and cleared overbalance. ─── 如果具有抗氧化、抗自由基作用的抗氧化剂不足或缺乏,就会使机体内自由基的产生和清除失去平衡。
16、He got a job as a cashier in a local bank, but he was dismissed for inadequacy before long. ─── 他在当地一家银行找到一份当出纳员的工作,但不久因不称职而被解雇了。
17、In the concluding part, the author points out the inadequacy of foregrounding theory and its relevant statements about literariness.Literature is an organic unity of form and content. ─── 在论文结语部分,作者指出形式主义者们提出的前景化理论和对文学性的论述是不全面的,文学是形式和内容的有机结合。
18、Research results revealed six main themes, including work demand, inadequacy, nonsupport, emotional reactions, coping, and expectations. ─── 依研究资料分析结果发现六个主题,包括工作要求、能力不足、未获支持、情绪反应、因应及期待。
19、The bank is justified in dishonoring a cheque for insufficiency (inadequacy, shortage, shortfall) of funds in his customer's account. ─── 因为客户帐户上的资金(寸头)不足,银行拒付支票款项是合法的。
20、Their inadequacy brings us back to the general inadequacy of the literary world of Concord. ─── 它们的不足应归咎子康考德文艺界的贫乏。
21、The bank is justified in dishonoring a cheque for insufficiency (inadequacy,shortage,shortfall)of funds in his customer's account. ─── 因为客户账户上的资金(头寸)不足,银行拒付支票款项时合法的(名词insufficiency译成形容词做补语。)
22、Or call its are optional, have speaking ill will, the lid is agile and superabundant, and earnest inadequacy. ─── “杂谈”之说,常见于文学作品类,不大为我党史专业者用。或谓其随意,有调侃之嫌,盖灵活有余,而严肃不足。
23、Distributive shock: Distributive shock results from a relative inadequacy of intravascular volume caused by arterial or venous vasodilation;circulating blood volume is normal. ─── 分布性休克:分布性休克源于因动脉或静脉扩张引起的血管内容量的相对不足,其循环血量正常。
24、If myositis of miocardial infarction, heart, angina reachs chronic coronary artery,offer hematic inadequacy to wait. ─── 如心肌梗塞、心肌炎、心绞痛及慢性冠状动脉供血不足等。
25、Based on analyzing the concepts of supply chain and integrated supply chain, this paper presents a general review of the current research of integrated supply chain and points out the inadequacy of the studies. ─── 在分析讨论供应链和集成化供应链一般概念的基础上,对集成化供应链的研究现状进行了全面的回顾并分析了研究中的不足。
26、But this is not always possible, partly due to our own inadequacy and partly to the universal convention that names must be extremely brief. ─── 但这并不是能够全部做到的。 部分原因是我们自身功力不足,部分原因则是按普遍接受的惯例名字一定得短小精悍。
27、Bortezomib could be safe to the PPCL patients who develop acute renal inadequacy,and it significantly improved the renal function. ─── 对于因浆细胞白血病引起急性肾功能不全者,硼替佐米使用安全,并能改善肾功能。
28、There's nothing wrong with being an ordinary doughnut ,other doughnuts cover themselves with glaze and sprinkles to compensate for feelings of inadequacy ! ─── 做一个普通的甜圈饼也没什么不好,其它的甜圈饼也只是用色彩和喷撒物把感觉上的不足处覆盖起来!
29、To overcome this inadequacy it is most important to use additional information from family values. ─── 为了克服这方面的不足,采用以家系为准绳的其它资料是很重要的。
30、When why having, Morpheus inadequacy can feel very tired, and are some moment Morpheus too much also answer sensory exhaustion? ─── 为什么有的时候睡眠不足会感觉很累,而有的时候睡眠太多也回感觉疲惫呢?
31、Its biggest inadequacy is batteries fills malcontent report forever, can shorten at the same time the life of batteries. ─── 其最大的不足就是电池永远充不满电,同时会缩短电池的寿命。
32、High school student everyday can Morpheus inadequacy bring about eye myopia? ─── 中学生每天都睡眠不足会导致眼睛近视吗?
33、Overcame real wood floor to become warped because of rising monomer systole, easily again interstitial inadequacy. ─── 又克服了实木地板因单体收缩、轻易起翘裂缝的不足。
34、Chantelle's assertiveness stirred up his deep-seated sense of inadequacy. ─── 仙黛尔的坚定自信激起了他根深蒂固的自卑感。
35、Dr.Huang said:"Metaphorical and metonymic extensions point to the inadequacy of a feature checking account". ─── 在真实文本中,有 "吃 奶"、“喝稀饭”,这用传统的[液体][固体]不好解释。
36、Not understanding the importance of learning Chinese,and inadequacy in teaching methods are the other reasons. ─── 对学华文的重要性认识不足,以及教育方法上的缺点也是重要的因素。
37、In a period accustomed to the enfeebled iscourse of the curator, is the lack of a curator an inadequacy or a new type of artistic flamboyance? ─── 在这样一个注重策展人话语权的时代,策展人的缺失毋宁说是某种残缺或另类的张扬。
38、It seems reasonable to assume that older patients will develop ventilatory inadequacy earlier for any given ventilatory load. ─── 可以想象老年病人在增加呼吸负荷时会较早的发生通气不足。
39、An opinion that has been circulating on the Net is that the filming incident has revealed an apparent inadequacy in our education institutions. ─── 如事后流传于虚拟社群中的看法所表述,pda事件毋宁揭示了教育体制中的某种不足。
40、But its greatest inadequacy lies in its inability to exercise just those creative powers in men which are called upon and developed in the pursuit of a worthwhile hobby. ─── 但是其缺陷在于:在追求一种有价值的业余爱好时,它无力号召人们发挥并提高他们具有的创造能力。
41、Is serious Morpheus inadequacy very hurt the body? Giddy, how does keck do? ─── 严重睡眠不足是不是很伤身体?头晕,想吐怎么办?
42、But the reasons for this glaring inadequacy and the resulting waste of budget resources are complex; the solution requires a higher-level vision for managing IT efforts across the enterprise. ─── 但是造成这些明显的不足和预算资源浪费的原因是复杂的,解决方案需要有一种能够管理跨企业的IT工作的高级眼光。
43、This policy is far from being ideal, but it is at least an acknowledgement of the inadequacy of our language in treating half of human race equally. ─── 这一策略并不理想,但它至少承认了一个事实,那就是在平等对待人类另一半上,我们的语言功能还不全。
44、What symptom can cerebella have for hematic inadequacy? How should do? ─── 小脑供血不足会有什么症状?该怎么办?
45、Generally she accepted the family life in all its crowded inadequacy, withdrawn into a world of her own and ignoring the unpleasant aspects. ─── 在通常情况下,她还能忍受她那拥挤寒伧的家庭生活,引退到她自己的世界里去,而不去管那些令人不快的事情。
46、They should know how to deal with setbacks, stresses and feelings of inadequacy. ─── 他们应该了解处理挫折、压力和空虚感的方法。
47、The bank is justified in dishonoring a cheque for insufficiency (inadequacy, shortage, shortfall) of funds in his customer's account. ─── 因为客户帐户上的资金(寸头)不足,银行拒付支票款项是合法的。
48、However, it also faces challenges, such as the tradition of neglecting the education of those under 3 years, inadequacy of center management and the stagnation in economy etc. ─── 与此同时,忽视3岁以下幼儿保教的传统、相对乏力的中央管理以及不景气的社会经济状况等因素明显制约着当代英国学前教育的改革和发展。
49、As a result, he felt his own inadequacy more strongly. ─── 于是,他更强烈地感到自己的不足。
50、One explanation is the lack of universal health insurance and the inadequacy of provisions for child health. ─── 一个解释是,美国的全民医疗保险还不健全,儿童健康的法律法规还不完善。
51、Do you have intense feelings of inadequacy and helplessness? ─── 你有很强烈的不存在感和无助感吗?
52、Produce lack of power account: Patient often long-term inappetence, decrease into appetite, bring about human body to absorb inadequacy of quantity of heat, cannot satisfy oneself nutrition need. ─── 产生乏力的原因:患者往往长期食欲不振,进食量减少,导致人体吸收热量不足,不能满足自身营养需要。
53、The connection of toilet and person is the directest, to compensate the inadequacy on spirit and vision, people introduces recreational recreational device among them. ─── 卫生间与人的联系是最直接的,为补偿精神和视觉上的不足,人们把休闲娱乐的设备引入其中。
54、Juggling all these priorities is difficult in its own right, but the situation is made worse by the inadequacy of public health systems on a global scale. ─── 单是排定这些必要事项的优先顺序,就已经够麻烦的了;但缺少一个全球性的公共卫生系统,却让情况变得更糟。
55、Never suffer youth to be an excuse for inadequacy, nor age and fame to be an excuse for indolence. ─── 切勿蒙受年轻为不充分的藉口,也不要用年纪或名声作为懒惰的藉口。
56、Additional, "Any standards have inadequacy, we also can be in in carrying out a process, perfect stage by stage " . ─── 另外,“任何标准都有不足,我们也会在实践过程中逐步完善”。
57、Their inadequacy is not surprising. ─── 之所以如此并不让人讶异,
58、Bring about cervical occurrence pine breaks down, because albumen of ageing of cellular bounce fiber, collagen generates inadequacy,prolapse basically is. ─── 导致颈部出现松垮、下垂主要是由于细胞弹力纤维老化、胶原蛋白生成不足。
59、Inadequacy "such as shocks the conscience" is often said to be a "badge of fraud," justifying a denial of specific performance. ─── “诸如撼动良知”的“不充分”经常被认为是“欺诈的徽章”,这就使得对契约义务的具体履行得以正当化。
60、And I have , in spite of my infirmity , been able to leave behind a sense of inadequacy and now feel quite adequate , quite pleased with myself and proud . ─── 即使毛病一堆,我却已将这种缺憾抛在脑后,而过得相当不错,我甚为自己感到骄傲与满意。
61、It is property right unidentified clear, 2 it is oneself condition inadequacy manacles an enterprise to develop further. ─── 一是产权不明晰,二是自身条件不足束缚企业进一步发展。
62、The 2 sales that are estate market are harder and harder also, my bottom enrages inadequacy, so final decision defers the consideration of this respect. ─── 二是房地产市场的销售也越来越艰难,我的底气不足,所以最后决定暂缓这方面的考虑。”
63、Not understanding the importance of learning Chinese, and inadequacy in teaching methods are the other reasons. ─── 但是,对学华文的重要性认识不足,以及教育方法上的缺点也是重要的因素。
64、Why do you think many Christians are plagued by insecurity, inferiority, inadequacy, guilt, worry and doubt? ─── 你认为你为何很多基督徒感染了不安全,不如人,无能为力,内疚,焦急和怀疑?
65、The doctor diagnoses me is the inadequacy that enrage blood, main symptom is: ? foot aches, inappetence, insomnia, the body is angular, what should eat? ─── 医生诊断我是气血不足,主要症状是:腰悃,脚疼,食欲不振,失眠,身体消瘦,该吃些什么?
66、For the telegraphic job that leaves to environment of business affairs of 21 centuries electron, dispersive operation mode plans in global sex strategy the inadequacy of the respect is very apparent. ─── 对于21世纪电子商务环境下的电信业来说,分散的运算模式在全局性战略规划方面的不足非常明显。
67、Arousing contemptuous pity, as through ineptitude or inadequacy. ─── 可鄙的似乎是由无能或功能不全引起的鄙视的怜悯
68、They do not necessarily want to overthrow their regime, but to express the depths of their frustration with its inadequacy. ─── 他们并不一定是要推翻这个政体,只是在表达他们对其无能失望到了何种程度。
69、Well aware of its inadequacy, China has demonstrated an irrepressible desire to catch up with the world. ─── 他们看到了自己的不足而决心迎头赶上,这股力量是势不可当的。
70、For some, it also represents ridicule for ineptitude, feelings of inferiority and a sense of inadequacy. ─── 而在某些方面,它也代表着对于不称职、自卑感以及某种不充分感的嘲笑。
71、Wide and short window, optional long shade, tall shade, curtain letting shade is clingy window frame, width of cloak window frame, make up for the inadequacy of length. ─── 宽而短的窗,可选长帘、高帘,让帘帷紧贴窗框,遮掩窗框宽度,弥补长度的不足。
72、Chinese people have always regarded modest as a virtu.The commonly used negative word "no" or derogatory term "poor", "so-so" to indicate the inadequacy of their own. ─── 中国人一向以谦虚为美德,受到别人称赞时,常用否定词“不”或贬词“差”、“马马虎虎”来表示自已的不足。
73、Feeling keenly their inadequacy, Chinese women are trying to raise their educational level in every possible way. ─── 中国女性敏锐地感到自己的不足,正在千方百计提高自己的教育水平。
74、For example thick 2.5 centimeters plank is calculated by 3 centimeters, this kind " guild regulations " bring about lumber ply inadequacy. ─── 例如厚2.5厘米的板材按3厘米计算,这种“行规”导致木材厚度不足。
75、In the same instant he was aware of the pitiful inadequacy of speech. ─── 可这时却感到了他那蹩脚的语言的隔阂。
76、He sought to obscure his lack of assurance by boisterousness, and his sense of latent inadequacy by occasional bullying. ─── 他老是试图用吵吵嚷嚷的言词来掩饰他的缺乏自信,有时则靠吓唬人来掩饰他的外强中干。
77、But at the same time, the inadequacy was existing, such as unauthorized construction , without safety designing and so on. ─── 但是,同时也存在一些不容忽视的问题,如一些建设项目擅自开工,无安全设施设计,不按设计开工等。
78、He always bemoans his inadequacy in the face of difficulties and has to give up half way. ─── 他一遇困难便望洋兴叹,只好半途而废。
79、The optimization of control rules reduced the inadequacy of controller caused by experts' subjectivity. ─── 对控制规则进行优化,减少了因专家主观性而导致控制器的不完备性。
80、If often stand in governmental footing to observe the evolution of this market, affirmation can know inadequacy. ─── 假如老是站在政府的立场观察这个市场的演化,肯定就会熟悉不足。”
81、The biological screening for 10 herbicides shows that the method is quick, simple and sensitive and just makes up for the inadequacy of the method of Petri dishes. ─── 10种除草剂进行生物筛选试验的结果表明,用蛋白核小球藻筛选除草剂活性的方法快速、敏感,恰好弥补了培养皿法的不足之处。
82、She rightly points to the inadequacy of the argument. ─── 她准确地指出这个论点的不足之处。
83、They do not necessarily want to overthrow their regime, but to express the depths of their frustration with its inadequacy. ─── 他们并不一定是要推翻这个政体,只是在表达他们对其无能失望到了何种程度。
84、Xiaoli reports a case to the security authorities to mechanism of Nanchang place public security, because evidential inadequacy and apanage reason were not obtained,can accept. ─── 小李向南昌当地公安机关报案,可因证据不足和属地原因未获受理。
85、In response to the poll, many businessmen argue that this public attitude is due to the inadequacy of their advertising and can be cured by stepping up their advertising campaigns. ─── 对此许多大企业人士认为公众的这种态度是由于广告宣传不够造成的,只要加大广告宣传声势,就会扭转局面。
86、There was obvious inadequacy of Na on winter, spring and summer pasture, but ex-cessive on autumn pasture at No 2 Altai farm. ─── 含Na量在塔城种羊场一年四季草场均缺乏,在阿勒泰二牧场冬、春、夏草场Na出现明显缺乏,而在秋草场又明显超出需要量;
87、An inadequacy often calls forth compensating forces. ─── 一种缺陷往往会产生补偿的力量。
88、How should cerebrum be for hematic inadequacy in daily life recuperation body? ─── 大脑供血不足该怎样在日常生活中调理身体?
89、Depression may result in malnutrition, noncompliance and dialysis inadequacy, etc. ─── 它可造成血透患者的顺应性下降、营养不良、透析不充分等。
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